Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Sunday 20 August 2023

Sunday Selections #642

Sunday Selections was originally brought to us by Kim, of Frogpondsrock, as an ongoing meme where participants could post previously unused photos languishing in their files. 

Huge thanks to Cie who gave me this wonderful Sunday Selections image. 

The meme was then continued by River at Drifting through life.  Sadly she has now stepped aside (though she will join us some weeks), and I have accepted the mantle. 
The rules are so simple as to be almost non-existent.  Post some photos under the title Sunday Selections and link back to me. Clicking on any of the photos will make them embiggen.

I usually run with a theme. This week has had medical appointments, for me and for Batty (and both of us have more to come). Consequently I have taken very few photos and have not gone on any 'fun' excursions so I am reverting to skyscapes. Again. All of these photos were taken this month.

I do delight in early morning light.

We are still having frosts.

This was taken on a very foggy morning.  I loved the soft hues.

I hope you find beauty and joy this week. And all the weeks to come.



  1. You always have beautiful skyscapes. The colors and cloud formations are often gorgeous! The moon is spectacular! My shots never come out the way I see it.
    Hopefully you and Batty will get through the week with a minimum of fuss with your appointments. Sending positive vibes your way.

    River Fairchild

    1. River Fairchild: Hooray for digital cameras. I do love the delete function. I hear you on shots not coming out as I see them. Fingers crossed for Batty and me. And thank you. Muchly.

    2. Yes! I remember the years of traveling and never knowing if any photos would turn out or not, when it’s too late to go back and take more.
      River Fairchild

    3. River Fairchild: And the expense of getting those films developed, duds and all...

  2. Nothing like it, first photograph early in morning, beautiful EC.

    1. Bob Bushell: Early morning is my favourite time of the day.

  3. Thanks EC - lovely photos ... the colours the skies gives us always amaze me. I hope all is relatively well with you - take care and as River says ... Batty too ... take care, with thoughts - cheers Hilary

    1. Hilary Melton-Butcher: Thank you. I am endlessly amazed and delighted by the sky - which changes so quickly. I am hoping that this is a gentle week - and that we can go on an outing to an exhibition which is drawing to a close.

  4. Lovely skyscapes! We're under a pall of smoke here - so many wildfires. One has already breached the suburbs of a city of over 130,000 people, and another city is threatened. Fortunately there are no major fires within 100 km of us (fingers crossed). So I'm enjoying your peaceful photos, and hoping for rain.

    1. Diane Henders: Thank you. I am all too familiar with that pall of smoke, and the anxiety as we watch and wait. I hope the fires can be brought under control - and they don't move any closer to you.

  5. Those last three pictures look like fire pictures. RUN!

    1. Mike: I have seen those hills burning before. We have predictions for a hot and dry summer so I am hoping (fervently) not to see them burn again.

  6. Beautiful skies and full moon there

    1. roentare: Thank you. I find moon shots very challenging and delete most of the ones I take.

  7. A beautiful set of pictures, EC - you have a real aptitude for showing us lovely sky shots and cloud colours. I hope you have a good week and that Batty doesn't live up to his name too strenuously...

    1. Frosts still?? We have had very few this winter.

    2. Alexia (and anon if you are different people): I delight in the sky and have folder after folder of sky shots. Fingers crossed for Batty. He walked across my ear in the early hours a few nights ago, got stuck and extricated himself strenously. Goodness how ears bleed. We have had less frosts than usual but are still getting them. Light ones.

  8. My best thoughts and wishes go out to you, EC....and to dear little Batty....I hope that very soon you both are feeling 100%, or very close there to.. Cuddles to both Batty and Odie....

    1. Lee: Thank you. Batty has retired back to bed with himself, and Odie is in my lap as I type. I hope your week is good.

  9. Nice moon shot. Would love to see frost but at least the last couple days haven't woken up to 78 degrees at 6 am.

    1. Alex J. Cavanaugh: I much prefer an early morning frost to a warm start to the day. I hope your temperatures are easing.

  10. I especially like the last few photos.

  11. I love your skyscapes and especially love that moon shot.

    You love early mornings but I'm not a morning person and although, I get up when the sun comes up, I would much prefer to stay in bed much longer.

    I look out my bedroom window to see the sun rise but it never dawn on me to take pictures while still in my PJs, lol...

    You always seem to be upbeat even though you and Batty are having serious health challenges. I wish you a joyful week.
    Hugs, Julia

    1. Julia: I have become an early morning person. Himself is not. I have been known to do mad woman with camera dances outside before I am dressed for the day. I am not precisely upbeat (I am a worrier) but am definitely a glass half full person. Have a great day.

  12. So much beauty and joy in your images, E.C. Thank you. x

    1. Bea: Beauty and joy is a neat summation of how I feel looking at the early morning sky. Thank you.

  13. Your skyscapes are worth a whole post.

    My selections will be over here.

    1. messymimi: I never tire of the sky - and am looking forward to your skyscapes and whatever else you share this week.

  14. My favourite is the moon shot. I can never get enough of Grandmother moon. I hope next week is full of garden for you in your happy place.

    1. Wisewebwoman: Moon shots are tricky.. Like you I never tire of watching it. I hope to get into the garden most days next week. I need to..

  15. The sky is ever-changing, isn't it - and your photos prove it. I love the moon shot, too. It's not easy getting those. Good luck with your and Batty's upcoming appointments. It's no fun having the social calendar filled with medical things. xx

    1. jenny_o: I am so over medical appointments - for both Batty and me. A couple more weeks and hopefully that will be the end of it for a while. You are right about the sky always changing - and remarkably quickly too. Hugs dear friend.

  16. I love your moon photo and the frost covered ground. I haven't seen a frost here in years. Probably decades. your pink clouds are pretty too. I walked through a light fog a couple of weeks ago and thought I'd take a photo, but it was gone by the time I'd walked home from the shops.

    1. River: I am sorry, I just rescued you from the spam folder. We are still having frosts but not as many or as hard as in early years. The fogs have been thick though.

  17. Do hope you are feeling alright there EC!
    The sky is amazing with it's colours.
    We haven't had many frosts as yet this winter, not where I live but in the country they have had a few more so I'm told.
    Keep warm and take care.

    1. Margaret D: I am okish, but really, really looking forward to getting a diagnosis and I hope treatment. I do love the sky. Our frosts haven't been as hard this year but we are still having them.

  18. Love the sunset colours.


    1. Pooja Mahimkar: Thank you. Sunrise rather than sunset, but I love them too.

  19. Replies
    1. ashok: Thank you. All those mornings were a joy.

  20. I love the moon shot! Since I retired a few years ago, I changed from being a morning person to being a stay-up-late person-- primarily because Laura prefers those hours.

    1. Bill: You are nicer than me. Himself is definitely a night owl, but I cannot manage his hours (nor he mine).

  21. Your sky pictures are fascinating!
    Wishing you and Batty a good prognosis!

  22. Brrrr. Your photographs this week are so evocative that they made me shiver!

    1. Kim: It was only a little frost. The bird's water bath hadn't even frozen over.

    2. Now you've made me shiver again!

    3. Kim: I am sorry. No frost this morning.

  23. I woke thinking today was Monday and I had missed you. That moon is out of this world. I enjoyed seeing the sunrise shots in your neighborhood and around your home.

    I genuinely hope you and Batty both receive favorable results and proper treatment. It would be SO nice if the doctors found ways to cure your illnesses or at least lessen the pain both of you must surely be in. My heart goes out to you both, dear.

    1. Bleubeard and Elizabeth: Today IS Monday. Here at least. And you are more than welcome whatever day you stop by. Thank you. It would be very nice to get a final diagnosis and treatment for us both. Being a medical mystery is not a lot of fun.

  24. I envy you the frosts, Sue. It will be a while before we see the first frost here, but I am already looking forward to it. Enough already with the heat of summer!

    1. David M. Gascoigne: I am dreading our summer which promises to be both hot and dry. Classic fire season. I hope your hot weather is slipping away. I know that you, like me, are not a fan.

  25. These are a very beautiful photographs of the moment with the changing sky ever in movement.

  26. Early mornings are wonderful aren't they? Yours are beautiful! That moon is really something.

    1. DeniseinVA: I love the early mornings both for its peace and its beauty. Thank you.

    2. Couldn't agree more, have a wonderful day rest of the week :)

    3. DeniseinVA: Thank you. You too.

  27. Lovely sky photos. I find early mornings lovely but late afternoons kind of sad as twilight moves in. I hope you have a wonderful new week ahead.

    1. RasmaSandra: Thank you. I like it when the day shuts down too. It is also beautiful - and a new day is coming.

  28. You have some amazing photos here.
    : )

  29. Well you got some really great pictures. I always like the pretty sky pictures that you take.

    1. Mary Kirkland: Thank you. The sky is so often lovely here in the early morning that even with my shaky hands it is hard not to take pretty photos.

  30. I have an ulterior motive for commenting today ... My son, his wife and I are planning our trip to Melbourne, finally. Hopefully, if all goes well, we will be there in and around January 10th for only 4 days. I have questions that need answers. I am taking the chance of posting my email address so you can maybe get in touch with me and we can converse :)
    Your sky pictures are lovely, by the way. I love when airplanes draw straight lines in the sky, don't you?

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Andrea @ From the Sol: That is a long way to come for only four days. I will send you an email when I have finished responding to comments and hope I can answer your questions. And yes, I do like the early morning jet trails.

  31. It' so nice to see your photos and know that you are still out there snapping them. Sending lots of love to you and Batty. Oh, and virtual hugs, too.

    1. DJan: Thank you dear friend. I hope you are having a wonderful day - and all the days to come.

  32. Replies
    1. Rajani Rehana: Thank you. I do with that you would post a comment that leads me to believe that you have read my posts.

  33. Dear EC
    Sorry to hear that you and batty both have more medical appointments to come. I hope you continue to find joy and solace in nature. The skies never fail to delight and I loved the moon photo too.
    Thinking of you and sending virtual hugs
    Best wishes

    1. Ellie Foster: Thank you. Sadly I think we both have several more appointments to endure. Hopefully we will both get answers (and treatment). Of course I will continue to find solace and joy in nature. How could I not?

  34. Good luck with the coming appointments, EC.

    I imagine the frost will soon be gone until next winter.

    1. Marie Smith: Thank you. Yes, our frosts will soon be gone. It was cool this morning, but definitely no frost.

  35. You do have beautiful skyscapes:) Wishing you and Batty serene mornings and fun-filled, healthy afternoons. Hugs
    Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    1. Sandra Cox: Thank you. Mind you, Batty wants little more than food filled days - without vets.

  36. You really have some fantastic sunrise views from your place! The moon shot however is my favorite today.

    1. Strayer: I got lucky with that one didn't I? There is another full moon at the end of the month and of course I will be trying again.

  37. My favourite is the peach and blue sky. Nobody would ever put peach and blue together (well, maybe in the 80s) but they work so well.
    I'll cross my fingers for you and young Battie

    1. kylie: Sunrises and sunsets often look overdone don't they? If a painter dared to put those colours together we would sneer and say 'exaggerated'. Nature gets away with it. Beautifully.

  38. Lovely early morning skies. I once read that nobody ever painted sunsets till Turner had the idea.

    1. John 'By Stargoose And Hanglands': I didn't know that - and will add it to my reasons to be grateful to Turner.

  39. Lovely skies! I see you're a morning person like me. Hope the doc can resolve your medical issues soon.

    1. gigi-hawaii: Definitely a morning person. Dawn is just breaking here - quietly. Thank you for your wishes.

  40. So much beauty in your photos and sentiment.
    Thank you, dear friend. Go gently.

    1. Rawknrobyn: Thank you. I hope you are well out of Hilary's way.

  41. Dear EC, ah, returning to you blog postings after being away for so many months is a treat for the eyes and the heart. I so love the apricot color of sunsets. I'm never up early enough to see a sunrise, so I do not know if apricot spreads across the sky dome then.

    I'm hoping that I've found the will to begin regular reading of blogs and posting as well. Not sure, but I think I've taken a new lease on life after seven months of vertigo that resulted from falling several times in the bathroom one night in February when I kept passing out. Was in Emergency for 14 hours and then in hospital for another day.

    The episode has left me first with a return of benign positional vertigo that morphed into Meniere's. All that implies severe vertigo, nausea, vomiting, headaches, etc! etc. Or as the cats say to me, "Blah! Blah! Blah!" That's a translation, of course, of their yowling song.

    I've ended up doing little this year, but I have thought of you and told several young people about your ice bubbles in the winter. They so loved the idea and will try it when winter comes here again. They were amazed at themselves for never having thought of doing it!

    Hope all is well health-wise for you and that you appreciate the wonder of yourself and that you are, daily, gracious to yourself. Peace from Dee and the cats.

    1. Dee Ready: It is lovely to hear from you again. I have been more than a little worried about you. I do hope that you do feel up to returning to posting - but your health and your needs take priority. I do hope that your friends have as much fun with ice bubbles as I do. We have had a warmer than usual winter, but I did manage to achieve them once.
      Look after yourself - and your cats. And thank you.

  42. Good morning it's great catching up things have been so busy trying to stock myself with fun and adventures before we begin back into that wintry mix and your post is so reminding of our own winter where it just hung on and on. It had to have been the record making of all winter happenings. May you have more sunny skies and clouds like that lovely photo you posted, wow they are fascinating and so enjoyable for me. Take care.

    1. 21 Wits: Thank you. I hope that your winter (and our summer) aren't too quick in moving in. Here's to more moderate seasons the world over.

  43. Thank you for sharing these lovely photographs.
    I was sorry to read that both you and Batty will need more medical appointments.
    Sending my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Lowcarb team member ~Jan: Thank you. I have just rescued your comment from the spam folder and am grateful for your good wishes.

  44. Glorious! I love the sky and your pictures capture the joy!

    1. Jemi Fraser: Thank you for stopping by in your very busy week. Joy is the perfect word for the delight I take in skyscapes.

  45. Gorgeous! We are slowly starting to feel a bit of relief from the heat here. I'm not a fan of winter, but fall is MY season.

    1. Juli: I like all of the seasons, except summer. I have been watching your temperatures in horror.

  46. Can we borrow some of that frost? It's so dry here, the weeds are dying. Hope today was a good one for you and Batty.
    Hugs, friend. Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    1. Sandra Cox: So dry the weeds are dying? That is serious. We are also dry, but not to that extent. Hugs.

  47. What a beautiful combination of photos x!

    1. aussie aNNie: Why blogger decided you were spam defeats me. Thank you.

  48. Your early mornings look beautiful but cold. I love your moon, it is so hard to capture. Crossing all fingers for finally some medical results for you, and hopefully a cure too!

    1. Charlotte (MotherOwl): Our early mornings are warming up. They are cool rather than cold now. You are right about the moon - it is a subject I find very difficult to capture. Thank you for your health wishes. I have the last test (this round) in the middle of next week, and hopefully answers the week after that.

  49. Good luck to both of you with the future appointments. The photos are very pretty.

  50. Son unas fotografías con mucho encanto.
    Esta semana debido a que la Selección Española de Fútbol femenino se ha proclamado en Sidney, campeona del mundo, se han visto en las televisiones españolas muchos documentales de esa capital y de Australia en general.
    Un abrazo, y cuídate mucho.

    1. Manuel: Thank you - and congratulations to your outstanding team.

  51. These photos make me feel beautiful like I'm awake in the early morning to see all of this happening. I wish you an easy Thursday my friend. Aloha

    1. Cloudia: I would happily share my early mornings (or any part of the day) with you.

  52. Hope you've had a lovely sunrise and exceptionally good day.
    Hugs, Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    1. Sandra Cox: Fog this morning, so the sunrise is hidden. I hope your day is great too.

  53. Fantastic skies!
    Perfect for enjoying our morning coffee.
    The touch of frost is almost an abstract concept for us, especially at this time of year.

    Gini and I hope you're doing great today.

    1. Wally Jones: We get frosts regularly, and sometimes hard ones. We 'might' be just about over them for this year though. Perhaps.

  54. Hope whatever your medical appointments were weren't anything serious. Beautiful pictures. I'm not an early riser, though back in my hospital days I used to be. Always had to be a work by 7am for the first shift and remember seeing pretty skies on my way to work. Now I like sleep more...maybe it's the age that has made the difference, who knows.

    1. Sandy: Time will tell whether the medical appointments are serious or not.. Fingers crossed. I would like to be able to sleep, but struggle.

  55. I hope that you and Batty do well, Sue! I never tire of skyscapes! Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos!

    1. Fundy Blue: Thank you. I never ever tire of the sky either. And have folder after folder of photos.

  56. Such a lovely set of skies. I love the pink clouds. To read that you still have some frost and the thought of it makes me feel cooler. I just received a “heat advisory” on my phone, to last 2 more days. Right now they say it feels like 105 F (40.4 C.)

    1. vagabonde; I have been watching the temperatures from your side of the world with horror. I hope you get some relief soon - and thank you for your detailed and beautiful posts.

  57. Good morning on this lovely day and last weekend in August of this year, how can that be I ask? I am also a morning person, there's something so majestic about being out early with my pups, sometimes my Peacock will join in his voice, but not just the glow of the sky, or fog cover on some mornings, but the smell in the air, and how it can bring me to other wonderful memories or thoughts, and even that gentle breeze across my face, it really puts me right there in the moment. All worries and woes aside, it's truly the way to begin the day. Take care of you and your loved ones human and not! Kitties to cuddle for sure!

    1. 21 Wits: You are so right that the sounds and scents of the early morning are special (with the exception of the kitty litter trays that I also deal with early). This morning there is sunshine and bird song to start my day. Have a wonderful quirk filled week.
