Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Thursday 7 December 2023

Rattlesnake by C.Lee.McKenzie


The desert town of Rattlesnake isn’t a destination. It’s a last resort. Seventeen-year-old Jonah Guthrie’s aunt sold their home in New England and fled to this place to escape the humiliation of his dad’s indictment for embezzlement and subsequent disappearance.  

While their late uncle left them a house and a silver mine, the house is a shambles and the mine is defunct. They’re almost out of money, so they have no choice but to stay in Rattlesnake. And then Jonah discovers they’ve inherited something else. Her name is Catherine, and she’s been dead for over a hundred year. Now, she needs his help.


I really like C.Lee.Mckenzie's novels.  I guzzle them and often her characters stay with me (including minor characters).  I haven't yet read Rattlesnake which will be released in the coming days but I assuredly will - and soon.

When she asked me to help with promoting her latest book I jumped at the chance and asked her some questions which she generously answered.


Writers fill me with awe (and delight).  The work involved, from inspiration, though creation, editing and frequently marketing as well these days is HUGE.
Which are your favourite (and least) favourite bits of the process?
One thing I love about being connected with you, Sue is your enthusiasm. It’s contagious and very much appreciated. That’s the truth!

When I start a story, that's the hardest part for me. I suppose that makes it the least favorite time, but then once I get underway, I’m excited and the writing just happens. Then when I get to the middle, I really have to dig in my heels to keep going. I have a lot of stories that stop mid-way and stay there for a long time before I can return to working on them. 

Once I get a first draft down, I’m so relieved. 

The editing is my favorite. That’s when the book comes together for me.

 I think of marketing as a totally different animal. While there are some creative aspects (making trailers, figuring out the promotion that I want to do) It’s not the part that’s the most fun for me. It’s the business aspect of writing. Different hat! Still I find parts of it interesting and I like the challenge.

Am I right in thinking that names, of characters and books are difficult?  And that they both matter immensely?

For me the characters come with names. It's kind of like having children. You name them and they can’t be called anything else because those names are a fit. I have more trouble with titles than I do with character names. This book had at least five other titles before I settled on Rattlesnake. One I remember involved “gulch.” That was not a good choice.
Where did the inspiration for Rattlesnake come from?

I’ve always been fascinated by the 1800s in the U. S. West. So much happened then that changed the history of our country and still has impact. I love writing about that time and I love the theme of justice, so those two interests inspired this story. 

I believe that readers bring some of themselves to each and and everything they read, which may mean that they take away something different to what the writer intended. Do you agree?  And how do you feel about that?  What do you hope that people will take away from Rattlesnake?

I’m always surprised and pleased when I hear from readers about their reactions to one of my stories. Their input makes me realize just out important writing a book is. It not only gives readers insight into the mind of the writer, but also insight into the mind of the reader. The writing -reading interaction is as close as anyone comes to really understanding how another thinks. With Rattlesnake, I hope people escape with Jonah and Allie into another time and empathize with Catherine. 
You can buy Lee's book from the following places.


  1. It sounds like a very interesting book. I think you're in for a treat. Have fun reading it.


    1. I hope it entertains people. I'll find out as the reviews come in.

  2. It already has 3 five star reviews on B&N.

    1. Mike: I am glad that other people like her work as much as I do.

    2. I need to get busy and read some of those. Thanks for checking that and letting me know. I'm often slow at getting around to reading them.

  3. Good morning from California! Thank you again for giving Rattlesnake a shout out during its launch. You are the best!

  4. Sounds like a great read, EC and I love the responses to the questions. I can relate.

    1. Wiswebwoman: Those of Lee's books I have read are very different from each other - and intensely readable.

    2. Her questions were wonderful. Very easy to write answers for them.

  5. Congratulations to Lee! Editing is my favorite as well.

    1. Alex. J. Cavanaugh: Interesting. Other people hate that stage. I see it (on the rare occasions I write) as an opportunity.

    2. Isn't it a relief when you don't have to start with a blank page?

  6. Lovely post, Sue! Thanks for featuring Lee who is one of my favorite IWSG authors! I will definitely be getting Lee's book. Editing's is my favorite thing too! Enjoy the rest of the week!

    1. Fundy Blue: I really, really like Lee's work too.

    2. I think a lot of us like that part of the process. Glad you're one of them.

  7. That sounds like it will be enjoyable. I hope you like it.

  8. Thanks for introducing me to a new author. Your recommendation is good enough to pique my curiosity.

    1. mail4rosey: Indulge yourself. I am sure Lee would be grateful.

    2. If you do read Rattlesnake, I hope you'll let me know your reaction.

  9. I guess no two authors write or think in the same way and it's always interesting to know about how they go about writing and constructing a book.

    1. Andrew: Writers are my heroes and I am always fascinated to learn from and about them.

    2. Yay to different ways of thinking and seeing our world.

  10. I tremendously admire authors, too. This is an excellent interview and I hope her book does very well indeed.

  11. Applause for Lee and gratitude to you, EC.

  12. It sounds very interesting. I'll look for it at Amazon Australia.

    1. River: It is coming out in the next day or two.

    2. I'm always excited when someone from a country other than the U.S. reads my book. Somehow it makes all that work even more rewarding.

  13. I need to find a few---- I've read and re-read all of mine.

    1. Bill: I get sidetracked by rereading. I have MORE than enough new to me books to be going on with. Books are one of my addictions and obsessions.

    2. I've been thinking about re-reading a few old classics to see how I feel about them now that I'm older.

  14. Kudos to you for promoting literature, Sue. We need more people to do it.

    1. David M. Gascoigne: A love of reading was perhaps the best gift my parents ever gave me. Lee is a staunch promotor of literacy - which is wonderful.

  15. I am so very sad that I cannot find these books on either of my libraries. I will continue my search. Sue has done a great review. My daughter works at the library nearest me and I will have her search.

    1. Granny Annie: It is probably too early after publication for Lee's latest to have reached the library. Perhaps your daughter can suggest how you request its purchase.

    2. When I want a book in my library, I ask them to get it for me. Most of the time, they do.

  16. I'm always looking for a good book to read!

    1. Me, too! I've wiped out a couple of little lending libraries around our neighborhood, so I have to replenish them soon.

  17. Replies
    1. Caterina: Lee's books always are.

    2. My biggest hope is that it will engage people. Let me know, if you do choose to read it, what you think.

  18. Lovely book cover!
    Congrats Sue for your quite professional interview, and many thanks to the author of Rattlesnake for her interesting and inspiring answers!

    1. DUTA: I am so grateful that Lee was prepared to indulge me and answer my questions. I always find posts that are just a photo and blurb on the dull side.

    2. One thing about this publisher is they do a great job with covers. I'm glad you like it.

  19. Hi Sue and Lee - what a fun and informative post ... I'm looking forward to reading Rattlesnake - when it hits the publishing line tomorrow ... congratulations Lee - all the best Hilary

    1. Hilary Melton-Butcher: I am also really looking forward to reading Lee's latest. A lot.

    2. Hi Hilary. Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a generous comment!

  20. I like the look of this, thanks for the review :)

    1. DeniseinVA: I hope you will explore Lee's latest - and her other books too.

    2. Great! Sue does a bang up job on her blog.

  21. Now this is a wonderful way to learn about an author and what makes her book special. This is one I'll check out, for sure!

    1. DJan: I am so glad to hear that.

    2. It was Sue's idea to do the interview, and she came up with the questions. Kuddoes to her.

    3. Thank you. I appreciate new readers a lot.

  22. Thank you for this thoughtful review! Aloha dear

    1. Cloudia: I don't think I can review a book I have not yet read. A heads up? Thankyou anyway.

  23. I am with you, Lee. Starting a novel for me is like pushing a stalled car. Once you get the momentum going, it gets easier. I have read Lee's book, and it is absorbing and riveting. No one who picks it up will be able to put it down.

    1. Roland Yeomans: I am glad to hear that Lee's latest book is excellent - and unsurprised.

    2. Read my review of it on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/review/R2U9UURB0XUBTB/ref=pe_1098610_137716200_cm_rv_eml_rv0_rv

    3. That's a great compliment coming from you, Roland. You know how much I admire your work.

  24. Just reading the blurb gives me goosebumps. Sounds exciting!

    1. Hurray! That blurb took hours to write. Goosebumps is exactly what I wanted. You've made my day.

  25. I haven't read anything by this author yet, but I do have her "Shattered" in my Kindle library - now it's next on my to-read list. This one sounds very interesting as well and I saw that since today it's available on Kindle. I'm always interested in book recommendations - thank you for this one, Sue.

    1. Carola Bartz: I really enjoyed Shattered - and hope you will too.

    2. I hope you like Shattered. It did win an award this year, so that made me happy. But most of all, I want readers to say they found it worth their reading time.

  26. Your questions are insightful, which of course allows for interesting answers.
    I hope the book has great success!

    1. kylie: Thank you. I am sure Lee will appreciate your wishes.

  27. OMG, your questions are like, sooo insightful!
    fingers crossed for this book to blow up and become a total sensation! Can't wait to see it slay the game and reach new heights of success! 💥📚 #BookGoals

    1. MELODY JACOB: Thank you for your kind wishes for Lee.

    2. Wow! That is a great wish. Thank you so much. And I agree with you about the questions. Sue's are the best.

  28. I'm reading it right now, and it's a page-turner!

    1. GC Wilson: I am very glad (and unsurprised) to hear that.

    2. It was so kind of you to let us know you were reading and enjoying the story. Thank you.
