Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Friday 27 March 2020

Balloon Spectacular 2020

In March for about ten days my city goes a bit balloon mad.  Each year we have a Balloon Spectacular (which starts as Enlighten finishes) and up to fifty balloons are launched each day.  Bliss.  There is always at least one 'feature' balloon. 
Weather permitting they take off from the lawns of Old Parliament House shortly after dawn, and as well as the fortunate riders, it has become a tradition for people to come along and watch them inflate and take off (another free treat).  Some mornings there are hundreds and hundreds of spectators.  Breakfast is available, and the crowd is happy.  

The balloons are weather dependent.  We were lucky this year and most days at least some of the balloons took to the air.

This year we went to see them inflate twice and were lucky enough to see them flying on other days.  I showed you the main feature balloon on a recent Sunday Selections, but there were other wonders and other joys.

Settle back with the beverage of your choice, because a LOT of photos follow.  Photos of an event which could not take place at the moment, which I am very glad we saw, and glad to share.  I am also going to be more wordy than usual because Laurie who often comments on my posts has severe issues with her sight.  She has an app which reads the text for her (but no doubt without an Aussie accent) but of course photographs and images remain a bit of a mystery.

I do love the heart-shaped balloon which we see here nearly completely inflated.

The heart shaped balloon again and a nearby blue one both so nearly there - and a lot of people looking on in awe and wonder.  Once the balloons started to inflate it was hard to know where to look.

I hadn't seen the Sea Shepherd balloon before.  It was striking with its black livery and a skull with a crossed trident and shepherds crook beneath it.  We are told that it is a banner for environmental conservation (desperately needed).

A cheerful, colourful (red, green and purple) balloon starting to rise and finally in the air.

The heart shaped balloon is a regular, and was finally aloft.  And thanks to Andrew when I look at the heart I also envisage it upside down, representing quite a different piece of anatomy.  Thanks Andrew.  Thanks a lot.

My city's very own balloon.  It is yellow and has CBR Canberra on its sides.  This is a balloon that I see throughout the year on lucky mornings.  When I can I try and take my photographs when the burners are alight because it makes for much more vivid photos.  Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I fail.

On one day only SkyWhale was inflated (beside the T-Rex).  Sadly it was a gusty morning and she didn't take to the air.  SkyWhale was a 100th Birthday present my city gave to itself in 2013.  Some people love her, some people hate her.  You can find an earlier post on her here.  

I don't know quite how to describe her.  Some people see a turtle in her.  I notice her tired eyes, gentle face and I am sure she is wearing lipstick.  She also has not one but ten dangling boobs (complete with nipples).  We are told that SkyWhalePapa has been commissioned and that we will see it later this year.  I do wonder whether SkyWhalePapa will be festooned with penises.

Both of the airforce balloons side by side, with a hint of a green and yellow one beside them.

Splashes of colour as more and more balloons inflate and start to float away, finishing with another regular - our Air Forces feature balloon - which always makes me think of Darth Vader, with its masked head complete with helmet and air hose.

Then yet MORE shots of colourful balloons taking to the air.  And yes, I do know just how obsessional I am.

SkyWhale is big - but she was dwarfed by T-Rex.

I really liked seeing the balloons above our arboretum (which is actually green after recent rain) and floating above early morning rowing crews on the lake.

We came home via the lake, and I was tickled by just how unconcerned this roo was.

The last shot was one I took a few days later on my way into the city.  I could see at least ten balloons in the air at once, and was just too slow to photograph T-Rex in the air.

If you have lasted this long, thank you.  I never, ever tire of balloons and took over 500 photos on the two days we went to the launch this year.

I am going to ask a favour too.  If you can be descriptive in your comments that will help Laurie get more from the post too.


  1. I like the Air Force one. Not sure what the SkyWhale is. Turtle face but with wings? Glad you saw it when you did!

    1. Alex J. Cavanaugh: I like them all. SkyWhale is totally imaginary but the artist herself alluded the the incredible shapes/colours that Nature herself creates.

  2. Oh thank you dear!!!!! Love you so much, S

  3. Can't say I'm a fan of Skywhale or T-Rex but I love the heart and all of the different colors on the other balloons. What a sight they must be in the sky! Thanks. Hope you are well.

    1. e: It is an amazing sight and one I look forward to each and every year. Seeing so many balloons inflate close together is an incredible spectacle, and when over a dozen of them are in the air at once, wow doesn't even begin to cover it.

  4. SkyWhale made me laugh. I saw a giant, gentle bird-and-turtle shaped thing with what you describe as boobs clearly being wings of some sort. I love the photos of five different balloons, one blue, one pear yellow with green stripes, one multocoloured teal, orange and dark blue in the front row, and even more behind it, all being inflated so close together, that they are cheek to cheek. So many balloons. And then the kangaroo, standing there with its black front paw nicely on its stomach, undisturbedly munching at a mouthful of green grass. Oh how I hope to be able to come and see all this when the world hopefully turns normal again.

    1. Charlotte (MotherOwl): Thank you so much for this colourful and detailed comment. Fingers and toes crossed that the world spins back to normalacy soon. We hope to get down to the lake later today - there are few people there mid week, and get solace from the kangaroos. And wasn't that mouthful of grass enchanting?

  5. I am assuming SkyWhale is some alien species. Cute but an extremely non specific cross between an amphibian/reptilian and mammal, that defies description.
    I am gad you were able to see and enjoy the event too!

    1. Anne in the kitchen: SkyWhale is not more outlandish than some of the species that do exist in our world. Platypus are improbable critters, as are so many that live in the water...

  6. Everybody loves balloons and these are magnificent. I really liked Sky Whale but at first I thought it was a turtle. Like you said, the sad eyes and the shape of her face led me to that assumption. The fact that she is called Sky Whale was a big clue to what the ballon was portraying.

    1. Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe: I love them all, and SkyWhales' tired eyes, and that gentle smile really speak to me. But then I am a complete balloon tragic.

  7. Dear EC
    What a lovely and descriptive post. I saw a turtle's head on SkyWhale - not sure about that many boobs though - is she some kind of fertility goddess-type creature?
    Thank you for all the colour and fun.
    Best wishes

    1. Ellie Foster: I think that SkyWhale is anything you want her to be. The excess of boobs and the smile certainly make her look maternal to me, but lots of people dislike her intensely.

  8. Laurie: I wish you could see it too. It is an amazing sight.

  9. The Skywhale is big and I love her but T-Rex is massive. I love all the pictures.

    1. Mary Kirland: Given the amount of hot air required to inflate these beauties, the launch location in the Parliamentary Triangle is entirely appropriate. And I much prefer the balloons to the usual inhabitants.
      T-Rex stands at well over 100 feet. He (and I assume it is a he) certainly is ginormous.

  10. balloons are great love from Poland

    1. Gosia: They are a bright and colourful splash of fun - which we all need. I hope that you and your family are safe and well.

  11. "Who are roo looking at?" Mr. Roo asked.

    You have been most generous with your balloon pics, EC. They are so bright and colourful brightening up everyone's day.

    Thanks for spreading the joy around; much is needed in this worrying time. Kind hearts abound...

    Take good care. :)

    1. Lee: I think we all need colour and joy EVERY DAY, and am glad to provide some. You take care too.

  12. I especially love the photos where the balloons are inflating and the tops of several appear above the ground simultaneously? Such a riot of colour against the sky!

    1. Marie Smith: Seeing the balloons in the sky is always a joy, but you are right, there is something magical about watching them inflate - particularly when several of them are expanding together.

  13. I love that you have additional description in your post and are encouraging commenters to do the same, EC.

    It was wonderful to see SkyWhale again. I, too, love her gentle smile and turtle-like face with the kind eyes. I smiled at the T-Rex being inflated through the opening between his back legs - gives new meaning to fire in the loins, does it not? He really is huge; I hadn't realized how tall until I saw him towering over SkyWhale.

    And that kangaroo was delightful! He or she looks completely comfortable perched on hind legs with front paws draped comfortable down his or her front. Those huge ears standing straight up are turned toward you and your camera like miniature oval satellite dishes, catching every sound. And as Charlotte and you pointed out, the mouthful of grass in the process of being eaten just adds to this character's pose. I expect the roos are enjoying the greener grass these days after the droughts and fires.

    Such a satisfying post, full of interest and entertainment ... and beauty, as always. Thank you, EC.

    1. jenny_o: I love that you picked up the 'fire in the loins' aspect of T-Rex. And yes, he is incredibly big. I suspect that days where he can take to the air are rare.
      I am glad that you like SkyWhale too. I think that gentle benovlence describes her experience best, and she warms my heart.
      As do kangaroos - every time I see them. We plan on a trip to the lake later today (which should be largely people free) and I hope to see them there.

  14. Thank you so much for the midweek post, it was a treat! That SkyWhale does look rather turtlish to me in the face, at least.

    1. messymimi: I am glad this post was a treat. And yes, there is something a little turtlish (a new word I believe) about our birthday balloon.

  15. look at the parrot, are folks not doing social distancing there ?

    1. Linda Starr: Parrot? I expect you mean SkyWhale, and yes I can sort of see the parrot resemblance too. We are indeed doing social distancing now. The Balloon Spectacular took place just before Covid-19 landed here. Today it would be banned.

  16. Might be the last large gathering for a while. I'm glad you got to enoy it!
    Yes, definitely Darth Vader. ;) The T-Rex is a certain favorite of mine.
    The roo looks like he's posing for you... or thinking about kicking you out of his territory.
    My love to you and big hugs.

    1. That should be *enjoy* Sigh...

    2. River Fairchild: Definitely the last large gathering. Probably for quite some time. The roo was quite a small one so probably not about to try and evict us - though I gave him lots of space.
      I am always a little glad to see that other people are guilty of typos in comments - and did know what you meant.

  17. What can I say. You get all the good balloons.

    1. Joanne Noragon: T-Rex was a visitor from Canada. Today he, and his pilots and crews would not be allowed to enter the country. I am so very glad they got in just in time.

  18. Lovely pictures and fabulous balloons. I love the T-Rex and he is HUGE!

    1. mshatch: They were all fabulous. We were told that T-Rex was big. We were even told just how big he was (nearly 140 metres) but it didn't sink in just how hunungous he was until he inflated beside other balloons. SkyWhale is large herself, but was totally dwarfed.

  19. Balloons in the sky take my breath away.

    1. Susan Kane: And mine. Mind you watching them inflate is a treat in itself. It is a truly wonderful way to start the day.

  20. The Sea Shepherd used to be the name of Greenpeace's banner ship. She chased the whalers and the dolphin killers among other things. The Star Wars balloon, is that the Mandalorin character, now so popular, with his own show carting around Baby Yoda?

    I love the bright and beautiful balloons that fill the air in your photos. Its good your wind went down so they could soar at least on some days.

    1. Strayer: I am pretty certain that Greenpeace owns the Sea Shepherd balloon. The balloon which looks a little like Darth Vada belongs to our airforce - who would probably not be flattered by the comparison. I didn't know about the Mandalorin character and will have to investigate. Thankyou.
      It was wonderful to see the balloons take to the sky, and even better that some at least flew most days. We have had Balloon Spectaculars in recent years where they have been grounded by the weather most days.

  21. Well, Andrew having pointed out the inverted heart shape...I suppose I can blame him for my wondering if Papa Sky Whale might feature tiers of..um..man junk.

    1. dinahmow: I have been wondering just that. We will have to wait and see.

  22. Love the Sea Shepherd and I'm one who thinks the Skywhale looks a lot like a turtle.

    1. River: Sea Shepherd was new to me, and I only saw it in the air once. I hope it returns again and again.

  23. Those balloons are spectacular, but even so, I must say, I love the appearance of that kangaroo.

    1. Lon Anderson: Yes. On both counts. We see the kangaroos more often than the balloons and never, ever tire of them.

  24. I'd say the kangaroo was enjoying the balloons as much as your were. Lots of fun, but seeing crowds of people makes me very nervous for you. Be careful.

    1. Bill: I hope he was. This was the last mass gathering, and I am so grateful we got to see it before the sh*t hit the fan.

  25. Thanks for the great photos and the comments, very kind of you to think of Laurie. We saw some balloons in Canowindra a few years ago but only briefly a few days before their main event. They are so beautiful in the air and huge on the ground. I must put the Canberra event in my calendar for another year. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Rosie: Thank you. I keep meaning to get to the Canowindra event - it isn't far from home and is such a pretty area. I hope you can get to our Spectacular some year.

  26. These are magic and so wonderful to see at this time.
    Take care.

    1. Margaret D: I agree. They ARE magic. Magic I was glad to see and share.
      Stay safe, stay well.

  27. Your balloon photos always make me smile with such vivid colors. The T-Rex looks huge. Thanks for sharing such a delightful treat with us.

    1. Mason Canyon: It really is an explosion of colour isn't it? And it is my pleasure to share the joy and the wonder.

  28. The balloons are colourful and bright, with a certain element of whimsicality attached to them. As they float up towards the sky, those of a metaphysical bent might conclude that they are getting closer to heaven. But for those of us more grounded in reality, it is simply a pleasant diversion, a chance to see the familiar earth from a different perspective. No doubt a ride in a hot air balloon is an experience not soon forgotten. If ever I have the chance, I shall want Champagne and fine cheese!

    1. David M. Gascoigne: I have been fortunate enough to take to the air in a balloon. It was truly magical - and yes, Champagne, Cheese and Chocolate were consumed at the flights end. With relish - and I had not before realised that all of those treats start with CH.

  29. I'm thrilled your balloon festival went on as usual this year. It may be a while before so many people are allowed to gather in one place again. I really thought the sky whale was a sea turtle and those boobs were flippers. Hmmm, you think maybe a man designed her? HA! As for the male sky whale to come, I don't think it will be covered in a multiple of penises. If a man designs it, he'd just give it one huge member to brag about, and women would shudder to think of how much mess a multitude of penises could make in the bathroom. :)

    Take care, sweet lady.

    1. Susan: SkyWhale (and SkyPapa) were designed by a woman. Patricia Piccinini - and Australian artist who works in a range of mediums. I find her work to be often confronting, sometimes heart rendering, and beautiful. I don't think I have ever seen any which didn't provoke emotion - and thought. I am looking forward to seeing SkyPapa - and expect the unexpected.

  30. I remember SkyWhale from last year, and I remember wondering who actually thought of it. Now the T-Rex is my all time favorite from this batch. Thank you for all the colorful pictures and descriptions, it has definitely made my morning much brighter. We are having rain outside right now, and that means I probably won't get much of a chance to exercise outdoors today. I laughed at Susan's description of a male SkyWhale with its massive huge single penis. Ha! :-)

    1. DJan: I am glad to have made your morning brighter. I know how much you are suffering with the Covid 19 restrictions. I do wonder why SkyPapa's maleness will manifest. Seeing a dozen penises floating through the sky is not a thought which fills me with joy. Time will tell.

  31. Mi piacciono queste manifestazioni, la Tartaruga è fantastica.
    Buon venerdi.

    1. Giancarlo: I like them too. It is interesting that most of us see the turtle in SkyWhale. Have a wonderful safe and healthy weekend.

  32. I woooove SkyWhale who looks like a happy turtle. And the patchwork one, W-something VNE.

    I kept hearing, in my head, 'would you like to ride in my beautiful balloon'.


    I can't see balloons now without thinking of The Twenty-One Balloons, a novel by William Pène du Bois.

    And that incident in the show with Rake. :-D

    1. neena maiya (guyana gyal): I love them all. I am not thanking you for the earworm though. I have not heard of The Twenty-One Balloons and will have to explore. Thank you.

  33. They're all quite lovely and colorful but my favorite is the black and white Sea Shepherd balloon. It matches my mood as of late due to the coronavirus. Maybe it can scare the virus away. :) I also love the picture of the kangaroo. They're such funny animals...I guess they aren't to you but to me they are...

    1. Mildred Ratched: I love them all - and there were so many marvels. I couldn't pick a favourite and am endlessly grateful that we saw them. Kangaroos aren't strange to us - we see them often, but I love them and often demand a trip to the lake for a 'kangaroo fix'. Which I did yesterday. Photos will follow.

  34. Dear EC, from the photographs, I can easily see why you like to see the balloons inflate. There is that light at the opening to the balloon that makes them suddenly like a light bulb. Then the colors become vivid, like stained glass and we see sort of the essence of cold captured in the material of the balloon. So lovely. thank you for sharing your "obsession" with loveliness. Peace.

    1. Dee: Seeing them inflate is almost magical, and then seeing them (on a good morning) take to the sky is the icing on the cake. You are right about the stained glass analogy too.

  35. That sky whale is something else. Wow! I was puzzled at first, wondering if it was some kind of bird.

    1. gigi-hawaii: SkyWhale divided our community. Some of us love her (me included) and some hate her. Seeing her in the air is an amazing sight - she shouldn't be able to fly but she does.

  36. Wow, those balloons are stunning. Love the photos you shared with us... T-Rex is winning, if it were a competition, of course! xD

    1. Hot guys: I am glad it isn't a competition because I just couldn't decide. T-Rex was spectacular but I love the simple beauty of more balloon shaped balloons too.

  37. I'm perplexed by the sky whale - not the most beautiful, but I'm sure it has a nice personality. Smiles.

    Take gentle care.

    1. Rawknrobyn: Do I detect that you are not a SkyWhale fan?
      Smiles and non-infectious hugs to you too.

  38. Sky whale is fantastic - the huge grin just made me smile!
    I just hope that those crowds didn't help the spread of the virus. I just read that New Orleans sees such a spike in confirmed cases because of the crowds at Mardi Gras.
    We continue to stay at home and only venture out for lunchtime walks and to the grocery store. Tomorrow I will teach my first online class. It will be interesting.
    Stay healthy!

    1. Carola Bartz: I don't think the virus had hit us by the time of the balloon spectacular. It was very early this month and we still have relatively few confirmed case. Like you, I really like SkyWhale. She is not beautiful precisely but I think she conveys an air of gentle benovelence.
      Good luck with your on-line classed.
      Stay safe, stay healthy and stay happy.

  39. The Sea Shepherd balloon makes quite a statement, doesn't it? I really dug the the SkyWhale as well. Glad to see the T-Rex again. What a massive balloon! Thank you for posting these pictures, E.C.

    1. Bea: I am so glad you enjoyed them. I hope to see the Sea Shepherd balloon at future festivals too.

  40. Oh wow, so many great pictures! I have never been to a balloon festival like this one. All the different designs and colors, it would be a sight to behold. I remember the balloon that used to sail over our heads on their way to a landing spot not too far from our house, this when we lived in California, so it's going back a lot of years. We would hear the whoosh and run outside just to catch the people in the basket waving at us. Once they landed at the bottom of the street, not by design, and gave the kids a ride 30 feet up in the air while they waited for their tow truck to come. It is a great memory and one I hold very dear. Thank you for bringing all those back to me with these amazing photos. And you know how much I love the kangaroo photo, adorable as always!

    1. DeniseinVA: I wave to balloonists going by too. And when I was in a balloon, waved back to people on the ground. I expect those kids who received the unexpected ride remember it with pleasure.
      I am glad that you liked the kangaroo - I am thinking that I will feature them in several upcoming posts.

  41. I love all the balloons. They are spectacular. My favorites are the huge dragon and the red heart balloon. I wish I could witness a balloon fair like this someday. But I'm so glad for the pictures.

    1. Myrna R.: It really is a delightful event and I am glad you enjoyed it too.

  42. Sereno e felice fine settimana.

    1. Giancarlo: And to you. Peaceful, happy AND healthy.

  43. Guilty as charged I suppose. It wasn't until I enlarged the whale that I could really see the boobs. Strange indeed. Sea Shepherd's balloon looks menacing. I'd love to see T-Rex in the air. Ah, thanks Google, and the basket hangs.....hmm.

    1. Andrew: I hadn't thought to ask Google. I saw it in the air once, but it was a considerable distance away, and landed before I could even focus my camera much less take a shot.

  44. Fabulous and fun shots! My favourites are the heart, the whale and, of course, that enormous T-rex!

    1. Lady Fi: I loved them all. I have a particularly soft spot for SkyWhale though.

  45. Skywhale did look like a kindly, ponderous turtle at first, and then realising her flipper was actually boobs gave her a cheeky 'granma with stories' vibe: I am a fan! I love hot air balloons, the quirkiness and the colours. This year I hope to ride in one, up over Cornwall (UK) where I live - when the travel restrictions are lifted.

    1. Lisa Southard: Welcome. I am a huge fan of hot air balloons and have been lucky enough to go up in one three times now. I don't think I could manage it any longer, but the memories are very happy. Over the Cornish scenery would be lovely - my mother grew up there.

  46. At first I was thinking oh, no...the turtles. But then I realized they are hot air balloons. This is beautiful. We have something similar here- just a hot air balloon festival- but not nearly as wonderful with all the different shapes. I thought I was at a Macy's parade, watching your awesome show. Thanks for sharing! I loved it. Especially the Sea Shepard.

    1. J C: The Balloon Spectacular is an annual event year. A beautiful annual event. I hope that by next year things have calmed down and we can see and revel in it again.

  47. I LOVE LOVE LOVE these balloons, especially the SkyWhale!!
    They are stupendous...and what a fabulous atmosphere it must be!😊😊
    Oh thank you so much for sharing the experience, I have so enjoyed!!

    Have a great weekend...and stay safe.

    Much love and hugs ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

    1. Ygraine: I really don't like crowds and avoid them whenever I can (even before the virus hit). This crowd is a happy crowd, a sober crowd and the atmosphere is wonderful - and the balloons even better than wonderful.
      I hope you have recovered completely and have a wonderful, wonderful weekend. Love and non-infectious hugs to you too.

  48. Those were stunning.
    I’m so wish there was a balloon festival near here. We went to one several years ago in North Alabama. The balloons glided out over the Tennessee River. It was amazing.

    1. Rick Watson: Having been in a balloon gliding over our (man-made) lake I can imagine just how incredible it would be to glide over a river. Some of our balloons drop down low enough to give canooists a tow. Which I would love to see - and participate in.

  49. Oh how absolutely lovely are these. Outside, colours, air, floating. Uplifting (see what I did there?!).


    1. Wisewebwoman: DEFINITELY uplifting - even on the days when they stayed tethered on the ground.

  50. What a cheerful post with all the beautiful colored balloons. It almost looks dreamy. I love the green hills and valley fully green. We still have snow on the ground but with beautiful warmer weather, the snow is going fast and daffodils are peeking out of the cold ground in a sheltered spot beside the house on the south side.

    Thanks for checking up on me. We are all well but are staying inside while this Covid-19 virus is making it's rounds. Both my husband and I are at high risk so I'm trying to behave and keep my distance from even my love ones.
    I've been meaning to blog but somehow it no longer has the pull that it once had. My life has been more on the spiritual side lately and I have peace.

    Stay safe from the nasty virus.
    Hugs, Julia

    1. Julia: Thank you for letting me know how you are. I am very, very glad that you have peace. Blogging can wait, peace and safety are MUCH more important.
      It is lovely to see the countryside green again. We are still in drought, but nature responded quickly (and beautifully) to the little reain we had. Enjoy your daffodils - which sing of sunshine to me.

  51. Such a nice event, my son would probably love that!

    1. Natalia: I hope he (and you) get the chance to see something similar.

  52. A vast array of baloons, indeed. All very impressive.

    1. Caterina: Even weeks later I smile remembering and looking at the photos.

  53. My favorite is that SkyWhale! I see the fatigue in the eyes to describe, but also a sweetness and hopefulness to her expression.

    1. John Wiswell: I agree. I love her gentle benevolence.

  54. What an uplifting post this is.
    Thank you for all the wonderful photographs, all so colourful, which in present times is very cheering.

    Stay safe and take care.

    All the best Jan

    1. Lowcarb team member ~Jan: Thank you. I am so glad that others find the balloons as uplifting as I do -including the ones which didn't fly.

  55. What happy colourful photos! I love balloons.

    I'm slightly ashamed to admit that, like Andrew, I immediately thought of the heart balloon upside-down (even before I read what you'd written). However, I'm rather shocked to admit that I didn't even notice the Sky Whale's dangling boobs. I thought she was a bird of some sort. Just goes to show that my mind's not quite as dirty as I thought... or maybe it's only attuned to seeing "male" imagery... ;-)

    1. Diane Henders: I love them too. I hadn't seen the heart balloon upside down until Andrew put it into my head last year. And now I can see nothing else. I am snorting now at your selective 'dirty mind'. I read a passage in a novel some years ago about the gentle rolling (very feminine) hills in the countryside - interrupted by very male pylons emerging from the grounds.

    2. LOL! And now I'm seeing that in my mind's eye, too... ;-)

    3. Diane Henders: That passage was in the first few pages of the book and she had me hooked. And chuckling.

  56. So magnificent EC! WOW!! I would love to experience these balloons one day! I was laughing my head off with SkyWhale and can't stop imagining SkyWhalePapa! LOL! Big Hugs!

    1. Magic Love Crow: SkyWhalePapa was to be shown to the public in August. Now? Who knows, but in the fullness of time I am really looking forward to seeing him.

  57. Hi EC - belated ... thank you so much for showing us Skywhale - did see it earlier - just never got round to comment. Oh great - looks like SkywhalePapa will be back at some stage ... he's certainly great fun ... take care and all the best - Hilary

    1. Hilary Melton-Butcher: I hope that work continues behind the scenes on SkyWhalePapa and am looking forward to seeing him. Stay well, stay safe.

  58. I love hot air balloons! I've never seen one up close!
    E. C. thanks so much for the photos!

    1. Katerinas Blog: I love them too. The Balloon Spectacular is an annual treat for me.
