Words for Wednesday has become a moveable feast. A big thank you to everyone who has stepped up and provided the prompts to keep it going.
Not only do we have the whole year covered - we have a back-up ready in case life gets in someone's way.
January 2018: Cindi posted some great challenges.
February 2018: River will post the prompts on her blog.
March 2018: Delores will post the prompts on her blog.
April 2018: The prompts will be here.
May (and October) 2108: The prompts will be here, but provided by Margaret Adamson and her friend Sue Fulton. The prompts will include photographs taken by her Margaret's friend Bill.
June: Lee will post the prompts on her blog
July 2018: Vest will post the prompts on his blog
August 2018: River will post the prompts on her blog
September 2018: Delores is stepping up to the plate again.
October 2018: Margaret Adamson and her friend Sue Fulton. The prompts will include photographs taken by her Margaret's friend Bill. The prompts will be here.
November 2018:The prompts will be here.
December 2018: River is again posting the prompts on her blog.
And C. Lee McKenzie has offered to act as backup if we should need her assistance.
Thank you, one and all.