Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Sunday 26 June 2022

Sunday Selections #587



Sunday Selections was originally brought to us by Kim, of Frogpondsrock, as an ongoing meme where participants could post previously unused photos languishing in their files. 

Huge thanks to Cie who gave me this wonderful Sunday Selections image. 

The meme was then continued by River at Drifting through life.  Sadly she has now stepped aside (though she will join us some weeks), and I have accepted the mantle. 
The rules are so simple as to be almost non-existent.  Post some photos under the title Sunday Selections and link back to me. Clicking on any of the photos will make them embiggen.

I usually run with a theme. This week?  I am continuing my early morning theme (though I was out most of yesterday and hope to share photos from that outing in future weeks).  I continue to get up before dawn and well before sparrow fart.  I continue to go out with the camera at first light.

And it is worth it.

The last photo was taken on a foggy morning.  Nothing to see?  Not so but far otherwise.  I could see something glistening in the garden and went to investigate.

Spider webs, covered in foggy dew and shining in the early morning light.  So I stayed outside and took rather a lot more photos (some of which I will inflict on you).  Apologies to those who are not spider fans.  I am, and admire their architecture too.  I didn't see a single spider, though no doubt they were there.


The fog didn't lift until nearly lunchtime, but the spiderwebs brightened my day.

I hope you find beauty in unexpected places too.


Sunday 19 June 2022

Sunday Selections #586


Sunday Selections was originally brought to us by Kim, of Frogpondsrock, as an ongoing meme where participants could post previously unused photos languishing in their files. 

Huge thanks to Cie who gave me this wonderful Sunday Selections image. 

The meme was then continued by River at Drifting through life.  Sadly she has now stepped aside (though she will join us some weeks), and I have accepted the mantle. 
The rules are so simple as to be almost non-existent.  Post some photos under the title Sunday Selections and link back to me. Clicking on any of the photos will make them embiggen.

I usually run with a theme. This week?  Winter mornings.  We are finally getting some frosts.  It isn't cold enough yet to freeze bubbles but I have hopes.  We have had clear mornings, foggy mornings and definitely cool temperatures.  I like it, though the other household residents (human and feline) disagree.

I am always fascinated with frost etching a filigree on plant leaves...

One morning the bird bath was definitely iced over.  I broke the ice for them.

I do like the layers of colour in the early morning skies.

Frosty or sunny I hope you all have a wonderful week.

Sunday 12 June 2022

Sunday Selections #585



Sunday Selections was originally brought to us by Kim, of Frogpondsrock, as an ongoing meme where participants could post previously unused photos languishing in their files. 

Huge thanks to Cie who gave me this wonderful Sunday Selections image. 

The meme was then continued by River at Drifting through life.  Sadly she has now stepped aside (though she will join us some weeks), and I have accepted the mantle. 
The rules are so simple as to be almost non-existent.  Post some photos under the title Sunday Selections and link back to me. Clicking on any of the photos will make them embiggen.

I usually run with a theme.  We are at home again this week.  Insomnia still has me firmly in its grasp.  These days I usually give up and get up around three.  Which has the benefit that I always see the dawn.

 The garden has, not before time, been claiming a lot of time and attention.  The tree dahlias have succumbed to winter.  I have chopped down about seven or eight of them and have about the same number left to remove.
I have weeding to do, and bulbs to plant.  There are still things in bloom like the daisies, and the hoyas.  Winter is here but hasn't slowed them down.  Some bulbs have jumped the gun and are happily flowering, months too early.

The camellias are heavily in bud, and this one has flowered.  The cockatoos and the king parrots are shredding the buds so I hope this isn't the last flower.

There are plenty of paper white jonquils in flower and more come out each day.

This anemone is the only one in flower so far, but there are plenty of others above ground.

Hoyas are sensitive to frost but this one hasn't missed a beat.

And the birds, despite their destructive ways, continue to give me joy.


Temperatures are definitely chilly in the morning at the moment (we have had snow on the hills most days this week).  This corella was certainly snuggled into its feathers.

The crimson rosellas arrive early, often just before first light.  I was lucky to capture this one with the camera just before it took flight.

Whatever the temperatures, I hope your week is healthy and happy.

Sunday 5 June 2022

Sunday Selections #584


Sunday Selections was originally brought to us by Kim, of Frogpondsrock, as an ongoing meme where participants could post previously unused photos languishing in their files. 

Huge thanks to Cie who gave me this wonderful Sunday Selections image. 

The meme was then continued by River at Drifting through life.  Sadly she has now stepped aside (though she will join us some weeks), and I have accepted the mantle. 
The rules are so simple as to be almost non-existent.  Post some photos under the title Sunday Selections and link back to me. Clicking on any of the photos will make them embiggen.

I usually run with a theme.  We celebrate the change of the seasons on the first of the relevant months rather than (as I think is more sensible) the solstice.  So winter arrived this month.  Entirely appropriately when I headed out that morning there was a dusting of snow on the nearby hills.

There was snow the next day too.  It has gone now (but will no doubt return).  Dawns are chilly here at the moment, but still beautiful.

And the birds are remarkably unphased.  Tying in with the dawn theme I have been photographing galahs lately.  

I like the cooler weather (which many don't) and am looking forward to it getting colder yet - so I can freeze bubbles.

What ever the season I hope you are finding beauty and fun.

PS:  Blogger is currently sending many comments to Spam.  I check the spam folder regularly (cursing them) and release the comments as soon as possible.  If you are not certain whether it is affecting your posts I suggest checking your comments folder, clicking on the downward arrow, and seeing just which comments have been caught.  Some of you blogger has taken a particular dislike to, and I hope this glitch is fixed soon.  Yesterday would be good.