Saturday, 4 August 2012

My Goodness

In the last few months life on the home front has been more than a little fraught and I have been only making flying visits to the blogosphere.  In that time I have been tagged to follow a meme, and given no less than four awards (one of them twice).  I have been extremely remiss and have ignored them all.

I am about to become a tiny bit better behaved.  I am going to acknowledge (as I should have done at the time) the very generous donors of said awards.  However, despite it feeling a little like deliberately breaking a chain I still do not have the time or the energy to comply with the conditions.  So ... I will acknowledge the generosity of the donors, and will also outline the conditions attached to accepting either the meme or any of the awards.  If I read your blog or you mine you are assuredly more than qualified.  If either the meme or any of the awards takes your fancy please feel free to pick it up and run away with it.  I should also add that if you don't already know the people who were so generous, that their blogs are more than worthy of being investigated.

I was tagged to play on the meme by Kath Lockett from Blurb from the Burbs.  Essentially the idea was to answer eleven questions set by Kath, devise a further eleven questions and tag (you guessed it) eleven bloggers to continue the fun.

Kath's questions were:

1. When and why did you start blogging?

2. What is your middle name and why did your parents select it?

3. Toilet paper folder or scruncher? Provide your reasons

4. What do you do at home when everyone else is out?

5. You've been given five hundred bucks (two hundred and fifty quid, say) to spend on nothing useful and just your self. What do you do with the cash?

6. It's finally come true. One of your 'five celebrities you're allowed to sleep with' has walked into your kitchen and is up for it. Who is it?

7. Name one famous person (so that all our readers know who it is) that you think 'has their shit together'. Explain why.

8. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?

9. Who would you like to smack in the face, publicly disprove all of their stupid opinions and freeze their bank accounts?

10. Low slung jeans on boys - how do we eradicate this disease?

11. Tell us about an invention for the home that we desperately need.

The first of the awards I was so generously given was the Liebster award.  This was bestowed upon me by John of Tok Tok Place.

The guidelines for this award are simple.

Firstly to do a post acknowledging the generosity of the person who gave you the award and then select five blogs with less than 200 followers to share in the love.  (Liebster means dearest in German, which is a really nice sentiment).  Thank you so much John.

The Double Whammy of Awards came from Gary and Penny (the modest internet star) at klahanie.  From this lovely pair I received the Fabulous Blog Ribbon

and One Lovely Blog Award

Naturally there are conditions:
1.  Link back to the person giving you the award.  Well, that's just good manners don't you think?  I have been really remiss but I promise I was brought up to have some manners. 

2 (Fabulous Blog Ribbon Award) List five fabulous moments in your life
2 (One Lovely Blog Award) Tell us what you consider to be your most beautiful posting and

3.  Nominate seven bloggers for each award.

Finally the lovely Delores from thefeatherednest heaped coals of fire on my undeserving head by also nominating me for One Lovely Blog Award.

Kath, John, Gary, Delores I hope you will be able to forgive my slackness.  I am truly appreciative of your generosity.


  1. Congratulations - these lovely people are simply acknowledging how much we appreciate you and your blog - you truly deserve these awards, as you give all of us, your readers, such pleasure.


    1. Alexia: What a lovely thing to say - thank you.

  2. Replies
    1. All Consuming: Bah - but thank you just the same.

  3. I find these awfully difficult problems with which to deal. The awards can cause the greater head scratching when (as they usually do) they come from the best of motives. Some one somewhere has enjoyed something in your blog and wishes to express their appreciation.

    However, the question of memes to be passed on - and for that matter, awards to be passed on - is somewhat different, for the motives of the originators of these (not the immediate senders)are somewhat suspect. Just think: if all eleven (say) who receive a meme or an award pass it on, another 121 will receive it and pass it on to 1,331 who will pass it on to another 14,641... need I go on? Soon the earth will run of people who have not received it. And I haven't even mentioned the time factor...
    Rant over.
    It was really just to say that I don't think you should feel guilty about not responding. Basically, we need to have our policies ready to handle these well meaning awards.

    1. Dave King: It is something I have (from time to time) given thought to as well. You are certainly right in the sheer numbers of awards which circulate in the blogosphere. I suspect that Delores' approach of creating an award with no conditions is the one I am most comfortable with.

  4. I am always flattered when someone mentions me in their blog and gives me an award. However, most are pretty much the same where it is required to reveal something about yourself and pass it on to a number of people. These awards travel around so much that everyone seems to have them and others have a "no award zone" on their blog. Finding someone to pass them on to is quite a task and I dislike burdening others with this also.

    Your blog is always interesting and I enjoy reading it.

    1. Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe: Your final sentence is truly lovely - and I suspect/hope is what the awards are all about.

  5. Congratulations on your awards.I also have the One Lovely Blog Award. The conditions have me stumped though. How do I choose which I consider to be my most beautiful posting? I'd have to go back and re-read every single one. Then I'd have to nominate seven other bloggers....who do I choose that hasn't already had this award? I'm going to have to sit on this for a while.

    1. River: And congratulations on your well deserved award as well. A tricky one isn't it?

  6. Congrats on the awards :). You have a charming charming blog :).

  7. Not to worry. Life gets busy and somtimes we just don't have time to play the game. An award is meant to make you feel appreciated (and you are), not to make you feel stressed. I think I shall put my mind to it over the next little while and come up with an award that has no requirements but happy acceptance and then....then.....I shall give it to everyone on my blog list.

    1. mybabyjohn/Delores: As I said to Dave King I think that your yet to be created award is a truly lovely idea. And thank you for your appreciation. It means a lot.

  8. When I was a young blogger, I played along with these memes, but now I don't any more. I find it to be a little intrusive. I love your blog, and I know exactly what you mean about feeling burdened to send it along to others. These days if someone gives me an award, I say thank you (usually in a private email) and don't pass it along. I would find those questions to be really hard ones to answer! So don't feel badly, your life is definitely full to the brim! I'm always glad to see you back.

    1. DJan: Slowly and steadily I am starting to reclaim life. But am touching wood as I type - things turn pear shaped so easily at the moment.

  9. Essentially, what can I say but thank you one and all.

  10. You know we're totally dying to know about the celebrity sex!

    1. Riot Kitty: The questions should be which celebrity or celebrities is hanging out to have sex with me? And how do they decide who gets to approach me? And do I say yes?

  11. Congratulations on your many receipts, of Elephantine One. Are you going to field those eleven questions soon?

    1. John Wiswell: I have no plans for them at the moment. You, however, would be a wonderful choice to take them away...

  12. Congrats on all your awards.

    Hope life and health are improving.

    1. ladyfi: The skinny portion is sl o w ly getting better. I am waiting for new medication (drat it) to kick in. Which could take a few months I am told.

  13. Blog awards make you all warm and fuzzy inside, don't they?

    I hope home life settles down soon....

    1. Dorothy Krajewski: Thank you. Home life is settling (finally) but has a fair way to go yet before any semblance of normality is achieved.

  14. Dear EC, congratulations on all those awards and recognitions of your postings, which you often enhance with lovely photographs of birds I've never before seen. I hope that your husband's health improves greatly and that soon you will be able to get back to posting more often--should you wish. It's good always to have you in the blog-o-sphere! Peace.

    1. Dee: Thank you. Blogging has become an obsession of mine, and I do miss it when I am away.

  15. Nicely done! Like an award acceptance speech that is both genuinely appreciative and completed before the band starts to play! Here's to happy blogging ahead!

  16. Ah, this is such a classy post, nicely said.

    1. Denise: Classy? What a lovely description of my belated thanks to the people who were so generous to me.

  17. You deserve all of the above awards and more, EC. You and SP have been through a lot lately.

    I wish you both good health and much happiness.
    Hugs and smiles across the miles ~:)

  18. Absolutely understandable and nothing to ask forgiveness for. Hug your LH and the pussy cats for me. K xo

    1. Kath Lockett: I really appreciate your understanding. The skinny portion smiled (during a v bad patch) when I told him that Milly had sent a lick from Geneva to him. Thank you for that as well.

  19. It's nice to be loved. :) But I know, I'm pretty useless with the whole award/networking thing myself. Ah well.

    1. CarrieBoo: You are right - a bit of love never goes astray. And I have been amazed at how much there is in the blogosphere.

  20. MY, what a lot of work!

    I'm afraid that I'm a lazy blogger who merely lays out treats in order to lure kind friends like yourself to visit and play! Thanks for being such a friend - and much appreciate :-)

    Wishing You a Sweet Week
    with Aloha from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >

    1. cloudia charters: You might notice it is a lot of work I am not going to do. A visit to your blog is always pretty and often an education as well - thank you for both.

  21. My goodness, indeed! All those awards and hey, I don't blame you just acknowledging the awards. I even mentioned that when I forward awards. I don't even care if I get noted. Just look at them from a positive angle. You are a most worthy recipient of all the awards and may you enjoy your bulging 'trophy case' :)
    Oh yes, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star, sends you pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses xx
    Take care and happy writing.

    1. klahanie: It is only common (which isn't) courtesy to say thank you. I did get around to it eventually, and should have done so much sooner.
      Have a wonderful week.

  22. I've been away for a few days and just saw this. Congrats on the awards! The questions seem kind of fun - hopefully you'll tell us your answers to some of those questions one day. :)

    1. Lynn: You too would be more than welcome to take off with this meme. I cannot see me answering any of them in the short term.

  23. You deserve all the awards and I am so glad to see that life is normalizing for you.

    1. Anne: Thank you - on both counts. Small steps yet, but mostly in the right direction.

  24. I appreciate all you do and would like to prove it by bestowing upon you the gift of no award and no meme. On the other hand, I do want to know your middle name.

    1. Murr Brewster: I accept your gifts with alacrity. Re my middle name? My mother put it well 'want must be yourr master'.

  25. Replies
    1. My Inner Chick: I don't think that Gaga would be flattered, but thank you.
