Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Words for Wednesday 19/6/2024

This meme was started by Delores a long time ago.  Computer issues led her to bow out for a while.  The meme was too much fun to let go, and now Words for Wednesday is provided by a number of people and has become a movable feast. 
Essentially the aim is to encourage us to write.  Each week we are given a choice of prompts: which can be words, phrases, music or an image.   What we do with those prompts is up to us:  a short story, prose, a song, a poem, or treating them with ignore...  We can use some or all of the prompts, and mixing and matching is encouraged. 
Some of us put our creation in comments on the post, and others post on their own blog.  I would really like it if as many people as possible joined into this fun meme, which includes cheering on the other participants.  If you are posting on your own blog - let me know so that I, and other participants, can come along and applaud.  And huge thanks to those of you who come back, sometimes time after time to cheer other contributors on.

Huge thanks to David M. Gascoigne for providing the prompts last month. The prompts will be here again this month and are provided by Hilary Melton-Butcher


An additional prompt from Charlotte (MotherOwl) is to include Signal Green in your take on the prompts.
This week's prompts are:

  1. Discourteous
  2. Flicker
  3. Martini
  4. Whips
  5. Belly

  1. Waving
  2. Frogs
  3. Moderation
  4. Smile
  5. Louring 

 Have fun.



  1. Will get down to business shortly and be back.

    1. messymimi: And I look forward (as always) to your return.

    2. My story, when it posts, will be over here.

  2. Hi EC - two separate entries ... starting with the second set ...

    There was no moderation in the way the signal green frogs were smiling … they could smile couldn't they Grandad? the little one asked. Then he tottered off again to the pond, where he gave his Grandad a huge smile as he happily waved back, while pointing towards the pond.

    1st lot:

    The cruel looking man gently whacked the whips against his legs … when he'd been given his Martini, only a discourteous sneer was forthcoming, – no thanks; all he really wanted was for the performance of the belly dance to end – then he could look for the welts as the whips made their mark … no doubt with only a contemptuous flicker of his lips.

    Two very different tales ... I'd forgotten what the words were - cheers to one and all - I'll be around again soon. Hilary

    1. Hilary Melton-Butcher: Two VERY different takes. Love the first and am sure they are having a wonderful day together.
      The second? Cruel looking and from the sound of it acting just the way he looks. Shudder.

    2. Loved the smiling frog piece and the other was queasy.

    3. That second is rather scary. The first I enjoyed very much.

    4. Of course frogs smile! And they become princes if you kiss them, Hilary. Better than a man with a whip.

    5. Clever use of prompts Hilary as usual.

    6. The first one was fun. The second one well done and shudder-worthy. Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    7. So tender a take off, fun within the young babes and their excitement with nature. No2, you commanded it well. Whips at 1st felt painful, made a great story maker. A word that can branch off many directions, from leather to dessert!

    8. Hilary, acolorfulconnection last reply. Too quick on draw!

  3. Será un placer leer las historia que lleguen. Por ahora no dispongo de tiempo suficiente, para participar.
    Un abrazo.

    1. VENTANA DE FOTO: Thank you for making time in your busy day to stop by and read our contributions.

    2. I can muddle along with enough Spanish to get you don't have time to participate right now, and I hope you can soon, I always enjoy your stories.

  4. She drank but in MODERATION, sipping on her wine as she sat at the bar WAVING at friends. Her expression became LOURING as she thought of all the FROGS she'd kissed at this very establishment on the off chance they might be a prince, while a SIGNAL GREEN neon light blinked continuously in the background. Then a SMILE transformed her features as the man she assumed to be her blind date sat down next to her. Now this one had possibilities.
    Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    1. Sandra Cox: Good job. I hope the possibilities are more than realised.

    2. Good luck to her, but books and covers come to mind.

    3. May it not be just another frog.

    4. A frog is a frog is a frog. ;-)

    5. Fun Sandra - yes a frog is always a frog, but he could become your prince - she stuck her home town out. Cheers Hilary

    6. I had one blind date and it turned out well, so I hope it does for her.

    7. I certainly hope he turned out to be a good one.

  5. I'm absolutely mad about the american musical band "Pink MARTINI". A short pianist provides the fun by WEAVING his arms, a broad SMILE on his face, a FLICKER in his eyes.
    The big drama is provided by the main singer, named Storm Large.
    There's no MODERATION about her or her voice. She's a Total.
    Both her body parts (BELLY, back, shoulders, arms) and her powerful voice , are moving to and fro, up and down.
    The accompanying innstrumentalists behind her, seem to be out of work', and as a result a bit DISCORTEOUS in their moves towards her. Their music sounds as if they've thrown some WHISPS, to a pair of SIGNAL GREEN FROGS to make them move.

    1. DUTA: I love this - and can just about see and hear them.

    2. Good take on the words. A really "moving" piece, lol.

    3. Now, that was a brilliant take of this week's prompts. Kudos!

    4. Hi DUTA - well done ... loved the way you incorporated all the moving parts - and fun to think about the scenario ... cheers Hilary

    5. Wow...great use of the prompts.

    6. Pink Martini featuring Storm Large...so entertaining!

  6. ‘Your friends are like frogs ‘ William sneered. ‘They are just so damn hoppy all the time.’ 'You need to mend your ways and grow up'.
    Rosie didn’t think that was discourteous, but just plain rude. He seemed to have whipped up a grudge against people who had never done him any harm. Perhaps he was green with envy. No-one had asked him for his opinion – or to her party if it came to that.
    He obviously thought that being her eldest brother gave him rights and sat louring in the corner. She didn’t give him a flicker of attention though she did wonder whether his serious nature soured his belly as much as it did his face.
    She simply smiled and went on pouring Martinis for her invited guests, waving as new friendly faces came through the door. Weakening she went over and offered him a drink. He refused muttering about moderation in all things. So she ignored him and continued to enjoy her friends and her party. ‘It’s my party and he can cry if he wants to – but I won’t!’

    1. Well done EC, he sounds like a wretch and I've known a few our stories are similar down to the woman's name.LOL.

    2. It's not necessarily good to have a brother.

    3. Hi EC - I'm glad my brothers were younger! But she most definitely made the best of things ... and I'm sure there was some signal green jealousy in William's demeanour. Honestly - yes ... it's my party and I'm going to have fun - cheers and lovely tale - Martinis ... way to go! Hilary

    4. I am told that older brothers can be like. Miriam has several so she should know!

    5. Good for Rosie...glad she could enjoy the party despite William's gloomy attitude.

    6. I have three older brothers. Two of them, the oldest in particular, seem to find it difficult to accept I have been an adult (more or less) for a long time now.

    7. Loved the ending. Clever. Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    8. Hooray! Let William stew in his corner - it harms nobody but him. :-)

    9. So damn hoppy! Enjoyed this. Never had a brother, few older sisters and they still pick on me. Good she found her stance to carry on as she wished.

  7. Challenging words. But managed to use them all and the colour. thanks David and Charlotte and EC for slapping them up here.
    After six martinis she found she could voice her feelings at the discourteous, contemptible George Aberly. He of the horse teeth, ill managed comb-over and a belly that had a habit of waving uncertainly out of his signal green golfing trousers when he stretched his hands upwards.
    His poor wife Rose, looking whipped, sitting there like a nervous frog, jumping up and down at every flicker of his commanding finger. Another whiskey.
    A louring, ugly man, George. In every way.
    Fortified on her martinis, she finally raised her voice and smiled, knowing she could be dismissed from the golf club for her lack of moderation in her behavior, she said:
    “Mr. Aberly,” laying heavy emphasis on the word mister, ‘I am sick and tired of your pompous, ridiculous, asinine lies on the links, your fudging of the score, your treatment of your poor wife, your sneaky so-called accidental feel-ups of the female players and I ask all here to sign this petition to have you removed from the club.”
    It would never happen of course. But it felt amazingly good to see his face just about explode and his wife hiding that big smile behind her hand.

    1. Wisewebwoman: I love it. And how I wish that those of his ilk could be publically shamed. And evicted - though is poor wife would suffer if he was.

    2. It may not happen, but I'm sure all the women will sign, I know I would.

    3. Hi WWW - this was a great tale - and yes how often I'd love to shame a few people ... some men are way too pompous and full of themselves. I really could see the set up ... but others would suffer ... these kinds of people can't see what they're like and the upsets they cause. Cheers Hilary

    4. Great job. I am quite sure you missed a career as a first rate novelist. Perhaps it’s not too late?

    5. Your excellent descriptions of these folks and their manners were fun.

    6. This was great! Good job! Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    7. Horse teeth and such...those who think they command under the ills of drink. Reminds me of movie we saw, the story of Molly Johnson who in the 1800s hung for standing up to the nastiness and pain infected. You're an amazing woman with words.

  8. That first one - oh my! Could go a raunchy direction.

    1. Alex J. Cavanaugh: It could - though I had to go back to look at them to see that. I wonder whether anyone will.

    2. Hi Alex - I gave myself challenging words - thanks for the raunchy addition ... definitely a story in there. Thanks - Hilary

  9. They may consider it discourteous, with louring smile and flickering signal green belly may ask for moderation, and even threaten you with waving whips. However: If you want to drain a swamp, don't ask the frogs. Do it! Afterwards you may enjoy as many Martinis as you wish. I don't like the stuff, anyway, rather prefer a wee dram of excellent Malt.

    1. Sean Jeating, I believe I understand your point, although we usually talk about draining the swamps to get rid of the alligators, not the frogs. Then again, you use what prompts you find, right?

    2. Mimi, in Germany the alligators are frogs, or vice versa. ;-)

    3. Sean Jeating: Do it indeed. You can keep your malt though (and the martinis). I have a weakness (rarely indulged) for bubbles.

    4. I have an image, which I like very much, of the frogs waving whips. Tiny ones, of course.

    5. Hi Sean - good clarification ... alligators for frogs - sometimes so true. EC - I'll join you with the bubbles ... cheers to you both - Hilary

    6. Frogs waving whips has overtones of sado-masochism and pleasures unspoken and seldom enjoyed. Better go no further!

    7. After the swamp is cleared of frogs you definitely need a strong drink ... or two

    8. 'If you want to drain the swamp don't ask the frogs':) Love it, Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

  10. All good stories here, sorry I can't comment individually, got a heavy schedule today.

  11. Not even the LOURING clouds could put a dampener on Kiah’s morning. The FROGS were jumping and a FLICKER was calling, its staccato song reverberating like a WHIP crack in the forest. A pair of crows sailed by, WAVING their cheery greeting to him. He had to SMILE, knowing how much he was connected to nature, and wishing that everyone could experience the joy, even the DISCOURTEOUS jerk in the grocery store this morning. Right down to his BELLY he exuded happiness. All things in MODERATION seems to be a universal mantra, but an excess of nature is a virtue. In fact there is no excess, only more to be discovered. Samantha had told him that if he promised to be back by six, and not get delayed by a salamander or a cricket, she would have a MARTINI waiting for him. They could share it on the patio together watching the ants go about their business. Now that’s happiness!

    1. Fun use of the prompts David.

    2. That is a very YOU tale David. Well done. Enjoyed it.

    3. David M. Gascoigne: Happiness indeed. And a happiness I know you experience each and every day.

    4. Loved it, David. Woot. Woot.
      Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    5. Watching ants is worthwhile, even without sipping a Martini.

    6. What a lovely idea, no excess of nature. Thank you.

    7. Hi David - lovely tale ... a start to something quite memorable ... one of those warm comforting reminders of life we can all remember ... well told - thank you. Hilary

    8. So much we receive in nature! I've had many a sit watching ants too.

    9. David M. Gascoigne: You've always have interesting ways of using your words. This was delightful. I like that even jerks can enjoy nature.

      Have a lovely day

  12. David saw the SIGNAL GREEN but failed to proceed. The honking behind him was DISCOURTEOUS. His SMILE turned to a sneer and he held a LOURING expression. That last MARTINI had been a bit much and his BELLY felt like a FLICKER of an ocean WAVING. Suddenly David blinked and saw the light move to red. Now he had no choice but to hold up the FROG-like line of vehicles piling up behind him. He knew their wrath would not come in MODERATION. In David's imagination he saw they would soon begin to chase him with chains and WHIPS. This inebriated man abandoned his car and ran...from nothing.

    1. Granny Annie: So true. And I am glad that he at least remembered what a red light meant.

    2. Clever. Thoroughly enjoyed it;)
      Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    3. Ahem ... Don't drink & drive!

    4. Nicely told. He needs a designated driver.

    5. Hi Grannie Annie - a delightful snippet - loved it .. making me smile into my morning - cheers Hilary

  13. Well done Annie, I didn't know where this was going and you surprised me.

  14. I'm so glad and thankful I found some of you, Words on Wednesday is really bringing extra joy in life. I gave it another whirl and I'll check in again soon. I need to run for an important appt with my husbands surgeon. Hopeful something more positive out of our visit. My post at https://acolorfulcuriosity.com as I'm on WP not Blogspot. I think clicking on my CJ works too.

    1. Cj: I am so glad that you found us, and that you are enjoying joining in on this meme. I thoroughly enjoyed your latest contribution - and the photos are icing on the cake.

    2. Hi CJ - excellently told and fun to read, especially with the accompanying images. Cheers Hilary

  15. This sounds like a wonderful challenge.
    A great way to get the words down on paper. Great for flash fiction.

    1. Hi Michelle - it is ... I hope you'll join us - lovely to see you here. Cheers Hilary

    2. Michelle Wallace: This meme is a heap of fun - and have been going for close to ten years now.

  16. Kingsley, the cat, seemed remarkably human. He had a habit of lounging in his owner's armchair, sipping a martini while watching the flicker of the TV. His discourteous nature would surface if his evening drink was not served promptly, clearly identifiable by the impatient whips of his tail. One night, while he was enjoying his drink, he noticed his reflection in the television screen and gave his belly a satisfied pat. I look good, he thought. The only thing that could make this evening better would be a platter of cold sardines.

    1. mail4rosey: I really love this and am still smiling. Thank you for joining us. And yes, we have shared our lives with a few Kingsleys - fortunately without a taste for martinis.

    2. mail4rosely: I wouldn't want Kingsley as my cat but then again, most cats does behave like this minus the martini. Good use of the prompts.

      Have a lovely day

    3. Not surprising with a tomcat like that you don't publicly share your Profile.

    4. Nicely told story! I'm glad our cats have never developed a taste for alcohol.

  17. What great pieces! Well done, everyone!

    1. Fundy Blue: Thank you for reading - and commenting.

  18. Hilary Melton-Butcher, thanks for the prompts. You seem to choose just the kind of words I would never use and sometimes hadn't even read them anywhere but they are always intriguing.

    Elephant's Child, thanks for hosting the prompts.

    My take on the prompts is here: Fiction: The good wife & the armchair.

    Have a lovely day

    1. lissa: Your take was darker than usual and very topical. I really enjoyed it - and would love to have an armchair just like it.

  19. Well I'm not done with last week's words yet. But I wrote a new chapter in my saga of Thora and Gylfi.

    1. Charlotte (MotherOwl): I know, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

  20. Look at ALL these people! ❤️
