Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Sunday 19 November 2023

Sunday Selections #655


Sunday Selections was originally brought to us by Kim, of Frogpondsrock, as an ongoing meme where participants could post previously unused photos languishing in their files. Huge thanks to Cie who gave me this wonderful Sunday Selections image. 

The meme was then continued by River at Drifting through life.  Sadly she has now stepped aside (though she will join us some weeks), and I have accepted the mantle. 
The rules are so simple as to be almost non-existent.  Post some photos under the title Sunday Selections and link back to me. Clicking on any of the photos will make them embiggen.

I usually run with a theme. This week it is mostly snippets from home.  My apologies but I am tired to the bone at the moment and am doing some of the essentials and then retiring back to bed.  Sometimes several times a day.

I dropped off my bag for the #itsintheBag drive, and was pleased to see quite a few others.  I was even more pleased when the receptionist told me that others had already gone to the charity.

I continue to delight in the early morning.

We have had some hot days (too hot for me) so my garden work is limited to the early morning.  This succulent/cactus is blazing and gives me joy.

The double poppies are special too.

I hope you find beauty and joy this week.


  1. Dear EC
    I am sorry to hear that you are struggling a bit. When you're not feeling good, do what you can when you can and then rest. Really beautiful fiery coloured cactus flowers and poppies to enjoy, so thank you for sharing them.
    Take care and look after your precious self.
    Best wishes

    1. Ellie Foster: Thank you. Summer/hot weather is not my friend, and I always forget just how much it takes out of me. The colours on the cactus and the poppy really 'pop' don't they?

  2. Sehr schön die Mohnblume.

    1. Noke: I really like that poppy and wait for it every year. I save its seeds too.

  3. Beautiful flowers EC, I know it is, get better soon.

    1. Bob Bushell: Thank you. I hope you are doing better now.

  4. We are bloom buddies. Our Christmas cactus is blooming right now.

    1. Mike: Given our different seasons I find it more than a bit weird that our Christmas cactus bloom at the same time. Is yours an indoor or outdoor plant?

  5. I am always glad that you are here on Sundays (even if it's really still Saturday here), because I know you are well enough to post these pictures, and let me know how you're doing. I love knowing you are still hanging in there. Sending love and virtual hugs. :-)

    1. DJan: Thank you dear friend. I am definitely hanging in - and whinging a bit.

  6. I'm not a morning person, so I rarely see any sunrises.
    Your red flowers are brethtaking!

    1. DUTA: I have become a morning person and see most sunrises. Today it was muted, but still lovely. I am glad you liked my red blooms.

  7. Hi EC - I feel for you ... take care, as I know you do - but there is love and life with your Sunday Selections - fun ... the cactus is gorgeous ... while the double poppies have a brilliant underside. All the best for the coming week ... cheers Hilary

    1. Hilary Melton-Butcher: Thank you. I am hoping for some rain this week. As is the garden. I really like that cactus and have quite a lot of pots filled with it.

  8. I have pink orchid cactus, like yours! They ought to bloom again, sitting in my bright window.
    I hear you about the heat. I fade in summer, as well. We're about 6 C. today, though. No danger of that.
    All the best.

    1. Jenn Jilks: I hope your cactus blooms for you. Ours are all outside. I am not good with indoor plants - and the cats are even worse. We are heading for a day in the 30s today and I would swap temperatures with you in a heart beat.

  9. The poppies look gorgeous. Very nice.

  10. Beautiful photos, and I'm glad the charity drive had a good response. The flowers on your succulents remind me of my riot of Christmas cactuses that are currently blooming indoors.

    Here's hoping for some cooler weather for you and a bit more energy. You'd be comfortable at our place today: Still a few beautiful fall colours remaining, and 8°C.

    1. Diane Henders: Your temperatures sound close to perfect to me. I have heard that cactus succulent described as a Christmas or Orchid cactus so I suspect they are related. Ours are outside though.

  11. Your photography is great. I love the bold colours of the flowershttps://www.bauchlefashion.com/2023/11/why-real-real-is-number-one-place-to.html

  12. We had a couple of very hot days during the week...I hate those hot days. Fortunately, the temps have dropped to a pleasant level...for now.

    Take good care, EC....my cuddles to Batty and Odie. :)

    1. Lee: Sadly I fear that we are going to have a long, hot summer. I hope your pleasant temperatures last for a bit longer.

  13. Your succulents and the poppies are absolutely beautiful, EC - they must give you a great deal of pleasure!

    I'm sorry to hear that the heat is forcing you to become an early morning person - although you do love your early mornings, with their beautiful skies, and opportunities for photos. Please rest as much as you can - do Batty and Odie keep you company?
    Take care of yourself :)

    1. Alexia: They do give me a lot of pleasure (though they also remind me of just how much work the garden needs). I often turn into a troll in summer and essentially only come out at night, but this is early. And yes, Batty and Odie do keep me company.

  14. The early bird catches the worm, and gets the gardening done. It is the nicest time of the day. I don't think I've seen double poppies before. They make quite a display.


    1. Andrew: I think our worms are deep underground praying for rain. I don't know where our double poppy first came from, but I save its seeds to perpetuate it each year.

  15. Great to hear that your donation event is doing well. It’s nice to know that others in your community also have a social conscience.
    Gorgeous cactus and poppy flowers. Your hot weather seems like it’s starting early. Hopefully you’ll get a break from it soon. A nap sounds like a good idea to me as well.
    Take care of yourself and say hi to the kitties.

    River Fairchild

    1. River Fairchild: Our hot weather is starting early. Damnit. My naps are more like comas at the moment. I am just up again for yet another. Hugs to your too. We had visitors this morning and the cats are only just starting to forgive us.

  16. The early morning pictures are lovely. I am not an early morning person, so it's nice to see it in whatever hemisphere.

    1. Joanne Noragon: What energy I have is definitely early morning energy - which is why I so often see (and revel in) the dawn. I am very happy to share it - and the other member of this household doesn't see it either.

  17. I hope it cools a bit there for you, EC. The blooms, as always, are gorgeous. Have a great week.

    1. Marie Smith: Thank you. You have a great week too. I hope the weather allows you to get out and about.

  18. The cactus certainly is blazing! You could warm your hands over those blooms. The double poppies are gorgeous too.
    I'm sorry to hear you are so tired, but not at all surprised with all that you do. And now the summer is coming which will be harder for you. Try to stay as cool as you can.

    1. River: They are incredibly bright aren't they? Unlike me they are enjoying the sun. I often feel guilty for how little I do - and at the moment I am doing less.

  19. Your garden is a delight, as is the sunrise.

    With how you have been feeling, I know getting the bag of donations where it needed to go cost you more than just the money you spent.

    I pray you are able to stay cool this summer.

    My selections will be over here.

    1. messymimi: You are right - but getting that bag of donations where it needed to go was one of my essentials. An essential I am very glad to have met. As always I look forward to your Selections (particularly your skyscapes).

  20. The cacti flowers are always wonderful to see EC, the poppies are a joy to see, the last one is amazing you captured it ever so well. The sky, beginning of a new day...take care.

    1. Margaret D: I am pleased you liked that shot of the poppy from underneath - I thought it was beautiful from that angle too.

  21. Early mornings, flowers, and unobtrusively finding ways to do good. You are just my sort. I love you. Aloha

  22. Is that your bag of gifts for someone to pamper themselves for a change? I really like that idea very much.

    1. Strayer: It was, and the bags provided by several other people in my area. I am pleased the take up of the idea was so good.

  23. This is so lovely, these colours

    1. aussie aNNie: Classic 'fire engine' red aren't they? Even though our fire engines are no longer red.

  24. Lovely pictures, but I am concerned about your well-being. Heck, I'm the OLD guy!

    1. Bill: Thank you. Warm weather is difficult for me, and we seem to have started early.

  25. Oh yes--- Our rainforests are non-deciduous, but we have LOTS of wild maples everywhere as well. The folks who decide these thing say that we live in a rainforest area, but it's really just pockets here and there. Go over to the coast, however, and it's wall to wall rainforest.

    1. Bill: Thank you for this clarification. Wild maples everywhere sounds magical to me.

  26. I hope you have air con!
    You must be under the weather to post so few photos.
    I hope you have an OK week

    1. kylie: We have evaporative cooling which in my usually dry climate is almost always enough. The heat is certainly contributing but I think there is more to my overwhelming fatigue. Off to physio today.

  27. Although I'm sure it was taxing health wise to get to the charity, I was delighted to see you made it there and others had contributed, too.

    The blooms on that succulent are amazing and bright. I have never heard of a double poppy before, but I have yet to see a single poppy, except in photos.

    As always, your sky shots are stunning. Nice you were able to get out early in the day and take a few photos before the heat got to you. PLEASE take care of yourself. Please rest, too, dear friend. When you feel like it, please give Batty and Odie a hug from my fur babies and me.


    1. Bleubeard and Elizabeth: I took my bag to a collection point not far from where I live - I am not even certain where the charity headquarters are. Isn't the double poppy lovely? Mind you I like all poppies and we have the more common single variety in the garden too. I am taking care, and hope you are too. Batty and Odie thank you . They are antisocial cats but will give your fur family a cyber hug.

  28. You have my complete sympathy on the summer weather. I always dread the coming of summer and like you I become a recluse in the daytime. Here we are getting down to freezing temperatures and I am picturing the cold and snow coming our way, but it's better than summer heat.

    Those blooms are so lovely. It always surprises me how beautiful a cactus bloom can be. And the double poppies are delightfully ruffly!

    I'm glad there was a good response to the charity drive. Take care of yourself, EC. xx


    1. jenny_o: I find it MUCH easier to get warm than to cool down and stay cooled down. I hope your winter is gentle. Cactus blooms are often lovely - in huge contrast to their spiky selves. You take care of your important self too please.

  29. Lovely flowers. We had four days of heavy rain and finally the sun has returned. I was considering building an ark. I hope you have a wonderful new week.

    1. RasmaSandra: Thank you. We have rain forecast for today and tomorrow and I REALLY, really hope it arrives. We need it - though it doesn't look at all likely at the moment. You have a great week too.

  30. Your flowers are beautiful. Wishing you rest and energy.

    1. Sandra Cox: Rest I am getting. Energy? I hope so. I really hope so. Hugs gratefully received and reciprocated.

  31. I love your flowers- so pretty! I hope you have a wonderful week and take those naps- I have decided that I am just old enough now to get at least one a day!

    1. Coloring Outside the Lines: Thank you. I have just rescued you from the spam folder. Naps are good, but mine lately have been closer to brief comas.

  32. That flowers is gorgeous. We are getting a little colder each day.

    1. Hena Tayeb: Thank you. I am in the minority I think, but I much prefer cold weather to hot.

  33. I have never heard of double poppies - so beautiful! Sorry to hear you're feeling exhausted EC, I hope those kitties of yours snuggle up with you while you're resting.

    1. Kim: The double poppies are special aren't they? If ever I see any in different colours I will get them too. The kitties are snugglers. And bed hogs.

  34. Take care of yourself. I have those days, too. I absolutely adore the red cactus. What a beautiful splash of color!

    1. gigi-hawaii: Thank you. We have multiple pots filled with that cactus and they brighten the darkest day.

  35. The Flowers are lovely. We are starting to decorate for Christmas too. We had snow twice but it melted. Next week temps are supposed to be -10C or lower.
    Get feeling better and cuddle your kitties for me.

    1. The Blog Fodder: Our stores have been decorating for some time. Here at home it is a step too far. Minus ten? We rarely get that low here. And oh, the fun I would have freezing bubbles. Stay safe and warm.

  36. Sunrises inspire hope which we all need in these uncertain times. I take great pleasure in seeing my own and yours. Inspiring. Also that cactus, stunning red.

    1. Wisewebwoman: Hope is a wonderful way to start the day isn't it?

  37. Hay días que parece que se multiplica el trabajo y tienes por fuerza que descansar.
    Que tengas una buena semana.

    1. VENTANA DE FOTO: I am still tired to the bone and still resting. I hope you have a wonderful week too.

  38. It's hot where you are and it just got cold where I am. I love the flowers. Have a great week.

    1. Mary Kirkland: I would swap temperatures in a heart beat. You have a good week too.

  39. The sunrises are beautiful and so too are the flowers.
    It's getting hot where you are, so do please take care of yourself and rest when you need to.

    Lots of good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Lowcarb team member ~Jan: Thank you. I do love sunrise and am grateful to see so many of them.

  40. Thank you for sending us even more lovely flowers to enjoy!
    The past few mornings here have been uncharacteristically dry and cool. Wish we could send you some of that!

    Take care this week.

    1. Wally Jones: Thank you and Gini (so much) for sharing yours.

  41. La belleza la he encontrado en estas bonitas flores de tu jardín, y la alegría para mi sería de que te recuperes pronto para que puedas hacer una vida normal.
    Un abrazo, amiga, y cuídate mucho.

    1. Manuel: Thank you for your generous hopes for me. I find beauty (and consolation) in the garden too.

  42. Glad to see people donating so generously as well. The flowers are pretty, and I enjoy the early morning as well. I hope your rest brings you restoration.

    1. mail4rosey: Thank you. It was lovely to see the donations coming in. More rest required.

  43. Beautiful skies and your flowers are gorgeous! I especially enjoyed the double poppy as I have never seen one like that before. Stunning! Always great to see people giving, that’s what it’s all about. I hope you will be feeling better with the rest that you need.

    1. DeniseinVA: Isn't that double poppy a beauty? The flowers have finished now, and I am watching the seed heads. When they are ripe I will harvest them.

  44. Love the flowers! So bright and vibrant. The double poppy looks amazing! Hope rest is helping and you feel better and more energetic soon. :)

    1. DMS ~Jess: Thank you. I do like colour - and am continuing to rest.

  45. Good morning hoping joy follows you everywhere you go too. thank you for the lovely flowers, they are amazing, as well as your views about town too. I like your #Itsinthebag such a worthy and meaningful cause! Take care and enjoy your week ahead!

    1. 21 Wits: Thank you. I love the colour too. We have had some grey days this week (though very little much needed rain) and the colour has lifted my spirits.

  46. Love that colour. I understand why it gives you joy.
    Hope you are feeling better by the time you read my comment.
    : )

    1. Caterina: It is such a vibrant colour. I am still struggling (but whinging less).

  47. To answer your question. Pumpkin pie spice is a combination of cinnamon, ginger, cloves, and nutmeg.

    1. Bleubeard and Elizabeth: Thank you. I thought they would be the sort of flavours used. Yum.

  48. Your poppies are delightful and so is the cactus. What a gorgeous color! I usually don't work in the garden when it is hot, just in the morning and in the evening. Unfortunately I sweat much too easily.
    I hope you will feel better soon and can enjoy all that spring and then summer has to offer.

    1. Carola Bartz: Thank you. I don't work outside in the heat of the day either - but I get hot a lot more easily and faster than many people. Like you, I sweat buckets.
