Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wednesday 4 May 2022

Words For Wednesday 4/5/2022


This meme was started by Delores a long time ago.  Computer issues led her to bow out for a while.  The meme was too much fun to let go, and now Words for Wednesday is provided by a number of people and has become a movable feast. 

Essentially the aim is to encourage us to write.  Each week we are given a choice of prompts: which can be words, phrases, music or an image.   What we do with those prompts is up to us:  a short story, prose, a song, a poem, or treating them with ignore...  We can use some or all of the prompts, and mixing and matching is encouraged.

Some of us put our creation in comments on the post, and others post on their own blog.  I would really like it if as many people as possible joined into this fun meme, which includes cheering on the other participants.  If you are posting on your own blog - let me know so that I, and other participants, can come along and applaud.

 Huge thanks to Messymimi for challenging us last month.  This month Wisewebwoman was going to provide the prompts on her blog - but she is on a blog break and has sent at least the first week's prompts to me.   Essentially the prompts will be here for the month and Wisewebwoman and/or I will provide them.

This week's prompts are:

  • Jewel
  • Jigsaw
  • Jerboa
  • Jasmine
  • Jerrican
  • Jump
  • Jumbo
  • Jellyfish
She added, use some or all and add another J word of your own if you like.

Have fun. 



  1. I wish the US would go to dd/mm/yyyy format but I know that's not going to happen. I saw 4/5/2022 and thought April 5th? Oh wait!
    But when saving dated files on the hard drive I use yy/mm/dd so they stay in last first order.

    1. Mike: dd/mm/yyyy makes more sense to me. I have not trouble remembering that your seasons are different, but often struggle with the date thing.

    2. Quite, Mike. To store data in chronological order, I also prefer the US format. Otherwise, however ...

    3. I was always taught at school that the day comes before the month and the month comes before the year, and that's the system I have always used. It is still pretty much universal in scientific journals too.

  2. Jawdropping jellies … just jabbing jetlag jottings jumps …

    I give up before I start … happy May days!

    But am very happy to have the WFWs here again - Cheers Hilary

    1. Hilary Melton-Butcher: Don't give up yet - the combination you have used has already got my brain whirring. Happy May Days to you too.

    2. I love your selection Hilary!

    3. Don't give up, it's fun to keep trying.

  3. Replies
    1. Cloudia: Not tempted to join us again this week?

  4. Espero que salga escritos , con estas palabras . Es complicado redactar una historia. A esta hora de la noche, no tengo ganas , nada más que para descansar.

    1. VENTANA DE FOTO: Rest well. Perhaps a story will come to you tomorrow morning...

  5. When Jack and Jill went up the hill she ensured that they had a jerrycan (and a jug) for the water. Jack insisted on carrying the jumbo sized jerrycan. He came tumbling down and broke his crown. Perhaps if he hadn’t insisted on the jumbo size he would have been able to hold it, and stay upright. He looked like a jellyfish as he poured down the hill. Jill didn’t come tumbling down with him though. She imitated the jerboa and jumped out the way. Despite his fall and that broken crown he seemed to be ok and quickly ran off to complain to his mama.
    Jill jeered at him. She took her jug (and she hadn’t spilt a drop and used it to water the jasmine the jewel in her mother Jenny’s garden
    She knew that Jack thought she was a jerk for not being more sympathetic but she didn’t care. Job well done, she settled down to a quiet afternoon with her jigsaw. Tomorrow was another day.

    1. Well done Sue and thank you so much for hosting this.

    2. It's not necessarily good to have siblings eh? ;-)

    3. Very smart of Jill to not show off and carry more than she can handle.

    4. Jolly good! Bonus 'J' words, and a good story, too. :-)

    5. Funny retelling. Jack and Hill seem to be topmost in the currents of the commonwealth of letters just now.

  6. You are one crazy lady. This will take some time, a lot of it.

    1. Susan Kane: It is wisewebwoman you are calling crazy this week - though the label fits. Take all the time you need.

  7. Mama's antique ring slipped off my finger and into the crack in the old wooden floor of this abandoned house. In a panic, I looked around for something to pry the board with. It was getting late and soon would be dark. I went back to the car to see if I could find a metal iron to pry the board with. I looked behind the jerrycan and an old electric jigsaw in the the trunk and to my surprise found the crowbar that my husband was looking for only a few days ago. Honestly, the man never puts back tools where they belong but this time it was in my favor.

    Feeling a bit smug , I pried the board ajar with the crowbar and slipped my hand to retrieve the jewel and something unexpected jumped out. My leg turned to the substance of a jellyfish and I scrambled out of there like a jerboa on the run.

    Composing myself, I returned to retrieve the jewel and when I got home fixed myself a jumbo mug of jasmine tea.

    1. Well done Julia, I wasn't aware of the j words till I re-read!

    2. Good one, Julia. You certainly deserved that mug. ;-)

    3. Julia: Well done - and I do hope that your character can brave the jellyfish and get the ring back. After her cup of tea. And perhaps a second.

    4. Excellent! That would scare me, too, although i'm glad the jewel was saved.

    5. Well written, but you made me curious: What jumped out from the loose board?

  8. Mumbo-jumbo! And voilá: A Jerboa named Jigsaw has sold a jerrican of juwels to a jumping jellyfish named Jasmine.

  9. On her birthday, Jewel sat down at the large card table and tore the wrapping off the parcel, opened the box and threw the contents all over the top. A bloody jigsaw.
    Two thousand pieces with a jerboa featured in the middle. A nasty little creature. She wondered if her brother James had chosen it deliberately to upset her as she hated all things rodent and he would torture her when they were young with dead field mice. Well, she had sent him the cheapest jumbo bottle of wine on his birthday knowing he was an oenophile. So even Steven.
    It had all started, of course, when their father’s will made them both jump through hoops when the estate was divided unevenly between them with James getting the majority share.
    “What am I?” Jewel had screamed at him, “a jellyfish?”
    The windows were open and the scent of jasmine from the tree outside drifted in on the afternoon breeze, calming her. She hated reliving those memories.
    She jumped to her feet and went outside and dragged the jerrican indoors and slowly, carefully she tossed the jigsaw, piece by tiny piece into it.

    1. Great job, Wisewebwoman, I had to go look up the word oenophile and now I know.
      One good thing for Jewel, the fragrant Jasmine was in bloom. I love the scent of Jasmine.

    2. Same as with Sue's above. It's not necessarily good to have siblings eh? ;-)

    3. Wisewebwoman: The youngest of my brothers has been known to give me jigsaws as gifts. He loves them. I do not.
      Great use of your challenging prompts. And hooray for the scent of jasmine.

    4. A very good story, and a pox on parents who set their children against each other this way.

    5. I could just picture this puzzle with the jeroba in the middle.

    6. Phew, sibling rivalry between grown-ups is sugh an immature thing. But I know too well that it exists. Well written!

  10. Okay, i'm home and i'm on it, thanks! By the way, it was a joy last month. Maybe that needs to be another "J" word.

    1. messymimi: I look forward to your J creations. And joy is an EXCELLENT J word.

    2. messymimi: As usual I loved your story.

  11. All J words - now that's a challenge!

    1. Alex J. Cavanaugh: It is. People have been up to it though - which is lovely.

  12. Thank you for posting the words. I'll get to work on them tomorrow, unless my mind kicks out something today. All the stories here are great.

    1. River: As always I look forward to your contribution.

  13. Replies
    1. Margaret D: I am so grateful to Delores for this challenge.

  14. Wow, this is going to be quite an exciting challenge :)

    1. Damyanti Biswas: It is - and there will be a new one next week. And the week after.

  15. My story is posted on my blog for "J" the 10th letter of the alphabet. Fun prompts by Wise Web Woman.

    1. Granny Annie: Thank you. I really enjoyed your take on the prompts.

    2. Ha ha, Annie, now I know whereto "my" Jasmine had vanished. The jerrican was empty? Where are the juwels then she bought from Jerboa Jigsaw?!

  16. Home alone
    Playing solitaire Scrabble on one table
    Fitting pieces of a jumbo jigsaw puzzle called The Jewel and the Jellyfish on another
    On the Scrabble table, the words jasmine, jellyfish, jump
    On the rack, letters to make either jerrican or jerboa
    But don't know if they are real words
    And the rule is no dictionary allowed.

    1. Carol Kilgore: Your home alone time is MUCH more productive than mine. And yes, jerrican (sometimes spelt jerrycan) and jerboa are real words.
      Great take on the prompts.

    2. That would be quite a challenging puzzle.

      These are real words, and i'll bet they are worth plenty of Scrabble points, too.

    3. Sounds like she is multi-tasking away quite happilly!

    4. No dictionary allowed. I like that rule, and your story.

  17. What a fun list, EC! It could be distracting, and I must maintain focus ~ too much to do! Have a great day, my friend!

    1. Fundy Blue: I hope so day your busy schedule allows you to join us. You have a good day too.

  18. This was pure evil. J? Here are my 107 words, such as they are:

    Jenny spread Aunt Jane’s jewels, making a jigsaw of gems on the bed. When Jane died, there was a jumble of junk around her body that confused the family: Jade? Juniper? Jasper? What the hell?

    Jenny jumped up to collect jumbo boxes from Aunt Jane for the heirs. They were jolted by the contents: jumbo jellyfish encased in resin. The joy they had hoped for was dumped in their mental jerricans.

    After the jumbling herd of non-jubilant relatives had slammed the door, Jenny took her jerboa from the cage. “Well, Jerry. They had their chance. Those jellyfish are rare, worth some money."

    1. They didn't know what they were missing,

      Fun story and good use of the prompts!

    2. Susan Kane: Love it. And feel less than no sympathy for the greedy relatives.

    3. Brilliant Susan love your take on J words.

    4. Great job, Susan. That's a lot of J's:)

  19. Sue, just seeing all those J words scrambled my poor tired brain. I read through some and found them very clever!

    1. Denise Covey: Thank you. There were some clever takes weren't there - and there always are. I hope you can give your poor tired brain a break.

  20. Juan se encontraba haciendo un rompecabezas, mientras su chica se preparaba vistiéndose para una fiesta. Ya solamente le faltaba las joyas, que iba esa noche a lucir.
    Ya estaba preparada y así se lo indicó a Juan. Salían de la casa atravesando el jardín y entonces se le ocurrió a ella, ponerle en la solapa unas flores de jazmín.
    La noche prometía y ellos se subieron al coche. Juan conducía por la carretera y a la luz de la luna, vio como atravesaba un hermoso jerbo la ancha carretera. visto y no visto, dio un gran salto y desapareció.
    La fiesta fue todo un éxito y terminó a altas horas de la noche y ya iba siendo la hora de regresar.
    Una vez en su casa, el sueño les venció hasta las dos del medio día.
    El día era espléndido y el sol era radiante, la playa, la tenían bastante cerca, por lo que se decidió comer en unos de los restaurantes del paseo marítimo., no sin darse antes un chapuzón para refrescarse del calor.

    Al salir del agua, vieron algunas medusas por la orilla y procuraron calzarse rápidamente, par evitar l picadura de este animal.
    En el restaurante comieron a base de pescado, había mucha variedad de pescado, entre ellos jureles y pijotas, que era de su agrado.
    Llegó la hora de marcharse , pero la gasolina era escasa y alguien por allí un poco de gasolina, que tenía guardada en un jerricán y así llegar a la gasolinera más próxima, en dónde pudo llenar el depósito.
    Ya de camino de regreso entraron al supermercado Jumbo, comprando todo los artículos que necesitaba en la casa.

    La historia que no escribí anoche, cuando te lo comenté por mi otro blog Ventana de foto, te la escribo ahora desde "Miradas desde mi lente"
    Espero que funcione bien el traductor.

    1. I find this a cozy story and I thank you for the psossibility of practicing my Spanish. Funny that many of the J words began with J in Spanish as well. Graqcias, MamaBùho.

    2. miradasdesdemiobjetivo: This is a delightful story - and translaters worked well for me. Thank you.

  21. Thanks for the visit. The first thing I thought of looking at the J words was I would need jumbo pieces to be good at a jigsaw. Actually it made me think of my friend, Karen who takes 4 or 5 puzzles always on our "girl" trips. She's very good at them, but gets a bit obsessed. Sometimes we have to pull her away so we can go for a walk or to dinner etc, lol

    1. Sandy: The youngest of my brothers loved jigsaws and is definitely obsessed with them. Until he has completed the latest one the table is reserved for it - which infuriates his wife. I am glad you can distract Karen.

  22. Finally I have written something for Words for Wednesday again. Thanks to WWW for thinking up those J Words, and to EC for gracefully hosting.

    1. Charlotte (MotherOwl): I am heading over filled with anticipation to see what you have written now.

  23. Here are some J words in alphabetical order; Jasmine; Jellyfish; Jerboa; Jerrican; Jewel; Jigsaw; Jumbo; Jump.
