Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Sunday 31 March 2019

Sunday Selections #422

Sunday Selections was originally brought to us by Kim of Frogpondsrock, as an ongoing meme where participants could post previously unused photos languishing in their files.
The meme is now continued by River at Drifting through life.  The rules are so simple as to be almost non-existent.  Post some photos under the title Sunday Selections and link back to River.  River's hands have been giving her grief so she may or may not post her selections.  She will be missed, but I have returned to the blogosphere and will keep the meme warm for her.

Clicking on any of the photos will make them embiggen. 
Like River I usually run with a theme.   March is festival month in my city.  The two main ones are Enlighten and the Balloon Spectacular.  I went to them both.  My teensy concession to not feeling very well was that I only went to Enlighten once.

The buildings in the Parliamentary Triangle are illuminated, and there is also some quirky fun.

I will show you the illuminated buildings a little later, but today I am focussing on some of the quirky fun. 

I suspect these beasties lit up at night, but I didn't see them after dark,

The Night Noodle Markets were incredibly well patronised.  With huge queues and nowhere to sit, we gave them a big miss.

The jellyfish was back, and I believe there are others in the city as well.

The Dog Park was fun wasn't it?

I am not certain what this one represented but it was close to our Aboriginal Tent Embassy and seems to owe something to their artistic traditions and culture.

Everyone had the chance to be an angel.  I didn't see them but was told that a couple who were married at the nearby National Gallery came down in their wedding finery, waited in line and posed in the wings.  It was a gay wedding and the rainbow wings are entirely appropriate. 

These structures make me think of Easter Island but are interactive musical instruments (played very badly by the crowd).

Do you wonder that having discovered it a few years ago we keep coming back to Enlighten?  Neither of us like crowds, but this one is well behaved, and quirky fun is always welcome.


  1. First of all... welcome back! This makes me very happy!!! : ))
    It was, it seems to me, a fun outing. I would have joined you.

    1. Catarina: Thank you. It IS a fun outing and most years we go twice in an attempt (failed) to see it all.

  2. Hi, welcome back. As always, you've got some great photos. I would have loved to have seen them.

    1. Jamie Ghione: Thank you. Enlighten is a heap of fun (even for those of us who take the cheap route). I suspect some of the paid events are great too.

  3. Welcome back, Sue! This looks like a very enjoyable event and there were some high class dogs in the dog park. Like you I am not a big fan of crowds but sometimes, if its something you really want to do, it's worth while dealing with them. Hope to see you posting again soon.

    1. David M. Gascoigne: You are so right about crowds. I mostly avoid them, but for Enlighten (and the balloon festival) I am there. And thank you too.

  4. Replies
    1. Sandi: Aren't they lovely? They changed colour too.

  5. Welcome back EC! Once again I am jealous of the many exhibits and events that happen near you. I think I need to go to the annual rattlesnake rodeo this year just to have some pictures to post having never gone I have no idea what happens there, but it is in small town lower Alabama, so I am guessing snakes, fried food, heat and country western music.

    1. Anne in the kitchen: A rattlesnake rodeo? I hope no-one tries to ride them... And that the snakes and the people are safe. Pictures would be very, very welcome.

  6. Those are beautiful EC, the Dragonflies and dogs in lights. Perfect.

    1. Bob Bushell: It is fun isn't it? Perhaps next year they will feature cats...

  7. So very very nice to see you once again! And thanks for giving some perspective to the beasties; I was wondering about their size and then there were small people to give me an idea. And yes, I loved the neon doggies. Sending you lots and lots of love as you begin your fall wonders. :-)

    1. DJan: The beasties were big weren't they? I suspect they got quite heavy for the handlers too. Enjoy your spring - as I start to plan (and plant) for ours.

  8. That's one show i wouldn't want to miss, either. Beautiful.

    1. messymimi: It is fun, and most of it is free which is another win.

  9. So lovely to have you back Sue. I do love seeing your photo heavy posts and have greatly missed them. You give us all such a wonderful insight into our national capital and all that goes on around there. Sending many happy vibes your way. xx

    1. CountryMum: Thank you. There are several photo heavy posts coming up. Very photo heavy.

  10. My favorite are the snakedoctors. I've always loved them. You are lucky to live where they have such festivals. We have festivals but they usually sell food, crafts and the like.

    1. Ann Bennett: Snakedoctors? There was certainly food for sale, but not a lot else. I suspect that many of the people who came, like us, spent nothing other than the fuel to get there.

    2. Snakedoctors and dragonflies are the same. I just like what my grandmother and those before called them.

      I've friends that love to look at the crafts for sale. I've never been a fan of shopping. At this point in my life, I'm interested in unloading as much as I can. But, I will not get rid of my books.

    3. Ann Bennett: Thank you. I do love dragonflies and hadn't heard that name for them. Live and learn. I too like to look at craft but have almost total sales resistance. Except where books and plants are concerned.

  11. I remember the jellyfish. The lights are amazing. I can see why you go every year.

    1. Alex J. Cavanaugh: I enjoy the jellyfish and on a trip to town this week spotted one of them in there too.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Joanne Noragon: I read your comment on my email. And agree. The word has indeed been hijacked. So well that I rarely notice...

  13. I see why you go back, year after year. And, welcome back!

  14. It looks like fun. Feel better, EC! Good to see you again.

    1. Marie Smith: Thank you. It is fun, and I firmly believe we need to make room for fun (and silliness) in our worlds.

  15. Overwhelmed by the art & beauty in your area. Neon Dog Park was a hoot. The insects were great as well. SO. MUCH. GOOD. STUFF.

    1. Also: I hope you're feeling all right. Thinking of you from way over yonder. xx

    2. Bea: Neon Dog Park was fun. I particularly liked the piddling pooch - which probably says something about me.
      I am much the same but girdled in my big girl pants. About time too.

  16. Dear EC
    Thank you for taking us along. The dogs were indeed fun. I really liked the rainbow wings too.
    What a lovely exhibition.
    Best wishes

    1. Ellie Foster: I liked the wings and really liked that people were happy to wait in line to take their turn. And for the angel of the moment to have their photo taken by friends.

  17. A warm welcome back … lovely to see this post.
    You always show us a brilliant selection of photographs, and this looks such a good event.

    Take good care of yourself, my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Lowcarb team member ~Jan: Thank you so much. It is fun, and I am (finally) learning to pay more attention to myself. A lesson I hope sticks.

  18. Yes---- welcome back! I think a lot of people have been missing you, including -Bill

    1. Bill: The warmth and the wonder I have found here in the blogosphere humbles me and blows me away. Thank you.

  19. Welcome back EC! I missed you.

    What fun with these pictures. I was entranced!


    1. Wisewebwoman: Thank you so much. This really is a wonderful event. For ten days the city comes alive.

  20. I'm so pleased to see you back, EC - you were greatly missed! This is a wonderful selection of photos, full of colour, life and joy. Aren't people clever, to come up with such imaginative pieces? The Dog Park is fantastic; I especially like the Very Good Boy who is carefully not touching the hot dog(?) at his feet.

    I hope the cooler weather is helping you to feel better.
    Arohanui x

    1. Alexia: My heart went out to your country in the recent obscenity. I was so very impressed at how it was handled politically and by the people. When our country grows up I want it to be New Zealand.
      The cooler weather is lovely, but so far improvement is not a happening thing. I love the arboreal fireworks which come with autumn though.
      And yes, wasn't that dog a Very Good Boy.

    2. Thank you. It has been a horrible time, and this country will never be as it was before. However, it has been heartening to see the many acts of kindness and love which have buoyed people's spirits to some extent.

    3. Alexia: Heartfelt hugs and oceans of caring.

  21. There are some brilliant lighting displays but those insects really get me.

    1. Andrew: Get you in a good or a bad way? The former I hope.

  22. "Quirky fun" is the perfect description. What lovely bugs! And the dogs made me smile, especially the one peeing on the tree :)

    It's so nice to read a post from you. I wish you felt better, or even that you could look forward to feeling better. Hugs

    1. jenny_o: I am glad to hear that some one else smiled at the piddling pooch.
      And thank you. I will be fine. I have my big girl pants on and with luck the neurologist will have something new to offer when I see him at the end of May.

  23. Everything is so bright and cheerful.


    1. Janie Junebug: It was. And the crowd was cheerful too. Win/win.

  24. I think that's why I like the Pumpkin Fest we have in our area. Some of the pumpkins are quite lovely, and others quirky and fun. The orange lit displays are very pretty. Love the warm colors :)

    1. mshatch: I look forward to your Pumpkin Fest each year. Some of them are incredible, and all of them are clever.

  25. Welcome back!
    Love all the quirkiness. I would like the beasties in my yard and the illuminations are awesome. How memorable and fun for the couple who finished their wedding day with wings!

    1. River Fairchild: Many thanks to you too. The just married couple had won their wedding and reception in a competition. The angel wings were icing on the cake.

  26. It's good to have you back, EC. :)

    What fun...bright and cheerful...much more of the same is needed...everywhere.

    Take good care...catch-up cuddles for Jazz. :)

    1. Lee: Thank you. I always welcome colour and fun.

  27. It's all so colourful! I love the Neon Dog Park and the dragonflies at the beginning and those Angel Wings!
    I have some newly painful arthritis in finger joints now, so am keeping posting to a minimum until they settle down a bit.

    1. River: I am sorry to hear your finger joints have been hit now. I do hope they settle quickly.

  28. I think the brilliant night trees are my favourite.But the tent City comes close, too.
    Props to your City for embracing art.
    And to you, as I know the weather and the MS have been hell.

    1. dinahmow: I do love the trees, and the art, and the quirky fun. And thank you. The dread disease is not playing nicely at the moment, but I have donned my big girl pants...

  29. I am so happy to see you here!I have wondered how you were doing. Adapting to a new normal is a challenge in itself and I am sorry for the circumstances. I love all of these photos, such fun, and as someone said, very needed. Thank you!

    1. e: Thank you. This new normal (if this is what it is) wasn't on my wish list, but things could be a heap worse. And despite it being an outing which was hard on my body I am so glad that I did go to Enlighten. The pain/gain equation came firmly down on the positive side.

  30. \i loved seeing all the illuminations you showed us at night and the angel is really special

    1. Margaret Birding For Pleasure: The angel wings are a lovely touch aren't they?

  31. Hi EC - excellent to see you again and thanks for the earlier update - take care in the coming days and weeks; you seem to manage life the best way you can for you. Wonderful outing and I'm so pleased you decided to go and gave us a tour too - away from the milling masses. What fun ... love the exhibits ... the dog and cat park, the insects and those wings - all glorious. Thank you and so welcome back - with lots of thoughts and hope - cheers Hilary

    1. Hilary Melton-Butcher: Thank you. Enlighten is fun. I paid for the excursion, but it was a price well worth paying.

  32. Welcome back. Colourful photos indeed.

    1. Margaret-whiteangel: Thank you. A colourful festival is right up my alley.

  33. Welcome back!
    I'm pleased that you are getting out and about. You must be feeling a wee bit better which is good news

    1. kylie: Thank you too. The body is much the same, but I have pulled up my big girl pants and a better attitude.

  34. Very happy to see you're back! What a fun festival! I really hope I get to your part of the planet before I kick the bucket so I can see you world in person.

    1. Jono: I really hope you can get here too - and visit.

  35. glad to hear your voice again here; how wonderful, love all the animals, and the last photo reminds me of the small vases I make that dh calls 'michelin man' or 'grenades'. ha.

    1. Linda Starr: Michelin Man is a great description of those musical instruments. Thank you.

  36. Welcome back. Thanks for sharing those wonderful photos with us. I hope you are feeling better today. March Festival is a great tradition and I like the creativity.
    Hugs, Julia

    1. Julia: Festival month is lovely. There are endless things to do and see. Hugs to you too.

  37. Sheeeessss baaaaaaaacccccckkkkkk. Welcome back. I’ve missed your Sunday Selections.
    I might just drive over there and see that neon dog park.

    1. Rick Watson: I think that everyone who visited Neon Dog Park smiled. I know I did.

  38. Welcome back. You have been missed. Oh, this must be such a fun festival. Wish we had more like it here. What fantastic place you live.

    1. mxtodis123: Thank you. Festivals like this are an excellent antidote to the politicians who infect my city.

  39. Oh happy to see you back online. Hope you're feeling better. I completely understand going back to the event every year. I love the quirky art. Thanks so much for sharing it with us.

    1. Mason Canyon: Thank you. Enlighten is a must see for us, and I suspect it will be for a long time to come.

  40. As always you have shared some beautiful and colorful pictures. Loved the all.

    1. Granny Annie: Welcome back. I have missed your posts and was pleased to see one (and a half) this morning.

  41. You already know that I'm thrilled you're back, but more importantly, I sure hope you are feeling much better and pain free. I'm all in for quirky fun, and appreciate these pics so much! Hugs...RO

    1. RO: Quirkiness is always welcome isn't it? Pain remains but a better attitude helps. Denial. Not just a river in Egypt.

  42. I'm so glad you're back. I hope you're doing alright. The pictures are so great, wow.

  43. Huge thanks one and all. I missed you, and am humbled and grateful for the many, many messages of support.

  44. That is the coolest jellyfish I've ever seen, EC! Wow, I've missed you.

    1. John Wiswell: Thank you. It is a most excellent jellyfish isn't it? The colours change as you move under the tentacles too.

  45. I absolutely love the quirky fun, especially the dog park.
    I am thrilled that you're back and can't tell you how much I admire your spunk. It's amazing to me that even though you don't feel well, you push yourself to witness whimsy, art, nature and all that enriches your life.

    1. Myrna R.: Thank you - I would be foolish to pass up that which enriches my life. And it does.

  46. Hey EC!!!! Happy Dance! So happy you are back! You have been MISSED! I'm sorry to read about how you are doing. Take it easy, please!!! Know you are loved!!!
    I LOVE these photos! I love quirky fun! Puts a smile on my face!
    Big Hugs!

    1. Magic Love Crow: Megathanks. I am taking it easy - and share your love of quirky.

  47. What a feast for the eyes. I couldn't choose which I liked best but I think all the creatures - the dragon fly and the neon dogs - were the best.

    1. Kalpana Misra: I liked those too. Rather a lot.

  48. If I ever have the opportunity to travel to Australia, I hope it will be when the Enlighten festival is in full swing. I would love to see all these things in person. And I don't like crowds either :)

    I especially loved the Neon Dog Park!

    Welcome back. I missed you.

    1. Carol Kilgore: I hope you can travel this way. And Enlighten is a delightful time of year. It isn't (usually) too hot either.

  49. What fun! Had to laugh at the dog and the tree:)
    Welcome back.

  50. Looks like such a wonderful event. Great pictures


  51. Replies
    1. Author R. Mac Wheeler: And dogs, and trees, and the sky...

  52. How lovely your photos are! I saw insects like the ones up top at a garden center this weekend, only in much smaller versions.

    1. Snowbrush: Thank you. Did your smaller versions light up at night as I believe these did?

    2. No, no lights that I saw, but there were a lot of different ones.

    3. Snowbrush: I would like to see them. Insects are often fascinating (and beautiful).

    4. You know, I've been worried about you because I read that post about your health. Yet, here you are, so hopefully you're doing better.

      The ones I saw were of metal and were on sale at a garden center, so they were nothing like so beautiful as yours.

    5. Snowbrush: The body is much the same. Which scares me a little. The attitude is more positive since it seems to be the only thing I can change. I am glad that other people are drawn to such things in garden centres. I have almost total sales resistance except where books or gardens are concerned.

  53. Quirky fun is indeed always welcome and of course someone with a sense of humor had to make a neon dog relieving itself!!

    I thought the 3rd to last picture was great, I'm not sure you meant it (?) but it looks like the balloon is coming directly out of his ear:)

    PS: *Good* to see you around again!

    1. mark koopmans: It does look as if the balloon was coming out of his ear doesn't it? I hadn't noticed till your comment.
      Quirky fun never goes amiss with me.

  54. A great light show!

    The 'red trees' were exquisite.

    1. Susan Kane: It is. An annual great light show.

  55. Replies
    1. Sue in Italia/In the Land of Cancer: We do too. Each and every year.

  56. Quirky is good. The more quirk, the more fun.
    Thank you, EC.
    It's so nice to have you back.

    1. Rawknrobyn: Quirk is most excellent isn't it? And it is good to be back.

  57. Awesome. I like this post. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Kelly Steel: Thank you. I am glad you enjoyed it.

  58. What fun to see it with you! I love your wings

    1. Cloudia: Not my wings - though I loved them too.

  59. So glad to see you back here! Love those angel wings.

    1. Lady Fi: Thank you. Judging by the queues a LOT of people loved the chance to become a temporary angel.

  60. I love the metallic insects. So creative and fun.
    Hope your day is energetic, fun, and all around good.

    1. Sandra: They were excellent beasties weren't they? A quiet one today - I was on call until very late last night.

  61. Good morning, it's wonderful to see you've posted here, as you have been in my thoughts, and it's grand to see your posts. Which in fact quirky, artsy it's all wonderful to see and share with you. What a fun time for you and us!

    1. Karen S.: Thank you. Quirkiness is always welcome isn't it? And sometimes necessary.

  62. I love the angel wings! I would happily pose there for a photo.
    I love the neon dogs!
    I adore the winged bugs in the first pictures.
    And the jellyfish. And the pink trees. And those pointy things whatever they are. And I want to have some of those noodles. Oh my you have really served up a smorgasbord of treats with this post, I wish I could have been there too.
    And it's lovely to see you back on the internet. I hope that you are feeling well and you have some of your usual energy back again.

    1. Shammickite: If you visit your cousin again, try for March. The multi-cultural festival, Enlighten and the ballon Spectacular are always a treat. Thank you for asking. The body is much the same, but the attitude healthier.

  63. I love this event and your photos every year of it. The dog peeing on the tree is great! The jellyfish, love it every year. Did you do the angel wings photo? I would think butterfly or eagle wings before I'd think angel. Or unicorn wings. Or dragon.

    1. Strayer: I would most definitely line up for dragon wings. And perhaps buttefly ones too.

  64. I love the photos. And thanks for sharing about this event.

  65. Lovely photos. Love all that neon art.

  66. Thanks for sharing, I especially like that photo of the trees!

    1. Lon Anderson: Welcome back. There are more trees to come.

  67. I love the lights. Thanks for sharing

    1. Small Kucing. It is my pleasure and I am glad you liked them.

  68. Replies
    1. cleemckenzie: There is always room for whimsy isn't there?

  69. The shots of the trees...gorgeous.

  70. How interesting, the lighted dog actually looks like its going for a walk with its owner! I know, it must be alive!

    1. Spacer Guy: In some dimension it assuredly is alive.

  71. I love these after dark cuties. I like the angel wings best and would like to order

    1. T Powell Coltrin: Blessed blogger at work I suspect.

  72. Oops something happened on my last try.

    I love these after dark cuties. I like the angel wings best and would like to order the angel wings and put them in my yard. I always love your photographs!

    1. T.Powell Coltrin: Thank you. I liked the angel wings too, but Strayer got me thinking (in a comment above). I think I would like dragon wings in my yard.

  73. Happy, happy, happy I am to see you posting again. Wonderful photos, looks like an amazing event. I do love the flying bug, and the angel wings but every photo is great. Welcome back! :)
