Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Sunday 29 October 2023

Sunday Selections #652



Sunday Selections was originally brought to us by Kim, of Frogpondsrock, as an ongoing meme where participants could post previously unused photos languishing in their files. Huge thanks to Cie who gave me this wonderful Sunday Selections image. 

The meme was then continued by River at Drifting through life.  Sadly she has now stepped aside (though she will join us some weeks), and I have accepted the mantle. 
The rules are so simple as to be almost non-existent.  Post some photos under the title Sunday Selections and link back to me. Clicking on any of the photos will make them embiggen.

I usually run with a theme. Halloween is coming up fast.  My country has a low key approach to this celebration (despite the efforts of the big stores to get us to play).  Two houses in my street have put up some half hearted decorations.

However there was an article in the local paper that suggested another house in the suburb was going all out - so of course I had to go and see.

Their theme seemed to be pirates and skeletons - and they had put a HEAP more effort into it than the houses in my street.

The name of the ship was the Buccaneer's Strumpet and I assume this is the strumpet in question.  As well as the decorations we were told this household has prepared 300 bags of lollies for young visitors.  I hope they and their visitors have a wonderful time.

Whether you celebrate Halloween or not, I hope you find things to make you smile this week.


  1. I do admire Halloween decor that is geared toward adults so the pirates made me smile. It takes a lot of energy to decorate big, and I don’t have that anymore so thanks for bringing it to me, armchair style. ;-)
    Hoping we both find motivation in the coming week to get things done and survive the challenges. Hugs to you, dear sister across the sea.
    River Fairchild

    1. River Fairchild: I don't have the inclination or the energy to decorate at all - for any season. Selfishly I am glad to enjoy other people's efforts. Here's to a calm and productive week for both of us.

  2. so much has changed since I was a child. It was basically invented in Ireland with turnip lanterns (subsequently USians made it pumpkins) the thin veil between the living and the dead existed only on that night. We played many games and told ghost stories and bobbed for apples and wanted the goodies in the home made barm brack which would foretell our year to come, etc. Very much commercialized now. (Sorry for the geezerish sound of that!) But something was lost along the way.

    1. Wisewebwoman: So many things have been commercialised. And it is the big stores here (the commercial element again) which are trying to push Halloween on us. I didn't know that Halloween was originally an Irish creation/tradition - and mourn for the things that have been lost. In many celebrations.

    2. Commercialisation is not always the best idea, but there is always someone who sees an opportunity to make money from something :(

    3. River: True. And sometimes lots of people see a way to make lots of money.

  3. You just reminded me of a place that goes all out with decorations right now, but I haven't been by. Guess I'd better make the effort, or I'll miss it. :-)

    1. DJan: I hope you will - and share the decorations you find.

  4. I remember when Halloween was fun for the kids. No money was spent. We tried our best to dress to disguise ourselves with borrowed clothing and made our own masks and went with a group of our friends and families to trick and treat. Now it's been over commercialized. I haven't decorated since before Covid, I think. I used to decorate for the fall mostly.
    We haven't had any kids as people don't seem to have children anymore. Ver sad.
    Having little kids trick or treat at my door was the highlight of Halloween.

    Thanks for sharing your neighbourhood Halloween decorations with us. Hugs.
    Happy Halloween.

    1. Julia: Since we have been living here (over twenty years) we have had ONE knock on the door for trick or treat. And doubt that will change this year. Happy Halloween to you too.

  5. Wow, that's a LOT of effort put into decorating! I've never felt the urge to decorate for Halloween, other than putting out a jack-o'-lantern in the years when I still lived in an area where kids trick-or-treated door to door. But the peg-legged imbibing skeleton gave me my belly laugh for the day - thanks! :-)

    1. Diane Henders: Two minds with a single thought. I really liked the boozing skeleton too.

  6. I think Strumpet is a nicer name than the alternative. It sounds more like she's doing it for herself and not the opposing party.

    1. Mike: That street isn't one I usually go down. I suspect that the strumpet is an all year decoration (minus her hat).

  7. thecontemplativecat here I admit Strumpet has my vote. she has such playful smile.

    1. Susan Kane: The strumpet looks very comfortable in her skin doesn't she.

  8. I'll have to get some photos around here as Halloween is a big holiday here, with corn mazes, fright houses, yard decor and youngsters gorging on candy.

    1. Strayer: I look forward to seeing what you find. Halloween isn't big at all here.

  9. Here, where I live, "Scarecrow Week" is in play right now as it is every year at this time because Halloween is just around the corner. Many fun, colourful creations adorn the roadsides throughout the village. Good harmless fun...we need so much more fun and laughter to replace these very troubling times filled with heartache, negativity, prejudice, violence et al...

    Take good care, Sue....I hope the coming week is kind to you and yours. My cuddles to Batty and Odie.

    1. Lee: Scarecrow week? Not celebrated here, but I hope you enjoy it. And a big yes to the need for fun and laughter. Batty goes back to the vet tomorrow for a check up. He is mostly doing a lot better so hopefully it will be the last for a while.
      I hope that the week too come is gentle - for you and the world.

  10. These Halloween decorations are fabulous

    1. roentare: That family has gone to a heap of trouble over their decorations haven't they?

  11. It is always interesting to see for which purpose some people invest so much time and effort. Guided in the right direction, there should be peace on earth ;-)

    1. Sean Jeating: Oh yes. Sadly I don't think there is enough drive in that direction - and certainly not from people in positions of power.

  12. What a great effort went into this display. It seems very low key this year here. 2020 was the best I remember, for all the wrong reasons.

    1. Andrew: The newspaper indicated that this household always puts effort into their Halloween display. It is off our beaten track so I haven't seen it before, though I will look next year. It looks as if it was illuminated too.

  13. "Halloween is the second-biggest retail holiday in the U.S., behind only Christmas. Americans spent more than $10.1 billion on Halloween in 2021, setting a record."

    Dated 2022: "HelloSafe expects Canadians across the country will spend a total of $1.64 billion on Halloween this year. While that’s more than last year, it’s still $730 million less than it was before the pandemic in 2019."

    1. Caterina: No wonder our big stores are pushing it here. I doubt that many households spend anything on Halloween in my city.

  14. Wow! That is quite impressive. Hope nobody steals it. (Sadly, that is happening a lot around here.) We don't do anything for Halloween, but it is a big holiday here.

    1. Alex J. Cavanaugh: I hope that thieves and/or vandals don't come by too. I don't think it is much of an issue here, but could be wrong. I have noticed from blog posts that Halloween is big in your country. We are not (yet) on board.

  15. That is quite the display. I've become accustomed to big Halloween displays in my neighborhoods, but this is an equal contender.

    1. Joanne Noragon: I expect it took them hours - and a not inconsiderable amount of money. Three hundred bags of lollies would add to that.

  16. There are houses here which are covered with Hallowe’en decor. The kids love them of course. Have a great week, EC.

    1. Marie Smith: My Inner Child smiled too. Himself stayed in the car. His loss.

  17. Shivers! Some of those decorations are pretty creepy, eww. Though I have just waved to a gorgeous little 5 year old heading off to a party dressed as a spider.

    1. Kim: I LOVE the idea of a five year old celebrating spiders.

  18. They certainly did go all out. Maybe it will catch on there, who knows.

    My photos from our own neighborhood decorations will be over here.

    1. messymimi: They did, didn't they? I have no idea whether it will catch on or not, and look forward to your selections. As I always do.

  19. The second lot of people certainly have done a good job creating what they did - wonder are they American!

    1. Margaret D: I wondered that too, but have no idea.

  20. I love the Pirates and Skeletons house! It's really well done. I haven't noticed any Halloween decorations around my suburb this year, there was a little last year on a couple of houses. Thank you for the photos.

    1. River: They did a really good and thorough job didn't they?

  21. I left a comment....maybe I forgot to click on "publish"?
    Anyway, I LOVE the pirates and skeletons house.


    1. River: You did, but the spam folder claimed it. It often hits your comments.

  22. Cute, and fun! And you caught them perfectly! BUT--- I hate the fake spiderwebs. Birds get caught in them and die.

    1. Bill: I don't think any of our fake spiderwebs last long. And hope that birds are not caught up in them. So much.

  23. We have swallowed the Hallowe'en hype with a vengeance in UK. The pirate/skeleton house is a work of art - so much effort. I'm sure it entertains all who see it. Janice.

    1. jabblog: We haven't come fully on board yet, but I suppose we will have to see what future years bring. I was blown away at the effort that went into the pirate/skeleton house. I do hope they had as much fun as they gave.

  24. Oh my goodness, Iove the Halloween decorations you found.

  25. Hi EC - the effort one made me smile ... while I'm sure the others did their bit for the kids in the houses ... I must say that strumpet looks rather desirable ... I shouldn't say it - but I guess the men will have similar, probably more pulsating feelings! Cheers and thanks for the images - Hilary

    1. Hilary Melton-Butcher: The strumpet is decidedly alluring isn't she? And definitely has what my mother would describe as a come hither smile...

  26. Dear EC
    I don't celebrate it myself, but have a sneaking admiration for people when they go all out like this! The statue seems to have a knowing smile... and I love the residents' sense of humour!
    Have a good week.
    Best wishes

    1. Ellie Foster: We don't celebrate either - but I do admire the effort that goes into the decorations. The skeleton/pirate house must have taken hours. I agree with you about that smile too.

  27. We are not big into Halloween, Sue, and the whole event seems to have diminished quite a bit since being suspended during the lockdowns of COVID. There are a few houses around here with desultory acknowledgement of it, and minimal decoration, but not much really. Those houses probably still have young children, of which there are not many in this part of town where retirees seem to dominate.


    1. David M. Gascoigne: It has never really caught on here. Which is fine by me. This is the first year I have seen a house rather than a store go 'all out'. There are young children in my street, but even those homes don't seem to have adopted it.

  28. These make me smile, for sure! We don't have kids around, so we don't do much.

    1. Jenn Jilks: They made me smile too. We do no decorating here.

  29. Hallowe'en has been gaining traction in the UK for a few years now. Not sure why it is popular really. But, each to their own. I just won't get involved.




    1. Plastic Mancunian: I am not sure whether it is gaining traction here or not. The stores on the whole make a whole lot more of it rather than individual houses.

  30. That house looks like a fun place to visit. We are very low key here.

    1. gigi=hawaii: Our house is so low key as to be no key for decorating here. I was happy to see this other household's effort though.

  31. I've put no effort into decorating for holidays in decades. After some jerk stole my little projector that cast fun images on the back fence of the place where my son and I lived for several years, I kind of lost the stomach for it. The only thing I do these days is put up a little fiber optic tree at Christmas.
    I'm still trying to catch up on this month's poetry. This one's dated for Friday, but I actually created it this morning.

    1. Ornery Owl of Naughty Netherworld Press and Readers Roost: I am sorry that the lowlife spoiled the fun for you and your son. There is always one it seems. I am off to read your poem now.

  32. Loved all your photos and decorations. In Fiji, Halloween is not celebrated that much. I used to put out some decorations but with an empty nest, it feels too much!

    1. Nas: Thank you. Halloween isn't celebrated much here - this house was the exception.

  33. Thank you for sharing the wonderful photos of the "Halloween House" I would love to do something like that here if only someone else would pay for it and set it up.

    1. Anne in the kitchen: The setting up must have taken hours and hours. I expect the expense was no small matter either.

  34. I like them all, especially the skeletons and the strumpet.

    1. DUTA: I think that the strumpet might be there all year round - I will have to check.

  35. I love the Halloween decorations. The pirates are awesome. I always thought Halloween was a lot of fun but now I just watch some horror movies. I hope you have a good new week,

    1. RasmaSandra: You are braver than I am. The news is all the horror I can cope with. You have a great week too.

  36. I used to go all out, but not anymore. It was fun to have the kids stop by and be in costume. I think I enjoyed it more than they did. Of course my family thought I was nuts. LOL Love Halloween, now I do it all on the blog. :)

    1. Yolanda Renee: I am not at all surprised that you went all out. And love that you have found an avenue to share your glee at the season.

  37. I really love the hat on the statue! It looks like a lot of fun (for them, no way I'm making lolly bags for 300 or even 30)

    1. kylie: The statue looks great and we are really going to have to make a trip soon and see if she is a permanent fixture. I hear you on the lolly bags too.

  38. The pirate skeletons are great.

  39. Your post made me smile friend. Aloha

  40. That’s amazing! A lot of work for those who live there. The photo that stood out for me was the statue with the pirate hat. I hope they will give out all those lollies :) and thank you for sharing the fun. Lots of smiles here.


    1. DeniseinVA: A heap of work and I suspect quite a lot of money too. 300 lolly bags wouldn't come cheap. I am glad you smiled - I did too.

  41. I must admit we don't do too much at Halloween ... the grandchildren enjoy it though, so we get delight from them.

    I enjoyed your photographs though and the work that must go in, with the lolly bags too!

    I hope your week is going well, it's getting very wet and stormy here in the UK at the moment.

    All the best Jan

    1. Lowcarb team member ~Jan: I do hope that the weather clears up so your grandchildren can enjoy Halloween. We do nothing here, but will keep our ear out for knocks at the door.

  42. My lovely bride got the day off to a Halloween start. As I leaned over in bed to kiss her good morning, she screamed "Ahhhhggg! Take off the mask! It's too scary!"

    She's a real card, she is.

    Gini and I hope your day is as beautiful (not scary) as ours!

    1. Wally Jones: I am smiling broadly here, some hours before dawn. Thank you. I hope your days continue to be beautiful.

  43. Wow!!! That's amazing! I'm terrible at putting up decorations (because then I have to take them down...ugh) but we had a few little visitors last night to enjoy :)

    1. Jemi Fraser: I am with you. Any decorating I do is minimal. As expected we had NO visitors for Halloween.

  44. They did go all out. We used to carve pumpkins but we didn't do that this year. I have my seasonal pumpkins out and that's it. I'm ready to decorate for Christmas but my party-pooper teen says, 'too early.' :)

    1. mail4rosey: No decorating here. And I am completely unready for Christmas. Decorating, shopping, baking...

  45. Valoro el esfuerzo e interés que han puesto estas casas por promocionar esta fiesta, sobretodo la de los piratas,pero, siéndote sincero aquí en los últimos diez años ha ido calando en la sociedad, hasta que ya se ha hecho muy popular, muy a pesar mio, porque yo veo en ella puro y duro consumismo, y niños llamando y molestando durante todo el día a las puertas de las casas, con ese aburrido: "truco o trato"...
    Un cordial saludo, amiga.

    1. Manuel: I am with you. I delight in the decorations and despise the consumerism. There is a reason why our big stores are pushing Halloween here. So far, it hasn't really taken off - which doesn't make me unhappy. Have a great week.

    2. Snowbrush: Sadly no. I rely on google translate which no doubt often loses the final details and nuances.

  46. I heard on the radio last week that Halloween festivities are increasing in your country, no doubt due to retail efforts. Still, it's a fun holiday, I think, and is but a millionth as much of retail insanity as Christmas. Are you familiar with the Day of the Dead celebrations that happen at the same time as Halloween?

    1. Snowbrush: Halloween celebrations are increasing here, but slowly and not uniformly. I do know of the Day of the Dead celebrations - which are also barely recognised here.

  47. That family really did go all out - and I love the skeleton pirate having a bit of "grog" while sitting in the half-barrel! They clearly have a sense of humour :)

    1. jenny_o: They most definitely do have a sense of humour - and a well developed sense of fun. I hope they enjoyed themselves as much as their visitors did.
