Sunday Selections, brought to us by Kim, of Frogpondsrock, is an ongoing theme where participants post previously unused photos languishing in their files.
Anyone can join in, just post your photos under the Sunday Selections title, link back to Kim, then add your name to her Linky list at Frogpondsrock.
I have been featuring the birds who visit us for the last few weeks and, judging by my huge collection of bird photos, could do so indefinitely.
I know I posted photos of Corellas quite recently, but this long billed Corella appeared during the week and virtually demanded his photo be taken. So I did. We also get the short billed Corellas who don't have this bird's splashes of pinky-orange on their heads and breasts.
Isn't he (or she) gorgeous?
ReplyDeleteAloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
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Cloudia: Thank you so much. Isn't he a joy?
ReplyDeleteThat is one gorgeous bird. Can you take some video and post it? I would love to see them in action.
ReplyDeletemybabyjohn/Delores: It is a glorious bird isn't it? My video skills are not high, and I have never posted a video but I will try. Soonish.
ReplyDeleteOh wow, what a marvellous bird! He looks to be quite the character as well! I love the turquoise around the eyes.
ReplyDeleteKaren: Like so many of our avian visitors he is truly beautiful - and knows it.
ReplyDeleteHilarious - what a variety of expressions you have captured - he is lovely!
ReplyDeleteHe/she looks very wise, I must say. And full of him/herself, I'd say. Love this bird!
ReplyDeleteLovely and interesting as always!
ReplyDeleteAlexia: I found him (and for some reason I think of it as a him) irresistable.
ReplyDeleteDJan: And yes, full of himself is about right. I was grateful for the poses though.
Snowbrush: Thanks - your comment came in as I was responding to Alexia and DJan.
ReplyDeleteBonza photos. I especially like the 1st photo because he/she looks very cheeky with his/her head tilted to one side like that and is a bit of a poser :-)
ReplyDeleteHe or she is gorgeous. I envy you your parrots :)
ReplyDeletethey are just so pretty.... i would imagine they bring with them a sense of peace to your home... i know that i would end up sitting for hours and hours just watching them.. losing all track of time..getting nothing accomplished... then there would be trouble since i would never do anything again.. things would become extremely disheveled and unorganized....
ReplyDeletemaybe it's better that we don't have birds like this around here :)
Windsmoke: Quite a big poser. Made me smile though.
ReplyDeleteKim: I envy you lots of things, so perhaps we can do a trade.
Sherri Stakes: We do spend a lot of time each day watching them. And you look away for two minutes and there is something different to see, and the whole cycle begins again. And yes, this house is often disheveled and disorganised but I don't know that I can blame the birds (but might anyway). Thanks for the suggestion.
What a photogenic bird - just gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteHe's gorgeous and clearly loves showing off for the camera.
ReplyDeleteHe/she is!
ReplyDeleteYou're probably famous in the bird world, for taking such nice photos. So they all come to now if they need a new passport. Or for bird wedding pictures, bird portraits, bird parties... LOL
She's gorgeous, no doubt about that!
ReplyDeleteS/he not only certainly IS gorgeous, s/he is definitely demanding a starring role on your blog! No way is that a face anyone could resist photographing. The first photo is my favorite - love that inquisitive "what's taking you so long, I'm gorgeous, important and in big demand and haven't got all day, you know!" cocked head! :-)
ReplyDeletegreat bird imagesx
ReplyDeletesorry that was me ...lynda..pressed wrong button!haxx
ReplyDeleteladyfi: Thankyou.
ReplyDeleteRiver: He did, didn't he?
Carolina: I love the image of them flocking to me for those 'special occasion shots'. Thanks. Smiling broadly.
Tat@Mum: Welcome. I see you have decided he is a she. You could be right. And I like the concept that gorgeous = female.
Laloofah: I thought you would like him/her. Such attitude. Such panache. Such beauty.
lynda Howells: Thank you.
I don't know if you ever venture to the cheesy-but-addictive world of LOLcats and Ihasahotdog, but I swear that in the first shot he's cocking his head to the side like a dog and saying 'Baroo?'
ReplyDeleteKath: I may have to go there. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteI just LOVE these birds! This guy appears to have a big fluffy white handlebar mustache. Or chin beard. Great shots! And what a playful character he is :D
ReplyDeleteteach your parrots to sing christmas carrols and put on audio for the blog like i did on mine;not a dull moment;
ReplyDeletethanx, judy
Spectra: A really impressive character. We loved him.
ReplyDeleteAnon: Welcome, They are not our birds - just come to visit. And believe me when I say that virtually all or the Australian birds shriek rather than sing.
Your photos correlate perfectly with my inner corrella. Stunning!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful, absolutely ripper beaut character sitting up like Jacky to have his picher took ;)
ReplyDeleteMitzi: I love the idea of you having an inner corella - and can picture it too.
ReplyDeleteJayne: He loved it didn't he?
Okay...this is silly, but are corellas mean? Do they bite? This one looks smarter than most people I know, including me. I shriek too.
ReplyDeleteAs always, I know I'll learn something new and wonderful when I come here. Thanks
barbfroman: They are not mean as far as I know. They don't swoop you or anything. I expect they could give you a nasty nip, but they are strictly vegetarian, so the intent would not be to chew on you. I have never known anyone who had one as a pet. I will investigate. And yes, I don't know quite where the phrase bird-brained comes from. Many of our visitors looks smart, and they certainly run rings around me.
ReplyDeleteHe (she) is looking at me:) Gorgeous bird
ReplyDeleteGorgeous, yes! The comment about shrieking... hadn't even thought about it, but parrots are LOUD. Are they obnoxiously loud? Do you hear them impersonating sirens and such?
ReplyDeleteI went into a pet store the other day and a young woman greeted me with a kindly hello as I walked in. I answered back politely. Then I realized the parrot had been the one doing the talking.
Kim @ Stuff: It was definitely a penetrating stare. Demandind (and receiving) action.
ReplyDeletePaper Chipmunk: They are loud, and some people find them obnoxious. Last summer a baby galah was sending me batty with high pitched squawks. An older bird (the parent?) reached over and smacked it smartly in the head. Blessed silence.
And the noise when we have fifty cockatoos is certainly impressive (but beats lawn mowers and whipper snippers as far as I am concerned).
I was once told that a man had walked underneath a tree with a cockatoo in it. He said 'hullo cocky' and was astonished when the cockatoo said hullo back. They are very good mimics. My mother had a cockatoo which barked like the dog up the road.
Love your bird photos. None are here...it's cold and snowy. =(
ReplyDeleteHave Myelin?: Thank you. We have much, much milder winters than you and the birds are with us most of the year. I envy you the beauty of snow though.