Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Sunday 21 August 2016

Sunday Selections #290

Sunday Selections was originally brought to us by Kim, of Frogpondsrock, as an ongoing meme where participants could post previously unused photos languishing in their files.
The meme is now continued by River at Drifting through life.  The rules are so simple as to be almost non-existent.  Post some photos under the title Sunday Selections and link back to River.  Clicking on any of the photos will make them embiggen.
Like River I usually run with a theme. Last weekend we went on a small outing.  A nearby newish township was having a kite festival.  And there was talk of a giant whale and a giant cat kite.  Of course we had to go.

Sadly, for the first time in weeks there was no wind.  So the big kites weren't a happening thing.  Just the same seeing small people and their families running kites brought smiles to both of our faces.

I mentioned that the festival was being held in a newish township.  There is lots of building work underway and all of the areas we saw were crammed in tightly.  In some of the finished areas it looked as if you could reach out of the windows of one house and into your neighbours.  Bleah.

This was the only 'big' kite in evidence, and it didn't fly.

Not what we expected, not what we hoped for, but fun just the same.


  1. Exactly! The "wings" of a kite let it catch the wind and soar when they're balanced taut - yes, another great visual for just what I am learning!
    Whoot! I love seeing it in color against the bright blue of the sky:)
    (and I so agree with you - why would anyone put buildings that close to one another??? Don't they beleive in air?)
    Thanks for the beautiful post!

    1. Jennifer Richardson: Kites are always a joy. I love to see them soaring. And that township is advertised as 'up market'. Not for me.

  2. We always made our own out of bedsheets and tore off strips to tie on the tail. Oh what fun that was.

    1. And may I ask Child, as I've mentioned your astounding reading list before, what has been your favorite read so far this year?

    2. donna baker: We made our kits too. Paper kits. And they flew pretty well. I saw a few hand made kites there, and they flew at least as well as the commercial ones.
      Favourite book so far this year? Not easy. American Gods by Neil Gaiman. The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell. Wesley the Story of a Remarkable Owl by Stacey O'Brien.

  3. I loved flying kites as a kid, though they were cheap and flimsy and usually only worth one go. We never thought of making our own, though it should be relatively easy. Thanks for your comment. I left a reply.

    1. e: We made our own, and they lasted pretty well. Another forgotten joy. I saw your reply. Thank you.

  4. Aah kite flying... (And building) Brings back memories.
    Thank you so much

  5. Watching the children would have been worth it. We flew kites in the spring; there was an ideal spot across the road.

    1. Joanne Noragon: We have kite festivals here, but I can't remember the last time I saw a family flying a kite on other occcasions. Which is sad.

  6. The simplest of kites still bring smiles and pleasure.

    So many of the new housing estates squeeze the houses so close together one would have to talk in whispers so the neighbours didn't hear conversations! You wouldn't have to walk to the front doors and knock to ask for a loan of a cup of sugar...you could just reach into the neighbour's kitchen by leaning out from your window...and not have to lean far, either! :)

    Have a good week, EC...cuddles to Jazz and Jewell. :)

    1. Lee: This area is advertised as up-market. Not crammed together like that it isn't. Or I don't think so.
      A good week to you and your furry overlords.

  7. Replies
    1. Sue in Italia/In the Land of Cancer: They were. Very pretty.

  8. Sorry the big kites could not fly but it does still look like a fun day out.

    Happy Sunday to you and your honey bunny.

    1. The Happy Whisk: There will be other days for the big kites. Happy clutter free weekend to you too.

    2. True.

      Thanks. Making hand-pies and bagels today.

      What are you eating these days?

    3. The Happy Whisk: At the moment my throat feels as if I have been gargling with gravel. I am not eating a lot, and anything I do eat is soft.

    4. Yikes. Super sorry to read that.

      Feel better SOON, if not, SOONER.

  9. It looks like a fun family day. It is the same here with new housing estates. What will they be like in thirty years?

    1. The slums of the future I fear.

    2. Andrew: This one is being sold as an upmarket places to live, with a pleasant country drive to my city. There may be areas we didn't see where people have a bit of space but... The only reason that I suspect River is wrong about the slum of the future is that it is so far from town. With no public transport. At all.

  10. Bummer there was so little wind!
    That last kite is fun.

    1. Alex J Cavanaugh: Wasn't it? It only stayed in the air very briefly, but it was lovely.

  11. oooh! I LOVE that bi-plane!What a finale!
    As you know, I go a bit ga-ga for kites.Maybe Ali and I should make some with her grand-kids and go to the beach...

    1. dinahmow: Oooh yes. Kite flying on the beach. Do it. With pictures. Please.

  12. Such a joy to see real kites, the old fashioned kind instead of dozens of blow-up balloon types. The plane is fabulous.
    I agree about the new housing, it's almost like living in flats, and I imagine many of the people might spend days at a time never opening curtains or blinds in case "they" can see in.

    1. River: It was fun. And an excellent reminder about the simple joys. I didn't see anyone glued to the phones, except to take photos.
      You are so right about never opening curtains and blinds. Which is sad in the country. Very sad.

  13. Still looks like a lovely day out. It would have been fun to see the red car flying! The vibrant colours make the blue of the sky look even brighter.

    1. Alexia: We have had more grey days than usual this winter. It was lovely to see the blue return again, and yes, we would have liked to see the big kites take to the sky. Next time.

  14. I always loved kites. Those that did fly were beautiful against thhat gorgeous blue sky.

    1. Marie Smith: I love them too. And their colours.

  15. Isn't that the way it happens sometimes? Wind for days, and then when you want to fly a kite, nothing. Still, I enjoyed seeing them. :-)

    1. DJan: There will be other days. I suspect the organisers were more ticked off than anyone who went.

  16. Oh, kites!!! I have such wonderful memories of flying kites. People fly them here on the beach all the time and it is always delightful. Thanks for a sweet reminder.

    1. Kathleen Valentine: Kites and beaches belong together don't they?

  17. I have seldom had any luck in getting kites to fly so that is why I am in awe when I see someone get one of those large ones into the sky. They are a magical and happy thing to watch.

    1. Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe: I haven't ever seen one of the big kites in the air - or at least not close up. The man with the red car talked about a 'starter kite'. I would have loved to see it, but smiled (broadly) at the smaller ones anyway.

  18. Bummer that the giant cat kite was nowhere to be found.
    The crammed together houses are all I ever see anymore. :(

    1. River Fairchild: I was sad not to see the giant cat and whale too. And disappointed at the crammed together big boxes as 'country' living.

  19. No whale? No aero-kitty? Ah well, good fun for all that. I love your opinions, find myself agreeing and cheering you on. Bleah! indeed

    1. Cloudia: The township is about forty kilometres from my city. Definitely country living. Crammed in struck me as sooooo wrong. And aero-kitty and a sky whale would have been lovely. Some other day.

  20. I see a lot of new houses which architecture is differentn from ours. I love kites. Hugs from sunny poland

    1. Gosia: These are very new houses and their architecture is not to my taste. I love kites - and am very glad to hear that Poland is sunny at the moment.

  21. I love to see kites flying with all the colors. Here the houses built close together are often for people who don't want a yard to keep. I might be looking for something like that one day.

    1. Glenda Council Beall: I suspect the closeness of these homes is about developer greed. This is not a community which would suit anyone who had health or mobility issues, and is not close enough to any 'action' for others. It is really being marketed as somewhere for families who are happy to commute.

  22. Kites are lovely. Very close neighbors... far less so.

  23. Replies
    1. Margaret Adamson: So would we. How is your poor broken finger?

  24. Replies
    1. Author R. Mac Wheeler: Oh you should. We all should. And probably won't.

  25. been years since I've flown a kite, if only I was at the beach and flying one. Ha.

    1. Linda Starr: It is years (and years) since we have too.

  26. I haven't flown a kite in years but I use to love them. You have some lovely pictures.

    1. Rick Watson: Thank you. I have some good memories of the day too.

  27. I think it might be nice to live in a place like that if you were a kid and there were lots of other kids, but I prefer a little privacy and I'd hate have neighbors that close. As for the kites, maybe not as many flew, but the ones that did sure are pretty against that blue sky :)

    1. mshatch: There didn't seem to be room in any of the yards for children to play. Which in a 'family friendly' township I think is a mistake. And yes, I like my privacy too.

  28. You brought back memories to me of my efforts to fly a kite without any wind. I can remember running and running and changing directions and my dad trying to help to save my disappointment but it just wouldn't work.

    1. Granny Annie: There was a LOT of running. And some kites stayed in the air for seconds before crashing to earth. I was so impressed at the stamina of the runners. Particularly the small runners.

  29. I love kites! I remember Mom used to make them for us out of news papers and sticks. They flew good but when hung in a tree we would just go make another one.

    1. Lisa: Home grown kites were a LOT of fun weren't they?

  30. I guess most developments now closely pack the houses. Here they do in most. More houses can be put in that way. There's nothing like watching colorful kites in the sky. I just read somewhere three people died from kite strings severing their neck arteries, think it was in India.

    1. Strayer: I have heard stories like that too. I believe that competitive kite flyers used to coat the strings with broken glass so they could sever the tails of rival kites (or the people flying them). Shudder.

  31. I love your posts. I love the kites. Beautiful!!!!

    1. Sonya Ann: You are a shameless flatterer. Thank you.

  32. Why can our skies here never be as brilliantly blue as yours. I’m so envious!

    1. Friko: I envy your rain. And your green countryside. Ours is rarely green for more than a very brief window...

  33. Kites are so much fun! As an adult I should be able to figure out how to make something unique, but you need just the right wind. We sometimes get those whale kites flying out over the harbor. They are so much fun to see.

    1. Jono: To see the whale kites flying over the harbour would be amazing. Photos next time. Please.

  34. Oh this is such a neat festival to go to. I like the kites, and the plane was unique, it flew when the car wouldnt

    1. Kim@stuffcould...: I was very happy that we saw it advertised, and even happier we went, despite the grounding of the big boys.

  35. My older brother used to try flying his homemade kites every year. And generally they ended up wrapped around the wires and hanging for months on end. I like to watch but not run :) You got some great pictures on your outing.

    1. jenny_o: Fun runs strikes me as the classic oxymoron. I don't run. I admired the industry of the avid kite flyers though. A lot.

  36. So the earth turned off the blowers, eh?

    1. Birdie: She did. Until the next day. Mother Nature is often contrary.

  37. I love kites, they float up high towards the moon. Thanks EC for showing me them.

    1. Bob Bushell: I love them too. And bubbles. And sparklers. My inner child is alive and well.

  38. WOW! Enjoyed seeing different type of kites.Car kite looks very beautiful.

    1. Weekend-Windup: The car kite would have been super impressive if there had been enough wind for it to take to the skies.

  39. Kites always make me smile. Sounds like you made the best out of the day and that's always good. Can't say I'd like living so close to neighbors.

    1. Mason Canyon: Having neighbours that close would be a foretaste of hell for me. I did enjoy the kites though. And yes, we smiled too.

  40. Oh my gosh these kites are amazing. So much creativity. Car kites:)

    1. Sandra Cox: Weren't they fun? I would really, really have liked to see the giant whale and the giant cat too.

    2. Ooh, a giant cat kite. Now that would be fun!

  41. We used to fly kites along the beach. So much fun. Your images reminded me we haven't done that in a few years.

    1. cleemckenzie: We haven't flown kites in years either. And should. There is always room for frivolity in my world.

  42. What a wonderful opportunity to spend with family or just to enjoy alone. I really like the one that looks like an airplane!

    1. Ginger Dawn Harman: The bi-plane looked great didn't it?

  43. I flew kites with my little brother, but he was better at it! Hubs used to take our girls kite flying at a park nearby. It was at the top of a hill and always had a nice crosswind to lift them up and away. . . that little plane near the end was very nice with the streamers.

    1. D.G. Hudson: My brothers are all older than I am, and we didn't play together much as children. Some days I was allowed to watch, and at least two of them were skilled kite flyers. I loved the bi-plane too.

  44. Too bad about the wind, some of those larger kites would have been quite a sight to see. But the ones you did get were fun I'm sure. Made for some lovely photos.

    1. DeniseinVA: They were fun. The big ones were the ones we made the trip for, but it would have been silly not to appreciate the joy which was there.

  45. Kites are colorfully fun. I would've liked to see the car kite in the air, but the cute little girl might've been scared for her life.

    I hope all's well in your world, EC.

    1. Rawnknrobyn: I hope that if the wind got up, the moppet would have been evicted. Mind you, she might have enjoyed sailing through the air...

  46. Fun shots and such a variety of kites. Shame about the wind.

    1. Lady Fi: There was a wide range wasn't there? Which was lovely.

  47. Hi EC - I've been out on occasions with no wind - disappointing for the littlies ... but we ran and ran and winded ourselves ... trying to get them to fly! Love that plane one ...

    They fly kites down on the beach/reef here ... lovely to see the kids out and about enjoying themselves ... cheers Hilary

    1. Hilary Melton-Butcher: There was LOTS of running, and lots of winded people (mostly adults). And lots of smiles. Which made it worth it.

  48. It always amazes me to see how well something glides in the sky. I tried to fly once when I was little thinking I was superman. Plum fool I was, I was lucky and sprung up like a grasshopper, off the grass perfectly fine, after jumping off a one story building, haha. So I did it again!!! It just goes to show how something like flying a simple kite is a much better way to enjoy youself and have tons of fun.

    1. Spacer Guy: Ouch. I suspect many of us have similar stories. Somedays I think it is a miracle that so many of us survive.

  49. Those are some beautiful kites . . . nevertheless. How free, yet bond by a string.

    I can't remember the last time I flew a kite, now I just fly now and then.

    1. Dark Witch: These were more earth-bound than most.

  50. A kite festival! How lovely. So colorful.

    1. Lynn: It was lovely. And I hope it is back next year.

  51. Aw. I bet the little ones were disappointed, but I hope they had fun anyway.

    1. Myrna R.: I didn't see or hear any disappointment from the children. The adults yes, but the children were rejoicing in the moment.

  52. Wonderful kites, I like the last photo.

  53. Glad you still had fun- but the kites in the pictures look great. I loved flying kites as a child. Not sure why I haven't flown one in so long.

    1. DMS ~ Jess: I think that too many of us let 'fun' go. Too soon. Way too soon.

  54. Dear, Sue,
    is this how you stay so young & vibrant?
    Never a boring moment. xx

    1. My Inner Chick: Who is this young and vibrant person of whom you speak? I am an old fart - but mostly happy with it.
