Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Sunday 1 October 2023

Sunday Selections #648

Sunday Selections was originally brought to us by Kim, of Frogpondsrock, as an ongoing meme where participants could post previously unused photos languishing in their files. 

Huge thanks to Cie who gave me this wonderful Sunday Selections image. 

The meme was then continued by River at Drifting through life.  Sadly she has now stepped aside (though she will join us some weeks), and I have accepted the mantle. 
The rules are so simple as to be almost non-existent.  Post some photos under the title Sunday Selections and link back to me. Clicking on any of the photos will make them embiggen.

I usually run with a theme. Last week I said I was going to take you to our festival of Spring, Floriade, this week. And this week (unlike the week before) I am telling the truth.

Floriade is mostly held in our Commonwealth Park which is within a comfortable walk from the centre of the city.  It is a beautiful area all year round but for a few short weeks in spring it is transformed into an ocean of colour.

Unlike Tulip Tops which I showed you last week Floriade does not have an entry fee (unless you go to NightFest).  It is however much more commercial.  You can purchase fast food, drinks, ice cream, restaurant meals, clothing, jewellery, candles, soap, garden ornaments, fudge, expensive garden tools, and more. You cannot buy plants.

In other years Floriade has featured quirky fun too.  Sadly this was minimal this year - but there was some.

Less talk.  More photos.  Lots more photos.

These water lilies floating on Nerang Pond undoubtedly light up for NightFest.

There were crayons and paper at these child sized seats.

The flutterbyes are also illuminated for NightFest.


As always I picked up a few fridge magnets which I am happy to send to anyone who would like one.  First in, best dressed.

And thank you to all those who have waded through this very photo heavy post.  I hope your week is packed with colour.  Charlotte (MotherOwl's colour of the month is dahlia yellow which is certainly to be found here.



  1. Ah, beautiful, so lovely AAAARGH DINOSAUR! 😂

    1. Sandi: But he is a FRIENDLY dinosaur. Really he is.

  2. Lovely photographs of a lovely place. I like the toadstool table and chairs, and the kangaroo and joey (or is it a wallaby?)

    1. jabblog: It is a kangaroo and her joey - and they are there all year round. Which I love.

  3. Beautiful! I wonder why there is less quirky? I really like the storks? statue, third photo down. Do the individual feathers move? And seeing all the metal garden decor would be a dangerous thing for me and my budget! I want those emus. :)
    Thank you for sharing the photo bounty with us. I truly appreciate it. Hugs to you and scritches to the furry overlords.
    River Fairchild

    1. River Fairchild: The storks are there all year round and I love them (and am not going to admit how many photos of them I have). The feathers do look as if they should move with the wind don't they? I lusted after those emus too and carefully didn't look at the price. Hugs back to you.

    2. Your restraint made me laugh. I wouldn’t have looked at the price on the emus either, rather I would have been waving a credit card over my head as I ran up to the vendor.
      River Fairchild

    3. River Fairchild: LOTS AND LOTS of money is spent at Floriade. It is a very big money spinner for local government and the selected vendors. Sadly I think that money is the reason there is less quirk this year. Guvvies are much better at raking it in, than giving it out.

  4. Wow! Your photos are beautiful - I can only imagine how spectacular those flowerbeds are in real life. I particularly loved the dinosaur with the floral collar, and the whimsical teacups spilling their flowers. Thank you for the tour! :-)

    1. Diane Henders: They are indeed spectacular and a HEAP of work for temporary installations. I liked those teacups too.

  5. Some fascinating flower arrangements. However, I prefer the atmosphere conveyed by your penultimate photo.
    May you enjoy a golden October.

    1. Sean Jeating: It is, as I said, beautiful all year round. After the busyness of Floriade I really liked that tranquil photo too. A very happy October to you and yours.

  6. The whole park is like a festivity of flowers. Dhalia is one of my favorite flowers. The metallic sculptures are very good

    1. roentare: It is a dramatic presentation isn't it? My favourite flowers change with the wind (and seasons).

  7. Always love your photo-heavy posts. A delightful series of visual delights. Thank you my friend :) I am going through again so that I am sure to have taken it all in. Happy October!

    1. DeniseinVA: That is a lovely thing to say. Thank you. A very happy October to you too - I hope your new deck is finished.

    2. Meant every word :) and the new deck is 99% done. They have to come back one more time to do a few cosmetic fixings. I will share a post next week sometime. Happy Sunday my friend!

    3. DeniseinVA: Thank you so much. It is Monday morning here, but I hope your Sunday is lovely. Hooray for the deck being very almost done.

  8. I loved your post, Sue, and enjoyed each and every photo. I like to enlarge your photos so I can see them at their biggest. It's funny that Floriade sells all kinds of things but not plants. Plants wold seem to be the first thing for sale during the event. Have a great week! xox!

    1. Fundy Blue: I agree. Plants would be my first selection too. It is amazing how many other things can be purchased there, many of them with no relation to spring or gardening. You have a wonderful week too.

  9. Good morning, EC....a lovely, colourful start to Sunday. It looks like you had a very nice time.

    I hope the week ahead treats you kindly...take care. Cuddles to Batty and Oddie. :)

    1. Sorry for my incorrect spelling...I meant to type "Odie". My apologies to Odie. :)

    2. Lee: Tulip Top Gardens are first in my heart but we certainly don't regret going to Floriade. It is not a problem about mispelling Odie - some days Oddie is an accurate description.

  10. Wow! Wow! An unbelievable amount of spring flowers with no weeds. Such a beautiful sight to behold really feeds my soul.
    All this beauty must make you feel so proud of your city. Thanks for sharing.
    Hugs, Julia

    1. Julia: They have an army of gardeners, but it is lovely to see a weed free display, which is something you will NEVER see at our home. Tourist buses come in droves to this event, and I suspect that most of the city welcomes it with open arms.

  11. Dear EC
    Such a burst of colour - so beautiful. I do like the sculpture - the kangaroo and joey were my favourites here. Thank you for sharing the sunshine and colour.
    Best wishes for a bright and colourful week

    1. Ellie Foster: With the exception of the dinosaur this year's sculpture are on permanent display and at home in the park. You will probably be unsurprised to learn that it is difficult to photograph the kangaroo and joey at Floriade without a child or two hugging them.

  12. There are some reminders from the past and plenty of newer things to see. Well done to cover such a large display so well.

    1. Andrew: Thank you. It is indeed large and I was a v tired puppy by the end of our visit.

  13. Again, lots of color this week! Love it. AND a portable garden (in a wheel barrow).

    1. Mike: There were lots of those wheelbarrow gardens about. Definitely not work horses - though they could be used that way.

  14. No entry fee, flowers and ice cream. How can you beat that.
    Have a wondrous weekend, buddy.
    Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    1. Sandra Cox: Less people? Which is a shameful thing to say.

  15. The flowers are stunning, as always, and the art work is, too.

    1. Joanne Noragon: Mini floriades are also featuring in other parts of the city - and I will probably feature some of them in the coming weeks.

  16. What fabulous photos, and incredible color and gorgeousness on display. Thank you so much!!

    1. DJan: Gorgeousness sums up spring displays well doesn't it? It is definitely warming up here. I suspect that you, like me, would have struggled walking round.

  17. It was a joy to "wade through." This is a delightful event I enjoy viewing through your lens every year.

    My selections will be over here.

    1. messymimi: Thank you. That is a truly lovely thing to say and I look forward to your selections.

  18. I enjoyed the flowers immensely, but found myself looking longer at the sculptured pieces, those windmills! the teacups which made me think of Alice in Wonderland, the toadstool table and seats which I have seen available to buy in stores here and picture #4, that Mama has her ducks in a row :) :)

    1. River: I loved that mama duck. We saw another with a much bigger flock of charges, but she was too far away for photos. There is a lot of fun at Floriade - for everyone.

  19. Always such a joy to see the flowers there, all are beautiful.
    Thanks for sharing EC.

    1. Margaret D: it is my pleasure. I am glad you enjoyed it.

  20. A happy place, a happy time.

  21. Hi EC - lovely to see ... and must always be delightful to wander around ... I found the lone iris special in its place. Perfect they've allowed the kids to sit and draw/colour at their mushrooms. It's a lovely time of year for you as Spring really takes hold, albeit I know you're not that happy in the coming heat. Delightful post ... and hope you have an easy week - cheers Hilary

    1. Hilary Melton-Butcher: The heat is ramping up quickly (though we will plummet again by the end of next week). I do love our celebration of spring and like you enjoyed the solitary iris in the field of white pansies.

  22. The flowers are sensational and outshine any manufactured items.

    1. John "By Stargoose And Hanglands": Much as I love the flowers (and I do) I also love the statues that live in Commonwealth Park. I could do without the shops though.

  23. It's still beautiful but all the quirky fun things of past years seem missing. I love that toadstool table and stools. Really love it. Did you take the selfie with Banjo?

    1. Strayer: No selfies for me. Ever. I missed the quirk, but still enjoyed the blooms.

  24. A feast for the eyes, Sue, and lots of scope for an ambitious Sulphur-crested Cockatoo!

    1. David M. Gascoigne: For some reason we didn't see (or hear) a single sulphur crested vandal. There was evidence that there are bunnies about though.

  25. It looks beautiful. Sounds like a county fair without the rides.

    1. Alex J. Cavanaugh: One ride. A fairly wimpy Ferris Wheel which we didn't go up on this year.

  26. What a joyous riot of colour. It looks almost unbelievable after my visit to the Mallee

    1. Kim: So very different from your trip to the Mallee. I am really looking forward to seeing some of your photos from that adventure.

  27. Wonderful photos. Really enjoyed the colorful flowers. Welcome to October and I hope you have a great new week,

  28. very beautiful, miss going to gardens, none close by here but I take solace in my little piece of paradise, hope you are doing well

    1. Linda Starr: I am so glad that you find solace at home. There is an open garden program here - and some day we will visit some of them again.

  29. I love all the colorful tulips, something I don't see in Hawaii. I love Nerang Pond, too, especially the water fountain sculpture. How cool and artistic!

    1. gigi-hawaii: That water fountain is new - and I really hope it remains. It is lovely isn't it?

  30. I didn't think you could possibly outdo the color of Tulip Tops. I was wrong.

    Wow! I am now officially suffering from color overdose. Which is a good thing. I would be lost for days among all those camera targets.

    Thank you so much for sharing so many flowers.

    Gini and I are very well and hope you are, too!

    1. Wally Jones: It is a colour overdose isn't it? There were LOTS of pollinators about. You and Gini would have had a field day (or days). I am glad you are well. Our heat is starting to ramp up.

  31. Absolutely love this massive trek-about you did and all these glorious shots. I felt I was there. I'd love a fridge magnet if you have one to spare and I must send you one from here.

    1. Wisewebwoman: It was a very warm day and it was a massive trek. I was soggy (and grumpy) by the time we finished. Of course you can have a fridge magnet. I will post it sometime next week, and hope it doesn't take forever to get there.

  32. I had to look twice at the roos. Realistic though the colour was off. Love them. The blooms are glorious. What a way to brighten one’s day.

    1. Marie Smith: I am so grateful that my city welcomes Spring this way - and spreads the beauty about. I hope to show you other pockets of Floriade in the coming weeks. The roos are lovely and I am glad that they are a permanent fixture there.

  33. Wow, so many beautiful flowers. Loved your pictures.

    1. Mary Kirkland: Thank you. I am glad you enjoyed coming with us.

  34. So many highlights, it's hard to list them all - dino, mama duck & babies in a row, toadstool table & chairs, roos - but above all, the flowers (and yet no plants for sale - hah!) So much beauty, thank you, dear friend. I'm so glad you were able to attend Floriade and shared it here. xx

    1. jenny_o: Thank you dear friend. We are glad that we went too. Very glad. And glad, as our heat ramps up, that we feel no need to go back again this year.

  35. Wow, I am incredibly late visiting. However, I wouldn't miss this for the world. My favorite may have been the Roo sculptures, but the red tulips and white flowers (no idea what they are) were amazing.

    I especially liked the close ups, like with the bug on the tulip. Just fabulous photos, Sue. I loved each and every photo and was deligthed you shared them with us. The tents around the edges reminded me of the Autumn and Art festival I attended a couple of weekends ago. Lots of wares, but the one I attended was high end.

    I saw your magnets you bought last year and almost asked for one. However, I felt it would be imposing. If you have an extra one this year, I would LOVE to have it.

    1. Bleubeard and Elizabeth: Lots of the prices at Floriade were high end too. I would be very, very happy to send you a magnet. However, I will need an address. My email is in my profile.
      I am so glad that you also liked the polliinator (not sure what type) on the purple tulip.

  36. Beautiful flowers and sculptures. I had to look twice to see if the ducks were real!
    Even though my annual 30 Days of Haiga event is over, I can't stop doing Haiga.

    1. Ornery Owl of Naughty Netherworld Press and Readers Roost: The duck and her brood were definitely real - and a delight. I am heading over to read your Haiga now.

  37. Beautiful and colourful photos x

    1. aussie aNNie: Thank you. You would have to work at it not to take colourful photos at Floriade.

  38. So beautiful. Regine

    1. Regine: Thank you. I am always happy to share beauty.

  39. So much to choose from, so much beauty! I'm happy that you found quirky to show off and saf thet there's less of it. For me the toadtool table and stools take the prize, vut it was a haed choice. And lots and lots og Yellow thanks for participating.

    1. Charlotte (MotherOwl): Definitely beauty and lots of it. I missed the quirkiness too, but suspect it is an expensive addition. I hope you start to feel much better soon.

  40. Replies
    1. Hena Tayeb: Thousands of them. We are very lucky.

  41. Wow amazing colour..So lucky to get there

  42. It's all glorious as usual but I hope you were there before the weekend heat.
    My very favourite photo is the drinking kangaroo sculpture, which I'm sure is there to be enjoyed year round.
    Have a fabulous week!

    1. kylie: We were indeed there before the weekend (which we avoid if we can) but it was still warmer than I like. You are right, the kangaroo and joey are permanent fixtures and they are much loved.

  43. Beautiful! Have a sweet week.

  44. Is it wrong, as a nearly 56-year-old adult, to wish that those adorable red with white spotted toadstool outdoor settings were grown up sized as well? (https://tentativelytasmanianblog)

  45. Entradas como esta tuya, rebosantes de luz y de color, me alegran el día, así que nunca te preocupes el pensar que son de demasiadas porque a mi me saben a poco.
    Un abrazo, apreciada amiga.

    1. Manuel: Thank you so very much. I do worry that I get more than a little excessive with adding photos to my posts. Hugs.

  46. Good morning, I must confess spring has become my most favorite season of the year, your photos here are perfect proof of why, not to say that I'm not enjoying our autumn. It's a wonderful time of year and this year it's skipping between summer delighting in staying, as well with temperatures in the 90's but I'll take it all, and if only it could all last a wee bit longer than usual. I am not ready for winter, although it also has its charm. Hehehe!

    1. 21 Wits: Thank you. Spring, and autumn are probably my favourite seasons. I have a fondness for winter too, though ours is wimpy in comparison to yours. Summer is my problem season and the signs are that ours will be long, hot and dry. I hope not. I really hope not.

  47. I would just love to go in person ... but alas this will not happen!
    Your photographs are just FABULOUS what a treat to see the glorious flowers and sculptures and those mushroom/toadstool chairs and table, they look so sweet.
    Great post, thank you.

    My good wishes for the month of October.

    All the best Jan

    1. Lowcarb team member ~Jan: Thank you. While it has an economic basis I am so pleased that my city welcomes spring in this way. I hope you and Edie have a wonderful month too.

  48. What a lovely mix of human-made and nature-made art!!!

    1. Jemi Fraser: I think so too. A local columnist sneers because the flowers wouldn't grow naturally there, but I sneer right back at him.

  49. Replies
    1. Coloring Outside the Lines: It is a lovely place and the spring blooms are a delightful temporary addition.

  50. Oh I love all of the sculptures and the mushroom table and chairs are so cute!!! ♥

    1. Rain: It is lovely to see you hear. I hope you are well.

  51. Oh my goodness! This is just amazing. Such beautiful colors and sooooo many flowers and displays. I love the statues and all the items that are sure to glow at night. That duck with her ducklings was adorable. :) The mushroom table and stools- is fabulous! Thanks for sharing!

    1. DMS ~Jess: Thank you. My city celebrates spring well doesn't it?
