Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Sunday 9 April 2023

Sunday Selections #623


Sunday Selections was originally brought to us by Kim, of Frogpondsrock, as an ongoing meme where participants could post previously unused photos languishing in their files. 

Huge thanks to Cie who gave me this wonderful Sunday Selections image. 

The meme was then continued by River at Drifting through life.  Sadly she has now stepped aside (though she will join us some weeks), and I have accepted the mantle. 
The rules are so simple as to be almost non-existent.  Post some photos under the title Sunday Selections and link back to me. Clicking on any of the photos will make them embiggen.

I usually run with a theme.  Not this week. Life has got in the way.  Batty had a wonderful report after his last vet visit. He has one more at the end of the month (where they will also take x-rays) but he is expected to be able to leave the confines of the ensuite and rejoin the family.  My health news is not so positive. I am now battling breathing difficulties and despite antibiotics my blood oxygen levels are only just above the level that would have me in hospital. Cross your fingers for me.

Which is a long winded way of saying that the photos are pretty much same old, same old this week.

From the sky: 


And a few from the garden;


I hope that you all have a happy, healthy Passover/Easter (which ever and whatever you celebrate or don't).



  1. I am happy for you about Batty but I am so sorry about your own health issues. Keeping fingers and toes crossed!!! Your skies, butterfly and flower photos are lovely! However you are celebrating this one, I hope it is peaceful and pain free. I'll be of you and sending good vibes and energy.

    1. DeniseinVA: Thank you. Batty is a trooper and I hope I can emulate him. I will be having a quiet and low key day here.

    2. That sounds like a good way to go right now. I will be still be sending those good vibes and energy :)

    3. DeniseinVA: Thank you. Quiet days continue but I am improving again.

  2. It was very nice of the butterfly to pose for you. Nice pictures.

    1. Ann Bennett: It was indeed nice of it. I saw it and rushed to get my camera expecting it to fly away. It didn't.

  3. How big is that butterfly? It looks gargantuan!

    1. Sandi: It is quite a large butterfly - about 12 cms or over four inches I would guess.

  4. That butterfly is amazing, and do you know what it is? Have never seen one like that.

    1. Susan Kane: It is an orchard swallowtail - considered by some to be a pest because the caterpillars eat citrus leaves.

  5. Wonderful news about Batty,. but not the same for you. I hope there is a way or a medication or treatment that will help you breathe better, dear Sue.

    As always lovely sky photos, but that butterfly seems to have caught everyone's attention. It is certainly lovely.

    Happy Easter, dear friend. PLEASE take care of YOU!!

    1. Bleubeard and Elizabeth: Thank you. The antibiotics do seem to be working. Slowly. I suspect I will need another script to be free of this beast.

  6. The orchard swallowtail butterfly is awesome. Butterflies are a rare thing around here these days. So much so that when I see one I'm like "HEY LOOK! A BUTTERFLY!!!"

    1. Mike: I love them. I don't see them as often as I used to and join your shouts.

  7. Beautiful photos, as always! I particularly like the butterfly.

    Fingers, toes; *everything* crossed for you as fervently as I can. I hope you feel better soon!

    1. Diane Henders: Isn't it a beauty? Thank you. I am tired of lurching from health crisis to health crisis. A spinal MRI next week (shudder).

  8. So glad to hear about Batty getting better, but sorry, so sorry to hear of your own health issues. I am hoping that they will resolve themselves and next week you will have nothing but good news for our admirers. You are too important not to get better, dear friend, and soon, I pray.

    1. DJan: Thank you. I do hope (rather a lot) to follow Batty's example. Soon.

  9. Writing this with my fingers crossed: Get better soon, Sue. My good thoughts are with you and those around you.

    1. Sean Jeating: Thank you. I am trying to get better - really I am.

  10. Gorgeous flowers during the festive period.

    1. roentare: Thank you. The cactus blooms were taken a few weeks ago and are now gone. We do have begonias to brighten the garden though.

  11. You are, and will be in my thoughts, EC. I hope this is a short set-back, and that soon, very soon, you have kicked it in the butt! My sincerest best wishes to you....take very good care, as I know you are. Hugs.

    I'm happy to learn Batty is on the mend. He is a tough little fellow.

    Better days ahead. I've order a pile of them for you.

    1. Lee: Thank you. Batty is indeed tough and I hope to follow his example. I hope you and Shama are traveling well.

  12. Very beautiful skies, with the amazing twin tree silhouettes. .
    Apparently it is an orchid swallowtail butterfly aka large citrus butterfly. I've not seen one before. What a beauty.
    My fingers on both hands are crossed for you but this is not sustainable. I need one hand free to hold a Benson & Hedges and the other to hold a glass of gin, so your oxygen levels better rise quickly.

    1. Andrew: I love those twin trees and they often feature in my photos. We see those butterflies (rarely) most years and welcome them.
      Far be it from me, to interferewith your needs. Perhaps you can cross your legs for me.

  13. Replies
    1. Alex J. Cavanaugh: It is. Going to a butterfly farm is something on my wish list. Some day...

  14. Glad for Batty. Hope the antibiotics help you with the breathing issues, EC. Take care!

    That butterfly is quite a beauty!

    1. Marie Smith: We are very glad for Batty too. The antibiotics do seem to be helping, but slowly. Very slowly.

  15. A beautiful color progression; blue sky with orange bits; blue moth with orange and white bits; white flowers. The moth is quite the beauty.

    1. Joanne Noragon: As you know I am a beauty addict, and so grateful that there is so much of it about.

  16. Good news on the Batty front - I hope he continues to improve. The butterfly is really lovely. I do hope that you will follow Batty's example - he is certainly a tough little fellow - my fingers, toes, legs (and probably eyes as well) are definitely crossed for you, EC
    (from Alexia - it wouldn't allow me to put my name in... grrr)

    1. Alexia: I think the vet was surprised at just how well Batty is doing - which is a good sort of surprise. And yes, I would love to follow his example. Hiss and spit at Blogger who is insisting on making so many people anonymous.

  17. Great news for Batty :) Not so great for you. I hope the antibiotics help. Can you get one of those portable oxygen tanks? Would that help? Love your photos and that is the biggest butterfly I have ever seen. I saw a monarch last week, first I've seen for a couple of years.

    1. River: We see at least one of these butterflies each year, and love them. I think that those oxygen tanks are only available if you need them on a long term/permanent basis - which I really, really hope it not the case.

  18. River Fairchild - Your photos are amazing and always welcome. That butterfly is gorgeous! What a great shot.
    So glad that Batty will soon be out of solitary. Big win for all of you. I know it’s been a struggle.
    I’m crossing my fingers hard that you’ll soon be breathing easier. We’re all pulling for you. Love and hugs, my dear friend and sister.

    1. River Fairchild: It has been a struggle for all over us keeping Batty segregated. Isn't the flutterby lovely?
      And thank you for those crossed fingers and your support. On so many levels.

  19. Your photos are very beautyful ! Happy Easter !

  20. Lovely butterfly photos. Have a happy Easter (My fingers are firmly crossed for you).

    1. John "By Stargoose And Hanglands": Thank you - on both counts.

  21. Amazing pictures, and sad news. I can only wonder what terrible thing is attacking you. Take care of yourself-- your comments and your Sunday selections are bright spots in my life.

    1. Bill: What a truly lovely thing to say. Our best guess is pneumonia, brought on because one of the medications I have been on lowers my immune systerm to virtually non existent.

  22. Hi EC - I do hope things are easing for you - you're in my thoughts. Good news re Batty - now we need that from you - with better health all round. Love the photos - the cactus, the flutterby - he's beautiful - Cheers Hilary

    1. Hilary Melton-Butcher: Thank you. That flutterby is a charmer and it and the cactus lifted my jaded spirits. I am s.l.o.w.l.y improving. Which is great.

  23. The butterfly is evidently a swallowtail and not radically different from the ones we see here. In fact Miriam and I have raised both Black and Giant Swallowtails indoors over several years and there are a couple of pupae in the garage now of chrysalises that entered diapause last fall. I really must get myself a guide to the butterflies of Australia. Hope you feel a little better soon, Sue. Hugs - David

    1. David M. Gascoigne: Butterflies the world over are a marvel. So different, but so similar. I am starting to fee human. And grateful.

  24. You edged many of us into this disappointing news yesterday on Ron's blog - that was kind of you. Stupid, stupid, stupid pneumonia. Not only are my fingers, toes, elbows, and eyes crossed but so is my mood. C'mon antibiotics, do your work. Warmest and gentlest hugs from Boston.

    1. Frances: Thank you. I am tired of these health challenges but this one appears to be finally limping to a close. Hugs received gratefully and reciprocated.

  25. Dear EC
    So happy to hear that Batty is doing well but so sorry to hear you are not. You are in my thoughts and I am keeping everything crossed. You are a fighter so keep fighting.
    Best wishes for a positive week for you.

    1. Ellie Foster: Thank you. Batty is doing really, really well which is lovely. He now has just over a week before he can rejoin the family - and I am hoping to be completely healthy by then too.

  26. Good morning! I am sending your warm hugs and happy, joyful wishes may good health overrun you and take care of you. Being out in your wonderful fresh air and natures gifts about you are all nourishing you. These captures are marvelous, thank you for sharing these vital moments. Winter here is still in it's (kind of ugly stage) but we've finally turned the corner now into spring. Wishing you warm breezes and happy birds!

    1. 21 Wits: Enjoy your Spring - it is such an exciting vibrant time of year - even when it is slow to settle down. And thank you too.

  27. Pleased to hear of Batty's good report, but worried about your latest health problem, my dear friend. Breathing is kind of important. I hope the antibiotics turn things around soon. On top of being immunocompromised, no doubt you are run down from all the kitten care and worry. Stress has real health effects, unfortunately. Thank you for capturing and sharing the amazing butterfly. And the twin sister trees always remind me of the similar trees that I grew up with. The skies are beautiful and so are the blooms. Please take extra care of yourself and get better soon, sister of my heart. xxx

    1. jenny_o: I AM finally getting better. And yes, stress undoubtedly had a part to play. Hooray for beauty, in all its disguises, and huge thanks for the kindred souls I have found here.

    2. I am so relieved to hear this. Keep it up. I will be thinking of you and hoping for even more improvement each day. Xxx

    3. jenny_o: A step backwards overnight. Will talk to the doctor when the surgery opens later. Hugs.

    4. That's not good . . . I hope it is temporary. Thinking of you.

    5. jenny_o: Many thanks. I am now on two different antibiotics (which are fighting with each other) but I am breathing a little more easily.

  28. Is that a moth? It's so pretty. A very Happy Easter to you.

    1. Mary Kirkland: It is a butterfly and yes, a very pretty one. I hope your Easter is lovely.

  29. Lots and lots of prayers for your restored health. The photos are beautiful, even if you think they are just the same over again.

    1. messymimi: Thank you. I enjoyed your Sunday Selections too.

  30. Your twin trees, and the beautiful skies behind them, offer a timeless beauty that is impossible to tire of (ending a sentence in a preposition is awful! It reminds me of Colin Thiele saying many of us were brought up in an era that made us more likely to have an affair than start a sentence with 'but'). That's great news about Batty and I hope that by next week we'll all be saying it's great news about you too. I've just checked butterfly IDs and this one seems to be Papilio aegeus, Orchard Swallowtail/Large Citrus Butterfly - which you probably already know. It's exquisite.

    1. Kim: I cringe when I end a sentence with a preposition, but I do it. Sigh. And rarely start a sentence with but. I did know about that butterfly. Our citrus leaves are unaffected by the beauty though.

  31. Happy for Batty, worried for your health though. Will you be ok? Is that a moth or butterfly? It looks large. Very beautiful too!

    1. Strayer: I will be ok. Eventually. It is a butterfly rather than a moth - though some moths are also gorgeous.

  32. Breathing difficulties just make everything a huge chore. I hope you turn the corner in spectacular fashion.
    Lovely photos, thank you.
    Yay for little Batty! I'm so glad he'll soon be able to rejoin you

    1. kylie: I went in to see Batty a while ago to give him his breakfast and his morning medication. He was very happy to see me and all things being equal in less than a week we can set him free. You are right about breathing difficulties. It is amazing how tired the simplest things are making me.

  33. The butterfly is lovely

  34. That's troubling news about your health. Fingers crossed for you. Take care and God bless.

    1. gigi-hawaii: Thank you. I will be ok, but wish that I could breathe more easily.

  35. I love a good sunrise/sunset.




  36. I so enjoy our time together Looking at your sweet world, my dear friend

  37. The same old sure is beautiful. I hope and pray for better helath for you. Happy Easter despite your troubles, dear friend from far away.

    1. Charlotte (MotherOwl): I am endlessly grateful for beauty - including that there is so much of it about.

  38. Buen contraluz, en los paisajes. Las vistas de las mariposas y las flores son agradables de ver.

  39. My heart goes out to you, my friend! My wish for you, is for you to be completely well soon!

    1. Lon Anderson: I hope that your wish (and mine) is granted soon.

  40. Beautiful photos. Yay Natty. Sending you all kinds of energy and a huge hug.

  41. I wish you recovery and healing, Sending hugs!

    1. e: Thank you too - I hope you and Lukas are doing well.

  42. Beautiful photos, hope you are well and Easter was enjoyed in a Christian manner x

    1. aussie aNNie: Thank you re the photos. No, to both the other questions.

  43. Mejor que cruzar los dedos, prefiero, rezar por ti para que sanes de esas dificultades respiratorias.
    Un fuerte abrazo, y cuídate mucho.

    1. Manuel: Thank you. I am doing my best to look after myself.

  44. Love your butterfly photos and the close up of the cactus flower. We have a cactus from 1994 which was given to us from my dear Aunt Leona who died in 1995. It is a night blooming cereus and the blooms are amazing! So sorry for your breathing problems. I have asthma which is brought on by chemicals...in fragrance, cleaning products, perfume, soaps, lotions, etc. It's hard for people to understand how serious this can be. It is a scary thing to have breathing difficulty. I do hope you get better. x

    1. Kay G.: Welcome and thank you. That cactus is indeed night flowering and its blooms are huge. Its scent is also delightful - though it may cause you problems. Breathing is something that most of us ignore - until it becomes challenging. I will recover, but I suspect managing your affliction is the best you can hope for.

  45. Lovely photos as always. I hope that your latest medical issues will improve. Many blessings to you and keeping you in my prayers. I hope you're having a good new week,

    1. RasmaSandra: Thank you. New medication - and hope.

  46. Dear EC, what a gorgeous butterfly. Thank you for sharing it and also for letting us know that you are having serious health issues. I will pray for you in Oneness and also visualize you being out and about, breathing well and feeling the joy of simply being alive and loved. Peace from Dee and the cats to you and Batty.

    1. Dee Ready: Many thanks dear friend. Many, many thanks.

  47. Sunrises and sets always have such a plethora of breathtaking colors in them, don't they?

    1. Sandra Cox: They do. They change so fast, and the changes are beautiful...

  48. Your photos are absolutely beautiful! They're all my favorite, but my very favorite is the butterfly photos.

    Praying for restored health for you. BTW, your post is on my blog now. Thanks for stopping by.

    T. Powell Coltrin @https://journalingwoman.blogspot.com/

    1. Teresa: Thank you. And thank you for the brilliant prompts you have been giving us this month. Words for Wednesday always benefits (immensely) from fresh blood.

  49. What a fabulous set of photos of the butterfly!!! Wow! I hope you had a lovely Easter weekend and that everyone is feeling healthy and well! ♥♥

    1. Rain: The beautiful butterfly was a highlight of Easter. I hope you and your furry family are doing well.

  50. How are you feeling today? Do they have you on oxygen or an inhalant?

    1. Sandra Cox: I hope that there has finally been a turn around. My oxygen levels are still lower than they should be, but much better than they were.

  51. I am glad to hear about Batty and so very sorry to hear about your issues. Sending the most earnest well wishes and healing energies your way for easier breathing and better health.

    Your sky photos always calm me down and lift me up, of which I have an acute need right now - too many difficulties going on. The sky is the same old but still different and magnificent everyday and you capture that with each shot. Thank you.

    1. Nilanjana Bose: Thank you. Skyscapes serve me in much the same way. They fill me with awe, wonder and delight.
      I do hope your difficulties settle. Much love.

  52. I love your same old, same old photos.

    1. Sandra Cox: Thank you. That is reassuring to read.

  53. I'm a little late to this post ...
    I was so pleased to read about Batty, but I am very sorry to read about your health issues, I do hope the antibiotics are working and that you are feeling a little better.
    I send my thoughts and best wishes across the miles.
    Do please take care.

    All the best Jan

    PS Many thanks for the lovely mix of photographs on this post.

    1. Lowcarb team member ~Jan: Thank you. I am slowly getting better and we are all looking forward to Batty's release from solitary confinement.

  54. We really enjoyed all of the images. Superb looking sky!
    Feeling bad is not good. Stop it. Feel better. Soon! (If only it could be that simple.)

    1. Wally Jones: Thank you. If only indeed - but I am starting to feel more human. Which is more than welcome.

  55. The sky pictures are just stunning. Loved seeing all the pictures. Hoping you are feeling better soon. Fingers crossed for you. ~Jess

    1. DMS ~Jess: I adore skyscapes and have folder after folder of photos. Thank you - I am feeling quite a bit better.

  56. My fingers are crossed for you and sending all the good wishes your way. Huggs, Me.

    1. The Happy Whisk: Thank you - we are all doing quite a lot better now.
