Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Sunday 9 July 2023

Sunday Selections #636


Sunday Selections was originally brought to us by Kim, of Frogpondsrock, as an ongoing meme where participants could post previously unused photos languishing in their files. 

Huge thanks to Cie who gave me this wonderful Sunday Selections image. 

The meme was then continued by River at Drifting through life.  Sadly she has now stepped aside (though she will join us some weeks), and I have accepted the mantle. 
The rules are so simple as to be almost non-existent.  Post some photos under the title Sunday Selections and link back to me. Clicking on any of the photos will make them embiggen.

I usually run with a theme. Neither of us are minimalists.  We are also a tad on the obsessional side.  As a consequence our home is crowded.  Most of you are well aware that I love birds.  There are a LOT of birds inside our house too.  Here are some of them.

And yes, there are a lot of decorative cats in our home too. And fish. And books. And rather a lot of other things.

I hope your obsessionspassions give you joy this week.


  1. I like all your decorations very much and have a few of my own birds, so hello kindred spirit :)

    1. DeniseinVA: Thank you. I am glad to hear that I have kindred spirits - which I knew, but it is nice to have it confirmed.

  2. You just love all birds, don't you?

  3. River Fairchild - I love getting glimpses inside your home! Thank you for that. I’m also convinced that obsessions are what make life worth living. You are surrounded by beauty and items that speak to you and have meaning. Minimalism seems so cold and sterile to me, although I know it works well for some.
    I hope the coming week treats you kindly. Give scritches to Batty and Odie for me. Hugs to you all.

    1. River Fairchild: Minimalism is certainly tidier - and easier to keep clean. It isn't in either of us. I am sometimes a tad ashamed of just how many obsessions I have, but it seems to be who I am. Hugs to you too.

  4. Cada objeto decorativo, tiene un especial interés.
    Un abrazo

    1. Miradas desde mi lente: Thank you. Many of them have special memories too.

  5. Anon said "obsessions are what make life worth living." Well put Anon!
    The Dove I found and took to a bird rehab center has made it past the initial intake (two weeks now). I told them them I would come and pick it up to release it where it was born. I don't know if that matters but I thought I would offer.

    1. Mike: I suspect it matters a great deal. Thank you, and I hope it can come home with you soon.

  6. Professional done EC, LOVE 'EM.

  7. Hi EC - my latest post has owlets found at the Glastonbury Pyramid stage ... with tinnitus! They're in care now. Your sculptures, paintings, glass ones etc etc are quite delightful. Cheers and here's to a good week ahead - Hilary

    1. Hilary Melton-Butcher: I saw your post and am so glad that the owls are in care. Heavy rock cannot have been kind to their ears. You have a good week too please.

  8. I don't have a single bird! I have lots of books. A few horses... and that's about it. : )

    1. Caterina: I suspect we have more than enough birds for both of us. No horses though. I don't think. Lots and lots of books.

  9. Birds? Okay, there are a few in my house. Okay…a lot. And books on birds. And coffee mugs ( as you know) with birds. And quilted place mats, wall hangings etc with birds….and….and….and…..

    1. David M. Gascoigne: Why am I not surprised? Birds inside and out seems right to me.

  10. These birds are cute artpieces.

    1. roentare: Thank you. That is a very kind thing to say.

  11. I really enjoyed all of your lovely birds, EC - especially the fabric ones... and the penguins... and the glass ones... - well, you get the picture. Thank you for sharing them with us.

    I have been out of action for a few weeks, thanks to a deluge of visitors; it's lovely to have family around, but it can become exhausting, as you may know. I hope you and the kittens are doing well.

    1. Alexia: I feel for you. There is an old saying that fish and visitors smell after three days - however welcome the visitors are. There are rather a lot more birds in the house. Of course. Some of the needlework is mine, one is a lace creation my mother made me, and the other is detail from a sampler I picked up at an auction.

  12. This post is for the birds! Seriously, I LOVE your birds. I love how they are in all different shapes, sizes, and mediums. I especially love the stained glass bird.

    When I lived in Missouri, our town was known for its cardinals. I started collecting cardinals along with my rocking horses. When I moved to Kansas, I isolated all my birds to the main bath. I was very surprised how many I had. And they weren't all cardinals, either. I have shown my main floor bath before. Some people think I only decorate it for Christmas, but the birds are there year round.

    I absolutely LOVE your obsession. I hope to see more of your collections in the future. It seems when people don't know what to give you, they look to your collections. Thanks for sharing one of yours today. BTW, like you, I will NEVER be a minimalist.

    Be sure to hug Odie and Batty, too, please.

    1. Bleubeard and Elizabeth: You are right about people giving me/us gifts relating to our obsessions. Many of the cat items we have (and there are a lot of them too) come from those sources. I may show some of our other collections in coming weeks. Mind you, I should dust some more before I take photos..
      Thank you - from me and from Batty and Odie.

  13. I love your bird ornaments! I'm fond of bird art, too - I have quite a few paintings featuring birds, and a couple of sets of couch cushions with big watercolour-looking birds on them. Birds are lovely... as long as they aren't vandalizing our gardens! :-)

    1. Diane Henders: I love the birds even when they are in vandal mode - through gritted teeth and with my pump action water pistol in my hands.

  14. I love seeing your indoor birds, which make perfect sense in the home of a true bird lover. I like that pretty embroidery especially.

    1. DJan: Thank you. The obsessionista in me comes out in our decorating 'style'.

  15. What does your eclectic collection tell us about you? Absolutely nothing except you like nice bird artwork.

    1. Andrew: Perhaps if I showcase more of my obsessions I will reveal more about me Or perhaps not.

  16. Those are most beautiful. It's okay to be a collector.

    My selections will be over here.

    1. messymimi: Thank you. I really should rationalise my collections but probably won't. I look forward to your Sunday Selections.

  17. What a great idea to share your bird collection with us. I love birds and I have some too although, the majority are brought out at Christmas and I hand them on the Christmas tree, nests and all. Thanks. I throughly enjoyed this post.

    All the best, Hugs

    1. Julia: I rarely decorate for Christmas. The birds (and there are more of them) are on display all year. Have a lovely week.

  18. I forgot to mention that I was intrigued by that egg like bird. Is it native art from your country?

    1. Julia: It is indeed native art - but from Peru.

  19. I have a potter friend who makes small porcelain birds like your table full. They look like little wrens, just a palm full, to keep in a pocket and make you feel good.

    1. Joanne Noragon: A pocket full of bird sounds really good to me.

  20. No birds in the house but, to my annual delight, several swallows' nests under our roof.
    Obsessions? If at all: excellently written literature.
    ... Hm, now that I think about it, there are quite a few more.;-)
    The peace of the night.

    1. Sean Jeating: Swallow nests under the roof would delight me. We have had spotted pardalote nests in our hanging plants. I hope they come back. I am an avid reader - but don't limit myself to literature. Sleep well.

  21. Are the penguins from a photo from your trip? The glass hummingbirds are nice and colorful and cheery. But I like the black background stick drawn ostrich or rea or? It's simple and speaks to me.

    1. Strayer: The penuins are indeed a photo from my trip to Antarctica, and the needlework one was inspired by that trip. The one you like came from Peru and has cultural significance there - but I cannot remember what type of bird it is. My bad.

  22. I, too, love birds....and the friendly mob that visit me every day here are always welcome and uplifting.

    Have a good week ahead, EC....take care. Cuddles to Batty and Odie.

    1. Lee: As you know I welcome our feathered visitors too, and won't admit just how much time I spend watching them. Have a great week.

  23. Your photos of your obsessions tell me you have someone in the house who is happy to do what's necessary to put everything on display!
    I like them all but especially the toucan

    1. kylie: How I wish I was ready to do more dusting. I need to do more dusting.

  24. I love all your beautiful birds and wouldn't mind seeing your other collections. I thought "gosh I don't have any birds" and took a walk around inside to find I do have quite a few, six inside, three in the back porch and three outside. I'm so used to seeing them they barely register.

    1. River: I plead guilty on the not registering front too. When himself's sister stayed with us for over a month after one of his surgeries she said she was still noticing new things each day.

  25. Well they do look wonderful EC. I have but one, an owl.

    1. Margaret D: How restrained of you. I have several owls and when money permits I am going to have a spectacular photo of a burrowing owl printed. And then find somewhere to display it.

  26. I love the birds, but my obsession revolves around my music collection and my pictures. I love your collection, though.

    1. Bill: So long as your obsessions make you happy and feed your soul.

  27. A splendid collection of decorative birds. I hope they keep safe from the decorative cats.

    1. John "By Stargoose And Hanglands": The decorative birds are safe from the decorative cats but are occasionally attacked by the living, breathing cats. Who cannot attack real birds.

  28. Oh EC what a beautiful collection! I have the same set of owls, I've never seen them anywhere else. My mum gave them to me years ago. Now you've made me wonder how many 'birds' I'd find at my place...

    1. Kim: I suspect when you factor in calendars, mugs, photos there will be a lot of birds at your place. How nice to hear that someone else has those owls. I have never seen them anywhere else either and mine were a gift from a friend years ago.

  29. How nice. I love your bird collections. The only thing I ever collected was unicorn statues but a bunch of them got broken when we moved here and I never replaced them. I'd like seeing your collection though.

    1. Mary Kirkland: Thank you. This is only a part of the collection - they seem to multiply. I am sorry about your unicorn collection, and hope you enjoy the ones you have left.

  30. You mentioned dusting a couple of times. Nonsense! There are so many reasons not to dust - it stirs things up. you will break things and knock things down. It just reaccumulates. And most importantly - it brings attention to the bits of dust that you missed and the objects still needing to be dusted. Look at dust as a valuable highly sought after protective patina that is native to your part of the world.

    1. Frances: I am smiling broadly as I look around at the thick patina. And of course if I do pick things up, the the dust shows me where they go back...

  31. Love, love, love your collection. I have a bit of a bird collection too. And I love what Frances said about dusting! But its valuable and native here, too. xo;)

    1. J C: I suspect that dust is native everywhere. And would love to see some of your bird collection.

  32. Thank you for inviting us in and sharing some of your collection dear friend! Aloha!

  33. Dear EC
    Thank you for sharing some of your lovely bird collections. (I don't enjoy dusting either). We all need these things that bring us joy, in whatever form they may take. I particularly like the little glass paperweight-type birds - such a lovely tactile shape that I am sure fits nicely in the hand.
    Have a happy and gentle week
    Best wishes

    1. Ellie Foster: You are right. The glass birds are a lovely weight and do feel good in the hand - something I think is important. I am a joy and beauty chaser - and find lots of both about, both inside and outside our home.

  34. We are decidedly not minimalists either. My 2023 calmedar is called Danish birds, and I also have decorative birsd - and even a few stuffed birds all over. You'll not ber surprised that many of them are owls.
    I love your plant-owls! Are the herbs carved or painted on? They would be lovely to copy as plant-markers for my herb beds.

    1. Charlotte (MotherOwl); The herbs on the plant owls are scratched in - and have colour added. I have had them a very, very long time and love them.

  35. Birds are a wonderful obsession! I am getting there!

    1. Marie Smith: There are a number of bird obsessed people in the blogosphere and I delight in the things that they (and you) show me.

  36. Love it. For the first time in my life (that I recall), I spied an Oystercatcher at my hometown beach. Didn't actually know the species until I looked him up. It was a very exciting bird spotting!

    1. Bea: I know that excitement well. And love it.

  37. I love your bird art. It's all so beautiful. More views of your art, please.

    1. gigi-hawaii: I will put up more of the things that decorate/clutter our home in the coming weeks.

  38. Love ALL your birds. I try to be minimalist since I downsized but hell, it's hard. Books, plants, knitting everywhere, writing stuff, etc. And pictures of much things........:D

    1. Wisewebwoman: We fail badly on the minimalist front. Most of the things that live with us have meaning and bucket loads of sentimental value. I am trying to cull some of the multitudes of books though. With some success.

  39. Awww I love the visual bird collection you've got going here! Lovely see your photos again, EC. :)

    1. Anonymous: If you are the person I think you are - welcome back. I have missed your posts and your writing. And regardless of who you are - thank you.

  40. So nice to see your birds.
    It's nice to collect and display what you enjoy.

    Hope your week is going well.

    All the best Jan

    1. Lowcarb team member ~Jan: Thank you. We obviously enjoy a lot of things - and birds are among them.

  41. The penguins looks like a cross stitch. Yes? We have an eclectic look of stuff here, not much of a theme. Unless it's black cats and huskies, then well, you know...

    1. Juli: The pair of penguins is a cross stitch. Our decor is eclectic too - but some themes recur frequently.

  42. Love all your birds especially (natch!) the embroidered ones! I wouldn't have room for them or the enthusiasm to dust them! My sister just told me about a book by a Swedish woman -"The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning." Not as morbid as it sounds, quite funny and light hearted, but serious about the need to downsize so our children don't tear their hair out by the roots mopping up after us - I'm on a waiting list for it at the library but meantime I'm casting a jaundiced eye around here!

    1. Molly: No children here - but my partner has just started doing a well overdue cull after helping clean up his uncle's home. More is needed. Much more.

  43. I love your birds, outdoors and in:) YOU have a day filled with fun, serenity and good health.
    Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

  44. What a wonderful display of all things birdy!

    It's a fine line we tread between our passion and obsession.

    1. Wally Jones: Thank you. I am well over that fine line. On rather a lot of fronts.

  45. They're so beautiful and no doubt do a lot to improve your mood! (tentativelytasmanian.blog)

    1. MedicatedMoo: They are and they do - despite many of them being dust catchers.

  46. Every item is amazing. What joy to have in your home.

  47. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with having many birds in the house. And outside.

    1. Carola Bartz: I delight in both, but the ones outside are my favourites, even when they attach the garden (another obsession).

  48. Lovely decorations and enjoy the colorful bird ones. I hope you're having a good week.

    1. RasmaSandra: Thank you. This hasn't been a bad week and I hope yours is excellent.

  49. Sono tutii molto belli, il Tucano mi piace moltissimo.
    Buona serata.

  50. Wonderful :-)) Long live our passions.

  51. Who did the wonderful needlepoint?
    Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    1. Sandra Cox: The penguins is mine. The phoenix is a piece of bobbin lace made by my mother and the other bird is part of a piece I picked up at an auction some time ago.

  52. Love the hummingbird! Makes me want to break out the soldering iron again!

    1. J Cosmo Newbery: I hope you do - and that you show us your work.

  53. I think it is safe to say that you are a bird lover! The glass birds are so pretty.

    1. Coloring Outside the Lines: You think? And yes the glass birds are lovely and feel very good in the hand too.

  54. So many wonderful ones to view every single day!! I took some of my mom's cardinals when she passed. Everytime I look at one, it reminds me of my mum. :)

    1. mail4rosey: I love that cardinals will always remind you of your mother.

  55. I have cat paraphernalia everywhere, sprinkled with birds:)
    Wishing you the best day every.
    Hugs, Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    1. Sandra Cox: You will be shocked and surprised (not) to learn that we have rather a lot of cat related items too.

    2. LOL. Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

  56. You missed words for Wednesday. Are you OK?

    1. kylie: Thank you for checking. I am fine(ish). Words for Wednesday with be at Charlotte(MotherOwl)'s blog this month.

  57. Me gustan mucho las aves, como a ti; y más si son como las tuyas que no hay que ponerles de comer, beber, ni limpiar las jaulas.
    Preciosos detalles decorativos.
    Buen fin de semana, amiga.

    1. Manuel: Thank you very much. We do still have some cleaning to do. The live birds that visit are definitely incontinent, but fortunately not caged. You have a wonderful week too.

  58. Interesting display of birds, decorative birds! Birds is what you like and enjoy, so no wonder about that.

    1. DUTA: Thank you. We have several obsessions, and they are definitely reflected inside our home (and on the outside too).

  59. Amazing photos. I liked all these stunning shots.

  60. Hope your weekend is as special as you are and free of health issues. Hugs, Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

  61. My sister is a stained glass artist and I can't wait to show her this post with your pretty 3-D birds. I'm not sure if she's ever done anything quite like that before. They are lovely.

    1. Susan: How nice to see you back in the blogosphere. We do love our birds - and I hope that they inspire your sister.
