Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Tuesday 13 August 2013

A chaos of Cats

The smaller portion's recuperation continues to be slow and ugly.  So I am refusing to think about it, and will post photos of things which make me smile - in this instance cats.

This first image was sent to me today.  And is Jazz to the life.

And then an assortment of photos of Jazz n Jewel who despite their protestations live a pleasant and indulged life.  They usually go outside for half an hour or so in the morning and the rest of the time rule the household with iron paws.

Indulgence over - for the moment.

In the last week or so, earlier posts about Antarctica have been attracting a lot of interest.  Would people be interested in a revisit, or have you had enough of my obsessions for the moment?


  1. Love the kitties...how I miss having a cat in the house. I do hope the smaller portion starts to improve soon.

    1. Delores: So do we love the kitties - when they aren't sending our blood pressure soaring. Sadly at the moment the smaller portion is no better than when he came home.

  2. Hi EC! What beautiful cats you have! Thanks for sharing the photos with us. And when you asked about Antarctica, I had to go back and see when you posted about it. Either I missed it, or have forgotten. Either one would be a good choice if you're a betting woman! :)
    I would LOVE to read anything about it, and see photos, too! I skimmed through the comments on a March post and found out how you happened to visit there. Good for you!!
    And I hope, too, that the SP will receive the gift of wellness. Hugs.

    1. BECKY: That is high praise coming from a decided dog person. Jazz n Jewel thank you.
      Antarctica revisited (again) coming up.

  3. That first "see no evil" picture made me smile. Your cats are beautiful, and ALL cats are imperialists; it's their nature. Your pictures are so much fun. I loved them all. And I too hope for better days ahead, for all of us, especially SP. I know nothing about your Antarctica posts and suspect that there are others of us who haven't followed you awfully long who would love to hear about it. :-)

    1. DJan: See no evil made me chuckle too - and I was still bleeding from one of his attacks at the time.

  4. They're so sleek and glossy! And they look playful even though I know one of them plays "dangerously" with claws unsheathed.
    I'd love to see more Antarctica photos, because sure as eggs is eggs, I won't be getting down there to see it for myself.

    1. River: Both of them do have beautiful coats though (while photos don't show it) their fur is very, very different.

  5. How glorious to have two black cats. They are beautiful.

    1. Dorothy Krajewski: And they know that they are beautiful. And trade on it.

  6. Obsess away, if I've already seen the pictures I won't know as my memory chip is dysfunctional, and anyway, the things we love should be reposted every now and again, for our own benefit, to remind us these things exist, and for all the new members of the audience, who'ere they be.
    Your cats scare me. And I'm not easily scared. Hahahaha. So beautiful mind. The top picture made me laugh too so that's the second time today you had me smiling. Thank you x

    1. All Consuming: I am very glad to have made you smile - and twice in the one day is a bonus.

  7. The black cat in the very first picture is so like our old Soot. If I can ever find a way to put his picture on here I'm sure you would love him.
    You obsess to your heart's content and nobody will complain. I missed your Antarctica posts so would love to see them.
    I am so sorry that the SP is having such awful problems and my thoughts once again wing my way over to you both.

    1. Mimsie: I am very sure I would love Soot. I have a very big weakness (surprise, surprise) for black moggies.

    2. I just may post the story of how Soot came to live with us.

    3. Mimsie: I would love to hear how Soot came to live with you.

  8. HI EC The first shot made me smile adn I hope my 'horse doing press up' made you smile or evven laugh today. As a blogger of only 5 months I ahve not seen your Antarctica shots and would love to. Bring them on!!

    1. Margaret Adamson: The horse press-ups did make me smile - and envy its agility.

  9. Slow and ugly, but hopefully moving in the right direction. My heart goes out to you both ...

    Your cats are "Bad" ("Bad" being a good thing over here :) I love them both, they are beautiful and, as you openly admit, powerful rulers. I see a lot of familier poses as my brothers hang together too. And neither of them pass for Evil:0

    By all means a rerun would be awesome. You know old poops like me will forget details and more, so I would love to see the pictures again. And I think you would love going through them again as well ... wonderful memories. Have at it EC ... I'll look forward to it. Hugs to you both ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

    1. Andrea: Sadly no real movement in the right direction yet. We move one step forward and two back - and back is winning.
      And yes, Jazz n Jewel are 'bad' and 'sick' and much loved.

  10. At least there is recovery. Hard to keep your thoughts on the end result when you're in the middle of things, though, I know. So, obsessions and indulgences are just the thing. Those cats are fabulous.

    1. Kathleen Cassen Mickelson: No real recovery yet. Which is frightening and worrying. I am glad you liked the Fabulous Pair

  11. CATS. of course they go outside in the morning - to roll in that dust before they come inside to lay on the laundry and white things. and we love them anyhow. X X

    1. Ann ODyne: You summed up their behaviour perfectly. Anyone would think you somehow 'knew' about their tricky, frustrating, enchanting ways...

  12. Pets have a great ability to relieve stress, and make one smile!

  13. The two Js look, as ever, gorgeous.
    I could always read more of your Antarctica trip.

    1. dinahmow: Thank you. More penguins and ice coming up...

  14. I especially love black cats and your's are beauties.

    Even if SP recuperation is slow, at least it is going forward. My heart goes out to you as I have been a caretaker also. It is a difficult job.

    Let us see more of your obsession. I so enjoy seeing pictures of places where I have never been.

    Take care of yourself, EC.

    1. Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe: Being a carer is difficult and frightening and frustrating.

  15. Our dog is so passive the cat has written her off. He's still a busy juvenile; I'm sorry he missed out on our beloved Cairns, Angus and Fiona.

    1. Joanne Noragon: Wow - to be written off by the cat does sound passive. Though we had a German Shepherd that the cats used to ride...

  16. the cats are so sweet together and they really seem to like each other too, two peas in a pod. Hope you are taking a few moments for yourself. years ago I used to go to local nurseries (plants) just to get away.

    1. Linda Starr: Sometimes the cats like each other. Often they are jealous of each other. The chasings games are always good to watch.

  17. Hi EC,

    My cats still hate each other. Liquorice is just evil incarnate - Jasper eats anything he can and Poppy is still a coward but I have built bridges with her recently.

    Note to self - must do a video blog of them.




    1. Plastic Mancunian: So Liquorice (like Jazz) could have doubled for that first shot.

  18. Cats always cheer me up so thanks for the post. :-)

    1. Birdie: They make me smile too. Which is just as well because as you know they can also be Ungrateful Bastards.

  19. I'm allergic to cats, so I make do with everyone else's, including Facebook's and LOL Cats. I can haz kittehs, too :)

    Love yours, but don't know how you tell them apart. I'm sure it's easier in person than with the photos.

    1. Carol Kilgore: Jazz is nearly twice the size of Jewel. And has three times the poisonality. Perhaps four times...

  20. Your cats are beautiful. So shiny and sleek. It's so nice of them to let you share their house with them.

    I hope your hubby starts to feel better real soon.

    1. Susan: Opposable thumbs have their advantages. I am pretty certain that if the cats had them one at least of the cats would be planning a revolution. And not the bloodless kind.

  21. Your cats are so beautiful – their fur so shiny. We are cat people in our house. We have two right now. Cody, a golden cat (I wrote a post on him a long time ago) and Mitsuko, a small female Korat kitten, who is a little devil. I just read another post on cats and watched a video of a cat café in Hungary – 13 cats free in a café where people pet and play with them – see the post here: http://scriptorsenex.blogspot.com/2013/08/hungarian-cat-cafe.html .

    1. Vagabonde: I would love to see more cafes and restaurants with cats 'on the menu'. Thank you - that was a beautiful video.

  22. Antarctica is wonderful but I want more garden photographs and you know which garden I mean, lol! Love the first picture! Hugs to both of you.

    1. Gillie: As spring progresses you will get lots and lots and lots of photos of the garden - which is one of my obsessions. It certainly isn't Antarctica or the garden (or the birds or the cats or the books...)

  23. Those are some of the sleekest, most satisfied cats I've ever seen.

    Ah. To be reborn a well-loved kitty...


    1. Pearl: I have often said I want to come back as a cat in my next life. Preferably one of my own - which makes it difficult. And I think all of us would look sleek and satisfied if our every whim was met.

  24. Ahhh, the life of a (loved) and pampered cat.
    Their coats are stunningly shiny - so remind me of my old Sunny.
    And, yes, the first pic is very apt, I think, for all black cats. That could've been Sunny - even Jack was scared of him, at times :)

    I would also love to see more of your Antarctica pics. A beautiful world.

    1. Vicky: I have had black cats with charming characters - and others who were/are evil personified (catified?).
      More Antarctica coming up in the next day or so.

  25. I have only ever had one black cat - I don't know why. He was born on the same day as I was, and was still alive when I left home to go to university. These gorgeous photos make me think I should have another one! Their coats are so beautiful.

    Every time I open one of your posts I hope to see some better news on the skinny one. I trust you can take pleasure from your cats and your garden, and that these do help.

    Antarctica again? Yes please!

    1. Alexia: I have always had a black cat (or more) and love them. And yes, their coats are gorgeous.
      We are also hoping that the smaller portion's recovery starts to happen SOON.

  26. I love the photos of your furry mates, EC. My two rule this home with iron paws, too; and both only go out for a hour, sometimes less, first thing in the morning; and then they're back inside.

    Except for yesterday...Shama, who is the more cunning of the two...she is the female, of course...decided she didn't want to come in yesterday...so she put up a merry chase! Grrrrr!!! Finally, when I WON I told her that she'd blotted her copybook; had done her dash and that tomorrow (now today) she would be confined to quarters, not even allowed out for five minutes!! That was her penance! She is sitting here beside me looking petulant and contrite at the same time! ;)

    Keep your chin up...and continue thinking happy thoughts and looking at happy pics and bossy cats! :)

    1. Lee: Mostly Jazz n Jewel are perfectly happy with a short jaunt outside. Every now and then...
      And punishing a cat never seems to be all that effective...

  27. The "evil" is Vasil incarnate! Seriously, Jazz and Vasil were separated at birth.

    1. Riot Kitty: And isn't it a good thing that they are beautiful.

  28. AWwwwwww they seem to be so close to each other...so sweet :)>

    1. unikorna: Sometimes. And sometimes it is fully fledged attack mode...

  29. This makes me miss having a cat to boss me around. I just broke a glass in my kitchen (in rather spectacular fashion) and was thinking, as I searched for all the shards of glass, how my cats would have been in there with me trying to investigate.

    Love this post! Yes - I vote for a post about Antarctica!

    1. Lynn: Ouch. Isn't it amazing just how far shards of glass can travel.
      More Antarctica coming up. This afternoon or tomorrow.

  30. Pictures of cute fur babies are a definite pick-me-up. These are great, thank you for the early morning smile. Yes please, show us more of Antarctica.

    1. DeniseinVA: I am glad to have given you a smile...

  31. Your cats are just so beautiful, and seeing black cats reminds me of our dear old Luther who left us last year. However, we now have Peggy the Jack Russell to keep us on our toes. I do love getting glimpses of your garden. I hope between the cats and the garden you are able to get some relaxation.

    1. Carol: The cats, the garden, the birds are helping me hang on to a little (just a little) sanity...

  32. I love black cats. I used to have a sweet boy named Schmenge who followed me like a shadow. Yours are adorable.

    1. Cathy Oliffe-Webster: They KNOW they are adorable - but thank you.

  33. There's something so mystical about black cats. My sister had one, and well... she was in fact, evil. Her eyes would dilate as she stared at you, GROWLING like an angry chihuahua and then, eventually attack you with her hind claws, because she was declawed and knew how to effectively use her back legs to attack. This also came with the big chomp on your forearms. I used to walk through my sister's living room with oven mitts on, just in case I had an encounter with this lovely beast. My sister insisted that she was just "misunderstood". That cat scared me more than a 100 lb Rottweiler. But, all in all, the most beautiful cats (in my opinion) are black.

    1. "angry chihuahua". Now those two words together create an easily imaginable image. When I was young and we visited our grandparents, the first thing we endured was their two chihuahua's growling at us and humping our legs. I must have been damaged by the repeated chihuahua experience because now I can't think of them as anything but angry and hyper sexual.

    2. Deb: I have a very big weakness for black cats. Just the same Jazz has an evil side and attacks me daily. Just me - not the skinny one. It is too his advantage that he is so beautiful.

      Strayer: We have an angry chihuahua in the street. People move out of its way. Jazz attacks it.

  34. After reading Endurance, I would love a revisit by you of your adventure and if you could, connecting it where possible to points Shackleton visited in his epic survival feat. It is a fascinating tale, his, and to be able to visit those places, later, now that I've read Endurance, through your photos, would be fun.

    I love the photo of, is it Jazz? sprawled out in that chair, leg hanging. Epic cat!

    1. I have three black cats here. Hairy, the feral who is very hair and was going to be euthanized at Heartland but they didn't want to do it. He'd been trapped when entering a house repeatedly for food, through a cat door. I understand this now, because he is a food hound, and waits for that nightly wet food and if he doesn't get it, boy there is a price to pay! Then there's Jade, who was thrown out in Millersburg pregnant and had kittens, as a teen, in the corner of a filthy garage. She's delightful and loves everybody. And finally Smolder, a massive cat, son of Sage, and so sweet despite his gigantic size (not fat, just huge).

    2. Strayer: I will revisit Antarctica later this week, and will try and connect it to Shackleton's story. We were at his grave on his birthday which was very moving... It was Jazz with his leg dangling. And shortly after I took the photo he smacked me with it. He is quick, powerful, and some days evil. As you know, I love your black cats (and the rest).

  35. Jazz and Jewel are such sleek beauties!

    1. Susan Kane: True indulgence would probably make all of us beautiful.

  36. --You had me on "CATS," honey :)

    I just adore love love love your black silky little panthers.

    Xxxxxx LOVE from MN.

    1. My Inner Chick: I thought you would like them. And we love them too. Hugs right back at you.

    2. Glad you like little cat note-book. I thought of you when I saw it at the book store.

      LOVE and Hugs and Kisses. Xxxxxx

    3. My Inner Chick: I love the note book - and used it when I was out yesterday. Megathanks.

  37. I love black cats, too - have had three of them - and yours are obviously well-cared for and living the good life.

    Yes, please, to the Antarctica posts! I prefer armchair travel to the real kind :) especially with personal commentary on the pictures.

    I was hoping to hear better news on the SP. Is his doctor as worried as we all are? Or did you expect a long recovery? Hugs to you both, Sue.

    1. jenny_o: I think that only Jazz n Jewel would dispute that they are living the good life. They consider themselves to be underprivileged people.

      The skinny one's doctor did warn him that recovery could be slow. Which the skinny one is using as justification for NOT seeing or speaking to a doctor. Which has me well nigh ballistic with rage.

    2. That would drive me nuts, too. It's hard to stand by and watch your loved one suffer - partly by their own refusal to get help. Sending you the numbers one to one thousand to help with the silent counting you are surely doing.

  38. Those cats are so, so, so gorgeous. Their coats are so shiny!
    Sending you lots of well wishes and healing prayers on the recovery.

  39. They are the very essence of an indulged and privileged life, and it is wonderful to see -- whatever they might think!

  40. Thanks very much, because I love cats but we don't have any since the last one died, so I enjoy cat photos very much. We are trying to encourage neighbouring cats to visit our garden, but are being thwarted by the lady next door who throws water on them if they dare encroach on her territory. I think a person's attitude to cats says much about a person (and will say no more about our neighbour). Your first image also says much about cats. I am so very glad they are not much bigger than me.

    1. Andrew Maclaren-Scott: It seems that there are a lot of cat lovers here in the blogosphere. I have a pump-action water pistol beside the front door which I use to discourage cats (mine and others) who view the bird feeder as a smorgasbord, but other than that the cats have free rein. Very free.

  41. LOve the back to back cats... and Antactica? Yes Please.

    1. Christine: Thank you. Life has become a bit full - but Antarctica WILL be revisited shortly.

  42. Damn lucky cats. They don't know how good they have it!!! I'd like to come back as one of your cats...

  43. I managed to keep Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar away from the screen! Jazz n'Jewel are looking cool. Yes I know, it rhymed. Speaking of cool, Antarctica photos revisited would be very cool.

    May the positive distractions be a modicum of comfort, dear lady.


  44. Wishing you and your lovely household all the very best.

  45. So sorry to hear about the Smaller Portion . Lovely pictures of Jazz.

    And YES - I never tire of your pictures of the Antarctica.

    1. ladyfi: Thank you. The Antarctica post is done and dusted.

  46. Nothing better than pics of black cats! Although pics of Antarctica rank pretty highly too... never tired of those! In times of stress, it is always good to focus on the cats. Although no matter what times or time it is, the cats, of course, insist that you always focus on the cats...

    1. Paper Chipmunk (aka Ellen): And if it is really inconvenient their demands escalate. Tooth, claw and yowl.

  47. Replies
    1. Snowbrush: So do I. It made me smile when it was sent to me - and every time I think of it.

  48. Gorgeous cats. Such lovely glossy black coats. Aren't they fantastic. The funniest cat meme picture I saw this week was a cat's face with the caption "The last thing I want to do is hurt you... But it's still on the list."

    1. Jackie K: If it had been Jazz's face on that cat meme the caption would have had to say 'hurting you is always on my list. But they are glossy, beautiful and much loved.

  49. A "Chaos of Cats" -- PERFECT! Such beautiful creatures! Thank you for sharing them! Hoping there is better progress on the recuperation!

    1. daisyfae: As far as nouns of congregation go, I cannot think of a better one for cats. Chaos it is. And we are having small (but so very welcome) steps in the right direction on the recuperation front.

  50. Replies
    1. Ramonita: Welcome and thank you. Sorry I missed your comment.

  51. Ah, you've made me smile! :) :)

    I love them, just love them - even their names Jazz 'n Jewel. Great names.

    They're SO FUNNY when they sit in a box. Just love 'em!

    1. wordsfallfrommyeyes: I love them too. They are both rescue cats and came to us with their names. Though Jazz was originally called Jazzpurr which made me puke.
