Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wednesday 29 May 2024

Words for Wednesday 29/5/2024

This meme was started by Delores a long time ago.  Computer issues led her to bow out for a while.  The meme was too much fun to let go, and now Words for Wednesday is provided by a number of people and has become a movable feast. 
Essentially the aim is to encourage us to write.  Each week we are given a choice of prompts: which can be words, phrases, music or an image.   What we do with those prompts is up to us:  a short story, prose, a song, a poem, or treating them with ignore...  We can use some or all of the prompts, and mixing and matching is encouraged. 
Some of us put our creation in comments on the post, and others post on their own blog.  I would really like it if as many people as possible joined into this fun meme, which includes cheering on the other participants.  If you are posting on your own blog - let me know so that I, and other participants, can come along and applaud.  And huge thanks to those of you who come back, sometimes time after time to cheer other contributors on.
The prompts will be here this month, but they are being provided by David M. Gascoigne. An additional prompt from Charlotte (MotherOwl) is to include Bright Red Orange in your take on the prompts.
This week's prompts are:

  1. Coveted
  2. Single
  3. Lunch
  4. Chance
  5. Wallet  


  1. Earned
  2. Sense
  3. School
  4. Pester
  5. Owner

 Have fun.

Huge thanks to David M. Gascoigne for providing the prompts this month. The prompts will be here again next month and are provided by Hilary Melton-Butcher




  1. Se trataba del-soltero-más codiciado del pueblo.Tenía fincas en las que pactaba su -ganado-. Era el único -dueño-ya que la finca era de sus padres y ya había pasado a sus manos, ya que los padres se hicieron mayores y él era su único hijo.
    Un día en la finca, se celebró una gran fiesta, con un gran -almuerzo-
    Todas las chicas del pueblo y sus respectivos padres fueron invitados a la fiesta, aunque hubo una a la que no le llegó la invitación, por un olvido imperdonable.
    La -maestra- de la escuela del pueblo fue olvidada de la lista de las candidatas , aunque ella ni siquiera le dió importancia y siguió su vida ,haciendo sus actividades de siempre.
    Cuando caminaba por la calle, se encontró, con una .billetera- y miró en ambas direcciones, por si veía a su -dueño-, pero lo que no se dió cuenta del coche que venía en -sentido -contrario. La prisa por apartarse del coche hizo que se cayera y que al golpe sintiera un gran -malestar-
    Tras las presentaciones, de ambos jóvenes él preguntó que si acudía a su fiesta y que era el lugar indicado para que encontrara al que había perdido la-billetera- ya que allí se encontraba todo el pueblo reunido.
    Condujo hasta la casa de la joven, para que se arreglara para la fiesta y él atrapado por sus encantos en esa misma fiesta, le declaró su amor.

      He was the most coveted bachelor in town. He had farms where he settled his -livestock-. He was the only owner since the farm belonged to his parents and had already passed into his hands, since the parents became older and he was their only son.
      One day on the farm, a great party was held, with a great -lunch-
      All the girls in the town and their respective parents were invited to the party, although there was one who did not receive the invitation, due to an unforgivable forgetfulness.
      The -teacher- of the town school was forgotten from the list of candidates, although she did not even give it importance and continued her life, doing her usual activities.
      When he was walking down the street, he found a "wallet" and looked in both directions, in case he saw its "owner", but what he didn't notice was the car coming in the opposite direction. The rush to get away from the car caused him to fall and when he hit him he felt great -discomfort-
      After the introductions, he asked both young men if they were coming to his party and that it was the right place to find the one who had lost his wallet, since the entire town was gathered there.
      He drove to the young woman's house, so she could get ready for the party and, caught by her charms at that same party, he declared his love for her.

      I really like this - and hope that their love is long lasting.

    2. Fantastic story, you used the words appropriately.
      Thanks for the beautiful story
      . I wish all goes well for the protagonists!
      Have a nice day!

    3. Nicely done! May they have a beautiful life together.

    4. Nicely done romantic story.

    5. Hi Ventana - I sure hope they lived happily ever after ... well done - cheers Hilary

  2. The OWNER of the much COVETED SCHOOL was SINGLE, and with a well- EARNED reputation as a miser.
    At LUNCH, he would sit at the kantina table, covered with a BRIGHT RED ORANGE map, his closed WALLET on (he never opened it to pay for his meals; others paid for him).

    His assistant who has long noticed his PESTERED behavior, used his SENSE of humor, and took the CHANCE to teach him a lesson - by the end of which the owner of the school paid for both meals : his, and that of his assistant.

    1. DUTA: Well done. Humour can be a great weapon for good.

    2. Story you used the words with humor.
      I generally think that humor is an asset.
      Have a nice day!

    3. Gee, we came up with a similar theme, Sue. I think this happened once before.

    4. I'm glad the lesson was accepted. Sometimes it isn't.

    5. Interesting take with humour. Fun story!

    6. Hi Duta - interesting take - sometimes people need to think about what's going on ... well done - cheers Hilary

    7. Cute use of humor to make a point!

  3. Walking to the chemist and the supermarket Elaine had found a well stuffed wallet, tucked inside a bright red orange plastic bag filled with groceries. It was lying in the gutter, and at first glance appeared to be rubbish. Elaine went to pick it up and take it to the rubbish bins at the shops, but soon saw her mistake. An investigation of the contents revealed that the owner’s name was Brad Peters and his address was not far from her own. She made a detour on her way home and delivered them to the grateful owner – who hadn’t been aware it was gone. He said he thought he had driven off with the bag on the roof of his car, and he simply hadn’t noticed. He told her she had earned a generous reward, but Elaine refused. She was old school and believed firmly that honesty was the best policy.
    Mr. Peters was not happy with her refusal and pestered her to tell him what would make her as happy as she had made him. As she explained money wouldn’t buy her the single thing she coveted which was lunch on the waterfront, sharing her day with the pelicans that flocked there.
    Sadly, she had long thought to herself ‘chance would be a fine thing’. There was no public transport to the lake and it was too far to walk. Today though karma had finally come to roost. Brad, as he insisted she call him, told her that he also loved pelicans and offered to drive her to the restaurant by the water where the pelicans congregated, buy her lunch, and return for her later that afternoon. She accepted gratefully on the condition that since he also loved pelicans he should join her.
    They had a delightful few hours, enjoying a take away fish and chip lunch (which they happily shared with the pelicans) and talking up a storm. As they left both of them had the sense that a new and wonderful friendship had just begun…

    1. Elephant Child I really liked that your heroes have names. I made them a picture!! Very beautiful story!
      Have a nice day!

    2. See comment above. I posted it to the wrong story! Duh!

    3. I'm glad they became friends, you never know when you will meet a kindred spirit.

    4. Gorgeous story and I love you threw the pelicans in!
      Well done, I was taken right into it!

    5. Wonderful EC - lovely story ... good deeds from both ... fish and chips seem to be the order of the day - I included them in my take. Cheers Hilary

    6. I really like the story and the setting. I would love to have lunch while watching pelicans.

    7. And if they haven't died, they still go to the penguin picnic once a month, where their love began ...
      Lovely story, Sue.

    8. Sean Jeating: Pelicans rather than penguins - but I would happily go on a pelican picnic too.

    9. Love your use of the prompts. Hooray for pelicans and new friends! :-)

    10. Loved it, EC. What a grand story you managed to tell in a few short paragraphs.
      Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    11. I sure like this story of a new wonderful friendship built on honesty. Thanks for using my colour.

  4. Just dropping by with cheer and well wishes. Take gentle care.

  5. Got it, working on it, back soon.

    1. messymimi: Looking forward to seeing where they take you.

    2. My story about the school cafeteria back in the day will be over here.

  6. Jenny was a hard-working SINGLE mother, and even though she had a decent job, the stress of managing child care, the house, cooking, and meeting all the bills, was at times overwhelming. Hamish, her son, was a good boy, and even though only eleven years old, he seemed to SENSE that he needed to support his mom and not PESTER her for things he knew she couldn’t afford. He went to a SCHOOL where most of the kids came from the upper class, and they wore the latest in high fashion clothing, and even their LUNCHES spoke of wealth. What eleven year old brings grilled artichokes, and claims to know that one brand is better than another? The one thing that Hamish really COVETED was a pair of high-top sneakers as worn by his favourite basketball player, but he knew there was no CHANCE that he would ever get them. Until the day he found a WALLET, that is, with over a thousand dollars in cash in it. Hamish didn’t even need to ask his mom what he should do, and together they returned the wallet to its OWNER, having learned the address from the driver’s licence. The house they went to was a mansion, and the owner was so happy to have his WALLET returned and to see such honesty, he gave Hamish a $500 reward. Hamish handed over the money to Jenny, but she pressed it back on him. “Let’s go and buy those high-tops, Hamish. You EARNED them today.”

    1. David M. Gascoigne: We are definitely on similar pages here. Jenny sounds like an excellent mother too.

    2. Yes, he did earn it. His mother is teaching him integrity, a lesson to last a lifetime.

    3. Heart warming David, love the story.

    4. Hi David - yes ... definitely a family brought up the right way - takes me back to my childhood - where we were comfortable, but certainly, thank goodness, didn't (couldn't) need to outdo others in the must have life that abounds now. Lovely memories - cheers Hilary

    5. Happy for Hamish, but happier for his mother to see the results of her parenting.

    6. Read it yesterday night, when it was still uncommented. I felt touched. Reading it again tonight, the iceberg theory comes to my mind: There is so much in this little story.
      Bowing deep, dear David.

    7. Be careful not to scrape your nose!

    8. Ah, don't worry, so deep I wouldn't bow. ;-)

    9. Sweet story. I just love that his mom taught him well, and lived up to her own teachings

  7. Interesting words and I really like all the stories here today.

  8. All words and colour used.
    Her one and only single dream was realized finally. She was back in her old school but now as a teacher. A coveted position as the art teacher. She had earned this place among four competitors and her sense of accomplishment was profound.
    She spotted the owner of the old bright red orange Corvette getting out of his car and bounding up the steps of the school and blinked several times. Surely that wasn’t Rob Simcoe? Her big crush in high school. Always surrounded by adoring cheerleaders?
    Impossible! He had barely scraped by for his graduation, his parents had pestered the school board, and donated new gym equipment to sweeten the deal..
    Her heart pounded a little in her chest. And she quelled the excitement inside her and went directly to the art room to welcome her students.
    But when the dismiss bell rang she decided to chance lunch in the cafeteria and she checked her slim wallet. Five dollars. Here goes.
    My goodness Rob, she said sitting down with her soup and crackers beside him, holding court as he always did with fans of all ages.
    He turned to look at her and his handsome face lit up.
    You’re on staff Rachel? Oh great! Can we do coffee after school?
    All she could do was nod. He actually knew her name!
    Now on to the rest of you!

    1. Wiswebwoman: I am sure I had commented already but blogger (who never lies) tells me I haven't. I love this - and perhaps another dream of Rachel's is about to be realised.

    2. Hi WWW - back to school ... doesn't change over the years does it - perhaps something might come out of it ... cheers Hilary

    3. It is funny how feelings about things change yet remain the same.

    4. Oh yes, the ‘donations’ from well-heeled parents whose darlings lack diligence and understanding can be very convincing.
      As someone once said: ‘In this country, no career has ever failed due to incompetence.'
      Anyway, all the best to Rachel. ;-)

    5. If they've both grown since those days, this may be the start of a beautiful friendship.

    6. This could be the beginnig of something ... if they have both learned a lesson.

  9. Fat Chance she would have ever won the coveted Most School Spirit award anyway. Especially with Lucy Pennington running.
    Lucy's Dad was the owner The Lucky Wallet and she had heard, though it was never confirmed, that Lucy's dad promised every single student a free burger for lunch if she won
    So she did, but it was nothing she earned. Anybody with the sense God gave a goat would know that.
    Now the only thing she could do was put on her biggest smile, vibrant personality, and bright red orange cheerleading outfit (that will show 'em who really has school spirit) and go to the stupid diner for the free burger,
    And even if Lucy's victory does pester the Hell out of her, no one there will ever know . . . except for her. Look out for net year Lucy!

    1. Anne in the kitchen: Ouch. Look out next year indeed - unless burgers are the real team spirit.

    2. Hi Anne - looks like next year will bring success ... and in the meantime she can look forward, and forget Lucy and today ... cheers Hilary

    3. I think Lucy's foe (I just named her Shirley Kay) might be plotting something nefarious, but I am not certain.

    4. I love nefarious, keep going Anne with this one :)

    5. Poor girl, if that's her whole ambition.

    6. She's going to be dealing with "Lucys" her whole life, I hate to tell her.

    7. I was about to write the same as Mimi did :)

  10. Hi EC - here's my first set:
    After all that gardening … the planting of those bright red orange geraniums – which will provide a wonderful colour scheme for the local folk as they spend time in the town. Now she hopes she's enough pennies in her wallet for the lunch she's been coveting … but suspects it might be a single dull sandwich. As she passes 'Go' … the 'Chance card' might appear … there's hope for that fish and chips … ever hopeful she sets off.

    It's the weather for fish and chips - wet and cool! Cheers Hilary

    1. Hilary Melton- Butcher: I hope she does get that fish and chips lunch - and that she and the local folk delight in her hard work in the months to come.

    2. Good for her and her fish and chips celebration. I love fish and chips.

    3. Good fish and chips are wonderful any time. I hope she gets them.

    4. Well done, Hilary, in times when some people can barely afford fish'n'chips.

    5. Excellent, Hils. I can see those geraniums;)
      Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    6. I do hope fish and chips were enjoyed.

    7. Nice story. She deserves her fish&chips.

  11. Good stories enjoyed reading them.

    1. Margaret D: There are some beauties aren't there?

  12. Always fun to read these stories. Have a great day :)

    1. DeniseinVA: Thank you for cheering us on - I hope your day is wonderful too.

  13. I hope one of the locals who does enjoy her efforts will buy her a fish and chips lunch.

  14. I dug my bright red orange, single fold women's wallet out of my purse to pay for lunch. I'd discovered my wallet online by chance and immediately coveted it. Too bad after paying for it, there was no money left to put in it.

    Good job on the words, David and Charlotte.

    Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    1. Ach, so you are the owner of that bright red orange wallet, Sandra. ;-)

    2. Sandra Cox: Love it - and hopefully that wallet won't remain empty too long.

    3. Hi Sandra - excellent colours ... sad there's no money in the purse - hope the well has started to fill up again! Cheers Hilary

    4. Ha, Sean:)
      EC and Hils, That's always the hope;)

    5. Sad, isn't it. Nicely told!

    6. Ouch I know that feeling - only I did not buy the coveted wallet ;)

  15. To cut it short:
    A bright red and orange wallet made the pester feel that he had earned the coveted chance to have lunch. Then its owner appeared on the scene. Single, old school ...

    1. Sean Jeating: Hmmm. Perhaps he will get lunch or perhaps not. Did he steal the wallet or just 'find' it.

    2. Well, let's say he was neither an Elaine nor a Hamish, but thought he had made a nice find.

    3. Hi Sean - yes ... was he predator, rather than a pester ... a thought! Cheers Hilary

    4. So much for lunch:) Fun take on the words, Sean.

    5. He might be relegated to earning lunch the old fashioned way.

    6. Had he handed in the wallet, he might have had lunch.

  16. What great weather today. This is my CHANCE to go outside and hear the frogs croak. They are COVETED LUNCH, the frogs, from the storks, who have now settled in large numbers to raise their young. I'm happy about every SINGLE stork I see... but I don't get to see the frogs, even if I take my glasses out of my bag.
    My consolation, however, is that I have my WALLET in my pocket and yes, I'm going to buy myself an ice cream... ha.

    1. Hm. Storks?! Is it possible, milady, that you enjoyed your ice cream at Lake Neusiedl, perhaps even in Rust?

    2. Uff! After visiting your blog I stand corrected.
      Please eat a few strawberries for me, too. ;-)


    3. Barwitski: My apologies. Blogger refused to accept my reply to your take on the words. I would LOVE to see storks (and to hear frogs again). Enjoy your icecream.

    4. Hi Barwitski - gosh if they'd been here today - they'd have been blown to Siberia! I surely hope that ice-cream was well flavoured ... bright red orange variety perhaps - new one for the inventors. Cheers Hilary

    5. An ice cream is a lovely treat.

    6. Frogs, storks and icecream, lovely combo.


  17. I earned my pay but I had a sense I was going to have to pester or eventually school the owner about paying me.

    1. Ach, to earn what one deserves ...

    2. Succinct, and sad. I've known people who did have to pester for pay they'd earned, it is never fun.

    3. Short, but not sweet, payment should be honoured!

  18. Ah! A Coveted
    Single table for
    My Chance to unwind without my
    Wallet taking a big hit!
