Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Daffodils bloom in the Spring Tra-Lah

This morning dawned to a truly beautiful, very almost Spring day.  I improved the shining hour and went for a swim.  I only managed a kilometre, but this is more than I have been able to do for weeks.  Still hurting, but not unbearable.

When I got home I went for a wander in the garden.  Exciting times.  Many of the bulbs are not in flower yet, but there are more out each day.  And will be for weeks.  So I did a wobbly little dance and came in for my camera.  Be warned, there will be many, many more photos to come.

And two of our five camellia trees (they are taller than the house) are also starting to flower despite the depreciations caused by the cockatoos and the king parrots.

All in all a good day.  And I have finished my depressing reads and so far the next one looks much less emotionally taxing.


  1. wow, very worth all your planting efforts/exhaustion!

  2. They're all so beautiful! I love that white daffodil with the yellow trumpet and the red camellia. Bulbs certainly do brighten up a wintry garden.

  3. More photos? Bring them on! What a celebration.
    Do you prune your camellias at all? (I never know whether to do so or not).

  4. Ah, you Down Under people getting ready for spring while fall begins to make its presence known on my side of the world. I just love your flower pictures, and that swimming sounds pretty darn good to me. A kilometer is nothing to sneeze at! Glad you're back at it.

  5. Mmmmm pretty flowers. All spring-like there whilst here it's still pretending to be some kind of weird-ass summer. Nice to see.

  6. Thanks for taking us along on this walk in your garden! More photos, please!

  7. Bonza photos, give me more please now that spring has come a little early :-).

  8. how beautiful, delicate and dreamy! and how wonderful it must have been with the swim. a blessed day to be savoured it sounds like:)

  9. Thanks all. I intend to keep taking photos as more and more things come out. There are tulips poking through the soil too. And the crab apple is about ten days away from glory. Frances, the birds prune the camellias for us - we only take the occasional branch that is in the way. A magical and exciting time of year (particularly for us garden obsessives).

  10. Lovely!

    Aloha from Waikiki;

    Comfort Spiral
    > < } } ( ° >


  11. Lovely post with all your pretty spring flowers, and I look forward to more as you take them. Thanks for stopping by after my earthquake post, nothing rattling today, nerves or building :)

  12. "Only" a kilometre. You swim like you plant flowers...abundantly.

  13. The signs of Spring are so gorgeous! I hope the pain is better...

  14. Cloudia; Denise; Mitzi; Andressa; Kim: Sorry I have been so late in responding. Thank you one and all. I told you I was an obsessive Mitzi - and it extends to just about everything I do. Kim, pain still with me, but mostly manageable.
