Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wednesday 22 May 2024

Words for Wednesday 22/5/2024

This meme was started by Delores a long time ago.  Computer issues led her to bow out for a while.  The meme was too much fun to let go, and now Words for Wednesday is provided by a number of people and has become a movable feast. 
Essentially the aim is to encourage us to write.  Each week we are given a choice of prompts: which can be words, phrases, music or an image.   What we do with those prompts is up to us:  a short story, prose, a song, a poem, or treating them with ignore...  We can use some or all of the prompts, and mixing and matching is encouraged. 
Some of us put our creation in comments on the post, and others post on their own blog.  I would really like it if as many people as possible joined into this fun meme, which includes cheering on the other participants.  If you are posting on your own blog - let me know so that I, and other participants, can come along and applaud.  And huge thanks to those of you who come back, sometimes time after time to cheer other contributors on.
The prompts will be here this month, but they are being provided by David M. Gascoigne. An additional prompt from Charlotte (MotherOwl) is to include Bright Red Orange in your take on the prompts.
This week's prompts are:

  1. Solar
  2. Polls
  3. True
  4. People
  5. Indication

  1. Celestial
  2. Temperature
  3. Concern
  4. Obvious
  5. Surreal

 Have fun.



  1. Got a meeting, will be back.

    1. messymimi: I look forward to your return.

    2. Mimi, for some reason I could not comment on your site but did get over to see you story and, as usual, it was a good one.

  2. PEOPLE in sunny countries like ours, are great believers in SOLAR power, but do little to promote it.
    According to POLLS conducted by specialty magazines, there's clear INDICATION that solar energy is of little CONCERN to our various governments.

    However, there's a big solar station (tower-like) in the Negev (desert) area - a place with the right sunrays and TEMPERATURE, which looks both CELESTIAL and SURREAL..
    It consists of a big black receiver and lots of mirrors (with frames painted in BRIGHT RED ORANGE color).
    OBVIOUSLY, drivers are complaining of dazzling reflection from the mirrors affecting their eyes.
    TRUE., unpleasant, but experts say it's not dangerous to the eyesight.

    1. DUTA: How true it is. Governments the world over pay too little positive attention to solar power. Yet another great take on the prompts.

    2. You worked the words in very well to highlight an important point. Renewable power is much needed.

    3. Excellent overview of the lack of government support for alternative energy.

    4. Hi DUTA - that's a great story with all the words - well done - cheers Hilary

    5. I live in a house that is perfect for solar panels, yet the prohibitive cost is the only thing keeping us from installing them. They should be more affordable for anyone who could utilize them.

    6. In addition to Sue's: Governments the world over pay too little positive attention to peaceful coexistence.

    7. Great job on this , Duta. Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    8. Literal use of the words, something like an article.
      I really liked it, another way of writing (which has been on the rise for the last few years).
      Thank you so much Duta!!

  3. It was true that Mandy often tired of people and their trivial concerns. She also tried (hard) not to give any obvious indications that they were boring her to sobs.
    She didn’t need any polls to know that any display of her disinterest would lower the temperature of their relationship quickly. So she employed a fool proof stategy. With her ‘I am listening to you face’ firmly glued in place and an occasional ‘mmm’ and ‘I see’ she let her mind wander. Celestial events and occurrences were her happy place and included rainbows, the drift of clouds, a bright red orange sunset. Some day (if she was very lucky) she would see for herself the surreal beauty of a fogbow. People power was not for her. She much preferred basking in solar energy.

    1. fogbow--yay! Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    2. Sometimes people can wear you out a bit.

    3. I can so relate to this, I can put on my listening face and internally I am by the ocean listening to the waves. Yes, we get fogbows here and they are extraordinary. I must try and get a pic for you someday.

    4. Hi EC - well done ... I do hope she gets to see a fog-bow, but I think like me ... it's an unlikely happening. Yes - 'mmmmms' and static listening face, with a few I see(s) ... keeps people believing or sort of - as their opinion only matters. Well done - cheers Hilary. PS we have your weather here - still cool and about to bucket chilly rain drops!! xo

    5. We all have to adopt that posture from time to time don’t we?

    6. Way to go EC. I enjoyed googling fog-bow and now desire to see one.

    7. Oh that I could be like that all the time. Unfortunately I was one of those people born with "resting bitch face " and look like I am teed off even when I am emotionally neutral.

    8. Forgive me, Sue, but first of all I want to see Anne's "resting bitch face".

    9. Well done with the prompts, and thanks for the chuckle over the ‘I am listening to you face’. It seems like there should be a dedicated word for that facial expression. :-)

    10. Well done, Sue! Mandy's happy places are definitely mine too. I'd love to see a fogbow!

    11. Very beautiful!
      Literary use of words!
      I really liked Elephant Child🌸

    12. Thanks for teaching me something new, I never heard of fog bows. Your Mandy seems like a strange one ...

  4. time to give this some thought. Be back later.

  5. thecontemplativecat here.
    People never knew so much about space as is known now. Solar storms were a new idea back in the early 1900s. They shook their heads, saying, “Well, this is not our concern, true or not.”

    So, decades passed and predicted celestial happenings never happened. Soon information became obvious: There were indications that anything was possible.

    In time, there were groups of end-of-time-doomers were on the streets with signs that extolled the virtue of truth. The temperature was the same as it was 5 decades ago, nature is surreal in its precocious decisions. They were not appreciated by the Flat Earthers who were protesting on the other side of the street.
    Can Earth do a battle against the Sun? The doomers say no.

    1. thecontemplativecat: I am inclined to agree with the doomers. The sun is stronger than we are.

    2. I agree also, but perhaps we could work with the sun instead.

    3. Exactly, does there even have to be a battle?

    4. Sun wind and water have all the power to bring on doomsday. Well done!

    5. Hi Contemplative Cat - we are held hostage by the earth we live on ... we await whatever the earth and universe throw at us. Yet the sun and earth will outlast each and everyone of us ... interesting take - cheers Hilary

    6. Much of it is pure fate, but to the extent that we are able to influence events we consistently make the wrong decisions.

    7. Yes the doomers have their own ideas. Good job CC

    8. I am in the sun is much stronger than the earth camp.

    9. Hm, I won't have to witness that. I do feel great pity, though, for my grandchildren.

  6. surreal is not a word that I hear often.

    1. River: Unless we are talking about some artists. Salvador Dali for one.

  7. The hot temperature was surreal and and an obvious distraction to those singing in the celestial choir who were used to pearly gates, blue skies and white clouds, not fiery flames and demons dancing the in the background. Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    1. Indeed, it sounds rather scary to be seeing such scenes.

    2. Sandra Cox: I hope the other side didn't distract them from their task toooo much. Love this.

    3. Hi Sandra - short and sweet - well done ... cheers Hilary

    4. LOL sandracox.blogspot.com Had to be a distraction to those accustomed to softer white clouds.

    5. I really do like the way you used the words. The imagery is spot on.

    6. Not to mention all that bright red orange.

    7. Not to mention all the bright bed orange. ;-)

    8. Uff yes this must sure be distracting.

  8. Here's mine, all words and colour used. Thanks David and EC
    Polls taken after the last solar eclipse makes it obviously true that people will stare upwards without protection at the slow darkening of the sun with no indication whatsoever that that they are protecting their eyes from the bright red orange burn that follows.
    This is a serious concern when this celestial event occurs. Discussing this obviously harmful behaviour raises the temperature of such practitioners and leaves the observers with a hopeless sense of the surreal.
    I'm looking forward to reading the others.

    1. I'm afraid those who believe they have no need for the protection are in for a rude awakening.

    2. wisewebwoman: There is always one - and sometimes a lot more than one. Great, but sad use of the prompts.

    3. Hi WWW - people can be so stupid at times and then live with the regret/damage. Good take - cheers Hilary

    4. Humans should use protection in more ways than one!

    5. Humans need to use protection in more ways than one!

    6. Well done! Woot. Woot. And a very valid point.
      Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    7. This is true.
      Correct use of prompt words!

  9. The indication in the polls say it's true that people like that bright red orange solar thing in the evening.

    1. Mike: I am never sure that I trust polls. It depends on who takes them and why. Was this one perhaps taken by the manufacturer of the bright red orange solar things?

    2. Hi Mike - I think most of us enjoy a bright red orange sky - I know I do - I'm sitting under a full-grey one at the moment - cheers Hilary

    3. I see a bright red orange sky every morning in the sunrise. Good brief tale using a few of the words.

    4. If you're talking sunsets I would say I love rather than like

    5. Yep, it makes the sky turn all sorts of pretty colors.

    6. I like the morning one way better, but well written.

  10. Replies
    1. Margaret D: There are some good ones aren't there?

  11. Hi EC ...
    1st set:
    Those bright red orange solar flares had flashed across the night sky … the people understandably became emotionally unstable … indicating much anxiety.

    In the circumstances the government had instructed its town halls to conduct a poll to establish the need for more therapists to be trained up.

    2nd set:
    I was concerned about the obvious temperature rise … those celestials flares were surreal to us on earth – we couldn't understand. We weren't used to those colours appearing … bright red orange never featured in our cold climate.

    Cheers to one and all - Hilary

    1. Hilary Melton-Butcher: You have taken us some scary places this week. More therapists? Yes, but they cannot be trained overnight. And many of us are seeing temperatures that are alien to us...

    2. Thanks Sue - we're being bombarded with 'we need more of this and that ...' - one wonders where from. But actually we do need to help ourselves first - so those that need help can get it - cheers Hilary

    3. Therapists can only fix the fixable and I am afraid we have passed that stage.

    4. I don't think a poll is needed. I read something about climate therapists recently as the young ones are really worried about the state of the planet.

    5. I find interesting when rich "Indians" with British passport want to "sell" asylum seekers to Rwanda.

    6. It's not surprising we have heat and a need for more therapists.

    7. Excellent, Hils. Bring on those therapists:)
      Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    8. I loved the uses in the prompt words!
      It reminded me of a news bulletin.
      As it goes on it gets more interesting!!
      Thank you Hilary!

    9. I don't think therapists are any help against climate dsasters, sadly.

  12. Thousands of PEOPLE watched the SOLAR eclipse and declared it to be the event of a lifetime, a profoundly moving experience, a spiritual moment, and much other soaring rhetoric. How many will even cast a thought back to it a month after the event? It seems pretty OBVIOUS that the way we have trashed, and continue to trash the planet, is a clear INDICATION that we have little regard for anything outside our own selfish lives. If the eclipse inspires the SURREALl, why does the fate of the oceans not generate a similar response? Does anyone give a moment’s CONCERN to overpopulation, rising temperatures, extinction of species, rainforest destruction, nuclear waste, desertification, insect annihilation, ocean TEMPERATURE and acidification? Recent pre-election POLLS in several advanced western democracies indicated that these concerns were far down on the agendas of most voters. We can be wowed, fleetingly, by a CELESTIAL event while simultaneously participating in the Sixth Extinction here on Earth. Sad, but TRUE.

    1. Well done David. We both are interested in the future of our planet.

    2. Nailed David. I was involved in a discussion today on exactly that. Our economy is directly tied to alternative energy and duh corporate greed so yes Doomsday waits patiently.

    3. David M. Gascoigne: Very sad and very true.

    4. To cut a very long comment short: Spot on!!!

    5. Agreed. Those are very high on my list.

    6. ¡Bravo! David, porque sobre este delicado asunto hay que remover conciencias, y tu, lo consigues.
      Un cordial saludo.

    7. Well said, David, and oh too true.
      Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    8. David I agree with you,
      how true!!
      You used words very well!

    9. Yeah, soon now is EU election, and I see posters roting for "Less EU, more Freedom to farmers" (to pollute and abuse of course) as if pollution and such respect political borders.

  13. BRIGHT RED ORANGE SKY by Granny Annie

    The heaven's sky was surreal. Perhaps it was the temperature that caused this indication of a celestial appearance. A large group of people surrounded the town square with their obvious concern. Had it been some kind of a solar explosion? Polls later concluded it was alien abduction. Some saw the group pulled into the atmosphere never to be seen again. Would we ever know what was true?

    1. I hope they were friendly aliens taking people to a better place.

    2. Ooooh a distressing tale, maybe it was a better planet?

    3. Granny Annie: As I said on your blog I would be interested in reading more of this story. Hint, hint...

    4. Sometimes we never know the rest of the story.

    5. Great job. Loved how you got the color words into the header. Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    6. Here we have a very imaginative text, one of my favorites! I wish they would take people to a better place on earth and come get us too!!

    7. Granny Annie: I like this. Alien abduction sounds fun.

      Have a lovely day.

    8. This soundls like the beginnig of a SciFi novella ... hint, hint.

  14. Dear Lunch Lady,
    It is quite obvious by the polls, that the people want, no demand better meals. We want fresher, tastier and more exotic lunches. And what is with the soup's temperature? Lukewarm works?
    Signed, Martha Jorgenson, SGA President

    Dear Students,
    Your letter demonstrates a true indication of your concern(s) with the cafeteria lunch. As much as I would like to acquiesce to your surreal wishes, I work with the financial restraints placed on me by the school board, which includes using solar panels to generate the power needed to fuel the stoves, which in turn restricts what we can prepare.
    If you have further complaints I suggest you talk with your parents, who elected the school board, about increasing the cafeteria budget.
    Meanwhile I am going to have a cup of Celestial Seasonings tea before making your lunch menu for the week. Oh, and you can expect more of that bright red orange jello you all love to hate. It is one of the state issued commodities and has to be served.
    Signed, The Lunch Lady (who actually has a name)

    1. I love your take on the story. Very well put.

    2. Anne in the kitchen: Grinning. And wincing. I suspect this a truth in too many areas.

    3. Yep. Seldom does the Lunch Lady actually have any control over budget or what is allowed, but she's the face of the place and gets blamed.

    4. Loved your take on the words. Purrfect.
      Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    5. Here we have a correspondence text!
      I really like it, it could be real!

  15. There's no indication the polls are true. People's concern re temperature, solar and other celestial phenomenons ... are obviously surreal.

    1. And quite head-in-the-sand, too.

    2. Sean Jeating: Which polls? I suspect that both sides of the equation could/would quote your sentence.

    3. One might detect a severe case of Headinthesanditis. Happily it is curable by that widely available prophylactic - evidence!

    4. Well done, Sean! Darn polls;)

    5. Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    6. I have a slight disagreement here,
      usually the polls are real!!
      Your writing style is nice though!!

    7. Hmm, well written, but in my experience evidence is not always sufficient to cure headinthesanditits.

  16. I know I am lax in joining in but I do enjoy the stories you all put together. Thank you so much for doing this.

    1. DeniseinVA: Not a problem - and thank you for reading and cheering us on.

  17. Replies
    1. Fundy Blue: They are aren't they? Truly impressive.

  18. I'm late again. Here's my take the prompts.: Flying toasts, irritable cats, three-legged witches, a duck and a funeral wake

    Thank you David, for the interesing word choices, picking words I rarely uses.

    Have a lovely day

    1. lissa: I am off to read your take now - with intense anticipation.

  19. Absolutely! It's amazing how a simple baking project can turn into a delightful adventure in the kitchen. Experimenting with different ingredients and tools not only adds a unique touch to the recipe but also makes the entire process more enjoyable. Your almond cake sounds like a delightful treat, especially with the added twist of orange flavor. Thanks for sharing your baking journey and the delicious outcome!

    1. MELODY JACOB: You have lost me here - much as I like almonds.

  20. Here is my own attempt as well.Finally this week I managed to write and I am very happy about it!!

    1. Katerinas Blog: I have read it - and am still applauding. If only it is not too late. For us all.

  21. Solar Polls are largely True, selecting the right People as

  22. Once again I'm late to the party, and later even to tell that I continued my story
    - Back to read soon.
