Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Sunday, 26 July 2020

Sunday Selections #491

Sunday Selections was originally brought to us by Kim, of Frogpondsrock, as an ongoing meme where participants could post previously unused photos languishing in their files.

Huge thanks to Cie who gave me this wonderful Sunday Selections image.
The meme was then continued by River at Drifting through life.  Sadly she has now stepped aside (though she will join us some weeks), and I have accepted the mantle.
The rules are so simple as to be almost non-existent.  Post some photos under the title Sunday Selections and link back to me. Clicking on any of the photos will make them embiggen. 
I usually run with a theme.  This week I am going to revert to type again.  Skyscapes.  

Starting with a jet trail at sunset.

 If you embiggen you may see a flock of birds wending their way home.

And then to photos from just before to just after a single soft dawn.

In other news, our PC has been in the hands of two separate computer boffins this week.  It is, at the moment, sort of functional but we have been told that it is old, tired and on its last wobbly legs (like its owners).

Essentially we need a new one.  Himself has reluctantly agreed but wants to have one built to meet his specifications.  If I apparently disappear it will almost certainly be 'puter related.  My phone is also old and tired and I refuse to even attempt to post using that medium.  I will try and schedule Words for Wednesday to appear on the appropriate day.  

I am sooooo not looking forward to transferring things like photos/documents/contact lists/purchased programs to the new and improved model.

Stay well, stay safe.


  1. Buenos contraluces , con unos espectaculares cielos,

  2. Oh, look! I'm early!
    Many people are counting on you to persevere through your computer tribulations. I know you can kick ass... or at least muddle your way to victory. *says the cheering section not close enough to help*
    Your two trees on the top of the hill look like they've declared themselves king and queen of all they survey. Or maybe my imagination has taken flight. Again. ;)
    Hugs and stay safe. Give Jazz a scritch for me.

    1. River Fairchild: You are indeed early (and welcome). Muddling through is an accurate description of my life.
      The twin trees are close to home and often feature in my skyscapes.
      Jazz graciously accepts his scritch this morning but suggests that you don't get complacent.

    2. I am NEVER complacent when it comes to Jazz and his mercurial acceptance of his due homage. ;)

    3. River Fairchild: Wise decision. When Jazz asks to go out in a little while (when it is light) he is going to be very unhappy about the weather. His mood is going to reflect that unhappiness.

  3. Good luck on your new computer, which will be a work in progress that you will quickly be so thankful for! Your sky photos are always so enchanting, the billowing cloud formations and the things we can see in them, amazing skies. Stay safe, watch those skies and take good care of you.

    1. 21 Wits: I hope you are right about the 'puter. It is something we have been putting off.
      I always marvel at the skies. It is not light here yet but we have gentle rain. 'Productive' grey skies will come into view later.

  4. Dear EC
    Good luck with the computer. We had to get a new one as our previous one was not being supported by Microsoft any more (rude). Luckily, we had a very helpful IT chap from work who helped us.
    Those skies are so beautiful.
    Best wishes and I hope you have a good week.

    1. Ellie Foster: I am smiling at your comment about the rudeness of Microsoft. Snap.
      Thank you and I hope you and your garden having a blooming lovely week.

  5. I love skyscapes and yours are beautiful! Good luck with the new computer. Get the tech guys to transfer everything over to the new one from your old one.

    1. Karen: Skyscapes are always a treat aren't they? The tech guys are indeed transferring data (but I worry).

  6. I use google photos and all my stuff is backed right up!
    Adore these wonderful gentle shots, S

    1. Cloudia: Thank you. I am a big, big fan of gentle skies.
      Our photos are safe. Emails, contact lists, bookmarks, documents may be a different matter.

  7. What wonderful skyscapes you have. I wish you all the best for the new computer. Luckily I have found out that you have been blogging for years so if you do not show up, I can read what you wrote in the past, but I hope to see you back soon.

    1. Charlotte (MotherOwl): Thank you. On all counts.

  8. When we look at skies, my mother and I have a joke that we wish we were painters. My mom was corrected by her aunt who was only about 5 years older than her that an artist painted skies. Painters painted houses. Mom was 16. The aunts also asked my mother to not tell everybody about driving a tractor. My mother loved driving a tractor. No one knew they were all a bunch is hillbillies, right?

    With a new puter, you will be as good as new for awhile. I would get a secondary drive to store my photos and files on. My original computers all seemed to work better than the new fangled ones. Or at least they did for me. I wish you better luck than I my friend. I go through a laptop a year.

    1. Ann Bennett: I wonder whether that aunt continued her bossy ways. Driving a tractor sounds like a useful skill to me - something to be proud of. And yes, there are painters and there are artists (and sometimes both of them paint skyscapes.
      We have been good about storing photos on a back-up drive. Documents less so. A lesson which I hope is not tooo painful.

  9. your sky is amazing love from Poland

  10. Heavy constant rain has fallen here since the early hours of the morn. It has now ceased to just a slow, intermittent drizzle.

    I hope your computer problems are fixed sooner than later, EC...with no annoying complications!

    I also hope the coming week treats you kindly. Take good care...cuddles to Jazz. :)

    1. Lee: We also had some blissful rain overnight - and it is continuing. Jazz is not happy. The garden and I are.
      Fingers crossed on the 'puter front. Have a great week with your furry overlords.

  11. If it gives you any comfort, Sue, we went through this transformation last month, and I am amazed how smoothly it went. The new machine is up and running well, and is so much faster than our old clunker, colour resolution is better etc. Once it has been done you will be so glad!

    1. David M. Gascoigne: I hope you are right. I really hope you are right.

  12. Beautiful photos of the sky and I'm always delighted at the perfect combination of colors of the sky shots. Nature never makes a mistake.

    Good luck with the transfer of data to your new computer. I never transfered data from one computer to another and had my son in law do it for me but since then, I no longer can access my old email and when I when I want to share from an email, I have to do it manually. Very annoying. My old email was one we use for the company and I can no longer access e-statements for the company and I don't know how to fix it.

    Enjoy the weekend.
    Hugs, Julia

    1. Julia: Your residual problems are precisely what I am afraid of - I don't want to lose data and I really, really don't want to love contact lists. The sky is a comfort though.

  13. I hear you about transferring everything to a new computer. Hateful business! Take care EC.

    1. Marie Smith: It is. The old days of paper had some advantages. Which is my dinosaur self talking.

  14. I can see the flock of birds. That is the kind of thing I would not notice in my own photos. The majestic tree photos are good. Good luck with the new computer and when you become frustrated with something when setting up, remember back to how pc things were much harder.

    1. Andrew: I had the advantage that I had been watching the birds go home - but wasn't at all sure I had caught them.
      I do hope that the new 'puter is an improvement. Bigly I hope it.

  15. I saw the flock of birds. These were beautiful sky snapshots.
    As for the computer transfer, well, you could prolly talk himself into doing it for you, hmmmm?

    1. J C: I am glad you saw the birds.
      Sadly himself is no more proficient with the PC than I am - though his confidence is greater.

  16. Beautiful cloudscapes, EC. Thank you for bringing beauty and interest into our Sunday mornings, week after week.

    I bought my first computer in 1980, so I have had to do quite a number of transfers to new ones! I'm sure all will go well.
    I hope you have a good week.

    1. Alexia: As I have often said I am addicted to beauty - and happy to share it.
      We have had a number of PCs too, but it is the change of operating system AND the physical replacement which is worrying me this time.

  17. Gorgeous photos. Sorry for your pc woes. I hope all is sorted quickly. Have a safe week.

    1. e: Thank you. I hope your weeks is safe and happy (and free of pornographic Zoomsters).

  18. I love your sky pix this week!
    Perhaps your computer guru can transfer your files for you, if the format isn't too, too old.

    1. Joanne Noragon: The format is certainly old. The store we are getting the PC built in has promised to transfer the data. I am anxious though.

  19. Those are some astoundingly lovely skies.

    Good luck with the new tech, my photos will be over here, but if you cannot get to them, or get there and cannot comment, no worries.

    1. messymimi: I hope I can get to AND comment on your post. At the moment (the old) PC is playing nicely. Of course.

  20. The soft dawn is beautiful and I really hope the new computer goes smoothly for you. If it does, you'll wonder how you ever managed with the old one!

    1. kylie: I hope you are right. Logically I know you are right - which doesn't reduce the anxiety. And thank you re the dawn, which is my favourite time of day.

  21. I don't know what sky I like best. The evening at twilight when the sky turns a lovely grayish purple, or the early morning sky with the same grayed purple and a few blush streaks here and there. Both are so beautiful, but I really think I like twilight best, especially summer twilight because I can be outside and "wear" it (humidity and all)

    1. Anne in the kitchen: I like them both - but am more likely to be out in the dawn. I would hate to give either of them up though.

  22. Some amazing pictures there..

  23. I hate that computer failure horror, reentering passwords, file transfer, getting to know the new one. Once the last one failed here, someone sent me a refurbished one off Amazon. Cost $100 is all and has now been working I think three years of so. I'd never get a new one again, not worth how much they cost.

    1. Strayer: This one has lasted us well over ten years and possibly longer. One of the techno boffins pulled up a screen on it which said its motherboard was 250 per cent of its expected life.
      I hadn't even thought of passwords and hope they carry over.

    2. That is so funny--250 % of expected life. BE nice if that could be eventually said of you or I.

    3. Strayer: I sadly fear that if I was to reach that level I would be like the PC and more or less functioning at best. Which I would hate.

  24. I LOve all your skyscapes Sue and really could not pick a favourite. AH! Computers! I needed a new laptop and I have a "computer man" and he asked me my requirements, said he was going in the direction of a computer shop that very day, did I want him to look for one and phone me, I said Great, he did so, brought a new one home, I left him my old one and he transferred everything over. Hey presto! No hassle and that is the way I like it. Ok you will pay a bit more for his service but it was really worth it and I was only without my laptop for a couple of days and in that time was leant another one. Perhaps you should think along those lines and take the hassle out of your life. yes knee now nearly back to normal but not taking any chances. Stay safe and have a good week ahead.

    1. Margaret Birding For Pleasure: I am really glad that your knee is improving and that you are not taking chances.
      We have taken the 'transfer option' but I am anxious. This is the first time we have used this firm and the cost is minimal.

  25. I hung onto my old one as long as I could. It was running windows XP. When I got a new one I thought, 'spend a little money and make this one last as long as I can'. I jumped to windows 10 with an i7 processor, 16 gig of ram, and a 1TB hard drive. That was 4 years ago! It seems like last year but it is still hanging in there. It should make it to 10 years or more also.

    1. Mike: The one we are reluctantly replacing is running Windows 7. We too are upgrading to 10 and hope the machine lasts.

  26. Oh wow, those photos are amazin'! 😃 You captured the nature very well, without the Sun visible anywhere. 👌🏻

    1. Hot guys: Thank you. The sun was there, but in most of them she was not fully up.

  27. Transfer everything to an external hard drive before the computer kicks the bucket. Then just transfer from that to the new computer and only what you need at the time.
    I like the pretty soft dawn, but love the storm clouds that followed.

    1. River: I have no idea how to transfer things like email contact list or bookmarks on my browser. Those clouds didn't bring a drop of rain, but we have had a delightful day of it today.

  28. Strange to think as little as twenty years ago a personal computer wasn't considered a necessity.

    1. River: I know. A long time ago I (mentally) sneered when a work colleague said that she couldn't afford a PC for her son, and he would be behind in his education. It is so very true now.

  29. Beautiful sky, but the sky is always dead gorgeous.
    Good luck with the new computer - I usually get mine custom made also, but my laptop is not.
    Take care.

    1. Margaret D: Thank you - I agree with you about the sky.
      No lap top here. Yet.

  30. Lovely silhouettes... I keep all my music and photos on plug in portable drives, with many gigs of space. And they are backed up. When I got my present desktop (which I love) it only took a few hours to load programs. My old laptop works OK, but is slower than frozen molasses. I use it primarily to listen to music through an appropriate DAC into my sound system. These things are not built to last forever. Keep your files separate. And thanks for your lovely words when you stop by.

    1. Bill: Our photos are on portable drives too. And backed up. Documents haven't been (a mistake). Thank you - and be sure that I don't say anything about your photos that I don't feel and mean.

  31. Lovely photos and the colours are beautiful too. Good luck with your new computer, I hope you get what you want and need. I hate it when I have had to learn the intricacies of a new one.

    1. Rosie: Thank you. I am a bit of a luddite and new technology makes my brain hurt.

  32. Hi EC - I feel for you ... just added effort ... I sincerely hope the pc can be quickly acquired ... perhaps you can get 'this one' pared down, so that you can use it for the blog with your things on it ... while the 'family' one can be set to himself's spec - which you can access at times ...

    Hope all goes well and see you when you return ... xoxo

    1. Hilary Melton-Butcher: Sadly I don't think this PC is well enough to sustain the blog. Sigh.
      Take care.

    2. Sorry to read that ... hope things get/got sorted - I'm now having challenges - hope to sort out later today. Stay safe ... H

    3. Hilary Melton-Butcher: I am sorry to hear that you are beset with challenges and hope that you triumph. soon.

  33. The sky is changing, adore them. I hope everything computer wise.

    1. Bob Bushell: I never, ever tire of the sky... Thank you.

  34. It is lovely when the clouds and sky change colours at dawn and even at sunset. Lovely pinks to the moody grey clouds. I am also very apprehensive about new gadgets and stuff, we are not born into the IT generation, thus have to "wobble" our way along. Good Luck.

    1. kestrel: You are so right about the wobble along trajectory.
      I do love cloud watching and hope I am never too old and jaded to get pleasure from it.

  35. Stunning and soothing pictures to start my day, and I thank you. Wen I lost my computer last year, I was crying and dying inside, so I can totally relate. Not many people would go for handwritten blogs, but I sure wish we could find a way!(lol) Hugs, RO

    1. RO: I hear you. I am endlessly grateful to the internet for the information/places/people it brings me. It became an essential so quickly and I totally understand the crying/dying when that access is at risk.

  36. Oh how I love these gorgeous sky photos... isn't it wonderful how the sky is everchanging? I could just sit and watch it for hours and hours!😊😊
    I really hope you get your computer problems sorted soon. I can truly sympathize with your concerns about having to transfer all your photos, documents, etc. onto another device. That would scare the hell out of me too!😨
    Very best of luck...🍀🍀🍀

    Have a great day...and stay safe!

    Love and hugs ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

    1. Ygraine: I DO spend a lot of time watching the sky and feel very little guilt. I have my fingers crossed on the computer front. Tightly.
      Hugs to you too.

  37. Schöne Bilder vom Himmel es gibt immer was zu sehen am Himmel. Wünsche viel Erfolg beim neuen Computer.


  38. Incredible nature photos❤

  39. Ack! I hate switching computers and phones. May the 'puter and phone force be with you:)
    Beautiful skyscapes as always.
    Stay safe. Be healthy.

    1. Sandra Cox: Thanks for the 'puter wishes. You stay safe and healthy too.

  40. I always love your Skyscape photos. Such beauty. Good luck with your computer issues. It's a pain to move everything from one computer to another. Take care and don't let it stress you out too much.

    1. Mason Canyon: I revel in skyscapes and am trying (hard) not to stress. Thank you.

  41. Beautiful skyscapes! I agree with you: nothing worse than transferring stuff to a new computer.

    1. gigi-hawaii: It is a blight isn't it - and something we have all had to do.

  42. I totally understand not wanting to transfer all the stuff from one to the other. And I really enjoyed seeing your dawn pictures especially. Hope you make the transition and we'll be seeing you as usual next week. :-)

  43. Good luck with the transition, supremely stressful and time consuming. A good, honest and cheap tech makes all the difference. I wish I could ship mine to you. Also check out Backblaze cloud back up for less stress in retrieving all your stuff when (never if) necessary. Reasonable and makes a huge difference to peace of mind.

    Love today's photos.


    1. Wisewebwoman: I haven't heard of Backblaze before. Thanks for the tip.
      A grey dawn today - with gentle rain. I suspect when the sun emerges there will be little to see.

  44. Your photos are beautiful, I love how the sun reflects the pink on the clouds! Oh that really sucks about your computer...I HATE changing/transferring/updating/installing...it wastes practically an entire day at best! Good luck with it!

    1. Rain: Thank you. How did we ever become so dependent on computers...

  45. I hate having computer problems. I had a computer die on us back when we first started using one and I lost everything on it. I loved the sky pictures.

    1. Mary Kirkland: Thank you. I really, really hope we can save most of our files.

  46. I adore the pic of the tall trees with the pink sky behind them. I despise having to all transfer date from one computer to another. So time consuming!

    1. mshatch: Skyscapes have been (as they always are) a solace.
      The transfer is still doing my head in. I am now trying to work out how many programs I am going to have to re-install. Shudder.

  47. The skies are gorgeous, and all of your photographs were lovely to see ...

    I wish you good luck with your new computer. I'm sure everything will be ok eventually, but it can be time consuming.

    Hope the week ahead will be a good one :)

    All the best Jan

    1. Lowcarb team member ~Jan: Thank you. On both counts.
      I hope you and Eddie have a lovely week.

  48. Love your photos. Good luck with getting a new one and transferring everything. I need to get a new laptop later this year and am worried about transferring everything too.

    1. Natalie Aguirre: Thank you. The firm we are buying the PC from has said that they will (for a price) transfer files. I am still worried though - and not looking forward to re-installing programs.

  49. What beautiful photos! We have had some stunning sunrises and sunsets around Brisbane lately but it's been hard to capture them as we have a lot of other houses around us and don't get many uninterrupted views! Nice to admire the bits we can see though! :)

    Good luck with the new computer! I like to hold onto my computers as long as possible as they can be a pain to get setup just how I like them sometimes!

    Hope that you had a lovely weekend! :) We had a nice day yesterday at the photo studio picking out some photos after our family photo shoot last week!

    Away From Blue

    1. Mica: I hope you will share your photos when you receive them. Himself has family in Brisbane - and you are right about the sunrises and sets.

  50. Good luck with the 'puter stuff! And, as usual, I adore the sky photos. Pink and purple up on high makes me happy.

    Be well. xx

    1. Bea: I am a big fan of the subtle dawns too. And thank you. I hope that I am 'wasting my worry' on the 'puter front.

  51. Ciao EC, buon inizio settimana.

  52. Have you thought of getting a tablet instead of a computer? Depending on your needs, it does cover a lot of the basics that we use everyday.

    We got a new computer six months ago and was very thankful that my son works in IT. We are long past the time when we could figure out the ways of tech. My Retired Man uses it and I use my old iPad which will soon need replacement also.

    1. Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe: Tablets/iPads are too small for my eyes/fingers. Himself has and loves his iPad but I struggle. And yes, I am past the time when I adapted to change easily too.

  53. Wonderful photos. Most dramatic looking sky. I hope you have a great new week! Stay Safe.

    1. RasmaSandra: Thank you. I hope you too and can stay safe and well.

  54. I love seeing your sky photos. Thank you for them.
    So sorry about your pc problems. Good luck!

    1. Myrna R.: Thank you. The PC goes to the technicians later today, so they can (hopefully) transfer the date to the new PC (which they have also hopefully finishing building). When we can bring the new PC home (and we don't have a timeframe) there will be much loading/reloading of programs. And probably a few frustrated words said. I am NOT technologically adept.

  55. These are lovely shots. I didn't notice the books until you mention them. I love a colorful sky view.

    I had to look up what a 'boffins' is. I'm not used to that term for a computer tech - it's sounds a bit weird to me.

    Good luck with the new computer.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. lissa: Thank you. Boffins is a fairly common slang term for technological/scientific experts here.

  56. Ugh switching devices is the worst..
    good luck with the new computer.

    1. Hena Tayeb: Thank you. I am really not looking forward to the switch - but needs must.

  57. I'm liking the contrast from the first set of photos to the heavier, but still beautiful, second set.

    Computers induce the worst kind of headaches. I'm sorry, EC. I hope it keeps working for you and that any switch will go as smoothly as possible.

    1. Rawknrobyn: Thank you. We have bitten the bullet and the next few days will be dedicated to 'puter work, transfers and upgrades. I can feel my shoulders tense now.

  58. I despise having to change to new technology! Hope the transition isn't too bad. I can't post on my phone either

    1. Jemi Fraser: Thank you. The transition is looking better than it did a few days ago - but is doing my head in.

  59. Very beautiful skies you have captured, EC. Best of luck with the computer changeover. You are braver than I am. Technology is nice when it works properly, and possibly the worst of all the "modern conveniences" when it doesn't :)

    1. jenny_o: Thank you. Nothing brave about it - my/our switch was forced on us.

  60. Such lovely, atmospheric photos - I just love these.
    I am NOT a fan of transferring everything on a computer, even though I am married to a geek who can (and does) help me. As for the phone - I never use it for blogging. It's just too small and I need time for blogging which somehow doesn't work with the cell phone culture. I'm getting old...

    1. Carola Bartz: How I wish I had a resident techno geek. And yes, I too am getting old and struggle with a lot of technology.

  61. It was a series of photos of the moment when the sky looked dazzling in color. The sky looks a little purple combined with an orange color that looks spectacular.

    1. Himawan Sant: Thank you. I am endlessly awed and amazed at skyscapes.

  62. Fabulous photos! Sounds like you need a new computer for sure. Good luck with that.

    1. Lady Fi: A new computer was most definitely needed. We have it - and I am wrestling with the new one. Hopefully I will be back up to speed soon.

  63. My deepest sympathy for your computers passing. I fight with my laptop all the time now because of all the new stuff they want me to learn to use. I am on an older computer that serves me well so far, a desktop, but I refuse to change over to the new Microsoft program. One day I might. I love your sky shots, the beautiful colors and feelings they give me. Serene is the word.

    1. Glenda Beall: We stayed with our older computer and the older operating system for longer than we should have I fear. And I do understand the 'fighting' with technology issue.

  64. The sky is always beautiful and inspiring...

    1. Caterina: Thank you. I find beauty and solace in it every day.

  65. The skyscapes are beautiful. I love all the different clouds and colors. Lovely!

    Sorry to hear about your computer. Mine is also on it's last leg. I recently started the transfer of pictures etc.- but it is all my saved passwords I will probably miss the most when it finally goes. :( Good luck and I hope you love your new computer and it is way better than you think it will be.

    1. DMS ~Jess: Thank you. Saved passwords/bookmarks did cause problems. And at the moment I cannot send emails. I hope that soon I will be (more or less) on top of the technology.

  66. Very, very beautiful skies. We really need to find beauty everywhere at the moment. I've always looked for it, now I need it, so thank you EC

    1. Kim: I am a beauty addict. An unashamed beauty addict - and so very grateful that there is a lot of it about. Stay well, stay safe.

  67. So very gorgeous, that wintertime sky. It moves me.
    Thanks for sharing the beauty - it teaches me things my mind cannot stretch to know.
    I appreciate you in this world - please keep showing up:)

    1. SingingRiverSoulSpa: Thank you Jennifer. I so often benefit from your perspective, your art and your dancing, singing words.

  68. What beautiful sky photos! And good luck with your computer changeover, too. That's always a stressful and irritating transition, but I hope it'll all feel worthwhile when you get your speedy new machine!

    1. Diane Henders: Thank you. It was stressful and irritating and I have had to learn quite a lot of new ways to do familiar tasks. In the fullness of time I am sure I WILL enjoy the new PCs attributes. Not yet though.
