Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Sunday 26 November 2023

Sunday Selections #656

Sunday Selections was originally brought to us by Kim, of Frogpondsrock, as an ongoing meme where participants could post previously unused photos languishing in their files. Huge thanks to Cie who gave me this wonderful Sunday Selections image. 

The meme was then continued by River at Drifting through life.  Sadly she has now stepped aside (though she will join us some weeks), and I have accepted the mantle. 
The rules are so simple as to be almost non-existent.  Post some photos under the title Sunday Selections and link back to me. Clicking on any of the photos will make them embiggen.

I usually run with a theme. This week it is again snippets from home.  I am still totally exhausted and some other issues have raised their ugly heads.  In the next little while I am to arrange appointments (and attend them) with a range of medical professionals. On to the snippets featuring (just for a change) some of my obsessions.

Starting with skyscapes.

 A few more shots from the garden.  I was given this cactus last year and it has never flowered before.


Finishing with some shots of the interloper cat.  He comes round very early each day - and has taken to bringing friends with them.  He and his friends are very pretty.  Battie and Odie hate them all. With a passion.

Forgive me for the sameness.  I hope that better service can resume shortly.  And speaking of service.  I am currently at war with my ISP.  I can sometimes receive emails (up to eighteen hours after they were sent).  I can very, very rarely send them. I am not ignoring you.  Really I am not. 



  1. I must say, I've never seen a flowering cactus before. Lovely flower, by the way.
    The sky in the first four pictures looks rather strange. I can't describe or define it.

    1. DUTA: I saw that sky early one morning last week and had to go out with the camera. I was intrigued. Quite a lot of cacti flower and they often are beautiful.

  2. I believe you!
    Some providers can be quite temperamental.
    Without leaving your home you manage to show us gorgeous pictures.
    Thanks for the effort.
    I really hope you feel better very soon.

    1. Caterina: My ISP is changing their terms and what they provide. Recent changes have left me with little confidence in them. Hopefully today I will be able to send and receive emails but I am not holding my breath. Thank you for your kind words about my same old, same old.

  3. Hope all those medical professionals can find answers for you.
    Your cats are very protective of their turf.
    Not being able to send emails it totally unacceptable!

    1. Alex J. Cavanaugh: It is infuriating. Fingers crossed on the medical front. Batty and Odie are indeed prepared to defend their turf. With tooth and nail.

  4. Aw, the interlopers are so cute! Poor Odie and Batty, though - I can only imagine their indignation. :-)

    Your skyscapes are spectacular as usual, and the cactus flower is a rare treat. Cactus flowers always make me chuckle - they look as though someone just sneaked in overnight and glued a totally unrelated flower onto them.

    I'm sorry to hear your body is betraying you again. That sucks. Here's hoping your next round of doctors can provide some relief for you.


    1. Diane Henders: They are TOTALLY indignant. And vocal about it.
      I never tire of skyscapes and that one was a joy. Fingers crossed on the medico front. And yes, I know what you mean about cactus flowers. We have one (which I hope to show again later this year) that has a flower that it eight or nine inches across. The yellow beauty is tiny.

  5. Damn doctors… hope you pass through the storm quickly.
    It looks like the sky is on fire in the last twin tree shot. Beautiful!
    Gorgeous interloper. Sounds like Batty and Odie have a bad case of “get off my lawn.” Poor guys. :-)
    I hope you have a kickass week and nothing can wear you down attitude. Be all you can be. Be a dragon.

    River Fairchild

    1. River Fairchild: How I would love to be a dragon. And will certainly do my best.
      The twin trees set off sunsets well don't they? If we were in any doubt Batty and Odie's resentment of the intruders clearly says that they consider this house their home.

  6. Beautiful clouds, the three first are excellent EC.I hope with your docs get them right.

    1. Bob Bushell: Thank you. Doctors are a bit of a necessary evil aren't they?

  7. From your pictures, it doesn't look like you are in the middle of nowhere to be having that much trouble with your ISP. Do your neighbors have problem also? Do you have other options?

    1. Mike: Judging by comments on the web customers all over Australia are having similar problems. I could of course change my ISP, but I would rather not. And shudder to think of remembering who I need to tell about a change of email.

  8. I'm sorry about having some health issues that won't go away.
    I hope the doctors will be able to ease your health problems this time around.
    Lovely cottony clouds and sky on fire in your neighbourhood.

    Bravo for the blooming cactus. Obviously, you gave it proper care for it to bloom. It must be satisfying.

    By the looks of it, Batty and Odie don't want any cats to enter their territory and I don't blame them. I hope they realize that their place is secured.
    Take care and get better.

    1. Julia: On the health front I am well aware that I am relatively lucky. I do hope they can get to the bottom of my current issues though.
      Batty and Odie do know that there home with us is secure - but are not ready to share.
      I am hoping that the other cacti I was given at the same time also bloom. Time will tell.

  9. Love the fish scale sky! So do the cacti

    1. roentare: Wasn't that sky a delight? I think the early hour helped.

  10. Thank you for sharing the beauty of the sky with us. I hope your appointments go well. The cats are very pretty, but I can understand the cats who are in charge disliking interlopers.


    1. Janie Junebug: Thank you. The interloper is indeed beautiful but our boys want him gone - despite the fact that he is more than twice as big as they are they tell me they would happily take him on.

    2. That brings to mind Princess and the chihuahuas who live next door. They challenge her to a fight. She laughs.

    3. Janie Junebug: I think the big white boy would be happy to 'teach my boys a lesson'. Fortunately he is outside and they are inside. He certainly hisses at them when they complain about his presence.

  11. Dear EC
    So sorry to hear your health is not good and sending virtual hugs. Our interloper cat here comes in, makes himself at home and demands treats before claiming my chair! He belongs to someone in the next street, I believe. Luckily, we don't have any other cats in the house to object.
    Gorgeous clouds and cactus flowers too.
    Take good care of yourself.
    Best wishes

    1. Ellie Foster: It sounds as if your interloper would gladly move in. Thank you for your good wishes.

  12. The sky shots are amazing and delightful, especially the first set. They look like alto-cumulus to me. The second set looks like the sky id on fire. Just stunning.

    Great that the cactus is blooming. Your special care, I'm sure.

    That's an adorable cat, but I can see why Batty and Odie don't want him or his friends around.

    I was saddened to read you are not doing well. I sincerely hope they find a way to relieve your pain and keep you healthy, too. Stay safe and cool and don't overdo anything, dear friend.

    I'm getting a lot of "Failed to Publish," just when I thought blogger had gotten it's act together.

    1. Bleubeard and Elizabeth: You are right. They are alto-cumulous clouds. We didn't get the cool change they supposedly predict though. I think we have found just the right spot for that cactus. It lives on the window ledge in the laundry.
      I have found that changing the browser I am using stops those pesky failed to publish message.
      Thank you for your good wishes.

  13. Wishing you helpful doctors’ appointments and better health, EC.

    Love those skies!

  14. thecontemplativecat here. You have a fine hand, capturing some impressive awesome clouds.


    1. Susan Kane: Those clouds demanded that I photograph them.

  15. love the golden cactus flower, what a gift

  16. I'm pretty fed up with blogger at present. I've been having no end of trouble trying to post comments. It's so frustrating...and time wasting! I've lost count how many times I've tried to post this comment, this morning.

    I hope the week ahead is a better one, EC...for everyone. My cuddles to Batty and Odie. Take good care. :)

    This is Lee, by the way....

    1. Lee: Blogger is being a bit of a blight for me too, but I have found that changing the browser I use helps. At the first time it refuses to let me sign in, or respond to comments I switch over and use Chrome.

  17. Absolutely love those sky-scapes, you photograph them beautifully. And I think I need help with cactus! I have never had one flower so beautifully (or at all actually), for some reason mine always keel over.

    1. Kim: I have found cacti fairly forgiving. There are other plants I struggle more with. Skyscapes are an obsession of mine. I do love the clouds.

  18. Oh I hate internet or provider issues or computer issues in general. They're so frustrating and time consuming to solve. I hate to hear you are having medical issues. I hate those too. Your interlopers are absolutely gorgeous!

    1. Strayer: It is so hard to even find someone prepared to talk to you - much less provide solutions. Hiss and spit.

  19. I like the flying wedge of clouds, and the blue eyed cat. Nice photos.

    1. Joanne Noragon: Thank you. Despite his mostly white fur and his blue eyes the interloper is not deaf. If he hears us go out the back he comes at a run.

  20. I love those fluffy broken up clouds and the last two sunsets. The interloper cat is beautiful.

    1. River: I really liked those clouds too. As well as being beautiful the interlope is a nuzzler and a buzzler.

  21. Love the sky, beautiful EC. The cat has a sweet face and do hope your ISP is sorted out quickly as it's a pain in the neck when things do not work properly. Take care.

    1. Margaret D: It is definitely a pain when email is not working. Fingers crossed. The cat does have a sweet face doesn't he?

  22. So sorry you are having difficulties. Your tact is flowered! And I like the interval for cat as well. Looks like she found a friend and you. Aloha!

    1. Cloudia: The neighbour between us and the cats home mentioned to them that their cats spend a LOT of time with us. They were unperturbed. They have four cats I think and they all visit - and spend poor Battie and Odie ballistic.

  23. The interloper is just so pretty but apparently bad mannered!
    I love the cheeriness of the cactus.
    You've reminded me that my parents are having email issues I was going to try to fix but i forgot when i was there today. Sigh

    Have a goodish week :)

    1. kylie: The interloper swears at the kittens and yammers at us. He is pretty though. I do hope you can sort out your parent's email issues - and wish that mine could also be fixed.

  24. Hi EC - fish-scale scapes seem a good name for those type of skies. Isn't that cactus flower beautiful and it's arrived for you - cheerful and glowing ... which I hope you'll reach with easier health soon. Good to know Battie and Odie feel home is with you ... take care and with thoughts - Hilary

    1. Hilary Melton-Butcher: The fact that Battie and Odie are prepared to defend their territory definitely says that they know this is home. Which is lovely. And cheery is the right word for that cactus flower. Thank you - and you have a good week too.

  25. I'm sorry to hear your email is all messed up.
    The cats are so cute.
    I had a cactus plant that never flowered. Yours is pretty.

    1. Mary Kirkland: Thank you. Most of our cactus plants flower - and I have hopes for the ones that haven't.

  26. As usual, great pictures. Whenever I see your comments on mine, I smile and send my hopes that things get better.


    1. Bill: Thank you. I am glad that my comments make you smile - your photos and comments do the same for me.

  27. I am so sorry you are having to deal with all these health issues. I sincerely hope you can get relief for them very soon. No need for forgiveness on sameness. Your photos always cheer me, from your skyscapes to the pretty flower on the cactus, to those interlocking kitties. Everything you share is a delight. Feel better soon!

  28. Replies

    1. Rajani Rihana: Thank you too - though I do wish that your comments varied. I wonder if you actually do read the blog.

  29. Fabulous skyscapes, and that interloper is really very pretty indeed. And I do hope all those doctor visits will pay off for you. Don't forget you are precious to many, many of your friends.

    1. DJan: What a lovely thing to say. Our blog friends become very dear to us don't they? Happy Birthday for Friday.

  30. I love those awesome sky scapes and flowering cacti. That is a cute cat. Now, can you please tell me what happened to November? Each month I think, Oh, great a whole 31 or 30 days to accomplish so much and suddenly the month is slipping through my fingers. I hope you have a wonderful new week.

    1. RasmaSandra: Never mind November, what has happened to the year. Only a day or so ago it was March...
      I hope you have a great week too.

  31. Oh, take care of yourself. Those are nice cloud formations, and I love that cactus flower.

    1. gigi-hawaii: I really liked those clouds too. And the cactus.

  32. Such beautiful skyscapes you've shared, and that cactus flower is a wonderful colour.
    I send good wishes for your up-coming medical appointments.
    Take care of yourself.

    All the best Jan

    1. Lowcarb team member ~Jan: Thank you. I suspect it will be challenging even getting all the appointments. I do love the sky.

  33. Please, the "service" is delightful here. We get to see lovely skyscapes, a beautiful garden, and cats. What more could we ask?

    I pray all of your appointments go well.

    My selections are over here.

  34. That flowering cactus is stunning what a gift for you to see that beauty! I am so in love with that blue-eyed stranger cat. Angora? She does look distinctly female. e careful she doesn't adopt you. There would be war in your house.

    1. Wisewebwoman: The interloper is male - as are the other members of his family that he brings to visit. He (and a young ginger cat) would like to move in I think. And yes, there would be war.
      Isn't that cactus lovely?

  35. The first two photos are what we out on the lone prairie call a buttermilk sky.
    I love cacti, but they sure aren't very cuddly!
    I wrote another picture poem inspired by the weather. It's been bitterly cold.

    1. Ornery Owl of Naughty Netherworld Press and Readers Roost: Cacti definitely fall into the look but do not touch category. I am fine with that.
      Off to read your poem now.

  36. Cactus flowers are very lovely. And your poor cats having to deal with interlopers, especially very nice ones.
    I do hope your ISP problems are solved quickly as that you do not need on top of everything else. Medical appointments are no fun but if they actually help, I guess that is good

    1. The Blog Fodder: My ISP has finally admitted that there is a problem - which is a start. Today emails are dribbling in again - though they admit that some are being held. Our cats would prefer that the interlopers didn't even visit, but they are not invited into the house.
      Thank you on the medical front.

  37. all sorts of wonderful shots here. I am a member of the cloud appreciation society so i appreciate these cloud snaps! :=)

    1. Sherry's Pickings: Welcome and thank you. I have been an unofficial member of that society all my life.

  38. The kitties are so pretty! As are your skyscapes! Ugh ISP's....

    1. Rain: Thank you. My ISP has at least, at last, admitted there is a problem.

  39. Wonderful skies - ours are dark grey and dripping with rain today.

    1. John 'By Stargoose and Hanglands': Our skies are grey today too and rain is predicted. I really, really hope the weather boffins are telling the truth. For a change.

  40. In Danish clouds like these are called Lamb clouds for their likeness to newly shorn sheep.
    Your cactus is very pretty, and the reddish sky is stunning, I can never quite capture that colour.

    1. Charlotte (MotherOwl): Lamb clouds is a lovely name. I often struggle to capture sunrise and sunset colours as I saw them, but succeeded pretty well that day.

  41. I'm sorry to hear about the medical issues, hope they are resolved soon.
    The skyscapes are as usual breathtaking. You have some really lovely visitors.

    1. Nilanjana Bose: Thank you. Our furred and feathered visitors delight us - and you know of my love of the sky.

  42. It's to cold here for cactus to grow.
    I post photos for Sunday Section.

    1. peppylady(Dora): Our cactus live outside all year round. I am heading over to see your selections now.

  43. That is a beautiful cat. But beauty doesn't have much influence when it comes to other cats protecting their space :)

    Pretty bloom on that cactus. I had a very spikey cactus at one time. I impaled myself on its large spines so many times I finally had to get rid of it. It never bloomed while I had it. It was too busy trying to kill me, I suspect :)

    1. jenny_o: Some of our cactuses flower regularly. Others do not. And they have sharp teeth. He is a lovely cat but our two DON'T CARE. At all.
