Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Sunday 19 May 2024

Sunday Selections #775

Sunday Selections was originally brought to us by Kim, of Frogpondsrock, as an ongoing meme where participants could post previously unused photos languishing in their files. Huge thanks to Cie who gave me this wonderful Sunday Selections image. 

The meme was then continued by River at Drifting through life.  Sadly she has now stepped aside (though she will join us some weeks), and I have accepted the mantle. 
The rules are so simple as to be almost non-existent.  Post some photos under the title Sunday Selections and link back to me. Clicking on any of the photos will make them embiggen.

I usually run with a theme. I am reverting to type again this week and am mostly in our garden (or looking up and down the street).  It is still autumn here (which I am revelling in) but parts of the garden are confused.

Starting with autumn glory.

 Other parts of the garden say that winter is here.

There are pockets where it is still summer.


And in other places Spring is well on the way.

This volunteer plant blooms in numerous spots in the garden all year round - much to Batty and Odie's displeasure.

Whatever your season I hope you find colour and beauty in it.


  1. That is one well-fed cat. 😄❤️

    Why don't they like the plant?

    1. Sandi: He isn't as tubby as he looks in that photo - it was chily 3 or 4C and he was fluffed up. Batty and Odie are intensely territorial and don't think that other cats (or any other visitor) should be allowed.

  2. River Fairchild - lol I love your volunteer year round plant. :-)
    Talk about an all season garden! Beauty wherever you look. Everything is gorgeous. I’m impatiently waiting for my new plantings to grow into maturity and not look like they just came out of the pots. It’ll come but I’m short on patience in that aspect.
    The weather is much kinder on you now and I hope your week will be easier than it has been. Hugs to you, my dear friend, and enjoy the bounty around you.

    1. River Fairchild: Thank you. Even on the most hellish week there is always beauty about - for which I am grateful. Good luck with your garden (I am not patient either). The weather is much, much kinder on me at the moment though others (furry and otherwise) are not as happy as I am. Hugs gratefully received and reciprocated.

  3. Lovely autumn colors and lovely flowers. Are there any autumn flowers blooming? I hope you have a good weekend and will have a nice new week ahead. My cats Freddie and Tish send sincere meows to Batty and Odie.

    1. RasmaSandra: The autumn flowers have been and gone. I hope you and your furs have a great week.

  4. The , bare, 'crooked' tree (small car under its branches), draws attention, and stands out among the gorgeous, colorful flowers and bushes.

    1. DUTA: That is a weeping mulberry. In a few months the birds will delight in it again - and poop purple in inconvenient places.

  5. You live in a beautiful neighborhood, Sue! Australia I an amazing country! Enjoy your fall!

    1. Fundy Blue: It is a very beautiful world. For which I am thankful.

  6. You're getting all the seasons at once!

    1. Alex J. Cavanaugh: We are. And this morning we have a frost - though blue skies are expected when it gets light.

  7. Wow, you're getting a taste of all the seasons, aren't you? The tubby kitty made me laugh - it seems he's gotten stouter since the last time you photographed him. I guess now there's just more of him for Odie and Batty to hate. :-)

    1. Diane Henders: As I said to Sandi, while that interloper is not undernourished he is also fluffed up against the chilly air. And Batty and Odie DO hate him. With a passion. Odie flings himself against doors and windows when he sees him swearing loudly. Our two boys are inside cats.

  8. What a beautiful cat. I always think the trees look so pretty when they change colors.

    1. mail4rosey: I am not going to tell Batty and Odie you said that (though he is pretty). I love the autumnal display each and every year.

  9. Your fall colors are so pretty.

  10. Another beautiful season for photography!
    I love the fall colors!!

    1. Katerinas Blog: I love those colours too - but find beauty in every season.

  11. Ah, the four seasons in your neck of the wood. Vivaldi would be delighted. ;-)

  12. Your volunteer cat is beautiful. I have a few "volunteers" in my garden too. He looks well fed.

    1. Strayer; There is a whole family of volunteer cats. They all come from the same house and I worry about them. It is getting chilly here and they are at our bedroom door before first light.

  13. It's definitely Summer here. I love all the pictures.

    1. Mary Kirkland: Thank you. I hope your summer is gentle

  14. I love the autumn display...I love autumn. This year is going so fast, unfortunately the heat of summer will be upon us again all too soon. In the meantime, I'm going to relish the cooler-colder weather.

    I hope the week ahead is kind to you, EC. Take good care. Keep warm...my cuddles to Batty and Odie. :)

    1. Lee: As you know I am with you both about loving autumn and dreading summer. Hopefully it will be a while off yet. You have a good week too.

  15. I love the red leaves. I only have one bush that turns red, a burning bush. But I just found out that it's an invasive species around here.

    1. Mike: We have quite a few red/orange trees in the street - and I love them too.

  16. Plant natives, we are urged. I'm glad many didn't otherwise we would have such a boring autumn. Your minus 4 last night might have deterred any plant thoughts of spring.

    1. Andrew: I think it was only a minus 2 or three last night. I am just in from the garden now and there are spring bulbs coming up everywhere. Not counting the ones we planted today. And will continue to plant in the coming days.

  17. Your seasons blend nicely, EC. I love the variety you experience this time of year.

    1. Marie Smith: We love that variety too. As do the birds.

  18. Love the autumn trees there EC.

    1. Margaret D: You should get some good autumnal colour where you are too.

  19. There are quite a few "volunteer" cats around here, last Thursday as I was putting the bins away I noticed a widespread patch of downy feathers, so one of those "volunteers" had himself a tasty meal :( :(
    I love the fiery red-orange leaves and the deep orange-yellow ones too. I'm not seeing many signs of spring apart from one wattle blooming near the shopping centre and roses everywhere, though with fewer blooms than the summer flush.

    1. River: Our wattle is no where near blooming but there are spring bulbs coming up everywhere (between the weeds).

  20. Hi EC - that fluffy garden intruder does look chilly - despite its colour. Autumn colours are wonderful aren't they - though the greens of Spring delight too much and defy naming said colours ... we are very late with so much rain, and it's still chilly, unless the sun is out. Coast bound our weather is a little different to inland. Enjoy your cooler days - with thoughts for Batty and Odie ... and especially you two - cheers for now - Hilary

    1. Hilary Melton-Butcher: The interloper was here before first light this morning when our temperatures were firmly in the negative. I did feel sorry for him. Thank you. I adore colour - whatever the season.

  21. The furry interloper is a thing of beauty even if the locals don't see him that way!
    Lovely autumn colours in this post.
    I was in Collector last weekend and it seems as though the autumn colour won't be around for much longer

    1. kylie: You are right, the autumnal colour won't last long. A claret ash tree further down the street dropped all of its leaves literally overnight. I hope you liked Collector - it is years since I have been there.

  22. You have captured the colors beautifully. Hope you are doing well.

    1. Bill: Thank you - on both counts. I am struggling but ok.

  23. I am happy to see all those colours of fall, Sue, because they herald the arrival of cool days, and I know you are longing for them.

    1. David M. Gascoigne: I had to rescue you from spam jail again. I am loving the cooler temperatures. This morning and yesterday we dipped into negative temperatures. Bliss for me, though the rest of the household doesn't agree.

  24. Autumn glory is the only way to describe this display. I like all the different trees and flowers of your garden - inclusive that four legged one ;)

    1. Charlotte (MotherOwl): It is a very, very beautiful time of the year - and I had no difficulty in finding your colour of the month.

  25. Gorgeous photos. Loving beautiful inspiring colours xx

    1. aussie aNNie: Thank you - though my shaky hands show in some of the photos. I am revelling in the colour though. Including the white frost this morning.

  26. Even confused plants are looking wonderful and providing so much to enjoy. The Autumn colours look particularly good.
    Have a colour filled week!
    Best wishes

    1. Ellie Foster: What a wonderful wish. Thank you - and I hope the colours in your garden this week bring you joy.

  27. Your kitty looks very huggable. x

    1. Bea: He is not mine, but a near neighbour's cat. He and his family visit us often, much to the displeasure of our own moggies.

  28. What lush color! We are at summer temps already and your autumn foliage is quite refreshing to see.

    As for the other kind of "volunteer," it certainly looks like it has a home but it's not surprising it likes your garden.

    1. messymimi: I had to rescue both of your comments from spam (where they went after I had released David's comment). Summer temperatures? Already? I hope you can stay cool. The interloper does have a home but spends a LOT of time with us. As does the rest of his furry family.

  29. What beautiful colors you are experiencing. Right now when I look out I am blinded by green!

    1. Anne in the kitchen: Blinded by green is pretty good too. Spring greens are particularly vibrant.

  30. I so enjoyed looking at all the beautiful colorful foliage. Nature sure gives an amazing display that can't be duplicated by humans. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Julia: Nature is the best artist isn't she - with superb galleries,

  31. A gorgeous array of colors...who is the large white cat?

    1. e: That cat (who we call white cat) belongs to someone who lives a few houses away. He and other members of his furry family spend a LOT of time in our garden, much to our own cat's displeasure.

  32. I love your pictures. You have three seasons all well represented in this post! Sending you love and virtual hugs, dear friend

    1. DJan: It is weird isn't it? Our temperatures are starting to plummet. It will be interesting to see which seasons reign in the garden over the coming weeks. Much love to you too.

  33. Lots of lavender colors featured today. Love it all.

    1. gigi-hawaii: You are right, which I hadn't noticed until your comment. The tree dahlias which are coming out now are also of that colour.

  34. How glorious is your garden, all seasons displayed! Love your perennial white "plant." Reminds me of our Tiffany, a glorious white haughty one. Lovely trees too.

    1. Wisewebwoman: Like the parson's egg, parts of the garden are excellent. There is a lot of work crying out to be done though. I am loving the colours though.

  35. Autumn has definitely arrived in your part of the world. It looks gorgeous, as do your flowers. Happy Autumn my friend!

    1. DeniseinVA: Thank you - and a happy Spring to you.

  36. While we are enjoying the colors of spring right now I do have a soft spot for fall and it's beautiful colors.

    1. Hena Tayeb: I think that spring and autumn are my favourite seasons. Indeed I like them all, though summer is my least favourite.

  37. I love the leaves.

  38. Snowbrush: Our cats are very territorial and object to the white furry plant invading THEIR garden. Which it does. Often.
    We know that sixth plant as a silk tree. It is subject to attack by borers here, but we enjoy it in every season.

  39. Those autumn colors - they are the best, I think. I love spring with all the new growth, but I think nothing can beat the warm colors of autumn. We're on our way to summer and the garden is colorful and I'm happy to be out there as often as I can. We have also built a new bird feeding station and we can now watch the birds more easily. It can be very entertaining, especially when the squirrels mingle. Hugs - Carola

    1. Carola Bartz: Like you I have a very warm spot for Autumnal colour. I like the vibrancy of spring but autumn has a firm hold on my heart. I hear you on the bird feeder entertainment. I am not going to admit how much time we spend watching the feeder. Suffice it to say a lot. Hugs received and reciprocated.

  40. I thing Autumn is a wonderful season, the colours are glorious and your photographs certainly show this well. Nice to see the flowers too.
    Wishing you enjoyable Autumn days.

    All the best Jan

    1. Lowcarb team member ~Jan: Thank you. I agree with you about autumn. It is now nearly gone here, but some of the beauty remains.

  41. I enjoy walking with you through your lovely photographs, especially the flowers and those amazing red trees!

    1. Cloudia: As I enjoy walking with you. There is beauty the world over.
