Wednesday, 20 June 2012

A very quick update

Good news at last.  The smaller portion has come through his operation with flying colours.  The ileostomy has been completely reversed.  Wobbly dances all round.

For those of you who have come in late my mother always referred to my partner as 'my better half'.  I loathed it.  I am taller so I insisted that if we were assigning proportions he could only be my smaller portion.  Which mama liked nearly as little as I did the term 'better half'.  Essentially a standoff.

I am still tired to the bone, nauseous and in pain.  I am not certain whether it is MS, my thyroid issues, or both which have made me feel so vile, but at least I can remove worry from the list of stressors.

The smaller portion is likely to remain in hospital until early next week as food is slowly re-introduced to his digestive system.  His sister has not yet announced a departure date.  Sigh.

Thank you all, yet again, for the support which you have given me.  In my wobbly weepy way I have appreciated it more than I can say.  I am still going to only have very limited time to play in the blogosphere, but hope that slowly I will be able to change that.


  1. I shall have a small drink for the SP, since that is unlikely to be on his diet sheet! And a small one for you, since it would not go well with drugs.
    And then, dammit! I'll have one for me, to drink your health.

    1. dinahmow: Sounds good to me. In fact his sister and I have been enjoying a glass of wine each night - and then we have an extra half glass each for him.

  2. "The ileostomy has been completely reversed." - Fantastic!! That's wonderful news hon, and now you can have a few days to let loose and try and relax, I've no doubt that some of your pain is a build up of stress, so I hope that begins to give you some relief too. A large hug for you and I too shall raise a glass with you in my thoughts this evening.! xxx

    1. All Consuming: I know that you know only too well what is involved. Thank you.

  3. Whoo hoo what great news. Doing a wobbly happy dance along with you. Hope now that with one less stressor you will soon feel on the up and up. Much love xxx

    1. Kakka: Wobbly happy dances are taking off around Oz and the world which is wonderful. Thank you.

  4. Wobbly dance here too! that's great news about SP's operation being successful, I'm really happy about that.
    I hope you will be able to rest and recuperate while he rests in hospital . . . You can catch up on housework/garden/blogs when you feel up to it; it'll all still be there, we'll all still be here, much love to both x
    Thanks for up-dating for us.

    1. bugerlugs63: Thank you. Life is a bit full here with extra washing and two trips a day to the hospital but these are my priorities at the moment. Everything else can wait.

  5. What wonderful news! (((HUGS))) and a wobbly dance over here in your honor. I hope you can find a way to feel better soon.

    1. Lynn: More wobbly dancing - the trend is spreading. Yay! Thank you.

  6. Wobbly dance for you both from here, hope the vile feeling goes astray shortly, hugs for you and Smaller Portion :)

    1. Jayne: I am starting to wonder what tune we should all be dancing to. And yes, with any luck the new meds will settle shortly and the vileness will vanish into the ether.

  7. Very good news! you'll be giving each other wobbly hugs :)

    1. Alexia: I hope for a real hug - a big hug, with no plumbing in the way very shortly.

  8. Flying colours! Well done SP, and the hospital team too.
    I'm not at all surprised you are still tired and sore, you've been through a lot of stress and worry recently, two operations, two sister visits, life just hasn't been normal or restful for you. Take some time for you now, a hot bubble bath maybe now and again, a cup of tea in a sunny spot in the garden......

    1. River: Thank you. A cup of tea in the garden sounds wonderful. I may aim for that tomorrow.

  9. Awesome news from the "smaller portion" and thank you for the explanation of his name! I actually thought he was your son! (GAK - I can't believe I just admitted that!)

    Now, time to look after YOU. Get some rest, eat some healthy food, be good to yourself. Those are orders, EC!

    1. Cathy Olliffe-Webster: Yes sir, ma'am! I have just consumed a healthy and delicious dinner and will be having an early night. Which is a good start.

      And don't feel in the slightest bit embarrased. The Smaller Portion is/was pretty much an insider joke.

  10. What a relief for all concerned. While SP is recovering in the hospital, take the time to have yourself checked out . You are your first priority.

    1. Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe: It is a huge relief. While he is in hospital and in the short term (I hope) after he returns home he is still going to need a LOT of care.

  11. I'm so glad to hear that SP's operation went well! I hope you'll be able to get some rest and focus on caring for yourself a bit. We'll all still be here looking forward to when you're able to return. Big Hugs~

  12. So pleased to hear that SP is on the way up. I completely understand that the stress you have been through recently does not augur well for one's mental and physical state so having a breather is in very good order. I have not been around the blogosphere recently... too much else happening but you are being kept in mind. Take care. C&C

    1. Christine: I hope that the things happening in your world are positive. Thank you to both C's.

  13. Sounds like things are looking up, despite feeling 'wobbly and weepy' right now. Thanks for updating us and I hope that your house guest leaves soon and your pain leaves even earlier.

    1. Kath Lockett: Thank you. I am hoping for both departures myself. And feeling a bit mean about one wish.

  14. Make sure you take care of YOU as well as your Smaller Portion. xo

  15. EC, oh how I love to see a new post from you in the Blog Reader with the first words "good news!" Now that one worry is off the table, time to focus on the GREATER PORTION, otherwise known as your dear self. Please take good care. Sending you continued cyber support.

    1. Two Tigers: I love the term Greater Portion. If the truth be told Larger Portion is a more accurate description. Thank you.

  16. I too am very happy to hear that SP is no longer going to need that bag and will be slowly recuperating. Hopefully I'll hear that you are feeling better some day soon, since you are very important to me and obviously half the blogosphere, as I read your comments. Please take care of yourself, and I know you'll be back one of these fine days. It's winter in your part of the world, isn't it? time for R&R.

    1. DJan: It is wonderful news, and I have been receiving an amazing amount of support here in the blogosphere which is also wonderful. thank you. It is indeed winter here, the time of year I usually thrive. I suspect when I get on top of the thyroid issues I will be back to enjoying the frosty mornings.

  17. I'm so glad your SP is on the road to recovery. Now, all we have to do is get you feeling better.

    1. mybabyjohn/Delores: Slowly and steadily for both of us I hope.

  18. ((((((((HUGS)))))))) for those things that linger, like feeling lousy and SILs and MILs.

    A TOAST to those things which improve, especially SP's lack of a bag.

    As always, we ain't going anywhere. Take your time. Peace...

    1. Linda: No bag will improve the SP's (and my) life out of all recognition. Thank you.

  19. I am sorry you are still having so much discomfort ... I am hoping that the new medication will change that in time. Great news on your smaller portion (I can't say that because my husband out weighs me two to one),and I wish him a quick recovery. Be well and take heart ... time can be your friend.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

    1. Andrea: I understand that it is hard to get the dose of my new medication right, so it may take a while. I am just impatient. Thank you for your concern.

  20. Yay for wobbly dances and small successes. I hope smaller portion continues to recover well and that your pain and discomfort eases as the stress does.

    Lots of gentle hugs coming your way...

    1. Dorothy Krajewski: Thank you. And indeed yay for wobbly dances...

  21. I a glad to hear thst he come through the ordeal well. Take it easy girl and rest!

    1. Karen: I am trying to rest more, but two visits to the hospital a day are taking a bit of energy. Perhaps when he comes home we can recuperate together.

  22. I am glad that at least some things are on the mend.
    Never mind about the blogosphere, it is not going anywhere in a hurry and it will be time enough to re-connect when you are feeling better.
    I have not exactly been doing the right thing lately either and have barely managed a post or two a week and no visiting..
    Take all the R&R you need.

    1. Arija: I hope that things are Ok(ish) in your world. Thank you.

  23. I am thrilled that SP's surgery went well and he is almost back to his normal-self.

    I am sorry you are not up to par yet. I wish you a miraculous recovery, EC.

    Thanks for the update, be well and happy :)

    1. Pam :): Thank you for your good wishes. A miracle cure would not go astray right about now.

  24. So happy you're on the up tic. Wish you could fast forward to the end of the troubles, but happy to hear you're toughing it out well. Hope yours sort out soon.

    1. Joanne: Toughing it out well is a wonderful description. Thank you.

  25. Thank goodness for that good news. Hang in there, luvvie. All the best.

  26. so glad the ileostomy was reversed! fantastic news!

    as for you... rest! while SP is in hospital and the SIL is on location, take the opportunity to hole up and rest... :)

    1. Sherri: You are a fine one to tell me to rest! It doesn't seem to be something that you do well either... How is the unpacking going?

    2. ugh... just ugh lol

      i have most everything unpacked.. i'm looking at 4 more boxes...they sit glaring at me from the middle of the floor....

  27. Dear EC, with the operation over, you have, as you said, eliminated the factor of stress. But I wonder truly if there isn't a lot of unrecognized stress from living with the thyroid condition and the MS. Possibly deep down within you, your spirit is always wondering if either is going to get worse and what that will mean and how it will manifest itself.

    Letting go is so difficult. I have always been able to make an Irish stew out of my worries. But in recent years, I've tried to let go of worry and to accept that if I remain open to possibilities, then life will work itself out for the good. The mantra that helps me with this is as follows: "And all shall be well. And all shall be well. And all manner of things shall be exceedingly well." For some, this may sound Pollyanna-ish. However, for me it has been the lifeline that kept me going when Meniere's took away my life as I'd known it.

    A lot of words here simply to say one thing: take care of yourself. Be as good to yourself as you would be to the smaller portion or to any friend who asked you advice and help.


    1. Dee: You are right that it would have been more accurate to say that the success of the operation removed ONE source of worry. I don't worry much about my own health - I do what I can to live well and ride out what I can't change. The hypothyroid thing did at least explain why I was/am feeling so vile at a time of the year when I am usually at my best. Thank you so much for your concern. I appreciate it.

  28. Yikes! If I lived closer, I'd sneak in some decent food to the hospital and bring some for you. I wish you both a very speedy recovery.

    1. Riot Kitty: Thank you. I don't think any hospital has decent food. At the moment he is still on a nil by mouth regime. Hopefully that will change shortly so we can ensure his digestive tract is working as it should.

  29. Great news, Ms. Child! Baby steps for the rest of this portion of the journey!

    1. daisyfae: It is great news. Thank you - and wobbly baby steps it will be.

  30. I'm delighted for the step in a better direction. I hope things continue to improve - all of them!

    1. Ron Dudley: I hope to be back commenting at your place very soon.

  31. Good news about SP! Hoping you find some answers to your own health worries soon. Thank you for updating us. Be good to yourself.

  32. Great news about the SP!! I hope your health improves also. Maybe with some of the stress gone things will go etter for you. Try to get out in the garden when you can. It helps me to relax. Prayers said that things continue to be on the up-swing. Take care of yourself also. We need to see you here. Hugs, Teresa

    1. Teresa: The garden is a wonderful place for me to relax as well. I can see weeding which needs doing. Tomorrow. Or the day after perhaps.

  33. I have nothing to add to everyone else's sentiment except !!!!!!!

  34. Dear friend,
    And with the radiance of positivity I sense here amongst those who have responded to your thoughtful posting, I wish you continued recovery and even better times to come. Like many have stated, take very good care of you.
    With respect and good wishes, your way, Gary

    1. klahanie: Thank you so much. Have a good weekend.

  35. Oh my goodness, you have been through so much! I don't know how you do it. I'd be a basket case, I'm sure. I'm doing a wobbly dance for you and the smaller portion, too! Do take great care of yourself and maybe hint at a departure date for the sister?? Hugs across the oceans to you!

    1. BECKY: I am a basket case - just a basket with legs. Thanks for your support.

  36. Any weepyness seems entirely warranted, and I'm relieved to read that the smaller portion is coming through better. I'm frazzled from the health-horrors my cousin is going through, so I'm in an even more sympathetic spot. Please take care of yourself.

    1. John Wiswell: Thank you - I am really trying in the midst of the madness to take better care of me. I know that I need to, which is a wonderful starting point.

  37. Replies
    1. J Cosmo Newberry: Woohoo indeed. It is a really good start.

  38. My mother referred to Peggy as my "better half," but in her case, she meant it, so I just took it as one more put-down.

    1. Snowbrush: My mother also meant it as a put-down, which was one of the reasons I loathed it.
