Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Sunday 4 August 2013

Sunday Selections #131

Sunday Selections was originally brought to us by Kim, of Frogpondsrock, as an ongoing meme where participants could post previously unused photos languishing in their files. 

The meme is now continued by River at Drifting through life.  The rules are so simple as to be almost non-existent.  Post some photos under the title Sunday Selections and link back to River.

Like River, I generally run with a theme.   Things continue to be a bit fraught around here.  The smaller portion tends to have an ok(ish) day, followed by two or three shockers.   I am getting better - but slower than I like.

Just the same, each and every day things of beauty leap out at me.

In the sky...

In the air...

In the garden ...

And thank you all so much for your support after my last post.  It meant (and means) a lot to me.


  1. Beautiful captures EC! Being surrounded by beauty is plus when all is not well in your world.

    1. Karen: And there is such a lot of it about - when I open my eyes.

  2. How nice to walk out, lean over the rail and take in spring. I do hope you have a rail to lean on, and even more I hope the lesser portion continues to come on. It's been a week; hopefully the chest is resolving!

    1. Joanne Noragon: No railing (and spring isn't quite here either), but magic just the same.

  3. What a wonderful post! Don't worry about going too slow. You are still going! Our fond wishes and prayers are with you, dear friend :)

    ALOHA from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral
    ~ > < } } ( ° > <3

    1. Cloudia: Thanks for the reminder. Yes, I am still going...

  4. Gorgeous photos. It appears you have a little bit of magic all around you. Hope it waves a wand over your troubles.

    Take care.

    1. Wendy aka Quillfeather: Thank you. Fingers crossed.

  5. In your beautiful photos there is hope, dear friend. May this be the start of better times for you and your loved ones.

    In peace and kind wishes,

    Gary :)

    1. klahanie: Thank you Gary. I hope so - but there is beauty anyway. Which is a consolation.

  6. Beautiful pictures - I wish you would tell us what birds and plants these are, I'm not at all familiar with the Australian flora and fauna (well, I do recognize some plants, but not all of them). The birds are sooo beautiful!

    1. Carola Bartz: Sorry about that. In order of appearance the birds are a juvenile currawong, a female King Parrot, a corella and a male King Parrot. The plants (again in order) are one of the jonquils (and I cannot remember which), a cyclamen and two of our grevillias (which the birds love).

  7. HI! :)

    Looking at the pictures, you know, I absolutely love lilac/pink/crimson - just beautiful, that sky. Your pictures are wonderful. I love that they are in Oz.

    1. wordsfallfrommyeyes: Oz does have some charm doesn't it?

  8. So good to see you posting again, and with somewhat positive news. Your garden and the birds must give you hope and joy - and strength.
    Kia kaha x

    1. Alexia: Thank you. All of my obsessions keep me sane(ish). And yes, there is joy in it.

  9. Lovely photos - fascinated by the difference in the eyes of the birds.

    1. J Cosmo Newbery: The birds are an ongoing obsession - and yes, their eyes are all different. I am fascinated too.

  10. I love that last flower, is it a grevillea?
    I hope you are feeling better at least a little bit and I hope the smaller portion soon has more better days than not so good ones.
    The birds are beautiful.

    1. River: Yes, it is a grevillea. The birds love it, and it is now rampaging down a bank.

  11. Thanks for posting this, EC, so I can know that even if things aren't perfect, they are going in the right direction. You are in my thoughts and agree with your other commenters that things seem to be at least a bit better...

    1. DJan: Thank you. It is still very, very difficult but I am stubborn. Very.

  12. EC, I'm glad things are at least going in the right direction. Now if they would just hurry up a bit ... why is it that time goes so slowly when we are ill and so fast when we are feeling fine? Beautiful photos; I admire your skill and perseverance.

    1. jenny_o: The things of beauty around me help. Each and every day. I would however like to inflict violence on the skinny one. Often. He is not making things easy for himself - or for me.

  13. All my best wishes for a speedy return to health in your home. Your photos are stunning --I am used to brown birds followed by more brown birds.

    1. Geo.: Thank you. We also get the little brown jobs - but I have trouble getting reasonable photos of the little brown or grey birds.

  14. gorgeous photos, amazing birds and incredible sky. fie on the smaller portion for his lack of speed getting back into good shape... I hope your cold has been sent off (let the door hit it in the behind).

    1. Nicky HW: Thank you. I really, really hope that the smaller portion starts to move in the right direction soon...

  15. Great to see you, EC. Wonderful pics, as usual. I hope all is positive in your household. My best wishes and thoughts. :)

    1. Lee: Thank you. I am a very happy snapper - there is a lot to enjoy (when I remember to look).

  16. Sometimes humans are just... well.... human... and even then one feels as if one wants to inflict violence when one's nearest and dearest is being bothersome. I love the photos and understand how nourishing beauty can be. Take care..

    Love C & C

    1. Christine: You are right about the vitamins and nutrients contained in beauty. Aren't we lucky that there is so much of it about?

  17. I can see you're getting better...your photos are a reflection of your state of mind...optimism and light :)....Kisses

    1. unikorna: I find it difficult to stay down. Firstly because my memory is shot - and it is hard to justify being depressed when I can't remember why, and secondly (and more truthfully) because there is simply so much magic in the world.

  18. As ever, such lovely photos, which make me yearn for a bigger garden. My lovely Canberra garden of past years was neglected and hit by drought, and looks very dreary these days, but your photos remind me of being surrounded by such a great variety of beautiful plants.
    And may things improve for both of you.

    1. persiflage: Our garden goes through periods of neglect, and the drought wreaked havoc. Just the same, it comes back year after year. For which I am grateful. Very grateful.

  19. Just beautiful pictures, EC. I especially like the birds because we have nothing like them here.

    You and LP are in my thoughts. Hope things get better soon.

    1. Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe: Thank you. I love the birds too (in case you hadn't guessed).

  20. I am glad that you have nature's beauty to help you through these tough times, EC.
    There is "something special" in the eyes of our King Parrots isn't there?

    I do know it's hard, and I hope it is very soon that you are looking back on these times, rather than being in the midst of them.

    My thoughts and best wishes go out to you both x

    1. Vicki: We have a pair of King Parrots who visit most days who are happy for me to go outside and stand inches away with my camera. Wonderful. Healing...

  21. There is true beauty in all your photographs taken with loving care and thank you for sharing.
    K has kept me up to date with how you both are and glad to know there is mild improvement. Thoughts still very much with you both. You are fortunate to have that much beauty surrounding you. Just please dear friend keep getting better every day. x

    1. Mimsie: Thank you (and your lovely daughter). Sadly it is very mild improvement and not consistent. Just the same, I am sustained by so many things, and beauty is a big one.

  22. Excuse me,
    but do you live in Heaven?
    Ohhh, those colourful birds thrill me. Xx

    1. My Inner Chick: They thrill me too. Every day.

  23. Birds sky and the garden what is better than that but I do know how cold it gets down there, everything else is wonderful in your city.

    1. Merlesworld: It does get cool here - but I much prefer the cooler weather. And the sky, the birds and the garden are always a joy.

  24. So beautiful, and I'm so glad that you are feeling a tiny bit better... even if slower than you'd like.

  25. It's good to see you back and hopefully feeling better. That sky is just glorious!

    1. Lynn: Wasn't the sky a delight? A wonderful early start to a day.

  26. I felt my breathing go slow and gentle as I scrolled down
    past the brilliant skies
    and send glad thanks
    for the soothing share,

    1. Jennifer Richardson: I am glad to have offered peace.

  27. Your pictures are always so enlightening and peaceful. Thank you, as always, for sharing them.

    1. Barb: I do love a bit of peace - and am happy to share it.

  28. That second bird picture looks like he's ready to giggle! Cheered me up a bit.

    1. John Wiswell: Your comment makes me sad and glad. I am sorry that you need cheering up - but very glad if I can help.

  29. Well you can tell by the volume of comments here that we are all sending you great thoughts! I hope being surrounded by so much beauty helps. Thank you for sharing it with us ;)

    1. Riot Kitty: I have been sooooo lucky in the people I have found in the blogosphere. So very lucky.

  30. Nice to see you back online. Lovely views.

    1. Andrew Maclaren-Scott: Thank you. It is good to be back, though I suspect I will be in and out a bit for a while.

  31. A great selection and still sending good thoughts along with a hug :)

  32. As always, your pictures are gorgeous. With as much as you love gardening, I should've come over to tap you on the shoulder to get you to check out the post I did on our visit to the Atlanta Botanical Gardens last Tuesday. They're hosting a mosaiculture exhibit there now, and I think you'd get a kick out of it.

    1. Susan: I loved it. And it has given me ideas. Perhaps in Spring I will have to try myself.

  33. Beautiful! Everywhere! Continue to heal and grow stronger - my wishes for you and the Smaller Portion.

  34. How utterly gorgeous!

    Hope all is well with you and yours.

    1. ladyfi: Thank you. Slow (very slow) progress at the moment.

  35. I just love your birds.

    (And I'm sorry to hear about your chest infection. I've had one myself and understand how heavy and awful it is.)



  36. Beautiful photos!
    Nice day, RW & SK

  37. Hi EC I have just discovered you blog and have not joined. I live in Northern Ireland but have a daughter and family in Australia and love going there and now that I have started blogging, love to see more birds from there. I am sorry to hear you had a chest infection but you are now getting over it. still rest plenty and keep drinking plenty of water. Now I did enjoy your post today and am surprised to see that the some of the flowers you have are the same as our over here. All the best. Margaret

    1. Margaret Adamson: Welcome - and thank you. I love your bird photos, and those of your garden. I can see we share some obsessions.

  38. Such a wonderful series of the the pretty pictures.

    1. You're also most welcome! hope will get few rich seconds at my blog...

  39. Dear EC, thanks so much for stopping my blog and leaving a comment on today's posting. That you are even reading blogs with so many concerns in your life and in "smaller portion's" is a wonder to me. I went back and read all your postings from July 12 to this one and I'm relieved to learn that he's out of the hospital but concerned that you got what his sister had and that things are somewhat iffy with regard to the success of this whole arc of operations that spans last year and this year. I do so hope that you get time to be within yourself and at no one's beck and call. Your Sunday postings of air and sky and birds and flowers is a hopeful sign for to me it means that you do take some time for yourself and you are so versed in finding beauty around you. Peace.

    1. Dee: Things are still a little pear-shaped, but we will get through it. Somehow. There is always beauty - and I am very grateful for it.

  40. Yay! You're feeling better!!! Woo HOO!!! Glad to hear it, EC, truly glad! And once again, may I say how much I love your birdie photos. They make me smile, each and every time. :)

    1. Cathy Olliffe-Webster: Thank you - and I am glad that our birds make you smile too.

  41. the photo of that soggy bird in the last post was so endearing in a sad sort of way, hope you are improving, love the bird photos, what is the black bird with the yellow eyes?

    1. Linda Starr: Thank you. The galah took soggy to new levels didn't it? The black bird with the yellow eyes is a Currawong. That is a young one. They seem to be quite devoted family birds. Which I love.

  42. You always show us the most beautiful photos! It always looks like you live in a paradise of flowers and trees and birds and kangaroos! Someday I really must visit your amazing country!

    1. BECKY: There is magic everywhere. And if you do come to Australia I would be thrilled to see you.

  43. What lovely images to share as you recover, the birds look as though they are looking at you with loving concern. I hope you're feeling 100% better soon.

    1. kim: Thank you. The birds, the sky, the garden are all healing.

  44. No such luck I'm afraid, on the way back I went to the nursing home and could hardly believe my senses how quickly Peter had deteriorated since mu last visit. He could hardly speak and just lay there.
    I made it home just after sunset, I don't like driving after dark anymore. All in all, apart from the Jap.Garden, not a nice day at all.

  45. Such beautiful photos, EC, soak up all the beauty wherever you find it.
