Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wednesday, 2 November 2022

Where are the Words for Wednesday?

October 2022:  River provided the prompts - for which we thank her.  They produced some amazing pieces.

November 2022:  
Messymimi is providing the prompts on her blog.

December 2022:  Me again.  Here again.

Given that the prompts are provided from both the Northern and the Southern hemispheres the prompts can appear from as early as Tuesday your time until Thursday your time. 

This meme definitely falls into the 'more the merrier' category.  I hope that lots of you will visit
whoever is providing the prompts and play - or applaud.  Commenting on other people's creations -whether they post them on the host's blog or their own, is hugely important.  We ALL need encouragement.  So please, take a few extra minutes to comment on the participant's creations.  

Where has the year gone?   If this meme is to continue next year I would really, really like some assistance.  If you are able to provide the prompts for next year please let me know in comments, specifying which months suit you and whether you want to post them here or on your own blog.   I will post a schedule for the year as soon as I can.




  1. Hi EC - yes ... I'll happily provide prompts - for whenever you'd like some ... and I'd like them to be here on your blog. Cheers - Hilary

  2. I'd be happy to provide prompts again.

  3. I would be willing to provide the prompts for any month other than April, would probably keep me writing or thinking of writing.

    Have a lovely day.

  4. I'm in for another month or two if you want me.

  5. You do a lot! It would be great if someone else could handle. Wishing you the best dear

  6. I am so swamped with fighting this gun range.

  7. Sure. I'll help. Any time after June. If you need me before that sing out. You've done and are doing a wonderful job.

  8. Fit me in wherever you don't already have volunteers. I'll put the prompts on my blog.

  9. In March? Husband has been sick, will be having surgery before Christmas. March might work. Thanks

  10. Me parece muy acertado el pedir las opiniones de los demás para mejorar. Es tu blog el único que conozco con esto de los meme, y que por cierto lo hace muy ameno y la participación es muy alta. Así que como directora, tu siempre tendrás la decisión final.
    Un saludo.

  11. I'll absolutely provide prompts. Let me know when and how to do it.

    T. Powell Coltrin Writes @ https://journalingwoman.blogspot.com

  12. Hope everyone is having a healthy day.

  13. I was just talking about how we have two months left of the year and I find that exciting. Two months to get some good work done. I don't though have any prompt lists to offer.

  14. Let me get back up and running after being gone a month, and I'll see if I can participate more. It's always fun and I enjoy the great stories.

  15. I miss having email notifications from your blog. Haven't received them for a while. Should I subscribe again? Did it lose my subscription?

  16. Hi, Sue! I hear your plea, but I can't commit to another thing right now. 😱 I will keep checking and try to comment on any submissions. Take care!

  17. Wherever you have gaps EC and I'll host on my own blog.

  18. Thank you one and all for at least considering my plea. I will settle down over the next few days and try and see what next year looks like, but I think we are well on the way to having it covered. Yay. I will put up a tentative schedule for your consideration next week some time.
    Olga, sadly blogger discontinued the email function which is why you will no longer get an email saying that I have posted. I 'think' that if you click the follow button at the top on the right hand side you will get notifications.

  19. In case I have not moved to my last dwelling six feet under then, I'd take the October. ;-)

    1. Sean Jeating: You would let a small thing like death stop you from providing the prompts? Where is your dedication? Seriously, thank you. Would you like to provide the prompts on your blog or here?

    2. Ha ha.
      In case you are optimistic I could still be alive, I think I'd prefer to provide the prompts on your blog.

  20. I've caught up! I promised myself that I'd only read the latest post from each of my blogging buddies, because I'm so far behind. But I caved! I enjoy your posts so much, and I'll probably cave for all my other buddies too! Hugs to you, Sue!

    1. Fundy Blue: Thank you so much for backtracking. I really, really appreciate it.
