Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Sunday 9 June 2024

Sunday Selections #778


Sunday Selections was originally brought to us by Kim, of Frogpondsrock, as an ongoing meme where participants could post previously unused photos languishing in their files. Huge thanks to Cie who gave me this wonderful Sunday Selections image. 

The meme was then continued by River at Drifting through life.  Sadly she has now stepped aside (though she will join us some weeks), and I have accepted the mantle. 
The rules are so simple as to be almost non-existent.  Post some photos under the title Sunday Selections and link back to me. Clicking on any of the photos will make them embiggen.

I usually run with a theme. Last week was a grey week.  We had intermittent rain, lots of cloud and it was too wet to be in the garden where I wanted and needed to be.  In addition my body is behaving badly and my mental and emotional health are suffering.

I am a beauty addict and in dark periods I turn to beauty for relief.  So towards the end of the week on yet another grey day I demanded a roo fix.

It was raining intermittently, grey (but beautiful) down at the lake too.

And then we saw a rainbow, which lifted my spirits immediately.

Shortly afterwards we found twenty or more kangaroos sheltering in a small oak forest.  Bliss.  The kangaroos with collars are females who have been given contraceptives.

I was feeling MUCH better and we headed home - following a rainbow much of the way.

Not only was it wet it was windy last week.  Many of our remaining tree dahlias have been blown to the ground where the possum scarfed the blossoms that remained.  But when we got home in our more sheltered back yard I found this valiant survivor.

I hope you find things to make you smile this week.


  1. We always welcome rain, but too much of it badly affects our mood. Luckily, the rainbows and the lovely critters on the way - uplift our spirits.

    1. DUTA: As a gardener I like rain, but constant grey days can be dispiriting. You are right, roos and rainbows are spirit lifters.

  2. Uplifting pics, indeed. May your mood stay on the bright side of life and your health improve, dear Sue.

  3. The other day as I went to my car in readiness to head off to the local supermarket, just a few metres from my car, nibbling on grass was a wallaby. The beautiful creature, unafraid, studied me as I smiled and talked to it. A wonderful start to my day.

    Take very good care, EC. I'm sorry to learn of your health problems and discomfort. I hope everything gets back on even keel very, very soon...and that the coming week is far, far better than the last one. Best thoughts and wishes go your way.

    1. Lee: A wallaby would have brightened my day too. And a trusting one more so. I will go to the doctor (if I can get an appointment) next week and hope this is a temporary glitch. Thank you.

  4. River Fairchild - I’m so very glad you got a roo fix and some beauty to savor. As for the dahlias, at least the possum had a good meal.
    Take care of yourself and thanks for the reminder that I should go seek out some beauty of my own. Hugs to you and homage to Batty, Odie, and the infamous Interloper.

    1. River Fairchild: Beauty never, ever goes astray. The possum did indeed enjoy itself - and was quick off the mark. The stems of the tree dahlias are not strong enough for it to climb but it made short work of the downed ones. The interlopers have multiplied. There are now four of them.

  5. That's a lot of kangaroos and a beautiful lake. Then the rainbow!

    1. Strayer: It was a really, really lovely outing.

  6. The lake looks so cold now. The rainbow is the best I have seen in a while, so bright and clear. I hope things improve for you soon.

    1. River: The lake certainly wouldn't be warm. The rainbow was a beauty wasn't it?

  7. My favourite is the one where it looks like she's doing some housekeeping. And bliss on the rainbows. I will try and get a fogbow for you one of these days. The lake looks so lovely and peaceful, being near water is so healing.

    1. Wisewebwoman: You are right. Being beside the water IS healing. And beautiful. I love that the roos are unconcerned by our presence and the rainbow(s) were a bonus. I would love to see a fogbow. Really love it.

  8. Grey days and wet weather can weigh heavy on garden lovers when we yearn to be outside.
    I'm glad that you could get your roo fix, once again and that a beautiful rainbow appeared in your view all the way home.
    Rainbows alway uplift me.
    I wish you a sunny week.
    Hugs, Julia

    1. Julia: The garden needs the rain, but day after day of greyness did weigh heavy. The roos and the rainbow are a wonderful antidote. I hope your week is lovely.

  9. Do hope you are feeling better.
    Love the roos, they are such a beautiful creature.
    Your weather doesn't sound too good We have had wonderful sunny days, today being one of them. A few foggy mornings though.

    1. Margaret D: Today is sunny. Cool, but sunny. I hope to get into the doctor next week and hope she has some answers. Thank you.

  10. This post just keeps getting prettier from the start.
    It starts with the cloud, continues with the rainbow and the beautiful kangaroos, and ends with the rainbow and the dahlia that escaped the wind and rain!
    Have a beautiful Sunday child of the Elephant!!

    1. Katerinas Blog: I am so grateful for the beauty in the world and never, ever tire of roos or rainbows. I was pleased to see the tree dahlia too - and it is still blooming today.

  11. Deciduous trees can be as beautiful without leaves as they can be when in leaf. I'm pleased such a simple pleasure cheered you no end. One solitary tree dahlia. Amazing.

    1. Andrew: I am a simple person. You are right about deciduous trees too - they often look elegant in their leafless state.

  12. The rainbow was a message to you to tell you not to despair. I have my struggles too as I think you know. So I feel for you. You have my Aloha. And my respect. It is a heroes journey we are on. God bless you my friend

    1. Cloudia: The rainbow was a gift. A generous gift.

  13. I'm glad you got to spend time with the goofy roos. And I'm glad that you attracted a rainbow with your happier feelings. Hugs, Sue. Take care of yourself.

    1. Bill: How could I not have a good time with the roos. And the rainbow.

  14. Hi EC - they are extraordinary looking creatures aren't they ... evolution is a wonderful thing. I'm so glad you were able to have your fix and enjoy the lake, its surrounds and the occupants. Rainbows are always beautiful to see ... uplifting as you mention. I had a garden looking day yesterday - open gardens for a hospice - with a friend ... the weather wasn't brilliant but it didn't rain. Today is beautiful ... I too hope you can get a little extra help via the docs ... with thoughts - and hugs ...cheers Hilary

    1. Hilary Melton-Butcher: That fix never fails. I hope you enjoyed your day in the gardens - and am glad it didn't rain on you. I suspect the doc (or docs) are going to order yet more tests. And thank you.

  15. Rainbows and Roos are guaranteed to put a smile on anyone’s face, Sue. Next time you see those marvellous marsupials please pass on my best wishes. I fear I may never see them again, but I have memories to last me a lifetime.

    1. David M. Gascoigne: I will pass on your wishes - but do hope that you are wrong and you will see them again.

  16. The rainbows and the roos…perfect. Feel better, EC!

    1. Marie Smith: I thought it was a perfect outing too. Thank you.

  17. Oh, dear friend, thank you for the gift of the roos. And the rainbows! Life is looking up these days, eh?

    1. DJan: Both the roos and the rainbows were a gift to me - which I am happy to share.

  18. I didn't know you could give Roos contraceptives. Odd. Love the silhouette of the barren trees against the backdrop of the lake. Beautiful.

    1. gigi-hawaii: Giving the kangaroos contraceptives is MUCH better than culling them, which our local government also does. I agree with you about the silhouette of the deciduous trees.

  19. Roos are a treat for me too. Through your pictures.
    I hope you feel better very soon.

    1. Caterina: Thank you - and I am happy to share the roos.

  20. Dear EC
    A rainbow and roos - what a perfect day for you (and us). I always find rainbows so incredible - it is always a joy to see one. I hope you have a much better week.
    Best wishes

    1. Ellie Foster: I agree with you about rainbows. They always lift my spirits to see them. And thank you.

  21. Roos are my treat too. : )
    I hope you feel better soon ... with many rainbows on the horizon.

  22. Rainbows - nice!
    Are they trying to control the kangaroo population?

    1. Alex J. Cavanaugh: Who doesn't love a rainbow. They are indeed trying to control the kangaroo population in that area. With mixed success.

  23. What fun to see the kangaroos! The second one looks as though s/he is doing interpretive dance. :-)

    Hope you feel better soon.

    1. Diane Henders: I see that - but I think it was a pesky itch that needed scratching. And those claws are perfect for the task.

  24. I'm so glad you found so many things to help lift your spirits. Remember your friends are in your corner.

    Also, if return visits to blogs are overwhelming, remember you are completely free to skip reading or commenting on mine, friends do not make demands of one another.

    My selections are over here,

    1. messymimi: You are always so kind. Which I value.

  25. I'm so glad the roo fix was also a mental health fix (or if not a fix, a band aid?)
    A rainbow is always hopeful, which they need to be after a lot of grey weather

    1. kylie: The roos and the rainbows gave me a substantial band aid. And yes, rainbows are always hopeful - and hope is a fragile essential.

  26. Beauty is a panacea and rainbows a thing to lift your spirit on a rauny day. It is too funny looking at your roo photos. My brain keeps insisting they have to be deer, which would be what I would meet on a similar trip, but then the poses or the tails clash, and I get a renewed jolt of ... but those are KANGAROOS! stupid brain.
    I am so happy to hear that you found this beauty. Remember you're free not to comment n my blog, or if you feel you "need to" a single word or short notice fully suffices!

    1. Charlotte (MotherOwl): Thank you. I wonder whether my brain would do a similar double take if I saw deer? Beauty is everywhere (I have just been photographing a lovely dawn), for which I am so grateful.

  27. You certainly know how to make a grey day beautiful!
    We all need to succumb to our own version of a "roo fix" in order to right our emotional compasses.

    All of that and you wind things up with all of Nature's colors wrapped up in a neat bow. Thank you!

    1. Wally Jones: Nature knows how to make any day beautiful - as you know - if we pay her the attention she deserves.

  28. Just love the kangaroos and rainbows, I hope you have a good start to the new week,

  29. Halo bayi gajah. very beautiful and clear. Always wanted to visit a place like that

    1. Nova Rio Redondo: Thank you. We are lucky and this haven is less than half an hour's drive from home.

  30. Well past Sunday, but had to step in to respond see you got your beauty fix and me too! The kangaroo gathering dreamy! But the trees and sky took me higher!

    1. Cj: Thank you. I never tire of skyscapes. Never, ever.

  31. Rainbows and roos - what could be better! Kangaroos have started visited my place which is unbelievably wonderful though so far I've only seen them across the fence. My daughter has photographed them here and I've seen the scats... hopefully it will be my turn soon.

    1. Kim: We occasionally see them in my street, but not often. Which is a good thing because of the busy roads nearby. I hope you see them at your place though.

  32. I'm glad that you demanded a roo fix! I wish I could get such a fix here. I'd love to see them in their natural environment. And rainbows - who doesn't like them and smile? I hope for you that you will feel better and your week will be a good one. Hugs - Carola

    1. Carola Bartz: Thank you. A roo fix is a wonderful thing. As are rainbows.

  33. I'm glad to be back here, I've missed my weekly beauty fixes. All your images are beyond description beautiful but the serenity of the trees by the lakeshore are exactly what I needed this morning. Thank you. Wishing you a good week ahead.

    1. Nilanjana Bose: That spot by the lake is always serene. We have never, ever been there and not come away feeling better.

  34. Dahlias, I have to look for dahlias!

    1. Mike: I hope you find them. There are some spectacular ones about.

  35. You found so many wonders: tree dahlias, roos, glistening water and rainbows. Happiness indeed.
    Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

  36. Following a rainbow en route home would make me smile. x

  37. I enjoy seeing the kangaroos. I always enjoy seeing a rainbow when it happens.

    1. Mary Kirkland: Thank you. We enjoy them both.

  38. A beautiful lake, some kangaroos and a rainbow, that would certainly lift my spirits.
    Sending my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Lowcarb team member ~Jan: They certainly lifted mine. I hope you and Eddie had a great week.

  39. Those darling roos should lift anyone's spirits, Sue! Thank you for sharing them! When I read you were a beauty addict, my thoughts went in a way wrong direction in a nanosecond. I thought you were going for a manicure/pedicure/facial/hair styling ~ lol! That didn't seem like you, and then I realized what you were really doing. Roos and a beautiful oak forest and lake are definitely you! I hope you feel better soon! A body that's not cooperating is no fun!

    1. Fundy Blue: Sorry I confused you - even for a nanosecond. That sort of beauty never floats my boat. The roos and the rainbow on the other hand...

  40. Lovely skies and water, and roos, which always remind me of our deer, with their dainty faces and big ears. Your rainbow seemed sturdier than ours - often ours last only seconds; we really have to be in the right place at the right time to see them, and there's often not enough time to photograph them. Well, for those of us who don't have a phone with photo capability, that is :)

    1. jenny_o: Often our rainbows don't last either - that was was persistent - which is lovely. And because we had gone down to the lake for a roo fix I had my camera with me. I was lucky wasn't I?
