Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Words for Wednesday

This meme was started by Delores a long time ago.  Computer issues led her to bow out for a while.  The meme was too much fun to let go, and now Words for Wednesday is provided by a number of people and has become a movable feast. 

Essentially the aim is to encourage us to write.  Each week we are given a choice of prompts: which can be words, phrases, music or an image.   What we do with those prompts is up to us:  a short story, prose, a song, a poem, or treating them with ignore...  We can use some or all of the prompts.

Some of us put our creation in comments on the post, and others post on their own blog.  I would really like it if as many people as possible joined into this fun meme, which includes cheering on the other participants.  If you are posting on your own blog - let me know so that I, and other participants, can come along and applaud.

Last month the Delores provided us with some excellent prompts and challenges.  This month the prompts will be posted here.

This week's prompts are:

  1. tick
  2. fresh
  3. droplet
  4. magnificent
  5. juice
  6. appeal
  1. clue
  2. cancel
  3. cheap
  4. purple 
  5. whales
  6. love
Have fun. 


  1. The first six:

    Moving quickly the tick attached itself ... that magnificent piece of appealing young skin ... it could feel the juice rising through its hypostome (a calcified harpoon like structure near its mouth) ... so fresh, so so fresh ... it will only take a few minutes to be engorged and then it can drop out of danger into the nest below ...

    Box ticked for the tick ...

    Cheers Hilary

    1. Ticks...oh, how I hate ticks! Your tale stirs a personal hatred I have for ticks. I've always been the one to dislodge the nasty little critters. The ones here never fall off once they've dug into you.

      A tick for using the words well. :)

    2. Hilary Melton-Butcher: Love it. Ticks are very, very successful predators. Small, but dangerous.

    3. Well done, from the point of view of a critter of which i am not at all fond.

    4. The idea of ticks just makes me cringe, but this was really well written, Hilary:)
      Good job!

    5. Loved this and can so relate. Funny thing those ticks were the first to come to mind! Not a fan of those little beasts!

    6. Creepy thinking about the ticks! LOL! Well done!!!

  2. Hahaha! I suppose someone should explain why I think this is funny...only this week,EC and I had an email exchange on the ticking of boxes and how we'd like to be able to put a real tick (Ixodes holocyclus) in a box and send it to certain people.

    1. dinahmow: My nasty self still sees some charm in the idea.

    2. One tick per box? I'd send a box full of ticks, to certain persons.

    3. Ooh...another nasty person. Actually, having had to have the beasties dug out more than once, perhaps it is a little over the top.Only a little!

  3. Jenny trudged up the trail with Mason to view the magnificent mountains. Looking down, she screamed as she saw a tick, filled with her freshly sucked blood. Mason removed it, holding it up so Jenny could see it a droplet, dripping from its juice filled sack. "How cool is that?" Jenny ran down the trail, suddenly finding that Mason had lost all appeal.

    1. Mom was always pulling plump ticks from our bodies when we lived on the farm.

    2. Nasty little critters that leave their mark long after they've been dislodged...they do with me, anyway. I get welts and scratch forever!

      Now that my two furry rascals are 100% indoor cats, I no longer have to go over their bodies in search of ticks...thank goodness. Ticks are quite prevalent here on the mountain where I live.

      You story obviously is based on fact, Susan. And Mason was kicked to the kerb! :)

    3. Susan Kane: I can well see why Mason lost his appeal. Great use of the prompts. I have been fortunate, and never picked up a tick. Leeches on the other hand...

    4. Mason sounds a lot like my #2 Son!

    5. I've never encountered ticks or leeches and I'm very grateful for that.

    6. Ha ha. Mason would have lost appeal for me too.

  4. Replies
    1. "You have so much appeal you magnificent creature." The orange said to the grapefruit. A fresh droplet of pure orange juice ran down his pebbled exterior. The kitchen clock ticked away their combined existence as the housewife plugged in her new juicer and rubbed her hands together in anticipation. The juicer was cheap and purple and she had absolutely no clue as to how to operate it but she loved the feeling of power that ran through her when she turned the whirring motor on to high speed.
      "I'm going to have a whale of a time with this little beauty." she said as she picked up the grapefruit.
      The orange took the opportunity to roll into the 'cancel' button. It was only a brief stay of execution.

    2. Those dastardly oranges...impossible to control!

      A fun use of the words, Delores. Well done! :)

    3. only slightly confused: Now who has gone to the dark side? Those poor innocent fruits...

    4. There’s nothing like fresh juice, and i’d never thought about it from the point of view of the fruit!

    5. God bless the orange. May the cheap and purple be shorted out.

    6. Wow. This was descriptive and fun. Thoroughly enjoyed it.

  5. The second batch I can see something about drinking cheap wine and seeing purple whales...

    1. Alex J. Cavanaugh: Cheap wine? Purple whales? Show some class man.

    2. Cheap purple wine in bottles the size and shape of whales?

  6. Your words are so much nicer than any words I could come up with. Like sticky feet, toe nail clippings, bat eyes....

    1. The Happy Whisk: There is nothing to stop you using your words as well. Purple sticky feet, cheap toe nail clippings, magnificant bat eyes.

    2. all the ingredients for a good witches brew.

    3. @ Elephant's Child: lololol. That's great.

      @ River: Ohhh, I like me a good witches brew.

  7. This is going to take some thinking. ...

    1. Jamie Ghione: No rush. And I look forward to seeing where your thoughts take you.

  8. Early morning rain made it hard to get out of bed this morning...but I finally did it!! :)

    "The day trip in the waters of Moreton Bay was truly MAGNIFICENT. It turned out to be more than a dream come was a thousand dreams.

    The APPEAL of the wonderful creatures, the migrating WHALES, drew thousands of whale-watchers to the area every year.

    For some of the other people on board the boat this was not their first trip. Showing true dedication, they did similar tours season after season. Their LOVE for the large marine mammals was deep, as deep as the oceans along which they travelled.

    Only the week before the long-planned outing Denny thought she would have to CANCEL her trip.

    That was until the PURPLE folder was placed on her desk. Opening the folder, to Denny’s joy and satisfaction, she found a FRESH contract complete with the amended clauses she had requested. She’d stood her ground, refusing to budge on her more than fair demands.

    The JUICE of pure excitement flowed through her veins. This trip was not going to be some CHEAP thrill.

    A DROPLET of water fell on her cheek. At first Denny thought it was sea water disturbed by the breaching whales. She soon realised it was the first of a torrent of tears...her tears.

    The CLUE to the depth of her emotion was right there in the waters of Moreton Bay.

    Not far from the boat’s bow was “Migaloo”, the legendary white whale. “Migaloo”, was tailing the group...keeping his distance away from the migratory humpbacks.

    The largest TICK would be placed on her bucket list when Denny arrived back home."

    1. Lee: A lovely use of the words. How I would love to see Migaloo. And I believe there is now a baby Migaloo too.

    2. Yes, there is, EC.

      Thanks. :)

    3. What a blessing to be able to see this. Well told!

    4. There's a trip I'd like to be on :)

    5. Ahhh, I felt like I was right there on the water.
      Thumbs up.

  9. Magnificent! See the world with fresh eyes! The Opportunity of a Lifetime!!!!
    The advertisements were full of purple prose, designed to appeal to people with sufficient juice in their bank accounts, and a desire to experience something different. It wouldn't be cheap, but would certainly put a big tick on an important item in Daphne's bucket list. An important item she dared not cancel.
    She loved whales. Always had. Always will. She had loved Will too. Once. So she decided she would take the early morning whale-watching trip. She would ooh and ahh with all of the other tourists. And she did. She also surreptitiously nudged a small package off the stern.
    Sipping the last droplets of the celebratory champagne the tour company had provided she smiled. None of them had a clue. And Will's ashes had sunk without a trace. The whales were a truly delightful bonus.

    1. It appears Daphne and Denny could very well have been on the same trip, EC. You and I were! :)

      Great use of the words. :)

    2. The end of one chapter and i am guessing the start of another.

    3. messymimi: Most definitely. Daphne is free to live her life to the full. And she will.

    4. Well done Daphne, freedom is yours. Well done EC.

    5. This was great, EC! A mini-murder mystery.
      At least, I'm assuming she played a role in his demise.

    6. Fantastic! Reminds me of a pact TheHub and I have.

    7. Well done! Daphne sees the whales, sips champagne, and Will has a great burial.

    8. Sandra is right. Will is disposed of rather than buried...

    9. Excellent EC!!!!! A murder mystery!!!

  10. Trying once again after fiddling with words :)
    Looked out to sea and saw this PURPLE ‘thing’, didn’t have a CLUE as to what it was, it was a boat so I was told some time later.
    It was a beautiful day so was off to see the WHALES which I LOVE. I had booked the day before, saving some money as the fare was CHEAP, and after having to CANCEL the last booking I was so looking forward to this trip.

    1. Whale watching would be such fun, i hope you have really gotten to go!

    2. Margaret-whiteangel: I am so pleased you have joined us again. And hope your tale is based on truth.

  11. Many others are watching whales while i am having a child play like a whale in a bathtub. My links are not working again, apparently “http:” is not allowed, so i will try again later.

    1. messymimi: I wonder why the links aren't working again. I will be over to read your story very shortly. And thank you so much for commenting on everyone's stories.

    2. try www instead of http, or try https?

  12. Plums! I love them. One bite of a magnificent fresh plum always leaves a droplet or two of juice falling from the corners of my mouth. It appeals to many of my senses, beyond just the taste and texture. A plum has a light , delicate, fruity aroma that could never be duplicated in a cheap perfume like lemons or apples or even oranges canI And I love the way the smooth purple orb looks before I take the first bite.
    In fact, I love all things purple, but you know they say when you are old you wear purple, so I wear it only occasionally. Is it vanity on my part to choose clothes based on what others might assume? When I wear my purple sweater and look in the mirror I think 'That color looks great on you" Then the voice in my head cancels that self compliment by reminding me that there might be more salt than pepper in those locks and starts reciting "Warning"
    I have no clue why I worry what others think. Surely the birds in the air and the fish in the sea could not care less . And I imagine giant whales don't give a fat rat's ass what people eyeing them through binoculars think of what the look like.
    So I think I will go ahead and wear my purple sweater to lunch with my friends tomorrow. And brush my slightly more silver than brown hair and enjoy the day rather than worrying about opinions other than mine or the constant tick, tick, tick of time

    1. Anne in the kitchen: Love it. And I am also fond of the poem 'when I am old I shall wear purple'. I hope to live up to that poem too.

  13. The travel brochure highlighting the cheap cruise managed to tick all the boxes for us, so off we went, enjoying the fresh sea air, sipping orange juice each morning marvelling at the magnificent views, the purple shadows on the icebergs in the evenings, catching sight of whales now and again. We loved it all, the whole trip had so much appeal, I think we'll do it again next year.
    I'll have a story posted by Friday, what a great selection of words :)

    1. River: I really like this snippet you have given us - and look forward (as always) to your tale on Friday.

  14. although my capabilities are now limited with my brain injury in this sort of task I do enjoy reading others, word play has always been a passion of mine! I love it!

    1. laurie: I am endlessly awed and amazed at the different directions that the same prompts take people. The reading is a huge part of the fun for me.

  15. Replies
    1. Anne in the kitchen: It is a great game isn't it?

  16. Yes, I'm going to jot these words down and put some thought to them all! Thank you so much!

    1. Karen S.: Looking forward to seeing where they take you.

  17. I so enjoyed reading everyone's efforts...makes me wish I had the brain capacity think up a response as quickly!lol
    Need a little time...but I will get there! ☺☺

  18. I'm in! I had fun using all your words and few other words! I think it makes sense, see what you think.
    Tick-tock, times up. Cancel this "Who am I" clue: "I love cheap but appealing, fresh magnificent droplets of juice to feed purple whales".

    1. Karen S.: This is fun. And cheap and cheerful never sounded so good.

    2. Exactly! I thought all your words made a pretty good story just on their own account, that isn't always the case!

    3. Karen S.: What do you think of this week's selection?

  19. One of these days I will join in again :)

  20. Love reading everyone's "stories"!!!! Big Hugs!

    1. Magic Love Crow: Thank you so much for cheering everyone on. It is much appreciated.

  21. Oh wow! I love words, but this list leaves my mind blank... how about some free writing? -
    1. I remember when my sister got a tick. In her head. The first clue for my mother was when she asked what this weird bump was here.
    2. My mom immediately knew what that bump was, and wanted to cancel the problem right away. (Boy, that was a stretch in the prompt). She knew all the "old" ways - mayo, Vaseline, but she also knew none of them worked. She needed a fresh approach.
    3. I think she did put a droplet of cheap Vaseline on my sister's head, but what really did the trick was the tweezers.
    4. My mom grasped the tick with those tweezers and gently, ever so gently pulled. I remember the purple-red color of the tick's butt, not exactly magnificent, but big according to my mom.
    5. Well, my mom was successful and carefully checked the tick to make sure the head was still attached. It was. Filled to the brim with blood-juice I was sure. I wonder if whales get ticks.
    6. Now, you might not love this story. Hey, it might not even appeal to you. But in any case, it was a fun writing sprint and I thank you for the prompts.

    1. JEN Garrett: I am super impressed at your use of the prompts. And did love it. Thank you so much for joining us. I don't think whales get ticks, but they do get parasites, including lice. Eeeuw.
