Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Sunday 28 July 2024

Sunday Selections #785


Sunday Selections was originally brought to us by Kim, of Frogpondsrock, as an ongoing meme where participants could post previously unused photos languishing in their files. Huge thanks to Cie who gave me this wonderful Sunday Selections image. 

The meme was then continued by River at Drifting through life.  Sadly she has now stepped aside (though she will join us some weeks), and I have accepted the mantle. 
The rules are so simple as to be almost non-existent.  Post some photos under the title Sunday Selections and link back to me. Clicking on any of the photos will make them embiggen.

I usually run with a theme.  It is still winter here.  We have had a grey winter but we have had very little rain (sigh) and our temperatures have been warmer than usual (no frozen bubbles and time is running out).  The garden is definitely preparing for spring.

So come wander through the presentable bits of our garden in the early morning with me.  I am excited, and so are the birds and insects.

The cymbidium orchid I showed you a few weeks back is still flowering beautifully and there are at least three more (different colours) in bud. There are plenty of other things emerging from the ground or in bloom too.

The camellias are starting to flower (and the king parrots and the sulphur crested vandals are plucking the blooms and dropping them to the ground).

Yesterday was the first sunny day in what seems like weeks.

I really like this Japanese iris.  It was given to me by a near neighbour who died a few years ago.  I think of him each year when the dainty flowers emerge.

 We have several grevilleas and the nectar loving birds delight in them.

The goldfish plant blooms for most of the year.


The drift of bluebells we planted over Jazz is thickening up nicely.

I loved the dewdrops bejewelling leaves too.

I hope your week is blooming lovely.


  1. You impress me !
    Very beautiful flowers and some of them I see for the first time in my life! You gave me an idea on the Sunday selections I will post flowers, I hope I can make it!! I'll be back with a link!
    Have a beautiful Sunday E.C.🧡

    1. Katerinas Blog: I look forward to seeing your flowers. Of course.

    2. Sorry, finally reading the words and dealing with old train stations lately I wrote an atmospheric story about an old station! The flowers the other Sunday🧡 The link to the story is here: https://peripetiazois.blogspot.com/2024/07/blog-post_27.html

    3. Katerinas Blog: There is no need to apologise. I read and enjoyed your tale and am super impressed at the way you combined two memes.

  2. While you're waiting for rain, it's been raining here all day. I enjoyed the walk through your garden all the more. Enjoy a lovely Sunday with yours.

    1. Sean Jeating: Still waiting here. It has been predicted but all we get is incontinent pigeon rain - splat, splat and it is gone.

    2. I am just trying to imagine that. ;-)

    3. Sean Jeating: Another grey day with no rain in sight. Sigh. Not even incontinent pigeon rain.

  3. I love purple flowers and the Orchid is my birth flowers so I love it. Such pretty flowers.

    1. Mary Kirkland: I do like that there is something blooming in the garden virtually all year round.

  4. Hi Sue - this time it's really struck me 'odd' to see Spring flowers - I quite understand why! But we're having sun and lovely late summer days - yet just over the Channel it's very very soggy ... please stay south rainy clouds!!!! So pleased to see Jazz is giving you delightful bluebells ... ours are just about over ... take care - and lovely lovely flowers - cheers Hilary

    1. Hilary Melton-Butcher: Jazz loved to roll in bluebells - it seemed fitting to give him some of his own. I would really love some rain but I don't think it will be a happening thing. Enjoy your sunshine.

  5. What a variety of flowers!
    And what a nice way to remember a friend.

    1. Marty: Thank you. I remember him very fondly.

  6. River Fairchild - You have such beautiful flowers and a wide variety! The number of years you’ve put into growing your garden really shows. Thank you for the inspiration.
    Rainy days are one thing, but monotonous grey days are wearing on the psyche. I’m glad you finally got a blue sky day.
    Hugs to you always and I hope you have an easy week ahead.

    1. River Fairchild: Another grey day today. False pretenses since no rain is expected. The garden is getting ready to burst into spring - and it really is at its best then. More work to do though. Lots of work. Hugs and wishes reciprocated.

  7. Your blooms are beautiful, and I hope the vandals spare you a few camellias. We're in the midst of summer (and wildfire season) here, so I thought winter would still be firmly in place there. Are you having an early spring?

    1. Diane Henders: I hope the vandals spare us some camellias too - and that as they emerge they don't behead and shred daffodils and tulips either. Parts of the garden do seem to be in spring mode - which I really, really hope doesn't foretell an early summer. I hope your fires can be controlled - and that the heat is unbearable.

  8. Many beautiful memories and floral portraits. Love a good dosage of nature

  9. Flowers in the winter?! What zone are you in? I'm in zone 6.

    1. Mike: Probably a zone 4. Warm to hot and dry summers, cool to cold winters.

  10. Hello E.C. I am so glad to have found you and that you are still blogging. I am back blogging but not posting much. I took a very long break and I have missed it so much. Anyway, you flowers in your winter are just as beautiful as ares in summer. xo

    1. Birdie: It is lovely to see you here. I have missed you. Lots.

  11. How nice to see all those anemones blooming. And all the blooms are beautiful.

    1. Joanne Noragon: No anemones in flower yet - but there are many above ground.

  12. It doesn't matter what time of the year, there is always plenty happening in your bountiful garden. It's a pity about the camellias. Luckily the blooms are plentiful.

    1. Andrew: I am hoping that when more of the camellias are in flower the vandal bird's depreciations won't be so obvious.

  13. I'm glad you finally had a blue sky and hope there are many more coming your way. I am surprised you haven't had much rain, we 've been having overnight downpours.
    Your flowers are all beautiful, here everyone's jade bushes are flowering profusely, and some wattle is beginning but not much else yet.

    1. River: Another mostly grey day today. And no rain. We have had the occasional dribble but no more. There is wattle coming out across the city but ours is ten days or so away.

  14. Beautiful pics, EC. From all accounts the next few days are going to be a bit chilly....so, if that turns out to be the case, keep warm. :)

    I hope the week ahead is kind to you...my cuddles to Batty and Odie. Take care.... :)

    1. Lee: I think we are expecting a minus three tonight and tomorrow. The days shouldn't be too bad though. I hope you can stay warm.

  15. Shame about the camellias. We are having problems with Bandicoots and Wallabies eating our shrubs. The lady next door has camera on her house.
    Your orchid is looking wonderful and pretty along with all the flowers. There is always something in bloom.

    1. Margaret D: I am glad that there is always something in bloom. No bandicoots or wallabies here - but the cockatoos and the possum wreak some havoc.

  16. It's snowing somewhere, maybe you'll get enough chill for frozen bubbles. We can but hope

    1. kylie: I am hoping, but we need a minus 6 or so and a still morning for bubbles to freeze. My fingers are crossed but I suspect that many would be happy if it doesn't get that low.

  17. Lovely blooms! Happy Sunday 😊

    1. ashok: Thank you and a Happy Sunday to you too.

  18. I'm surprised by your winter. We are heading into the hottest part of our summer and your spring is already emerging. A very warm winter indeed. LOVE the orchid and the Japanese iris. Such beauty and color already showing in your world.

    1. Bleubeard and Elizabeth: It is weird isn't it? I hope your summer gets over its brutal stage (and that our early spring isn't followed by an early summer.)

  19. Beautiful flowers. I'm glad you have them.

  20. Spring is in full flight? Lovely photos. (Why do weeds grow in my garden in winter? Shouldn't they be dormant?)

    1. J Cosmo Newbery: Weeds are like that. They grow in the heat of summer when everything else has been crispified too.

  21. Wonderful pictures! I especially love that orchid towards the beginning.

  22. How lovely that the bluebells bloom for Jazz. I am always stunned at how your garden looks even in winter. We just have dried up grass and conifers in winter. Nothing blooms at all. Gorgeous orchids too.

    1. Wisewebwoman: There will be more photos of Jazz's bluebells when they flower. Our winters are mild on a world wide scale (though not for Oz) and there is almost always something in bloom.

  23. I love your orchids! So pretty. Thanks for the tour of your lovely garden.

    1. gigi-hawaii: We are very glad that we found places outside where the orchids thrive. I am not good with houseplants.

  24. So beautiful and heartfelt as always. Dear Jazz! Aloha friend 💞

    1. Cloudia: When it isn't giving me the guilts, the garden is a source of solace. And even somedays when it IS making me feel guilty.

  25. I love your garden! Have a beautiful week.

    1. e: Thank you. The same to you and Miss Mercy.

  26. Each flower is more beautiful than the other... it's a pleasure to be able to look at everything in peace.

    1. Barwitzki: Thank you. I hope in the coming weeks to show more beauty - and share the peace they give me.

  27. Very beautiful flowers. I hope you have a good new week ahead,

  28. Oh! Your flowers are a delight. So many interesting varieties and the colors are just so gorgeous. Sorry you haven't gotten to make frost bubbles- and I hope you get to make them at least once. I also love dew drops bejeweling everything. Magical! Have a great week!

    1. DMS: I hope to freeze bubbles too, but I fear it will have to wait until next year. It is nearly cold enough today, but not quite. Dew drops can be lovely can't they?

  29. Such a delightful sight! Are those daffodils? The bright yellow ones? The first time I saw daffodils, it was in Oz. Oh my heart! It’s raining in NSW, I’ve been told. I’m sorry you couldn’t make those winter bubbles this time around.

    1. neena maiya: Those are jonquils. None of the daffodils are out yet. Soon. Ish. I know it is raining in parts of NSW, but not here. Fingers crossed we will get some soon. The garden would love it.

  30. Dear EC
    How lovely to be (almost) welcoming Spring. We are having some summer sun here in the UK but we had a wet, cold and dull Spring. I hope you get some rain. You can grow the most beautiful plants outside that we can only have as houseplants. The grevillea and goldfish plant look particularly interesting!
    Have a good week
    Best wishes

    1. Ellie Foster: We have several different grevilleas and the birds love them. I tried to take photos of one of the others, but failed. Later I hope. The goldfish plant is charming and lives in a hanging pot on our back deck. You get sufficient rain to be able to grow things that I dream of. Water prices are high here, and rainwater is much better for the plants than tap water anyway.

  31. I would so love a lavender orchid. Lovely post.

    1. Jenn Jilks: Isn't it a beauty. I am so glad we have found a spot where it thrives.

  32. Your garden is a delight. I pray you get more rain as needed.

    1. messymimi: Thank you. Rain would be very welcome. Most of our rain falls in winter and it has been dry.

  33. Wow a burst of joy from all of these lovely creations. What a magical journey for my thoughts today! I would gladly love to share some of our rain that just never seems to end! Enjoy your week and hopefully rain will come for you!

    1. 21 Wits: How I wish you could share your rain. Some world wide weather moderation would be nice.

  34. Great photos - as usual. One day, perhaps when I retire, I might chip into this Sunday Selections thing.




    1. Plastic Mancunian: Thank you. I would love it if you did join us in Sunday Selections after you retire - not long now.

  35. Such a rich colored variety of flowers! I like the story of the japanese iris which reminds you every year of the late neighbour that gave it to you. Sort of a memorial.

    1. DUTA: Definitely a memorial - and I can think of worse ones too.

  36. Love those flowers. Spring there, almost. We will soon be in fall. And I have not gone anywhere yet. I feel a clock ticking. Soon the long 9 month gray will begin.

    1. Strayer: We have had a greyer than usual winter but there are certainly signs that Spring is on the way. I hope your autumn and winter are gentle.

  37. Such lovely flowers. Thanks for sharing these photos.

  38. thecontemplativecat here Your flowers are so beautiful.

    1. Susan Kane: And thank you too - I am hoping for more. Many more.

  39. Your garden is awash in beauty. Darn vandals. Wishing you rain.
    Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    1. Sandra Cox: Thank you. No predicted rain for at least the next week.

  40. So beautiful. Gorgeous flowers. Thanks for sharing the pics.


    1. Authors with Advice: Thank you. It is my pleasure.

  41. I enjoy every photos here...In my house i have an orchid too but the varieties is anggrek bulan that have a white color and big petal...Maybe looks like camelia..Hope we get some rain. Enjoy your day ^^

    1. Mbul Kecil: I would love to see photos of your orchid. They are beautiful plants aren't they?

  42. It seems as if your flowers are definitely ready for Spring! Simply beautiful!

    We'll try to get over no frozen bubbles this year and console ourselves with bundles of lovely blooms.

    Gini and I hope you are well.

    1. Wally Jones: I am a bit sad about the bubbles - but am loving the blooms. How is Gini recovering?

  43. Orchids are so delicate and exotic looking. Back at ya on a blooming lovely day. Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    1. Sandra Cox: I love just how long orchid's flowers last. The one of the front veranda still looks as good as when it first opened.

  44. You embraced the Sunday Selections with enthusiasm! Despite the grey winter and warmer temperatures, it’s lovely to hear that your garden is already gearing up for spring. The early morning garden stroll must be quite refreshing, and it's great to see the birds and insects getting excited for the season change. I look forward to wandering through the presentable bits of your garden through your photos!

    I just posted a new blog post, please read: https://www.melodyjacob.com/2024/07/how-to-style-cowboy-hat-denim-on-denim-fashion-tips.html

    1. MELODY JACOB: Thank you. Believe me there will be lots of photos from the garden as the season advances. You are MUCH more stylish than I am but I will wander over and see what look you are rocking this time.

  45. Very interesting information and photos! Kisses


    1. Farhana Aketer Santa: Welcome and thank you. I visited your meditation site, but my system tells me that it has phishing software so I didn't leave a comment.

  46. WOW!! Gorgeous, each and every one of them. I understand they take a lot of care. You got some amazing photo's. The dew drops very nice indeed.

    1. Sandy: These are pretty much set and forget plants - once you find the right spot for them.

  47. The camellia blossoms are so, so lush, aren't they? I enjoyed all your photos of blooms, and the dew drops, too - thank you. I hope you get rain soon. It's getting dry here as well but at least we had a rainy spring and summer prior to this. I love that you planted bluebells over Jazz. May you only have good memories when you see them. xx

    1. jenny_o: Thank you. Seeing the bluebells emerging tugs at my heart strings. Of course. Jazz would have loved them though.

    2. Gentle hugs, my friend xx

  48. I hope you get your bubbles!!

  49. Thanks for a dose of beauty! I hope gentle rain is heading your way!

  50. Such lovely flowers! Lifts your mood!

    1. Anupama K. Mazumder: Thank you. They lift my mood too.

  51. Flowers have definitely a positive effect on our moods.
    : )
