Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Sunday 27 August 2023

Sunday Selections #643


Sunday Selections was originally brought to us by Kim, of Frogpondsrock, as an ongoing meme where participants could post previously unused photos languishing in their files. 

Huge thanks to Cie who gave me this wonderful Sunday Selections image. 

The meme was then continued by River at Drifting through life.  Sadly she has now stepped aside (though she will join us some weeks), and I have accepted the mantle. 
The rules are so simple as to be almost non-existent.  Post some photos under the title Sunday Selections and link back to me. Clicking on any of the photos will make them embiggen.

I usually run with a theme. I had hoped to go on an outing last week and show you an exhibition at our National Museum. Sadly it didn't happen and the exhibition closes today.  So I am again focusing on Spring which is definitely on its way.  First from my trip into town to do my volunteer work.

I love the cheery planter boxes in the city.

Then a few from our garden. Ok, more than a few.  I got carried away again. I do love colour.

The bees and the birds love the grevilleas we have planted for them.

Batty is better but still not right.  So we have yet another trip to the vet with him tomorrow morning (before himself willingly gets up). I have an appointment for an MRI which I loathe on Wednesday.  Wish us both luck please.  I hope you find beauty and comfort in your week.

 Aren't their crossed tails cute?


  1. Oh wow, how I love the last image of the kittie's crossed tails. And your floral images are stunning. The first ones look like fruit blossoms. Spring is still a little off here in South Africa but our banksia roses and my budlea has blossoms today. Thanks for sharing and thank you for your visits to my blog. Have a great Saturday. Jo

    1. Jo: It is Sunday here. I think the first photos are ornamental fruit trees but their blossoms are lovely. No banksia roses or buddlea here yet. Have a lovely weekend.

    2. Manchurian Pear trees, the blossoms are followed by small green/brown berries.

    3. River: While my city has banks of Manchurian Pear trees these are something different.

  2. Beautiful kitties and gorgeous explosions of color everywhere! I hope spring lasts a long time for you before melting into the sweaty season.
    Best of luck to you and Batty both for the dreaded doctor appointments. Will keep my fingers tightly crossed.
    Hugs to you always.
    River Fairchild

    1. River Fairchild: Spring is not 'officially' here yet but is making her presence felt. Which is lovely. Thanks for your wishes for Batty and me. Both of us will hate our doctor's appointments but I hope I will complain less than he does. Hugs to you too. Always.

  3. What an explosion of colour EC, I loved every single shot. And the boys crossed tails are so adorable. I do hope all goes well with the excess of medical visits for both of you. MRIs are the pits.

    1. Wisewebwoman: MRIs are indeed the pits. And this one they are running dye through my veins so it will last longer. The explosion of colour is wonderful isn't it?

    2. Is that the one where the dye causes a flash of heat and you feel like you peed your pants but you didn't? Not fun.

    3. River: Nope. I don't know that test. Fortunately. MRIs have you enclosed in a claustrophobically small space while very noisy bangs and whirrs go on around you. I haven't noticed any effect from the dye.

  4. Love all the color. Good job!

    1. Mike: Lots and lots of colour - and more coming out each day.

  5. Hi EC - your Spring flowers are just wonderful ... and I'm sure give you cheer as you and himself start a troubling week - with good luck to you and to the kitties ... cheers Hilary

    1. Hilary Melton-Butcher: Thank you. They do cheer me - though some rain would be nice.l

  6. I am rooting for you and Batty to get through this period with all your bits intact. I've never had an MRI and hope I never do! Good luck, and thanks for all the wonderful flowers. They sure do brighten my day and my smile, too.

    1. DJan: I hope you can escape the dreaded MRI. I also hope that Batty and I keep our bits. The blossoms and blooms make me smile too.

  7. What's going on with Batty now? More knee issues? I hope your MRI results aren't so bad. I hate them too.

    1. Strayer: Batty has developed an intermittent wheeze and bubbles as he breathes. He is better than he was, but not out of the woods yets. Fingers crossed on the MRI front.

    2. Fluid in the lungs? Cat pneumonia?

    3. River: The vet doesn't know what it is. It isn't there all the time and he is not running a temperature. Antibiotics have helped but not eliminated it.

  8. Dear EC
    Sending both you and Batty lots of luck and hoping that your various tests pinpoint what the problems are.
    Your camellias are lovely, as are all the other Spring blooms. Thank you for sharing your colourful surroundings.
    Sending virtual hugs to you all too.
    Best wishes

    1. Ellie Foster: Thank you. Spring is a riot of delightful colour isn't it? Fingers are crossed for me and the Battmeister. Hugs back to you too.

  9. Loved seeing the beautiful flowers both in your garden and in the flower boxes in town. I have no idea what most of the flowers are, but they are certainly colorful and I know you LOVE color.

    Batty and Odie look so cute together. You would never get my two that close together, nor would you get them to sit long enough for me to photograph them.

    I hope both you and Batty get satisfying news from your doctor visits. It's hard, especially when a doctor says you have a non-specific illness. I hope that's not the case for the two of you, dear.

    1. Bleubeard and Elizabeth: You are right. I do love colour and spring gives that to me in plenty. Batty and Odie fight a lot (and fur is shed). However particularly near the food bowl they are happy to be very close to each other.
      Not knowing is doing my head in so I hope that these latest visits do give us answers.

  10. Oh! Beautiful little Batty and Odie....they warm my heart the dear little darlings. I miss my babies so very much. Please give Batty and Odie special cuddles from me.

    My very best wishes and thoughts are with you, EC...may only good things come your way, stop at your doorstep, and entry. You deserve all the best life has to offer....take care.

    1. Lee: I know just how much you miss Remy and Shama and my heart continues to ache with and for you. I hope that this trip to the vet is the last for Batty for quite some time. He has had a rough run.

    2. Thank you, EC. I meant to type "enter"...not "entry" as shown above. :)

    3. Lee: Not a problem. I knew what you meant and thank you.

  11. Beautiful flowers, and me, wish your appointment EC.

  12. The flowers are beautiful. I did not know cats get MRI too. All the best to the appointment.

    1. roentare: Thank you. The MRI is for me. I don't 'think' that cats do have MRIs. The noise would freak them out unless they were heavily sedated.

    2. This reminds me of the old joke: Guy goes to doctor for an exam. The doctor strangely has her cat in the office, looking closely at the guy. The charge for the visit is 1.050. The guy says, WHAT? that is way too expensive. Doctor says: $50 for my exam and $1,000 for the CAT scan.

    3. Frances: The cats would say that their service is severely underpaid.

  13. Sorry you were not able to get to the exhibition at your National Museum ... however, I did enjoy your photographs and you do have some lovely colour in your garden.

    I hope Batty's appointment goes well and your MRI scan too.
    That last photograph is very cute.

    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Lowcarb team member ~Jan: Thank you. We thought the crossed tails were super cute too. Fingers crossed here for both Batty and me.

  14. Your spring seems a little ahead of ours or perhaps I have not been observant. There's a good chance I made the same comment last year.
    The cats look terrific.

    1. Andrew: Some of our spring is quite advanced. Some is in hiding. The cats were in cute mode when we took that shot.

  15. How delightful to see spring flowers. So much delicate beauty. Our August has been wet and cooler than usual but it definitely feels like we are in an early fall mode.

    I love the picture of the two cats with their tails crossing. I hope that Batty can get help with his wheezing and that your MRI goes well for you.

    Take care, hugs.

    1. Julia: Our winter was warmer and drier than usual. A long hot summer is forecast - which will wreak havoc on the garden and me.
      Thank you so much for your health wishes.

  16. Very colorful spring. We are still praying for autumn to show up.

    1. Alex J. Cavanaugh: I hope it does come soon. You have endured a dreadful summer.

  17. Their crossed tails are cute. I do hope some cure or treatment will be found for Batty that finally sees him well. Fingers crossed for your MRI too.
    Your camellias are gorgeous and your bulbs too, but the best for me is the mixed colours in those planter boxes. Do you know what the little red and yellow flowers are?

    1. River: Thank you. I think those cheery blooms are a type of marigold. I will check when next I go into town.

  18. Definitely wishing you both lots of luck, you and Batty, for those appointments. I will be thinking of you. All the colorful spring flowers, and the spider’s web and last but not least, your two kitties, are pure delight!

    1. DeniseinVA: Thank you. There will be lots of celebration of Spring in my city and the surroundings in the coming weeks. Our Spring Festival 'Floriade' opens in mid September. We will go at least once. Mid week to avoid the crowds.

    2. Wonderful, fun things to see and photograph! We aim for the mid-week events, even to our local parks and gardens. Til next time, sending a hug :)

    3. DeniseinVA: Being able to go to evens mid week and avoid the crowds is wonderful isn't it? The camera and my legs will get a work out in the coming weeks.

  19. I'm sorry you didn't get to the exhibit. Your spring photos are a feast for the eyes and a treat.

    You and Batty are in my prayers.

    1. messymimi: Thank you. We could try and get to the exhibition today but it is the last day and will be packed (and parking is woeful) so we will give it a miss.

    2. messymimi: I thoroughly enjoyed them - as I always do.

  20. Hope you get on ok with the MRI. Wishing you the best EC.
    Love that first camellia it's ever so pretty.
    The flowers do brighten up ones day too.

    1. Margaret D: Thank you. I really like that delicate pink camellia too. And my day is definitely brightened by colour.

  21. Thanks for the belly-laugh you gave me in your recent comment. I agree, the woods are always amazing! I absolutely love these pictures today! Beautiful flowers!

    1. Bill: Thank you - and I am glad to have made you laugh.

  22. There is a lesson for all of us, Sue, that despite your own health issues, and the miserable time you have had of late, you still can pull yourself together for volunteer work. Australia should issue a stamp with your portrait on it.

    1. David M. Gascoigne: Thank you. There are plenty of people who do more. I get a great deal more from my volunteering than I give - not least the reminder that I am a very lucky woman.

  23. Your post gave me the idea to take some photos of the flower boxes in the city on my next outing. Here too the flowers are "an explosion of color".
    Wishing you good results on your MRI, and improvement in Batty's condition!

    1. DUTA: Thank you. I look forward to seeing your explosion of colour. Don't they brighten up the city immeasurably.

  24. Such beautiful flowers! The cats are adorable.

    1. Pooja Mahimker: Thank you. Batty and Odie thank you too.

  25. Good luck all-round . As it is Spring there's hope in the air? How could there not be with such glorious colour in the town and your garden.

    1. Friko: Hope indeed. The delicious colour is heart warming isn't it?

  26. Good luck to both of you.
    Love all those colours.

    1. Caterina: Thank you. I love the colour too. It is a grey day today, but the colour still pops.

  27. Everything is certainly blooming and it all looks beautiful. Best of luck to both you and Batty, I will be thinking good thoughts for you both. I hope the new week will be good for you.

    1. RasmaSandra: Thank you. We are home from Batty's visit to the vet - and he has to go back tomorrow so they can show us how to administer another treatment.

  28. An incredibly colorful trip to town followed by even more incredible colors in the garden! It's almost a color overload. Almost.

    Gini and hope Spring weather brings more comfortable days for you. Fingers crossed on the MRI.

    1. Wally Jones: Thank you and Gini. And thank you for so generous sharing the natural wonders around you.

  29. Aw, Odie and Batty are adorable! And your garden is lovely as always - it's nice to see that the sulphur-crested vandals have left you at least a few flowers.

    Wishing both you and Batty the very best of luck!

    1. Diane Henders: Those crossed tails are super cute aren't they?
      Later I might show some shots of the vandal damage - and of the mountains of work that need to be done. Or I might not.

  30. What gorgeous glimpses of spring! Love all the bright and colorful flowers. So pretty and cheerful.

    Wishing you and Batty the best of lucks with your doctor visits. Fingers crossed for you both. :) ~Jess

    1. DMS ~Jess: Thank you. Spring is such a vibrant season and that vibrancy is on display at the moment. Batty has been to the vet once, and has to go back tomorrow. Hopefully this will be his last visit for a while.

  31. I hope both appointments go well and that you and the kittens have a good week. Hurricane on the way here Tuesday evening and into Wednesday.

    1. e: Thank you. Batty had a vet appointment yesterday and has another today. Hopefully this will be the last for some time but I am not holding my breath. I hope that the hurricane does no damage in your area.

  32. Wow, the yellow flowers with red hearts are gorgeous. What are they called?

    1. John Wiswell: I think that they are a type of marigold, and I loved their vibrant cheer. I will check next time I go into town - and hope they are still there.

  33. Look at those crossed tails. So sweet. And all those beautiful blooms. Glorious.
    Sorry you missed your outing. Toes-crossed. Fingers firmly on the keyboard.
    Sending all kinds of positive thoughts your way. My luck is not always to be relied upon.
    Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    1. Sandra Cox: Thank you. I am crossing things tightly here too - for Batty and for myself. And rejoicing in bucket loads of colour.

  34. Super cute cats! Hope your MRI goes well. Love color, too. Keep going!

  35. I'll be thinking of you and crossing my fingers and toes that it goes smoothly at your appointment. What a relief it will be for you to put that one behind you. That feeling of relief is the only comfort I can get from my dental and medical appointments and I hope it's something that you can have too. Good luck with Batty also. The blooms are so beautiful. Thank you for my dose of beauty today.

    1. jenny_o: I will definitely be relieved to have that one out of the way - and will then be on tenterhooks waiting for the results. Batty has a new diagnosis - asthma and chronic bronchitis. And has to be fitted with a mask and given medication for the asthma twice a day. I didn't bleed much tonight.
      Beauty is a real comfort, and I am glad there is so much of it about.

  36. Spring, beautiful and promising spring. It is so wonderful! You live in a lovely place, adn I envy you this season, as we're turning into autumn without really having had a real summer.
    Crossing my fingers for your MRI scan - it really is a noisy procedure - and for some results to come from it all.

    1. Charlotte (MotherOwl): Spring is indeed promising. And beautiful. I hope that summer is not hot on her heels.
      MRIs are noisy and I am a bit claustrophobic so I find them difficult. I do hope it gives some answers - and thank you.

  37. So many pretty plants! If only spring didn't need to turn into summer.
    Putting a cat on a puffer could get interesting! I hope it's the answer he needs.
    Best of luck with the MRI xo

    1. kylie: I hear you on wishing that Spring didn't turn into summer. We hope that this is the answer for Batty, though giving him his medication twice a day is definitely going to be interesting. And a little painful. Thanks for your wishes about the MRI too.

  38. 'Spring has sprung, the grass is riz'! What superb spring colours you've shared, thank you. Those crossed tails are very cute, and I'm a bit (or a bit more than a bit) claustrophobic too - I hope you're able to keep your eyes closed for the whole procedure and imagine beautiful things, and that the results are good.

    1. Kim: Aren't those colours a joy? Not only will I be enclosed MRIs are very, very noisy. It will be an unpleasant time but I am hoping for good results.

  39. I love the blue and purple flowers the most but they are all so pretty. I hope Batty's vet visit goes well. I also hope you get good results from your MRI. Those things are very noisy I've had a few of them myself so hopefully you get in and out fairly fast.

    1. Mary Kirkland: When I included the purple blooms I was thinking of you - I know you love that colour. My MRI will take about an hour. I am now fasting in preparation. We have a way to go with Batty but hopefully the vet has finally got to the bottom of this. Asthma and chronic bronchitis is the latest diagnosis.

  40. Hope you and Batty are in happy shape. Enjoying all those beautiful flowers! This post is like a visit to a beautiful field of wild flowers and I enjoy being with you so very much. Sending love and prayers and Aloha

    1. Cloudia: Batty is happier than I am this morning. He has had breakfast and has retired back to bed with himself. We will give him his morning medication when himself gets up - and hopefully he will only be unhappy v briefly. Thank you for your visit and kind words.

  41. Thank you darling girl for visiting my poor ol blog. I haven been around much. Busy with hurricane preps. :( So scary. Your flowers are lovely. I love color too. Wishing you good vibes for your MRI and your kitty.

    1. J C: It is a pleasure to visit your blog and see your art - whatever the genre you are using.

  42. Un placer recorrer tu espacio en esa primavera que se aproxima, cuantos colores y alegria se desprende de cada fotografia!!! Me encantan las plantas , tambien tengo muchas en mi hogar y aqui falta un mes para la primavera ..Algun dia pondré fotos de las mias. Gracias por tu visita niño elefante y que estes muy bien!!! Abrazo grande!!!

    1. eli mendez: Thank you. I look forward to seeing photos of your Spring too.

  43. Those planter boxes are cheery.
    Take special care.
    Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    1. Sandra Cox: I think that the planter boxes are an excellent addition to the city.

  44. Wishing you both a ton of good luck!! The flowers are nice. Pretty posies everywhere.

  45. Your camellias are beautiful.
    Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com


    1. Sandra Cox: We love them too. They line the front of our home, though the damage caused by the sulphur crested vandals is very evident.

  46. Sorprendentemente bellas tanto las flores de las jardineras como las de tu jardín, y eso que aún no ha llegado la Primavera, que aquí, es cuando empiezan a florecer las plantas.
    Me encanta la pose de tus gatitos.
    Buen fin de semana, amiga.

    1. Manuel: Spring is now officially here - but the plants have told us it was for weeks. Thank you - you have a great week too.

  47. Your cats are adorable, and I'm glad that batty is improving. I'm sorry you missed a trip to your museum. I haven't been to my favorite museum in a long time. I can't drive there because of my vision. But soon, I hope. You can never get too carried away with your lovely spring flowers. We are definitely heading into fall here. The light is changing and plants and trees are preparing for their winter rest. I hope the CAT scan went well. I hate lying in the machine and trying not to move (and worry) while it does its job. Wishing you luck! Take care! xoxox!

    1. Fundy Blue: I don't drive either. MRIs are (I think) worse than CAT scans though I would rather not have either. We have a new challenge with poor Batty. He apparently has asthma - in the hayfever capital of our country. You take care too please.

  48. Beautiful spring blooms. I hope Batty gets better. Good luck with the MRI, I hate those things.

    1. Karen, Pixel Posts: MRIs are vile aren't they. This one is now done, and I just have to wait to see the neurologist.

  49. Your spring flowers are beautiful. We are heading into fall and darkness. Hello darkness, my old friend. You come at 5 o'clock again.

    1. The Blog Fodder: Spring is a gorgeous time of year. I feel for you. I like the temperatures in autumn and winter but am not so keen on the reduced daylight hours.
