Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Sunday 28 February 2016

Sunday Selections #265

Sunday Selections was originally brought to us by Kim, of Frogpondsrock, as an ongoing meme where participants could post previously unused photos languishing in their files.
The meme is now continued by River at Drifting through life.  The rules are so simple as to be almost non-existent.  Post some photos under the title Sunday Selections and link back to River.  Clicking on any of the photos will make them embiggen.
Like River I usually run with a theme.  In March of each year my city has a balloon festival.  I look forward to it every year and this week was looking at some old photos.  These are taken in 2008, when we took a breakfast cruise on the lake to see the balloons go up.  It was a treat - but I prefer to be closer to the balloons so we haven't done it since. 

Just the same, here are some photos from that morning.  Autumn was MUCH more advanced than it is this year.

And I am also returning to the garden.  With a very different photo from the usual ones I take.

I was hanging out some washing one morning this week and looking down at the very dry garden bed under the clothes line when I spotted...

A LEAF DEMON!!!  And a close-up (neither the leaf nor the photo have been amended).  I hope its intentions are benign...


  1. I've heard of a leaf skeleton but never a leaf demon. I am glad you showed the balloons lifted off. Amazing always.

    1. donna baker: I didn't know what else to call. Leaf demon? Or perhaps it was a version of Edvard Munch's The Scream...

  2. Love your little leaf. I looked down at the trail in Maine, one time, and saw an aspen leaf that some little bugger had gnawed my initials into: JN. I took a picture. It fascinated my eight year old niece, too. I told her to leave it there and we went on. Later I saw the leaf in her box of vacation treasurers. The picture still hangs on my wall, too.

    1. Joanne Noragon: The little things are HUGE in my world. And I love that your leaf photo still graces your world.

  3. Oh, thank you,EC. I really loved the Liberty bloon.One of my favourite London stores.
    Looking forward to seeing this year's festival pics and...planning for next year!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. dinahmow: The 'feature' balloon for this year has, as usual, been kept a mystery. Many, many photos will follow.

  4. Ha ha one scary looking leaf! Still not quite as scary as being in a hot air ballon when the gas runs out. :D

    1. LL Cool Joe: Perhaps the leaf had screamed all the way down from the tree...

  5. What an amazing festival!!!! I think the boat cruise is a wonderful idea too. OUr little town does a wine walk, yeah we are that exciting. Hard to believe but we have never gone. Trying 70+ wines just sounds like a recipe to vomit.

    1. Sonya Ann: We have two most excellent festivals back to back. Enlighten starts at the end of this week, and the balloon festival at the end of the one after. Much walking ahead. Much pleasure. And both are free - unless you decide to take the more expensive option (like going up in the balloons).
      Mind you a wine wander/wobble/walk sounds right up my alley too.

    2. Maybe I need to look around more and find some festivals. Most have a fee to get in though. We have the Renaissance fair about 8 miles from here but it is $25 to get in. Not worth it.

    3. Sonya Ann: I would boycott a $25 festival too. But I am cheap.

  6. The balloons are great and how good does the shore of the lake look with the autumn colours. Now you have a problem. If you have found one leaf demon, there will be others. But in the interest of Australia's tourism, we should not really talk about them.

    1. Andrew: The lake dressed in its autumnal colours is always a treat.
      Perhaps we can convince the tourists that the drop bears will protect them from the leaf demons. Surely that would work.

  7. No, not the leaf demon!!
    It would be cool to have balloons going over your head while on the water, but I can understand why you'd want to be closer.

    1. Alex J. Cavanaugh: It was lovely watching the balloons drift over us - but I really, really, really like watching them inflate and take to the sky.

  8. Replies
    1. Cloudia: I am a balloon tragic. I love them. Floaty magic.

  9. a flight of fancy, thank you for sharing.

    1. Martin Kloess: And balloon flight is such a delightful thing - to see and to experience.

  10. Nightmare on Elm Street strikes again! Run! Run for your lives!!! :) I think the leaf demon is great! It'll scare off all intruders!

    The balloons are terrific.

    I hope your week ahead treats you kindly, EC...cuddles to Jazz and Jewel. :)

    1. Lee: The leaf demon has no teeth.
      The week after next we will get MORE balloons. And I am really, really looking forward to it.
      I hope you and the furry overlords have a lovely week.

  11. Replies
    1. Sue in Italia/In the Land of Cancer: I was very pleased to see it too.

  12. That looks like a very determined leaf demon. I'd wonder about its intentions... Maybe Jazz can attack it for you.
    I'm looking forward to more photos of this year's balloons!

    1. River Fairchild: It is just lying in wait at the moment - but demons are never trustworthy.
      There will, of course, be many, many balloon photos. Weather permitting.

  13. Nice to see these balloon photos - I'm looking forward to this year's batch! Strange things lurking under your clothesline, EC. Sammy had her first foray outdoors this morning, and put paid to several dry leaves that were attacking her! Have a lovely week.

    1. Alexia: I am getting quite excited about the balloon festival too.
      It sounds as if Sammy enjoyed her first trip outside. Leaf killing never palls.

  14. Beautiful images, the balloons and the leaf, wowee, I am scared.

    1. Bob Bushell: I hope to take many, many more balloon photos in the coming weeks. And the leaf has no passport so you are probably safe.

  15. Always nice to see when a community has an ongoing tradition they keep alive...balloons are perfect and know everyone can enjoy because ordinary people can be nearby, look up, and share the experience!

    1. Bookie: As well as the fortunate flyers it has become a tradition to go and watch the balloons inflated and taking to the air. Several hundred people out and about before dawn - with huge smiles. And cameras.

  16. Very cool balloons and awesome leaf! It does look like a leaf demon!

    1. mshatch: I did a double take when I first saw the leaf demon - and then went in for the camera. Himself was impressed with it too.

  17. Leaf demon or poor lost soul? Walk on!

    1. Cloudia: It could be either. It is doing no harm though.

  18. If I could get over my fear of heights I would take a balloon ride in a second. That looks so cool. Love the demon leaf.

    1. Grannie Annie: My youngest brother (who is afraid of heights) was given a balloon flight. He started the trip well back. And shortly afterwards was using his sharp pointy elbows to get the best vantage point. It is a truly gentle way to fly.

  19. Replies
    1. CountryMum: Perhaps - but it made (and makes) me smile.

  20. Your leaf demon is simply an amazing creature. Thank you for showing it to me so I can be suitably frightened. :-)

    1. DJan: How did I get to this age without ever seeing a leaf demon before? Where were they hiding? What does it mean?

  21. Oh my gosh. You definitely need to post that leaf at Halloween.

    1. Sandra Cox: It is amazing isn't it?

    2. Oh yeah. I wonder what ghosties are hiding out in your garden. Maybe they'll hibernate for a few months and let the sprites come out.

    3. Sandra Cox: I always knew that there were fairies at the bottom of my garden, but didn't realise that other things thrived too.

  22. That leaf looks ghoulish! The balloon shots, in contrast, look very inviting. I love the blueness of both the sky and water. I wish I could see the balloons up close, too.

    1. Bea: The balloons are an annual treat. We go and watch them inflate and take to the skies. And, conservatively speaking, I take a kazillion photos. Watch this space...

  23. Transcendent balloons, full of energy --but leaf demon looks a bit embarrassed, as if it's forgotten a memorized speech. I've known that feeling.

    1. Geo.: I like that you attributed a gentler emotion to the leaf demon. Speeches? I refuse to go there.

  24. I believe that might be a rare Baby Leaf Demon - to me, it looks lost and scared. I like Geo.'s interpretation, too. Good eye to spot that, EC.

    Looking forward to your balloon pictures for this year! This was a good appetizer.

    1. jenny_o: I like the thought of a baby Leaf Demon too. And he was certainly alone...
      Balloon pictures by mid March I hope. Weather permitting.

  25. Awesome leaf.
    The balloons do look great up there in the air.

    1. Margaret-whiteangel: I always smile to see the balloons, and to see thirty or more in the sky is magical.

  26. The balloons always fascinate me as I've never actually seen one in 'real life'.
    That leaf does have a rather threatening look about it so hopefully you treated it with respect.

    1. Mimsie: Geo. and jenny_o have made me look at the leaf demon in an entirely different light...
      I hope someday you do see a balloon. They really are amazing.

  27. A leaf demon! And he seems a bit surprised that you've spotted him, he was probably hoping to blend in.
    I love the balloons, the house shaped one in particular.
    The contrast between the white building and the stunning autumn colours in front is really lovely.

    1. River: The Supreme Court looks at its very best with the autumnal colour doesn't it? It is nothing like that bright this year. Yet.

  28. Hi EC - balloons are wonderful to look at aren't they ... gorgeous you could take a boat trip on the lake to see them.

    Your devil leaf is brilliant - I hope he's benign too ... cheers Hilary

    1. Hilary Melton-Butcher: I am a balloon tragic. I smile anytime I see them and go to the Balloon Festival every year. At least once.
      I was very chuffed to see my leaf demon - and he is still there today.

  29. That leaf gives me the shivers, but how neat that you found it.

    I get an entirely different feeling when I see the balloons. They are magical and always make me feel wonderful. Oh, to fly away on a balloon and be free!

    1. Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe: I am in complete agreement with you about balloons. I love them. We quite often see them in ones and twos, but this festival brings dozens of them together. There will be photos. Many photos. And I will be smiling from ear to ear.

  30. Maybe you have a goth bug artist eating away at the leaves as artwork. Ghoulish! I enjoy the balloons too. We have the fall art and air festival here. There's not much art to the festival, but watching the balloons take off is something I enjoy doing.

    1. Strayer: I have no idea what got to that leaf. And yay for balloons. A couple of weeks away, and I am already excited.

  31. Hahaha, that's an excellent leaf demon! Gave me a good chuckle for the morning. And I liked your photo narrative of the balloons. I could go for a gentle autumn right now.

    1. John Wiswell: Summer refuses to leave at the moment. Hopefully Autumn will push her out the door shortly. As far as I am concerned she has outstayed her welcome.
      It is a good leaf demon isn't it? And yay for balloons. Always.

  32. Love, love, love, those balloons. The leaf is pretty darn cool as well.

  33. LEAF DEMON!!!
    That's what he looks like!
    Have a great Sunday, Sue. xx

    1. My Inner Chick: Monday now. I hope your Sunday (and the week to come) are wonderful. Hugs.

  34. Hello and happy Sunday selections indeed. We are often lucky to catch some of these lovely hot air balloons since several companies use the land out by our house and a friend of ours owns one! Your leaf demon (why do I find him kind of sad and cute at the same time) I will hunt for a few around here too, oh wait, the snow is beginning to fall again. They sad winter would return after yesterday's spring day! Enjoy your new week ahead, and take good care of you!

    1. Karen S.: Aren't balloons a joy? They lift my heart in the same way as rainbows...
      I hope that winter treats you gently this week.

  35. Very observant of you. I like the leaf demon and the hot air balloons. I've never been in one, but I like to see them. Can you press that leaf or is it too dry?

    1. D.G. Hudson: I have gone up three times now. Each and every time it was wonderful - and I love to see them from the ground as well.
      I think the leaf demon is too dry, and would shatter if I tried to preserve it.

  36. Enjoyed the balloon photos. Never saw nor heard of a demon leaf, but I can see the reason for the name.

    1. Patricia A. Laster: There will be more balloon photos here in the coming weeks. Many more.
      The leaf demon? A name I invented. I am glad that you can see why.

  37. Love the balloon pics. I don't have the courage to ride in one but I like to see them. The leaf is cool. You have a good eye for seeing and having fun with nature.

    1. Myrna R.: Thank you. Nature gives me comfort and healing. Often.

  38. I love the lead demon!!! Haydn said: WOW! When I showed him the pic! Love the balloons, they are amazing!

    1. Nicky HW: I love balloons too. So much. And the leaf demon was a lucky find.

  39. Cute leaf demon :) always love to see the hot air balloons in the sky. When we lived in California years ago, they used to float over our house all the time as their landing strip wasn't too far away. We would wave to the occupants and they waved back and could even see them smiling, they were that low.

    1. DeniseinVA: 'could even see them smiling, they were that low', or the smiles were so big. Mine certainly was when I flew in balloons.

  40. I think demons are like Pit Bulls. They get a bad rap. ;)

    1. Author R. Mac Wheeler: That one certainly has done no harm. And has caused smiles. World wide.

  41. I adore the leaf demon. I think I would have had to try and frame that one. It's funny to see the photo of the balloons (which are beautiful) as we were talking about balloons yesterday. There's a festival near us later this year and I want to be sure to go.

    1. Mason Canyon: I was really pleased to see the leaf demon. Yay for balloon festivals. Only two more weeks to wait here...

  42. I love the leaf demon!
    Wish our area had a balloon festival! Looks like a hoot!

    1. Dawn@Lighten Up!: The balloon festival is also known as the Balloon Spectacular. And it is.

  43. That is one scary leaf! And I love the shots of the balloons.

    1. ladyfi: MacWheeler is right, the leaf demon is probably getting a bad rap.

  44. Balloon festivals (and balloon festival photos) bring smiles. Leaf demons do not.
    Take care, EC.

    1. Rawknrobyn: Am I a sick puppy? Both leaf demons AND balloons make me smile.

  45. I was just stepping out the front door, when some man yelled, "Where's Rock Springs?" Looked and there was a balloon landing in the cul-de-sec. I mis-stepped, twisted my ankle, and directed him two streets over. It was so silent.

    1. Susan Kane: If the gas jets aren't firing they are incredibly quiet. Floating on air is an amazing sensation. I do hope your ankle wasn't seriously damaged.

  46. Balloons are always nice to look at. (I have been once in the air, in Switzerland). These photos are lovely, and the leaf in last photo really looks like a skull.

    1. orvokki: Ballooning in Switzerland would be amazing. Really amazing.

  47. I loved hearing th balloons come over my house when I lived in th morning. They do ballooning up on the Tablelands. I have never done it .. But should reconsider I think.

    1. carol: Ballooning is wonderful. Really wonderful. Floating in the air, with beauty all around.

  48. a breakfast cruise sound wonderful and relaxing, the demon looks to be a friendly one.

    1. Linda Starr: I really like being on the lake, though from memory I didn't get much breakfast. My own fault. I was up on the deck looking round rather than feeding my face.

  49. I know the balloon pictures are from a while back- but it looks like a beautiful day. So fun to see them!

    The demon leaf is intriguing. Great shot. :)

    1. DMS ~ Jess: Thank you. We see a lot of balloons here, and I have folder after folder of photos. And love them.
      I was really chuffed to see the demon leaf.

  50. Very cool leaf demon!!!
    Every June in a town nearby there is a balloon festival as well. We went there in our first year here, and it was fabulous. The most exciting part is the Dawn Patrol at... well, dawn. Seeing all these balloons taking off when it is still rather dark is spectacular. I hope that one day I have enough money to take a ride in a hot air balloon - if I can stomach it.

    1. Carola Bartz: It is a cool leaf demon isn't it?
      Our balloon festival starts with the dawn. And it is a magical way to start the day. I have ridden in balloons three times now - and if you get the chance - do it. It is truly wonderful. And very, very beautiful.

  51. I think a balloon festival must be so cool – and with so many opportunities to take photos. I like your photos, the sky and clouds were perfect that day. As for your leaf demon – I have never seen such an interesting leaf. How fortunate for you to see it and take its picture. I am sure it is a benevolent garden demon just singing in the wind – but what an striking looking leaf.

    1. Vagabonde: We go to the balloon festival each year. And I take more not less photos each year. It is an exciting, beautiful, happy experience. For those who are flying, and for the watchers. Each year there are several hundred people who come out before dawn just to watch. And marvel.
      Isn't the leaf demon amazing? I have never seen anything like it, and was so glad it landed where I could see it.

  52. What beautiful hot air balloons - and I spotted your leaf demon right away, even before I read your description. If your autumn is advanced this year, I'm hoping our spring will be as well!

    1. Susan F.: Sadly autumn is late here. It is still hot, hot, hot. I hope your spring arrives - and gives our autumn a nudge.

  53. Hi Sue,

    Oh my, I'm backtracking to this post before I get to your post after this post. Yep, I'm struggling to keep up with it all these days.

    A balloon festival is quite the sight and thanks for those photos. That leaf actually starred in a horror movie.


    1. klahanie: Dear Gary, thank you for back-tracking. We have a new balloon festival in just over a fortnight. There will be many, many more photos.

  54. It's just a leaf with a Halloween mask on, hahha
    I do love to see balloons launch. They used to do it in the summer every year when I lived up north. I never missed it. :)

    1. mail4rosey: A balloon launch is incredible isn't it? We try and get to it every year. And will be trying again shortly.

  55. The balloons were glorious! Love seeing them on that bridge.

    And yikes on the leaf! Good eye.

    1. Lynn: I am a ballon tragic. The more the better.

  56. Have you been on a balloon ride EC? It looks so peaceful, up there drifting with the breeze. Your leaf looks like a little surprised sprite to me, which reminded me of my days as a Brownie.

    1. Kim: I have. Three times now, and loved it each time. It is peaceful and beautiful.
      I was never a brownie, but loved my leaf.

  57. A balloon festival would be a fabulous place to spend the day, whether looking up at all the gorgeous colors gliding by, or looking down from a balloon's basket while soaring in the sky.

    I LOVE your little lead demon. I'm pretty sure he's benign. Looks like he was as surprised to see you as you were to see him. :)

    1. Susan: A balloon festival IS a lovely way to start the day. Watching or flying.
      I am so glad that others love my leaf demon. It made the day I spotted it...

  58. Argh, now that's a scary leaf! I have seen one balloon flight in my entire life and it was over Denver, Colorado when my father in law lived there...probably late 80's. It was spectacular!

    1. Terri @Coloring Outside the Lines: Ballooning is bliss. Even watching them makes my heart sing.

  59. I love that leaf I love that leaf. Did you press it to keep it?

    I'm reading a book about a balloon man...The Twenty-One Balloons. This and your photos make me want to go for a balloon ride.

    1. neena maiya (guyana gyal): I didn't press it. It was so very dry I thought it would crumble into dust. It made (and makes) me smile though.
      Balloons are WONDERFUL. Hopefully tomorrow I will go and watch forty or so take to the air.
