Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Friday 31 August 2012

Guest post

Some time ago I commented on this blog on a guest post by a skilled photographer whose blog I have been following.  Shortly after that, I was honoured when Ginnie and Marcie invited me to do a guest post.  It will appear on Friday 31st August (their time) and on the horses' birthday in Australia.

For many of you there is nothing new in my post, but wandering back through previous posts and those yet to come at Vision and Verb will provide images of beauty and thoughts from the heart.


  1. How nice of Ginnie and Marcie to invite you to do a guest post. See you tomorrow, EC.
    Be well and happy :)

    1. Pam:): It was very nice indeed of Ginnie and Marcie. Flabber and ghasted I was.

  2. Thank you for letting me know, EC! I will be sure to go and read it... tomorrow it will be posted, I think. :-)

    1. DJan: I doubt that much (if anything) will be new to you. It is certainly well worth looking at earlier and later posts at their site though.

  3. I'm looking forward to reading it!

    1. Alexia: Ginnie and Marcie asked that the number of words and the photographs be limited. It is really quite difficult to introduce yourself in 600 words or less.

  4. I just read it - delightful. And I got a kick out of the part about rereading murder mysteries. Hey - if you ever need something good to read, my friend Karin Slaughter writes dandy ones. I'd start from the beginning with "Blindsighted." There are 12 in the series so far. I'm taking the newest, "Criminal" with me to the mountains this weekend.

    And I always like to read your reading list - "Walter the Farting Dog"??? and there's even a sequel. :)

    I need to choose a memoir for the "memoir of choice" book group discussion this fall and I noticed you read "The Hare with the Amber Eyes." Another friend recommended it - what do you think?

    1. Lynn: I gave 'Walter the Farting Dog', and' Walter the Farting Dog goes on a Cruise' to my great nephews. Naturally I had to read them. And at a very black time in my life (the skinny portion was in hospital and things were going from bad to worse) both his sister and I laughed long and hard at the Walter books. I am going to buy my own copies too. It is obtainable as an e-book, but the pictures in the hard copy are magic.
      'The Hare with the Amber Eyes' should be great for discussion. I liked it, but I didn't love it. Which is another reason it would be great to open it up to a group.
      Thank you for the Karin Slaughter recommendation. When I clear my huge unread pile I will chase her up.

  5. Thanks for the steer. Will certainly follow it up.

  6. Thank-you so much for joining us Sue. The honor and pleasure is all ours!!!

    1. Marcie: What a lovely thing to say. Thank you very much.

  7. We have so much in common. I relate to you very much hon. Such a well written guest post too.Thanks for that *smiles, hugs x

    1. All Consuming: What a lovely thing to say. Smiles and hugs back at you.

  8. My dear friend,
    I have just had the profound experience of reading your guest post. And it resonates with such positivity and your determination, despite it all, to enjoy life and embrace the wonder, the beauty of nature.
    You have a lot of friends in the wonderful community of bloggers. It is my great honour to know you.
    May you have a most peaceful, pleasant weekend.
    In kindness and respect, Gary :)

    1. klahanie: Nobody does positive better than you. I am so grateful for the friends I have found in the blogosphere. They have often helped me through some difficult times, and share the good times as well.
      And a wonderful weekend to everyone in your world as well.

  9. I clicked over and read your guest post, was surprised to read that you don't think you create beauty. Of course you do! Your photographs are all beautiful as are your words. And the comments you leave others.
    Had a chuckle at flabber and ghasted!

    1. River: Flabber and ghasted it was and is. I am also amazed at the wonderful comments that you and other people have left for m. Thank you so much.

  10. Its great to see that people are sharing quite profitable information with each other and now we can move our selves to a new era.

  11. how cool!!!!!! i'm going to go read it right now :)

    1. Sherri: It was really, really generous of Ginnie and Marcie.

  12. Congratulations and I shall enjoy reading your article I know.

  13. I take esception with one thing. You do create beauty. You're honest and full of love, both of which are beauty. Not to mention your photos, which are always of beautiful things and creation of beauty in themselves. So there. ;)

    1. Austan: I will have to think about this. It is not a way I had ever thought about to create beauty, but several of you have assured me it is so. Many thanks.

  14. Dear EC, I read your guest post and left a comment there. I hope you'll be able to read it as I meant it sincerely. Peace.

    1. Dee: I did read it and appreciate your kind words very much. Thank you.

  15. Lovely post, EC - as a relatively recent reader, I didn't realize you started your blog just 18 months ago. I admire your attitude towards life in spite of the burdens you carry. One of my children has a chronic illness with pain involved and I am attuned to how that can affect one's life. Despite needing to give up paid employment, you have found ways to learn and grow, help others and offer so much beauty through your kindness and your photos. I am glad to have found my way to your corner of the blogging world.

    1. jenny_o: Thank you so much. Pain can be extremely debilitating but when it becomes part of life I think all of us find ways to deal with it. Which some days can mean a transformation into the psycho bitch from hell. I hope your child has the support he or she needs. Chronic illness is such a life changing issue.

      I always look forward to your comments and I am pleased that you enjoy the corner of the blogosphere I squat in.

    2. jenny_o: I think the choice is to develop innner strength (which can shut others out a little) or go under. Well it is for me.
