Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Sunday 17 December 2023

Sunday Selections #659


Sunday Selections was originally brought to us by Kim, of Frogpondsrock, as an ongoing meme where participants could post previously unused photos languishing in their files. Huge thanks to Cie who gave me this wonderful Sunday Selections image. 

The meme was then continued by River at Drifting through life.  Sadly she has now stepped aside (though she will join us some weeks), and I have accepted the mantle. 
The rules are so simple as to be almost non-existent.  Post some photos under the title Sunday Selections and link back to me. Clicking on any of the photos will make them embiggen.

I usually run with a theme. Last week was hot, humid (rare for my city) and horrid.  I had appointments/commitments each day and had to go out in it.  Essentially I was a sad, sorry, soggy and grumpy mess.  So I travelled back in time. After my mother's death I used a significant amount of my inheritance to fulfil a lifelong dream and went to Antarctica.  Nineteen years ago that was where I was, and I longed to be back there again this week.

All of today's photos are from that pristine and beautiful frontier.  Many of you will have seen them before, but I hope they bear repeating.

It was summer in Antarctica when I went and the temperatures were much more to my liking than those we have endured this week.

I hope that you too can fulfil your dreams.


  1. That must have been an extraordinary time for you!
    I understand why you would like to be there at this very moment.
    I feel like it gets hotter and hotter every year. Some days, in the summer, the a/c is on all day long.
    Hope you feel better today.

    1. Caterina: It was indeed an extraordinary time and I hug the memories very tightly.

  2. Fascinating photos! An inheritance well spent!

    1. DUTA; I don't begrudge a single cent of the money spent on this trip.

  3. Dear EC
    I sympathise as I am not good with humidity or high temperatures. Your photos are amazing and the trip has given you some wonderful memories that you can return to time after time.
    I hope your week is a better one
    Take care and look after yourself
    Best wishes

    1. Ellie Foster: Thank you. You are so right about the memories - and there are several blown up photos of Antarctica on the wall to remind me. Most (but not all) of this week is scheduled to be cooler. Fingers crossed.

  4. Hi EC - what a wonderful memory to have after such a sad time. Fantastic pictures that I don't think I'd seen before ... but how amazing to spend time down there and to be able to visit Antartica ... it has always beguiled me ... but I've never been - my mother wanted to go - but in the end we went to the Skeleton Coast in Namibia ... as I was in Johannesburg - it made sense. As it gets warmer for you - I hope you can find somewhere cooler to rest up - with thoughts - Hilary

    1. Hilary Melton-Butcher: It was a truly incredible trip - everything I hoped for and more. Mind you, the Skeleton Coast in Nambia would have been special too.

  5. A time well spent and thank you for sharing. I hope you can put your feet up with a refreshing drink you enjoy.

    1. e: Thank you. I am drinking a lot of cranberry juice at the moment and finding it refreshing - with the bonus that it helps with a recurrent UTI. I hope you and Mercy are having a lovely time together.

  6. I have never seen these before, and they are wonderful photos, reminiscent of cooler and happier days. Thank you so much for sharing them again. Fascinating critters.

    1. DJan: Cooler and blissfully happy days. I had a baby seal gumming on my kneecap and penguins pecking at my boots.

  7. Oh, wow! What amazing photos! I can't imagine how wonderful it must have been for you to be there. It was a surprise to see the green vegetation in the background - whenever I think of Antarctica, I think of nothing but miles and miles of snow and ice. Now I'm off to do some more research about Antarctica's climate - thank you for the eye-opener. :-)

    1. Diane Henders: It was high summer when we were there. I suspect for much of the year there is no greenery to be seen - and I did miss trees. I am so very glad I snatched at the opportunity to go there though.l

  8. Perfection EC, I would be there Antarctica, but I can't.

    1. Bob Bushell: I am sorry that you can't make it. It really was an incredible place.

  9. The penguins and the seals look fantastic

  10. Here's to better days ahead.
    I love, love, love that you used travel back to help.
    And this photos. My word. Excellent.
    Huggs & Buggs, Me.

    1. The Happy Whisk: Here's to better days indeed - and wonderful memories.

    2. Yes! Those good memories are the best.

  11. River Fairchild - What a fantastic trip! One that I’ve wanted to accomplish as well, though not likely as time marches on. I’m sure the weather was blissful for you. Thank you for sharing those precious photos with us! Hugs to you and hopefully next week will be less humid for you - or at least less errands to force you outdoors.

    1. River Fairchild: Thank you. Less doctor's/medical appointments and less heat/humidity are forecast. Yay.

  12. I think that one guy would be a beach master. It's a wonder they can move at all.

    1. Mike: He could move surprisingly fast - if he wanted to.

  13. I hope the weather this week is more bearable for you. The photos are wonderful, especially as they were taken nineteen years ago.

    1. Andrew: We have one dreadful day forecast (tomorrow when I do have to go out) but otherwise it is looking much better. And thank you.

  14. You echo what I said to someone the other day, EC...that I was moving to Antarctica. This heat is unbearable. I hate, hate, hate it!

    Take good care during the coming week...stay as cool as possible when possible. My cuddles to Batty and Odie. :)

    1. Lee: I found Antarctica lovely at this time of year. I am sure you would too.

  15. Precious memories, indeed. Many thanks for sharing, Sue.
    Keep cool, Baby! ;-)

  16. Glad you're able to see a part of the world you wanted to see. I can imagine how you would like to revisit it on searing days.

    1. Anonymous: If health and finances allowed I would love to go back and treasure my memories.

  17. Your pictures are just amazing. It's cold here today so I'm dreaming of Spring. I'll come back to look at your Arctic ice in the summer. lol. I hope that the humid hot air will soon be replaced by dryer air.
    Take care, hugs.

    1. Julia: Thank you. Stay warm and cosy. Dreams of spring are lovely too.

  18. So, so beautiful and I do hope you can go there again one summer. I love the fluffy brown penguins, didn't know there was such a thing, are they perhaps youngsters?

    1. River: The fluffy brown penguins are indeed babies. Baby King Penguins. They cannot go into the water until they have completed their first moult.

  19. These pictures revisit must have been briefly cooling for you. I am so glad you did something so rich, fulfilling and adventurous with your inheritance. I love the penguins SO much.

    1. Wisewebwoman: Thank you. A number of people suggested that the money would be better saved so that I could buy aid/make household modifications for my disability. I am endlessly glad I ignored them, and have these rich memories.

    2. Heaven forbid a disabled person aspire to any more than survival

  20. Adorable photos and how lucky you were to go there and see these, stunning and fab experience xx

  21. I enjoyed them very much. The last one looks like an adult and children holding hands in a ring-- dancing? Ah--- Be well EC.

    1. Bill: Thank you. The shapes in the ice blew me away On one day we went through what could have been Monet's water lilies executed in ice.

  22. You can post these pictures every day if you wish, Sue. I have resigned myself to the simple truth that I will never get there now, but to know others who have experienced the magic is enough.

    1. David M. Gascoigne: Magic it was. It more than lived up to my expectations.

  23. That was the trip of a lifetime!

  24. Lovely pictures. I would love to go to the Arctic or Antarctica. The former is more likely I'm afraid as it is much closer. I've been to Iceland which dips a toe in the Arctic Circle - so I have been close.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family.




    1. Plastic Mancunian: I think my travelling days are done but I would love to see the Arctic. Polar bears. Walruses...

  25. This is the first time I have seen these photos and I was most impressed. I have never been, nor even considered going to Antarctica, but after seeing your photos, I have changed my mind. These are stunning and I am sure your amazing photos are what influenced my decision. Seems like your dream did come true, dear.

    1. Bleubeard and Elizabeth: Antarctica had always called my name but I never thought I would get there. It lived up to my expectations and more. And I have hundreds of photos to remind me.

  26. Son fotografías muy interesante y muy representativas para la estación de invierno.
    Un abrazo.

    1. Miradas desde mi lente: Thank you. And while these photos make you think of winter they were all taken in the middle of summer. A blissful summer for me.

  27. Wow, what a trip of a lifetime! Your photos are beautiful.

    1. Belinda: Welcome and thank you. Antarctica is an incredibly beautiful place.

  28. What a wonderful trip this was, you must have so many wonderful memories. I enjoyed your photographs.

    I do hope your weather will soon improve.

    Sending my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Lowcarb team member ~Jan: It is an incredibly beautiful place and I hug my memories very tightly to myself.

  29. Yes, these more than bear repeating, it's such a beautiful place.

    My selections are over here.

    1. messymimi: Thank you. I am glad that you think these photos are worth repeating. I enjoyed your selections a great deal.

  30. I don't remember the photo of the seal pup. How precious!
    Wishing you some cooler weather soon!

  31. This was something I always wanted to do, and I am very happy to travel to this place through your incredible photos. I thoroughly enjoyed these, thank you, and I do hope it gets cooler for you real soon.

    1. DeniseinVA: It was always a dream of mine too - and one I am so very grateful to have realised.

  32. Gorgeous photos!
    Be and stay well in body and spirit, friend.

    1. Rawknrobyn: Thank you - and those wishes are needed at the moment.

  33. What a wonderful way to fulfill a dream ... Antarctica. The pictures are endearing and beautiful. A place I will never see in person so I am happy for you that you were able to go. My dream has been to come to Australia and I am going to do that this January ... but, sadly, I will be in Melbourne and I am told that is 400 hundred miles from where you are. I had hoped I would get the chance to see you when I was there, but as I am traveling with my son and his wife going 400 miles away from the planned destination is probably not possible. We will be there from January 16th through the 21st and if you know of any way we could meet, I would love for that to happen. The visit is way too short, but all we could afford ... and so much to see in such a short time. So close and yet so far away. Life can be cruel sometimes :(

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Andrea @ From The Sol: So close and yet so far indeed. I am so sorry but I cannot think of any way we can catch up in that very brief window. I hope that you have a marvellous time = and that some day you can come back for a longer visit and we can catch up. We have been corresponding for literally years through our blogs and I would love to meet you.

  34. Wow what an incredible experience that must have been.

  35. Those pictures are just beautiful. In the Summer here I want to be some place cold too.

    1. Mary Kirkland: It was mid summer when I was there - but the temperatures were lovely, and the landscape and the critters blew me away.

  36. So delighted that you were able to do that! Clearly those memories and photos are a wonderful part of you. Thank you so much for sharing these very cool photos with us, my dear friend

    1. Cloudia: When I am older and dribble more often I hope to be able to continue to hug these memories to myself.

  37. I don't like the cold at all, but these photos are amazing!!

    1. mail4rosey: It really wasn't cold. It was high summer when we were there, and felt (mostly) like our best autumn days.

  38. My niece visited Antarctica several years ago and enjoyed it. Looks too cold for me, but it's very beautiful.

    1. gigi-hawaii: It really wasn't cold - and the ship was often VERY warm. Beautiful it was. Everywhere we looked.

  39. What an absolutely memorable experience for you, and thank you for sharing with us. I gazed and gazed at the images of the seals and penguins. Thank you for your regular visits to my blog, xx Jo

    1. Jo: It is a truly fabulous place. And definitely memorable.

  40. These photos are simplz fantastic. I imagine Antarctica as a fascinating place, but one that I will never see in person because I think this is one of the world's areas that should be free of tourism. How horrid that cruise ships might dump their trash in the ocean there. But I'm glad that you were able to fullfil this dream of yours and it certainly has a lot of wonderful memories for you. I also hope that the temperatures and humidity at your place will improve, although you are going right into summer. I'm no fan of humidity either.

    1. Carola Bartz: I am glad to say that our ship (a Russian icebreaker) dumped no trash. When we went onto land we did so with washed footwear and were firmly instructed to bring everything we took back with us - and the crew checked. I shudder to think of Antarctica being trashed and hope it can remain pristine. Today the humidity is up (we had blissful rain over night) but the temperatures are down.

  41. Awesome photos just love those penguins. I hope you have a great new week. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

    1. RasmaSandra: Thank you. We all (crew included) loved the penguins. Merry Christmas to you and your fur buddies.

  42. Wow! Memories such as these bear repeating as often as you care to. What an adventure!

    Gini and I truly hope your Holiday Season is filled with Peace and Joy!

    1. Wally Jones: It was an INCREDIBLE adventure and one I am so glad I snatched the opportunity and took. Peace and joy sounds wonderful. Right back to you and Gini.

  43. Those are such wonderful shots you took! I'm sorry your weather is being so difficult. We are having other kinds of difficult weather - wind, rain, more wind, more wind, snow. My roof repairs needed repaired! But I would still rather this than what you're getting and I feel for you. May we both experience some improvement this week :) Take care of your lovely self, my dear friend. xx

    1. jenny_o: Your repairs needed repairing? Oh no. I hope it can be done quickly. It is cooler now, for which I am thankful. And we have rain predicted - also something to be thankful for.

  44. Amazing, Sue! That was an inheritance well spent! I'd love to see Antarctica!

    1. Fundy Blue: It really was the experience of my life - and I don't begrudge a cent of the very expensive trip. If you get the chance - go.
