Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Sunday 29 March 2015

Sunday Selections #217

Sunday Selections was originally brought to us by Kim, of Frogpondsrock, as an ongoing meme where participants could post previously unused photos languishing in their files. 

The meme is now continued by River at Drifting through life.  The rules are so simple as to be almost non-existent.  Post some photos under the title Sunday Selections and link back to River.  Clicking on any of the photos will make them embiggen.

Like River I usually run with a theme.  This week it is a return to some of my obsessions.

In the middle of the week I noticed that one of our Christmas (or orchid) cacti is confused and is either significantly ahead or behind its schedule.  Given that many of our spring bulbs are shooting (in early Autumn) and that an anenome has made a pathetic attempt at flowering, I vote for early.  The cactus is pretty though.

We have been promised rain.  Often.  The weather boffins have been lying like pigs in mud.  There have been clouds though, which has made for some pretty sunsets.

And (of course) birds.  The coloured birds have been largely absent, but the corellas and cockatoos have been regular nosey and noisy visitors.  And are welcome.

Thursday 26 March 2015

Romping down Memory Lane

In a recent post about Enlighten I mentioned that I was having an attack of the SulkPot Ben Nagnags.  Ellie Foster recognised the name from a book which she (and I) love.

The book in question?  The Land of Green Ginger by Noel Langley.

I first read it when I was eight or nine.  I think it was the first book that I finished, and immediately  started again.  I loved it, and despite it being several decades since I had read it, I could still quote pieces of it.  My copy was tired, and had lost a page or two over the years.  So I replaced it - and devoured it all over again.

I expected it to be fun, which it was.  My younger self hadn't been aware of how clever it is though.  I thoroughly enjoyed the adventure, and laughed at some gems which I am pretty certain I missed when last I read it.

The Land of Green Ginger is set some years into the Happy Ever After of stories we all know.  Aladdin has had a son, the Djin (genie) from the Lamp has had a son, Sinbad has had a son...

A tale of heroes and villains.  Magic, mystery, evil Princes, a dragon, spells which have misfired.  Naturally there is a supremely beautiful girl.  Equally naturally her father is totally unreasonable.

And the names of the characters are a joy.  Prince Rubdub Ben Thud, Prince Tintac Ping Foo.  Sulkpot Ben Nagnag and of course Boomalakka Wee.  

And, while I found it before he did, (being older) Neil Gaiman also loves it.

I am so very grateful to have renewed my acquaintance with this gem - and won't let the decades slide by before I read it again.

Sunday 22 March 2015

Sunday Selections #216

Sunday Selections was originally brought to us by Kim, of Frogpondsrock, as an ongoing meme where participants could post previously unused photos languishing in their files. 

The meme is now continued by River at Drifting through life.  The rules are so simple as to be almost non-existent.  Post some photos under the title Sunday Selections and link back to River.  Clicking on any of the photos will make them embiggen.

Like River I usually run with a theme.  This week I am trawling through some old photos and going to the zoo.  Or to be accurate, two trips to Mogo Zoo, a small privately owned facility a couple of hours away from us..

I am ambivalent about zoos.  I love the animals, and zoos have improved dramatically from the teeny weeny cages and concrete obscenities they used to be but...  And sadly it seems likely that some animals will only survive in them and we will only be able to see them there.

The first batch of photos were taken in October 2002.

I do love tigers.  However, I was careful around these.  The keeper told us that the male was not entirely fond of visitors and had a habit of backing up to his cage and spraying them with urine. And, while we watched he did indeed do just that - with impressive range and accuracy...

And then another trip, in  November 2006. 

The white lions have bred very successfully, and cubs have been sent on to other zoos, including our local zoo.

Serval cat

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Balloon Spectacular 2015

For a lot of the year, early risers in my city can often see a balloon or two drifting across the sky.  I welcome them each time I see them.

However, in March for about ten days the city goes a bit balloon mad.  Each year we have a balloon extravananza and up to fifty balloons are launched each day.  Bliss.  There is always at least one 'feature' balloon.  This year?  Yoda and an Angry Bird.  And a third we didn't know about until we saw it inflate.

Weather permitting they take off from the lawns of Old Parliament House, and as well as the fortunate riders, it has become a tradition for people to come along and watch them inflate and take off.

His high and skinniness loathes mornings and given his druthers gets up (slowly) at the crack of noon.  Fortunately my youngest brother is like me an early riser - and he is also a balloon tragic.

So last Thursday we headed off, arriving at the launch venue just before dawn.  As is usual lots (and lots) of photos follow and will embiggen if clicked upon.

It was dark when we arrived and we chose our position at random.  And were very, very lucky.  The balloon we first stood beside was Yoda.  With the Angry Bird just behind it.

I think that Yoda looks more than a little creepy when the burners are alight.

 I thought this was a very lucky shot.

The extra feature balloon was the schooner of beer.  The balloon is owned by Carlton Light.  I am not a beer drinker but my brother tells me the balloon is MUCH better than the beer.