Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Sunday 7 January 2024

Sunday Selections #662

Sunday Selections was originally brought to us by Kim, of Frogpondsrock, as an ongoing meme where participants could post previously unused photos languishing in their files. Huge thanks to Cie who gave me this wonderful Sunday Selections image. 

The meme was then continued by River at Drifting through life.  Sadly she has now stepped aside (though she will join us some weeks), and I have accepted the mantle. 
The rules are so simple as to be almost non-existent.  Post some photos under the title Sunday Selections and link back to me. Clicking on any of the photos will make them embiggen.

I usually run with a theme. Some of you just might have noticed that I have a passion for colour.  There is lots of it about at the moment.  So as I so often say, come wander with me.  Or more accurately come wobble with me.  My feet and legs are significantly swollen at the moment and walking is a bigger challenge than usual.

I like this mural on the side of a local church.  I also like their stance on climate change and refugees.

New murals are popping up at one of our bus interchanges.  I hope they spread.

One of the many eucalypts in the city, blooming profusely.

Odie in a Christmas stocking.

 I appreciate the splashes of colour in the city.

And in our garden.

You can see where the Eucomis or pineapple lily gets its common name from can't you?

I hope your world is packed with colour.

And in other news, please spare a thought for Lee.  Her area was hit hard by a storm on Christmas Eve and many people are still without power.  The powers that be hope to have people connected again this weekend or early next week.  I do hope that the lack of power is the worst that happened to her.

Charlotte(MotherOwl) had surgery last week.  I hope she is recovering well.  If you get the chance please stop by both of their blogs and wish them well.



  1. Lee has answered me on my blog. After what she's been through (lack of power, water etc.)., thank God she's ok and has a roof over her head.

    1. DUTA: Thank you for letting me know so quickly. Lee has also responded to my email. She apparently got power and water back yesterday, though the internet took a little longer. NOT a good end to last year or start to this, but at least her home survived unlike many others.

  2. Summer is in full bloom for you and the colors are brilliant. We are currently in the midst of our winter. Never fear, it lasts but a week at the most. Then the wildflowers begin their weekly show. I hope the swelling goes down in your feet and legs in addition to a burst of energy.

    1. Ann Bennett: Thank you. You have a very short winter - I wish our summers were over so quickly. I would love to see your wildflowers. The feet/legs issue is an annual treat and will go down again when our summer is over.

  3. Hope all is well with Lee. Good wishes to Charlotte. Hope the swelling goes down in your legs and feet, my friend.
    All the pictures are wondrous today, but Odie in his stocking takes the prize. It may not have originally been his stocking but it looks like he's claims it now:)
    Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    1. Sandra Cox: Odie loves bags/boxes and claims them all. Batty couldn't care less. Lee is ok though it must feel wonderful to have power and water again. The clean up (for her and the area) will be huge. Charlotte(MotherOwl) is home and recovering. How is the invalid in your family doing?

  4. River Fairchild - I’m glad Lee has been in touch with you and hope all went well with Charlotte.
    Hopefully your mobility will improve soon. I’m sure the heat is a major factor with the swelling!
    Love all the murals and colors around your beautiful city. Odie in the stocking wins today’s prize photo!
    Try to stay off your feet and take care. I’ll do a hiss and spit dance in your honor.

    1. River Fairchild: Thank you. I hope to do a bit in the garden in a bit (you will be surprised to hear) or perhaps not. And yes, summer is not kind to me and this summer has taken a vicious toll on lots of people (Lee included). Hiss and spit loudly for me.

  5. Summer colors look great. Have a wonderful sunday to you dear friend. Greetings.

    1. bread&salt: Sorry, I had to rescue your comment from spam jail. Thank you - and you have a wonderful weekend.

  6. Your city has a lot to be proud of : interesting murals, a great variety of flowers and trees. Great colours all around,
    inclusive in your own garden!
    Odie in the stocking definitely 'steals the show'.

    1. DUTA: Thank you. Odie (and Batty) certainly believe they are show stealers.

  7. I like your murals very much! They tell an inclusive story. Your flowers are wonderful! I am almost certain I saw the Eucomis before but I can't remember where. Perhaps when we were road tripping. We visit a lot of gardens along the way. Thank you for the links to Lee and Charlotte. I visited and wished them well. I hope your legs feel better soon!

    1. DeniseinVA: Thank you for visiting my blog friends. And for your compliments on our garden. We visit/ogle other people's gardens too.

  8. The murals look fabulous. So colourful.

    1. roentare: That is what first attracted me to them - and I like them both. A lot.

  9. Hi EC - I feel for you and hope your legs and feet can get some recuperative time and they recover a little. Love the colours - the roses, the planters, the murals and Odie - brilliant! Poor Lee - I've had periods recently when I haven't had various services, but nothing like Lee's going through ... I do wish her well. I also hope Mother Charlotte will recover her strength soon too ... with thoughts - cheers Hilary

    1. Hilary Melton-Butcher: Thank you. On all counts. The colours are lovely aren't they? A real mood lifter.

  10. Replies
    1. Mike: They are always welcome - and even the centre of our city has some.

  11. The mural is rather good.
    Odie is sure no one can see him.
    There's a lot of garden colour with some wonderful rose blooms.

    1. Andrew: I hope to capture more murals in the coming weeks. Odie did indeed think he was hidden. Our roses had a very slow start but have made up for it.

  12. Thank you for the lovely colour in your blog post. I liked the mural and beautiful flowers, the photograph of Odie in the Christmas stocking made me smile.

    Hoping your legs and feet recover soon.
    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    PS Just off to visit Lee and Charlotte.

    1. Lowcarb team member ~Jan: Thank you so much. And thank you for cheering on my blog friends. Odie made us smile too.

  13. Odie is the best stocking stuffer ever! Hope the swelling reduces soon, EC.

    1. Marie Smith: He is isn't he? And wrapped himself.

  14. Still without power? That's terrible.
    Odie is indeed a good stocking stuffer.

    1. Alex J. Cavanaugh: Lee got her power back yesterday. And her water. Going without power for that long would be bad enough, but no water either...

  15. Dear EC
    What a lovely Christmas stocking present Odie is! I hope your legs and feet improve. Thank you for sharing both the art and the beauty of your garden too. Finding something to enjoy every day is so important.
    Best wishes

    1. Ellie Foster: Thank you. I do indeed find things to enjoy each and every day. And the garden (mine and others) is often one of them.

  16. Lovely photos! The flowers are such a treat while we're in the midst of winter here. And Odie is so cute in his Christmas stocking!

    I hope your legs and your walking improve soon - wishing you and your household (both human and feline) a happy healthy 2024!

    1. Diane Henders: Odie rocked that stocking didn't he? Thank you for your health wishes. I hope they flow back to you.

  17. Thanks for the splash of color. Your blooms are spectacular. So welcome on a very cold winder day. No blooms in the gardens here, just cold naked gardens.
    I hope the swelling goes away so you can walk easier.

    Odie is cute in the Christmas stocking.
    Happy New Year.
    Hugs, Julia

    1. Julia: Our winters are much milder than yours. We can have at least some colour all year round. The swelling will subside with summer. Thank you - and Happy New Year to you too.

  18. You have so much color in your garden; good for the heart. Roses are good for the smelling, too.

    1. Joanne Noragon: Colour and scent are good for the heart. You can tell which of our roses I purchased. I insist that a rose has to have scent. Himself has been seduced by colour before.

  19. Lee replied to my email too and I was glad to hear she is okay, though the power outage meant she lost fridge and freezer contents.
    I love those murals and wish my city had some as colourful without being graffiti. Odie in the christmas stocking needs to be framed and hung on the wall.
    Your garden is beautifully colourful as always, I love the creamy roses. We have pink and red eucalypts flowering in my area. I took a photo but can't find it.

    1. River: We have some red eucalpyts too. Like you I took a photo and have misplaced it. The creamy roses are Just Joey and have a gorgeous scent. I am glad for Lee that her damage was no worse but replacing the contents of the fridge and the freezer won't come cheap.

  20. A kitty in a Christmas stocking is a wonderful present. I love murals. We have some on the main drag in my neighborhood. Sadly, others have been painted over. I don't know what possesses people when they decide to cover up something pretty and colorful.


    1. Janie Junebug: I really like murals too. Ours don't get painted over though some years ago a politician made a bit of a scene enlisting his supporters to help him scrub one of the walls. It wasn't as he thought grafitti but a commissioned mural and he wore egg on his smug face.

  21. Interesting murals and lovely, beautiful flowers, can't beat a good one.

  22. wishing you happy new year friend!
    may it be full of love health peace and joy for you and loved ones !

    1. baili: Thank you so much for those all encompassing wishes. I hope the same for you and your family and friends.

  23. I love the pictures-- and the cat in the stocking!

    1. Bill: Thank you. Odie will be getting a swelled head from all this praise.

  24. Murals can be used for social good (not propaganda) if done well and beautify the city at the same time. It's sad to hear that you are suffering, Sue. I hope that you feel better soon, although I know that summer heat doesn't help. David xo

    1. David M. Gascoigne: Thank you. I delight (as you know) in the artwork around my city. The feet and legs thing is a summer treat. It will pass.

  25. Your city with its flowers and murals is beautiful, but Odie would have to be my favorite today. Aloha to both of you

    1. Cloudia: I have just rescued you from spam. Odie and I thank you - though Batty feels left out.

  26. I apologize for not visiting sooner. Like you, I am wobbling around. Every joint in my body is swollen and I am so stiff I can hardly type.

    You have found some marvelous murals. I especially like the theme/concept of the first one.

    You have given us a plethora of gorgeous flowers, but in your city and in your gorgeous garden. If I had all those beauties to look on each day, I would be in heaven.

    Please feel better soon, dear friend. Also give a little love to Odie and Batty, please.

    You would think Blogger would have gotten its act together by now, but I got a "failed to publish." I'll be back soon.

    1. Bleubeard and Elizabeth: I am sorry sorry to read that you too are swollen and wobbly. It is not a lot of fun is it?
      And thank you. You feel better too. Batty and Odie thank you too.
      Blogger has been being a beast to me too this morning. I have had to change browsers. Again.

  27. So very pretty! I love the murals and the colorful flowers. And here's to hoping you get over those wobblies soon! Sending you some virtual hugs.

    1. DJan: Thank you. The wobbles will pass. I have been invigorated by your activity - and a tad envious. Be well and happy dear friend.

  28. So much pretty colors, both on the murals and in all the flowers. I didn't know Eucalyptus bloomed. Sorry to hear about your legs and feet, hope things improve soon for you.

    1. Sandy: Eucalyptus blooms beautifully in a range of colours. The birds love it and have a feast. And thank you.

  29. I love those murals and all the beautiful blooming flowers. Odie is just adorable. My Freddie and Morticia send their sincerest meows to Odie and Batty. Sorry about your legs and feet I hope the swelling goes down and things improve. I hope you have a great start to the new week.

    1. RasmaSandra: Thank you and Freddie and Morticia. Batty and Odie have no manners where other cats are concerned so please accept my thanks on their behalf.

  30. I surely hope your swelling subsides soon. Super cute kitty in the stocking. I like color too.

    1. mail4rosey: Thank you. Colour is a joy isn't it?

  31. Lovely to see flowers, there is 8 inches of fresh snow here today. A winter wonderland. I miss flowers - Truedessa

    1. Truedessa: It is lovely to see you here again. Stay warm, stay safe.

  32. Beautiful flowers and a very eye-catching building in the first photo. Bart, Giorgio, and Tara say hello to Odie.
    I've done an Aquarium Project Haiga for the first time in seven months. 2023 ran over me and 2024 is threatening to do the same!

    1. Ornery Owl of Naughty Netherworld Press and Readers Roost: I hope that 2024 doesn't run over you, and is gentle and kind. I am heading over to read your Haiga now.

  33. Those are some delightful spots of colour in your world.

    My selections are in the usual place, although you know that by now.

    1. messymimi: I am so grateful for colour - and loved the selections you shared.

  34. You have such beauty in those flowers and the good fortune to live where those murals are allowed. I am glad Lee is okay and I hope you will be too.

    1. e: Thank you. Murals are not only allowed they are encouraged - for which I am grateful.

  35. Those blasted stubborn limbs anyway and that nasty humidity. Odie in the stocking is adorable. And the flowers brighten the whiteness of the snow all around here. (see how I threw in snow there to cool you down?)
    Love the murals.

    1. Wisewebwoman: I have just been wrestling with those rotten limbs at physio on a day where the humidity is over 90%. Shudder. And huge thanks for the cooling breath of snow.

  36. Yes, I wish your friends well. I love your colorful blog and how it cheers people up. Take care of those feet.

    1. gigi-hawaii: Thank you. Lee survived and Charlotte(MotherOwl) is in recuperation mode. I am looking after my feet and legs. I really hope that David can come home to you soon. For you both.

  37. Hope your legs recover. Lovely murals. I didn't know eucalyptus trees flowered.

    1. Hena Tayeb: Thank you. Eucalypts flower beautifully. I look forward to it every year.

  38. Odie looks so cute...and the flowers are just gorgeous!

    1. Rain: Thank you. Odie says he is more gorgeous than any flowers - which he will eat if he is not stopped.

  39. The flowers are so pretty. I love the murals.

    1. Mary Kirkland. Thank you. I enjoy the murals that pop up all over the city and always have my eye out for more.

  40. thecontemplativecat here. Those flowers are so amazing. We are in our winter and you are enjoying flowers in your summer.

  41. I don't know how i missed your Sunday Selections but I did. I like the mural of the two buses and balloon. Your area is so colorful in the summer, with all the blooms of such beautiful flowers. But as you might guess, Odie in the stocking is my very favorite of your photos today.

    1. Strayer: That mural is particularly appropriate. It is at one of our bus interchanges and if I am catching an early bus there are quite often balloons in the sky.

  42. I'm sorry to hear about the swelling in your legs and feet, Sue, and hope that it will go down soon. Limited mobility is frustrating. - The murals in your city are interesting and so full of color. I really like all the artwork that is on display. The colors in your garden are beautiful - I love color in my garden as well, it makes me happy.

    1. Carola Bartz: Thank you. Colour in the city and the garden makes me happy too. I agree with you about the frustration too.

  43. Wonderful, colourful, playful. Thank you. I love those reminders that our world is big and bigger.
    I am healing, slower that I would like, but I suspect faster than could be excepted. Thanks for all well wishes!

    1. And I'm sorry to hear about your wobbly legs. May they become un-wobbly and normal-sized again very fast!

    2. Charlotte (MotherOwl): I am glad that you are healing faster than could be expected, but feel your frustration. Sadly my swollen and wobbly legs are a side effect of summer.

  44. Your roses are just divine and Odie is too cute.
    The weather this summer is taking a toll in more ways than one, isn't it?
    Have a good week ? :)

    1. kylie: The weather this summer has been fairly nasty for so many Australians hasn't it? I feel a tad guilty for complaining. I am decidedly uncomfortable but I am safe which is not true for so many.

    2. You're allowed to complain.

  45. Thank you so much for bringing us some of your summer beauty! It brightens our winter day. (Although our winter day is pretty nice right now, we did have to wear long sleeves one day last week.)

    Gini says she totally relates to the "wobble" reference. We hope you are able to continue to enjoy the blooming beauty of the season.

    1. Wally Jones: Long sleeves? They must be almost unheard of in your neck of the woods. I am sorry that Gini knows the wobble. It isn't a lot of fun. And thank you both.

  46. At first, on that eucalyptus, I thought that red leaf was a bird in flight. It could be, with a little tweaking. ;)

    1. J C: You are right. It could be a bird - and I have seen our crimson rosellas enjoying the eucalypt blooms before.

  47. Great post love your brilliant choices of what to show x

  48. These pictures are beautiful. Thanks for sharing them with us. Sorry to hear you were so swollen. How uncomfortable for you! Hope you are doing better each day. I had never heard of the Eucomis or pineapple lily before. So cool! :)

    1. DMS ~Jess: Thank you. Isn't the pineapple lily a beauty. They have spread too and I now have several of them reaching for the sky.
