I usually run with a theme. This week I am (mostly) staying close to home and sharing some of the things that have delighted me here.
There were of course visiting birds...
We are lucky enough to have both long and short beaked corellas visit on a regular basis. Both of them enjoy the seed we put out and the long-beaks are also very fond of the apples we supply. Sadly they both (like the sulphur crested vandals) enjoy ripping leaves and branches from the camellias.
We often see Rainbow Lorikeets as well. According to the bird books they are outside of their preferred territory. They are obviously not literate. Mind you I expect that climate change has something to do with the shift in their range - which does not make me happy.
The king parrots are also regulars - and also very welcome.
The garden also continues to give me joy.
I know that not all of you will be as intrigued by the zig-zag spider webs as I am. They are built by the St Andrew's Cross Spider and apparently their webs often include a full or partial cross in the centre (which I didn't see).
Then to more traditional garden joy.
This cactus justifies its place on our veranda for one day every year.
The remarkably phallic bud bursts into bloom at dusk and lasts for twenty four hours before closing and falling off. It is sweet scented and something I watch and wait for every year. This year I trotted out with the camera several times documenting its progress.
I really enjoyed watching the sun setting as that spectacular cactus flowered too. I am a very lucky woman.
These last photos are the exception to my 'at home' theme. I saw the tear-off haiku on a public notice board and immediately thought of Kylie, of JC and of rather a lot of people who have mastered something which is beyond me.
I love that there was only one tear off left - and both Kylie and JC have certainly written haiku that I like more. I will watch the notice board to see whether more are posted. I hope so. I really hope so.
I hope that you all have wonderful, healthy, happy weeks.