Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wednesday 24 August 2022

Words for Wednesday 24/8/2022


This meme was started by Delores a long time ago.  Computer issues led her to bow out for a while.  The meme was too much fun to let go, and now Words for Wednesday is provided by a number of people and has become a movable feast. 

Essentially the aim is to encourage us to write.  Each week we are given a choice of prompts: which can be words, phrases, music or an image.   What we do with those prompts is up to us:  a short story, prose, a song, a poem, or treating them with ignore...  We can use some or all of the prompts, and mixing and matching is encouraged.

Some of us put our creation in comments on the post, and others post on their own blog.  I would really like it if as many people as possible joined into this fun meme, which includes cheering on the other participants.  If you are posting on your own blog - let me know so that I, and other participants, can come along and applaud.  And huge thanks to those of you who come back, sometimes time after time to cheer other contributors on.

This week's prompts are:

  1. Life
  2. Lost
  3. Told
  4. Wild
  5. Silence


  1. Year
  2. Enchanted
  3. Twice
  4. Impossible
  5. Stars


 Have fun.


  1. The silence of her very best friend should have told her. It didn’t. Leonie viewed her relationship with Peter as an enchanted interlude. They had a wild time, dancing under the stars, living the high life. However increasingly he wanted her to believe six impossible things before breakfast about his prospects and their future life together. Yes, she had been infatuated, but she hadn’t lost her mind. Immense and profitable drug deals had no place in her playbook.
    Once bitten, twice shy. She classified their time together as her lost year and was more than happy to slip back into a simple life. A simple life, with Peter’s body fertilizing the very rarest of her orchids. They were thriving, as she never had. While he didn’t realise it, at least now he was successful and productive in an area where many others failed…

    1. Wow EC, that ending was a bit of a shocker. Really well done. Good for her. Finally putting him to good use!

    2. Leonie doesn't fool around does she?

    3. Hahaha!!! A perfect use for an expired drug dealer! Well done. :-)

    4. That's one way to end a relationship. Very well told.

    5. A good twist at the end.

    6. Brilliant EC - glad it's morning here ... cheers Hilary

    7. Brilliant ending. With the price of fertilizer increasing, she got a bargain. lol...

    8. LOL. What a great ending. Loved this:)

  2. Here's mine. All words used. Lovely words.
    The night skies were lost to Greta when she moved back to the city. So was the silence that she enjoyed so much in her small cabin by the lake amidst the wild meadow flowers. Every night, weather permitting, lying on the small deck she star-gazed. Life was so much simpler there. Like a dream.
    The past year in the wilderness had been enchanted. Her friends had told her it was impossible to make a living but she knew that. That wasn’t the point. Her meager savings had sustained her but had by now evaporated and the poetry she had submitted twice to the literary magazine, at their request, had not been published or paid for.
    Nothing for it but to pull up sticks, sell the small place at a rock bottom price and secure her old job back at The Clarence Bar and Grill.
    It paid well with the tips she received and in another year she would return to the wilderness, ready to live her dream again. This time, maybe, for good.

    1. Wisewebwoman: How I hope that Greta CAN stay living her dream. A dream that tempts me too.

    2. We all need dreams, even impossible ones.

    3. One ought never to give up trying to let one's dreams come true.

    4. Don't stop believing, that dream may yet come true.

    5. I hope she can get back to her quiet life and stay this time.

    6. Hi WWW - lovely story ... never give up her (your) dream ... thanks - Hilary

    7. I hope Greta realizes her dream. It sounds peaceful.
      A good story.

    8. Lovely, evocative descriptions.
      Moral of this story: If you're looking to get rich, don't choose a writing profession:)

  3. Hi EC .. here's. a starter with the 2nd set ... I will be around to comment ...
    Reach for the stars they said ... she had tried ... an unsuccessful marriage ... life was life, but she was she sour to sharing?  ... 
    now she had to realise it wasn't impossible ... yet enhancement to her cause was necessary ... the stars were reachable ... she had to proceed to her philanthropic ideals ... 
    Next she decided she had to consult her astrological chart  - today we moved into Virgo ... she must check before she made her decision ... 
    The future ... 
    Fun words - thanks EC ... cheers Hilary

    1. Hilary Melton-Butcher: I like your take - and hope that the stars lead her well.

    2. May the stars advise her to rely on herself.

    3. Gotta keep reaching for the stars, Hilary.

    4. The stars have led many astray, i hope she is careful.

    5. Astrological alignments make me laugh most of the time. I read the horoscope and tell myself that must be for every other Leo out there, not me. I hope she finds what she is looking for.

    6. Sometimes it does indeed lie with the starts. I hope she gets her answers.

    7. I hope that the future gives her peace.

    8. What fun. Reach for the stars, indeed.

    9. I just love how you play with these words effortlessly :)

  4. Told to be wild, life lost its silence.
    Enchanted year? Enchanted stars?
    Impossible. Twice.

    1. Sean Jeating: I find peace, comfort and beauty in silence. Definitely an enchanted place - and hope that your protagonist can find it again. My heart aches for him/her.

    2. Sometimes it's not good to do as you're told, if the person telling tells you wrong.

    3. Sometimes our own inner voice is better than anyone else's. I hope he starts listening.

    4. Sean, you stole the words right out of my mouth. I knew exactly how you were going to phrase this. Julia

    5. Thank you all.
      And @ Julia, the clairvoyant: You see me surprised, the more as I sometimes like to think around several corners.

  5. Finally home and happy to start.

    1. messymimi: As always I am looking forward to seeing what you create.

    2. Tamira and Meredith claimed these words. My story will be over here.

  6. I would be the first to admit that I have had a pretty good LIFE. This does not mean a perfect life, but on balance a highly satisfying one, living a creed that has both ENCHANTED and satisfied me. At times the IMPOSSIBLE has even become possible. I could never have imagined as a child, impoverished and unhappy, that I could have visited the WILD regions of West Africa, not once, but TWICE in the same YEAR. The SILENCE of the rain forest has had a profound effect on me; I can get LOST in the memories of it, over and over, reliving the same adventures as though they were new again. Never does it become shopworn and old. A wise man once TOLD me that to learn is to live, and so it has been for me. The EARTH has been my teacher, yet this tired old planet has suffered more that it can tolerate and is fighting back. We gaze at the STARS and foolishly dream that they will be our salvation when we have not shown the slightest inclination to take care of the home we already have. It’s no accident that a popular television series was called “Star Wars”. We cannot even imagine exploration without battle, can we? What a sad bunch we are.

    1. David M. Gascoigne: I love the way that my prompts fit your life philosophy. A philosophy I wish that more people shared.

    2. The Earth is fighting back and i'm afraid it's going to be a long, sad battle.

    3. Hi David - yes ... to live is to learn, be curious, to understand ... yet take time to reflect. We don't need battles ... thanks for your answer to the prompts making me think - cheers Hilary

    4. There is so much to reflect on here David. Yes looking outwards at other planets (to destroy too?) is a fool's errand as we have created such a mess here. Unrepairable.

    5. A lot of food for thought in your story.

  7. He stood on the edge of the ledge staring into the vast emptiness where the silence itself told of the wild life lost. The life and forbidden love he'd come seeking. The love he'd given up everything for. "Goodbye, Arabella," he whispered and stepped into the void.

    1. Sandra Cox: Unexpected and very sad. And well written too.

    2. An excellent and sad tale.

    3. Hi Sandra ... desperate ... poor Arabella - always those left hurt so much ... excellent take on the words. Cheers Hilary

    4. Oh so very sad, how many have stepped away from life because of rejection from another? Very well storied.

    5. Not that I think unrequited emotion is worthy of suicide, but the story is good.

  8. Hah! I was copying the list and wrote science instead of silence.

  9. The first set:

    The silence of the wild … stories told of times past … to be remembered as our life becomes lost over time – no unhappiness, just perfect silent memories …

    I'm not feeling morbid - just the 'tale' unfolded ... cheers Hilary

    1. Hilary Melton-Butcher: Love it. Perfect depiction of precious memories.

    2. With silence can come contemplation and meaning.

    3. From the future to the past, eh? ;-)

  10. Twice a year fog makes it impossible to see the enchanted stars.

    1. Mike: Nice to see Captain Succinct riding again. Twice a year? Over here the fog comes in at least twice a week in the cooler months...

    2. Beins deprived of something for a short time can make it more preciousl

  11. Estamos a primeros de AÑO, en un enero bastante frío. Nuestro personaje se equipó con su ropa de abrigo y condujo hasta llegar al bosque. Quería depositar en los árboles alimentos para la supervivencia de las aves que habitán en él..
    Una vez aparcado el coche se encaminó por uno de sus inmensos senderos. Era bien temprano y del bosque parecía ENCANTADO, por las bellas luces del amanecer. Todo era SILENCIO, hasta que el bosque cobró VIDA y se pudo sentir el canto de los pájaros y el ruído de alguna que otra rama que mecía el viento.
    No todo era paz y tranquilidad en ese bello bosque, porque de repente alió a escena un enorme jabalí SALVAJE que buscaba alimento.
    Nuestro protagonista de la historia, se puso nervioso y en su precipitación por huir de allí, tropezó DOS VECES, hasta caer de bruces en el duro suelo y vió las ESTRELLAS y todo el firmamento del buen golpe que se dió.
    En su ligereza por salir de allí, PERDIÓ la bufanda que tenía
    al cuello, pero era IMPOSIBLE de recuperar, ya que el peligro de encontrase con el jabalí era bien grande.
    Ya calmado y dentro del coche, condujo de nuevo a casa y cuando entró en ella, se puso a escribirla en su diario.

    1. VENTANA DE FOTO: Thank you for joining us again. I would have loved to join your protagonist - until he met the wild boar.

    2. Ha ha ha, glorious!!!
      '[...] he stumbled TWICE, until he fell face first on the hard ground and saw the STARS and the whole firmament from the good blow he had given himself.'

    3. I like the story, i hope he goes back again to feed the birds, but doesn't find the boar.

  12. Oh my gosh, not the orchids, lolol. I shouldn't be laughing, it's so grim, but it was so unexpected. Well done!
