Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wednesday 9 October 2019

Words for Wednesday

This meme was started by Delores a long time ago.  When she left us briefly we realised that the meme was too much fun to let go, and now Words for Wednesday is provided by a number of people and has become a movable feast.  I am very, very sad (and angry) to write that a troll has led Delores to leave us again.  She will be missed and I hope her meme continues. 

Essentially the aim is to encourage us to write.  Each week we are given a choice of prompts: which can be words, phrases, music or an image.   What we do with those prompts is up to us:  a short story, prose, a song, a poem, or treating them with ignore...  We can use some or all of the prompts.

Some of us put our creation in comments on the post, and others post on their own blog.  I would really like it if as many people as possible joined into this fun meme, which includes cheering on the other participants.  If you are posting on your own blog - let me know so that I, and other participants, can come along and applaud.

The prompts will be here this month (Margaret Adamson and her friends were to provide them, but she is travelling so we have swopped).

This week's prompts are:

  1. marble
  2. month
  3. ashamed
  4. zealous
  5. guide
  6. sassy


  1. scald
  2. rake
  3. simple
  4. plain
  5. grind
  6. obsequious 

Have fun


  1. I have not previously tried this - so here is my first attempt:

    While recovering from minor surgery, I embarked on an exercise routine to help my recovery. It was the month of July and it was hot and muggy, but I kept at it nonetheless. I was ashamed that I had been slacking off before my surgery and had put on a few pounds if the truth be told, However, as if to make amends, I was quite zealous in my new resolve and as I looked in the full length mirror by the front door I felt quite sassy as I notched my belt yet a little tighter. In order to make my walks interesting I bought a guide to local areas of interest and began to explore them all. On my way to a new trail I passed one of those big box stores and remembered that I needed a brace of some kind for an area of the fence that was sagging. As I meandered over to the section where the braces could be found I stopped to admire a whole array of marble counter tops, and wished that I had the funds to renovate the kitchen. That would have to wait for now – maybe forever!

    1. Wow! First attempt and first one to post too.
      Probably just beginner's luck. lol

    2. David Gascoigne: I am so glad you joined us this week. I really liked your take on the prompts, and wish that I was so zealous with my self improvement plans.

    3. Well done. My own self-improvement plans are nothing more than a memory now.

    4. Hi David - I can imagine you doing that ... especially the outdoor part, I'm surprised you didn't grab a laminated bird guide to help you rest and spot a few avian locals. I must say if I'd recently had an operation ... I'd have missed out on the box store visit - even if I needed the brace ... one can so easily get distracted eg with marble tops! Cheers Hilary

    5. Hilary Melton-Butcher: I love your clever comment - which is so apt for David.

  2. Replies
    1. nothoughtsnoprayersnonothing: I hope your zealous burning is triumphant and look forward to reading it.

  3. SPECIAL OFFER just for you Sami.
    You serve steaming hot espresso coffee to your bosses in fine china on a marble table. IF you get time for a cup it is in a cardboard cup (and is cold by the time you drink it). Are you tired of being obsequious to them? Are all your zealous hours of work benefiting them and not you? Do you long to let fly and tell them (in scalding tones) what you really think of them?
    This is your month. Step away from the grind stone and rake in the money.
    Want to know more?
    For just one payment of $100, we will send you the guide to your life of luxury. The life YOU deserve.
    Come on, what are you waiting for?
    A fresh start for your sassy self is just one click away...

    Sami was having a terrible day in a long string of bad days. She did click.
    She was ashamed of herself immediately. Plain and simple - the offer was too good to be true. Her only consolation? No-one else knew how stupid she had been. The $100 she couldn't afford was a small price to pay. And she would never, ever open any SPECIAL OFFER emails again.

    1. It's a sad truth that there are plenty of people out there willing to take advantage of people like Sami.

    2. An excellent story, but a sad one. I've known too many naive people who got sucked in just like Sami - those scammers make my blood boil!

    3. Diane Henders: Sadly the people who get hit are almost always those who can least afford it. They make my blood boil too.

  4. laurie: I hope that lots of stories emerge - and that yours is one of them. Yes, I am hinting.

  5. Enjoy this every week. ♥️

    1. Agreed! Wouldn't all the entries bound with a leather jacket make a nice coffee table book?

    2. Cloudia: It is a fun meme, and some day we will tempt you to join the fun.

    3. nothoughtnoprayersnonothing: Now that is a thought. It would be a BIG book, but fun-filled.

  6. I enjoyed this last time, good training for writing a short story!

    'Walking bare foot and fresh robed across the veined marble floor, at a time of month when the Gods and Goddesses were to return, I felt fearful of retribution and ashamed. I had argued in the Senate that we needed no Gods to interfere in our affairs, that their gilded statues cost too much and drained our coffers of gold needed for our wars with the Ephesians. But the zealous, the bold and sassy amongst us, who'd fought in the streets for the honour of their chosen Goddess, lit the lamps, began the ritual pouring of the wine, and waited for the dawn.

    1. lostinimaginaryworlds: The world you sketched here is so very real. I can see and hear it.

    2. We argue in vain against belief, it seems we are wired for it. Well told!

    3. Hi Carole - that's taken us off to another world ... cleverly done ... loved it. Cheers Hilary

  7. Working on it now, will come back to read whoever has left a story in the comments after i've written mine.

    1. messymimi: Looking forward to reading your story, and your return comments.

  8. Happy Writing and Word Prompt Fun!

  9. I met him at a bingo game. When he saw how often my card won, he became somewhat obsequious and said, “Ah, you must be such a fine lady—sweet and nice I bet—to have Fate reward you like this.” His words and manner so annoyed me that, without thinking, I took a great gulp of my scalding hot Earl Gray tea and sputtered my card.

    As he continued his outrageous compliments, I began to grind my teeth. Then, with a few simple words, I uttered the plain truth: “Yes, I’m the Bingo Queen. I have the uncanny ability to recognize flummery when I hear it, you sweet-talking rake you!” With that, he slunk away.


    1. Dee: Love it - and it is not what I expected. I hope that man learns his lesson - and that Bingo Queen continues to reign.

    2. She's fabulous, i'd like to know her!

    3. Hi Dee - loved this ... well done ... not often the rake walks away - but under the Bingo Queen's steely gaze most of us would quietly disappear. Congratulations - Hilary

    4. Long live the Bingo Queen and her quick wits ... and yours.

  10. I always get a chuckle or at least a smile from these prompts. I love the imagination the words generate. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Mason Canyon: It is a heap of fun, and I am so grateful that Delores started it for us.

  11. interesting words and i wonder if Delores change her mind

    this is absolutely fun meme dear EC !

    in the month of October while walking on sassy drenched marble made i fell so hard .his reaction to action seemed zealous . felt ashamed because i was suppose to guide my guest to the gate
    sorry for rough and not so poetic one
    just quick spontaneous phrase :)
    blessings !

    1. baili: It is lovely to have you join us. And I really liked your story. Accidents happen to us all (particularly me).
      I do hope Delores does change her mind. We will have to wait and see.

    2. Hi Baili - I could see this happening ... she was obviously anxious and excited and thus slipped on the glassy marble floor - rescued by her guest - the way it happens sometime. Fun ... splat! Cheers Hilary

  12. That's quite a list. Obsequious? hmmm.

  13. Some great stories here. I'll have to get my thinking cap on.

    1. River: I am sure your thinking cap is up to the task.

  14. Hi EC - 2nd set ...

    Oh bother … she’d scalded herself from dropping her boiled egg back into the pan … splattering the boiling water over her hand. She’d just put her hand under the cold tap and let the water take the sting out of the scald.

    The gardener was out in the garden slowly raking the leaves …he was an obsequious fellow – a plain man from the village … but happy to have a job with her, relieving the grind from some of the garden works.

    The burn was easing … she was just lucky she was able, standing at the kitchen sink, to look out over her little garden as Autumn prevailed watching nature unfold, rest, reburgeon towards the fullness of Summer … now with help she’ll manage.

    The pleasures of a simple life left her feeling content with her lot.

    Cheers Hilary

    1. That business about the egg has happen to me.
      I read your story out loud. (I rarely do that.) I'm not literary critic!! .... but it flows so nicely. Sounds like it came right out of a novel I would like to read or rather have read to me. (no kidding!)

    2. Thank you ... I spotted a couple of places I could have made some minor improvements ... but left it. It was made up on the spur of the moment - but appreciate your comment - it sort of came from the heart. Cheers Hilary

    3. Hilary Melton-Butcher: Minus the burn, I love the picture your words painted. And love a simple life too.

    4. Echoing nothoughtsnoprayersnonothing. It's like a bit of a novel, It reminded me of The Little Broomstick by Mary Stewart. Something about that autumny feel and the busy gardener, I think. It is very well written, almost like a picture in words.

  15. This was quite a list of words and then some great stories in the comments!

    1. Nas: There were, weren't there - and there always are.

  16. I should be ashamed of my Wednesday post, but I'm not!

    A shameless little announcement
    To keep you up to date
    I have started a wee new blog
    And I know you just can't wait

    It's sure to be of interest
    Of that there's no debate
    Come along and follow me
    To see what I create

    Hurry now don't delay
    You it will captivate
    I will follow you right back
    'Cause I think your blog's top rate

    1. nothoughtnoprayersnonothing: Shame is NOT what you should be feeling. I really enjoyed this.

    2. Nice one. Adveritisement for your blog and praise for EC's blog all rolled into a fine poem.

  17. @ NTNPNN!! I enjoyed the poem ... definitely one thing that doesn't come into my writerly frame ... good luck with keeping on with blogging ... lots to learn about so many subjects - cheers Hilary

  18. Replies
    1. Rick Watson: You surprise me. I hope that some week the words will spur your writing self on.

  19. I'm ashamed to admit I've been pulled into the zealous Marble Month craze. Could it possibly have anything to do with the sassy guide at the national park who is a marble aficionado?

    1. Sandra Cox: I suspect that guide has a lot of afficionardos - and liked your take on the prompt.

    2. Haha, in the beginning I thought this to be an excuse for not doing WfW :) I like this.

  20. I joined in this week. Here's my little tale :)

    The marble flooring felt good on her feet. It had been so hot and humid this month. She felt ashamed that she was such a wimp and could not handle the climate, when everyone around around her seemed as cool as a cucumber. They were zealous, running around as though it was 50 degrees outside, yet she was struggling. Their guide was sassy, not usually someone she would take too, and yet not judging a book by its cover, found that he was sympathetic, and he gave her one of those electric fans to help her. She appreciated his kindness more than words could say.

    1. DeniseinVA: I am so glad your busy schedule let you join us this month. I too am a hot weather wimp and related to this story. Hooray for kindness.

    2. I like the expression "not judging a book by its cover" Thanks for teaching me this jewel.

  21. After the hard grind of the past month I had no time or patience to put up with the sassy behaviour of the over-zealous guide.

    His obsequious attempts to win favour were sickening to say the least. And then, as if with a flick of a switch, he became a licentious rake with no conscience or respect for others whatsoever.

    Plain and simple, he should have been ashamed of himself, but he was oblivious to the feelings of the members of the group. He had a heart of marble, and a mind of a fool.

    Tears of frustration scalded my eyes as I turned and walked away. I’d seen and heard enough. I needed to leave immediately before I said or did something to ruin everyone else’s day.

    1. Lee: My grumpy self probably would have said something. Perhaps a lot of somethings...

    2. Me, too, EC...if I found myself in that situation! I'd not hold back!! lol

    3. Great take Lee - really inspiring ... I can see 'him' ... cheers Hilary

    4. Yes, we all know one of these. Well written. I'd have left as well.

  22. I love that the meme is still going on. I have an appointment I need to get ready for but I'll be sure to participate the next time around :)


    1. Elsie Amata: I hope your appointment goes well, and look forward to you joining us again when you can.

  23. I've come across sassy bloggers, sassy planners and more when visiting Instagram. More great words to ponder! Hugs, RO

    1. RO: I am a big fan of sassiness, but don't always achieve it. Hugs received and reciprocated.

  24. ... and now I have read all your fine stories, poems, book chapters and so on. Procrastinating and woolgathering. And what has happened to my own writing ... well theres one whole sentence in my document still. I hope to return with more productive news later.

    1. Uglemor: I do hope that your brain and your life allow you to play again soon. I always enjoy your stories. And a comment you have made has influenced next week's prompts.

  25. Replies
    1. Lowcarb team member ~Jan: Thank you. They are great to read, each and every week.

  26. Well done Everyone! Thanks EC! Big Hugs!

    1. Magic Love Crow: Huge thanks for your support. It helps.
