Sunday Selections, brought to us by Kim, of Frogpondsrock, is an ongoing theme where participants post previously unused photos languishing in their files.
Anyone can join in, just post your photos under the Sunday Selections title, link back to Kim, then add your name to her Linky list at Frogpondsrock.
I have been featuring the birds who visit us for the last few weeks and, judging by my huge collection of bird photos, could do so indefinitely.
I am going with Eastern Rosellas today. They are quite small birds, but bring vibrant splashes of colour when they visit. The female is slightly less bright than the male, but they both seem to bring the sunshine with them. Not really birds with character oozing from their pores (do birds have pores?) but enchanting just the same. They apparently mate for life, and this first couple do look to be deeply attached to each other.
This is not strictly within Kim's guidelines, but I hope she won't mind.
So pretty...how lucky you are to have such beautiful, colourful birds visit you.
ReplyDeleteI dont mind at all :) We have Eastern Rosellas about a kilometre down the hill. The country is more open there and I often see them on the edges of the paddocks.I love their colours. I wonder if I am too high up for them or if the bush is too thick? We have lots of green Rosellas which the old timers call Mountain Parrots.
ReplyDeleteSo bright and gloriously colourful! I love the close-up of the chap in the tree, with his fluffy yellow pantaloons... the one on the pathway is handsome too, very serious and watchful.
ReplyDeleteI hope you're feeling better and less tired, EC :)
mybabyjohn/Delores: They are a joy and we know how lucky we are to have them come by.
ReplyDeletefrogpondsrock: I am glad you didn't mind. We don't get the green rosellas here at all. Our easterns stop by briefly most days though.
Alexia: He is great isn't he? And the one on the pathway was watching bits of apple which he WANTED, but the bigger birds will always win. The easterns are quite low on the pecking order.
Thank you. I am still tired and still feel a little like a space cadet but the pain medication is starting to kick in. Which is lovely.
they look like a cockatiel with parrot colors... how fun to be so colorful!
ReplyDeleteI don't know how they do it (being birds and all) but they do seem to be deeply in love. What a great pair! Thank you so much for sharing them. I am really enjoying this bird journey you are sharing.
ReplyDeleteBonza photos i especially like the Rosella with a beak full of apple in the second last photo :-).
ReplyDeleteSherri Stakes: We think they look a bit like a budgergar on steroids - but the colours are amaing.
ReplyDeleteDJan: They did look to be in love didn't they? I am glad you are enjoying it.
Windsmoke: Thanks - they really, really like apple.
I really love your colourful birds. If I ever make it to Tassie I'm bring spare camera batteries and a huge memory card.
ReplyDeleteThey are so colourful. Love that tender first shot!
ReplyDeleteRiver: Tassy has some wonderful birds but I am in Canberra. They are beautiful here too.
ReplyDeleteladyfi: It is tender isn't it?
Oh you are so lucky to have these bright coloured birds all around you. They must brighten up the dullest day. Gorgeous! ;-)
ReplyDeleteThey look as if they are having a household discussion in that first photo. They are lovely and very nice that the female gets to have bright feathers, too. (Unlike cardinals.)
ReplyDeleteOh, my god, you have birds that beautiful just wandering around loose!
ReplyDeleteThere are so colorful! I feel happier when I look at them :)))
ReplyDeleteCarolina: They do brighten each and every day.
ReplyDeleteLynn: The female's feathers are not quite as bright as those of her partners - but still lovely.
Snowbrush: Yes - and visiting us most days which is even better.
Ken.G: They make us happier too.
And the colors are amazing.
ReplyDeleteAbe Lincoln: They are aren't they, but is amazing how well they can conceal themselves in the grass if they have their heads down.
ReplyDeleteHow could u learn bird's sex ?
ReplyDeleteBird of Sun: Welcome. I cannot tell the sex of lots of the birds that visit us. However bird books tell us that the female eastern's plumage is not as bright as that of the male - and when you see them together the difference is clear. I really like to see either or both of them anyway.
ReplyDeleteMitzi: They are aren't they?
Marvellous! Such bright and cheery birds. Love these photos!
ReplyDeleteKaren: Thank you.
ReplyDeleteI Love seeing the colorful birds!! Special love these 2 seem to have:)
ReplyDeleteKim@Stuff: They do look to be devoted to each other. Thanks Kim.
ReplyDeleteOkay...I'm looking out in my yard and all I've got are brown birds out there. So what do toss out there to attract such colorful feathers? A dead cat?
ReplyDeletebarbfroman: One of the other Australian bloggers calls your brown birds LBJ's (little brown jobs) because they move too fast to identity. We have them here too, and I have stolen her phrase. The eastern rosellas are very partial to sunflower seeds, grain more generally and green apple. I think (but wouldn't bet the farm on it) they would not eat your dead cat - though they may do a victory dance and crap on its remains.
ReplyDeleteYour bird photos are fantastic. So many beautiful, colorful birds where you are.
ReplyDeleteDenise: Thank you - we love them and spend hours every day enjoying them.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe that these are wild birds, not birds in a zoo.
ReplyDeleteFriko: I haven't even seen them in pet shops or zoos. Just flitting around the garden. Truly lovely birds.
ReplyDeleteThe colours in #2 & #3 are just popping off the screen, really, really vibrant :)
ReplyDeleteMade it, finally. So frustrating only seeing half a picture last week :(
permanently amanda: I'm glad you could finally make it. The easterns are truly vibrant, but it is amazing how good their camoflague is if they have their heads down.