Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wednesday 26 June 2024

Words for Wednesday 26/6/2024

This meme was started by Delores a long time ago.  Computer issues led her to bow out for a while.  The meme was too much fun to let go, and now Words for Wednesday is provided by a number of people and has become a movable feast. 
Essentially the aim is to encourage us to write.  Each week we are given a choice of prompts: which can be words, phrases, music or an image.   What we do with those prompts is up to us:  a short story, prose, a song, a poem, or treating them with ignore...  We can use some or all of the prompts, and mixing and matching is encouraged. 
Some of us put our creation in comments on the post, and others post on their own blog.  I would really like it if as many people as possible joined into this fun meme, which includes cheering on the other participants.  If you are posting on your own blog - let me know so that I, and other participants, can come along and applaud.  And huge thanks to those of you who come back, sometimes time after time to cheer other contributors on.

Huge thanks to David M. Gascoigne for providing the prompts last month. The prompts will be here again this month and are provided by Hilary Melton-Butcher


An additional prompt from Charlotte (MotherOwl) is to include Signal Green in your take on the prompts.
This week's prompts are:
  1. Banal
  2. Bows
  3. Canyon
  4. Dough
  5. Observant

  1. Fulminating
  2. Beady 
  3. Margarine
  4. Suit
  5. Brazen

 Have fun.



  1. Ahora no me llega las musas de la inspiración y es que no tengo mucho tiempo ahora, para dedicarme a escribir una historia.
    Seguro qu como siempre, los participantes serán muchos.

      'Now I don't get the muses of inspiration and I don't have much time now to dedicate myself to writing a story.
      Surely, as always, there will be many participants.'
      I am sorry you don't have the time or the inspiration to participate this time - but thank you for reading and commenting.

    2. I do hope you can write a story soon, I enjoy when you and your muse create something to post.

  2. Hi EC - some words I select!! All included here ...

    The banal old codger, bends like Mr Dough-boy, tipping backwards and forwards; but the fulminating observant Beady Suited toy boy brazenly suggests that 'old dough' moves closer to the canyon's edge … as the signal turned green he bows to Mr Dough-boy … what for one asks – quite correctly … but yikes … there's a splat – and Mr Dough-boy has fallen into the canyon … now there'll be natural margarine available, tinged with a blood curdling curl. Fulminating horrible toy-boy smiles quietly to himself … one down … now to the next one in line - what's his story?!

    All the best everyone ... cheers from me! Hilary

    1. Hilary Melton-Butcher: Oh wow. This is the stuff of nightmares.

    2. A Horror Story!
      Correct use of words Hillary!!

    3. Yikes! I'll stay away, thankyouverymuch. Well written story, though.

    4. Ouch, quite horrible. Well done Hilary!

    5. Oh no! Mr. Dough Boy!
      Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

  3. Most of us eat neither butter nor MARGARINE (its lighter, cheaper version) for dietary reasons.
    Yet, these two products and some DOUGH mixtures, take up a visible shelf at our CANYON's store.
    In fact, those with an OBSERVANT, BEADY EYE notice that the central, middle shelves of SIGNAL GREEN colour, are packed with BANAL items sich as ribbon for hair BOWS, while the essentials are usually on the upper high or low shelves, which are not easy to reach by the elderly.
    To my FULMINATING criticism, the manager accused me of being BRAZEN, and told me something like I'm free to leave if the store arrangement doesn't SUIT me.

    1. DUTA: How very, very true. Many of the essentials (and the cheaper items) are indeed placed high or low in places that are difficult to reach.

    2. Reality,
      Very good text Duta!!

    3. The less healthy options have big corporations paying for premium shelf placement, and it's sad.

    4. Yes, massive frustration at the placement of these items. I am familiar with the corporate influence $$$.

    5. Loved it:)
      Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

  4. Well done DUTA - very true to life ... clever use of the words - and very visible in this day and age - when our shelves can be short of products. Love the banal items of hair bows ... cheers Hilary

  5. Forgive me fulminating, but I am furious.
    AI is being promoted by the suits who have made a brazen attempt to make it as banal and commonplace as margarine. The suits bow and scrape to big business, hoping some of the dough will fall into their greedy hands. There is a canyon between their interests and those of the average worker. AI will indeed create a few (specialized jobs). It will make redundant a great deal more. A chasm they hope that no-one’s beady little observant eyes will pick up on.
    It is putting the cart before the horse anyway. Instead of focusing on Artificial Intelligence to improve our lot, perhaps we should be looking to find a cure for Natural Stupidity.

    1. I fear there is no cure for natural stupidity and I doubt that we have any idea what AI holds for the future.

    2. Another reality E.C. .
      As Einstein said
      "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

    3. They don't want to improve our lot, they want to improve their own bottom line. It's sad.

    4. Still laughing at your final line; and agreeing whole-heartedly with your entire story!

    5. Hi EC - clever ... and thank you for last line laugh ... there's much to be anxious about with AI ... however we all need to laugh at ourselves and get on as best we can ... the future is a smoke screen ahead ... reality surely has to kick in. Thanks for bringing my words to light ... cheers Hilary

    6. True. All of it. And very well written. It's an enormous threat to add to many. Our planet is in desperate peril.

    7. Woot. Woot. Great job, EC:)
      Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

  6. Dough and canyon - interesting combination.

    1. Alex J. Cavanaugh: There are several interesting combinations this week. And challenging ones too.

  7. thecontemplativecat here.

    Life at the front was BANAL, and Lewis considered his life as a DOUGHboy . He remembered his home near the Grand CANYON,. Grace had sent him on of her BOWS, he inhaled her scent. The sound of gunfire whizzed over his head. Now wasn't the time to think of the past. Now was the time to be OBSERVANT. The trenches were not safe places.

    1. You gave us a picture!
      Very good!!
      He definitely needs to get out of there!!

    2. I do hope he lives to go back to her. The trenches were places of heartbreak.

    3. Susan Kane: It is lovely to see you joining us again. And no, the trenches were not safe at all. As messymimi says, I hope he can go home again...

    4. Great job, Susan. Succinct and to the point.

    5. Hi Susan - good points ... we always need to be observant and thus he will with luck get home. Cheers Hilary

    6. You captured war so very well and so briefly. Well done!

  8. I'll get to work and let these simmer.

  9. Everyone in town knew that Lucille was BRAZEN, but that SUIT she wore to the Strawberry Festival confirmed it, in case anyone was still wondering. The blouse gave transparency a whole new definition and you could be forgiven for thinking that she had slathered herself in MARGARINE the way her skin glistened. The BEADY eyes of every male in the crowd was focused on her, while the OBSERVANT gaze of their wives and girlfriends promised repercussions to come. They were FULMINATING now, action would come later. The BOWS and scrapes of these voyeurs would be insufficient recompense for their descent into the CANYON of BANALITY, but for weeks to come they would be like DOUGH that couldn’t rise, limp, flaccid and falling in on itself. The price for their foolishness was just waiting to be paid.

    1. Very good David!!
      Correct, creative use of words.
      Something completely different!

    2. She sounds like what used to be called a floozy and yes, they attract the stares of the men. It's difficult, sometimes, not to stare when someone makes a spectacle of him/her self.

    3. David M. Gascoigne: The price for a moment's stupidity is going to be high. In many households. Another great take.

    4. Hi David - love the last two lines particularly ... yet the glistening margarine skin is a fun description ... clever take - thank you ... cheers Hilary

    5. Gee David, I ahem could read a lot into that second last sentence. You gave me quite snort into my coffee this morning. Thanks for that!

    6. I figured that at least you and Hilary would get it!

    7. Oh dear - does our reputation escape from behind the blogging barriers ... I'm glad WWW is company for me in this interpretation. Thanks - David ... cheers Hilary

    8. LOL. Very clever, David, but I would expect no less;) Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

  10. Replies
    1. Margaret D: There are some beauties this week aren't there?

  11. Some tough words there, quite a challenge this week.
    Archery had always been something she had laughed at as being simplistic with those bows and arrows. Child’s play.
    Until on set when she met her very own Robin Hood in his signal green suit.
    They were shooting on location in Brazen Canyon and he was the stunt man. She was the assistant director. A banal riff scene on the whole concept of robbing from the rich to serve the poor. A comedy.
    She was observant in her estimation that he was struggling with the bow which resulted in her fulminating into frustration at his ineptitude. She left her camera and stalked over to him and shouted “do you need some margarine to grease that thing?” He immediately made his eyes beady and mean. “Lady, they don’t pay me enough dough to buy my own margarine!”
    And everyone on set just about cracked up and under her breath she murmured to him, “you don’t happen to be looking for a Maid Marian, perchance?” and was rewarded with a wink and a nod. Time to learn some archery.
    Now off to see all yours!

    1. Wisewebwoman: Big, big smiles. Well done.

    2. You did a wonderful job with these rather difficult words.

    3. Brilliant WWW ... a great and very different take - good luck to them ... cheers Hilary

    4. Hehe. Loved it.
      Sandra sandracox.blogspot.co

  12. I am sure the arrow will find its mark.

  13. The brazen beady eyed tRUMP was fulminating while wearing a suit that looked like it was slathered in margarine.

    1. Mike: Shudder. That is NOT a pretty picture - and close to the mark.

  14. I must be tired. I'm completely stumped this week! Good luck everyone

    1. Cloudia: Rest up. I hope that next week's words inspire you again.

  15. Thanks to Hils, David and Charlotte for words this month and last and thanks to you for hosting;)
    Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

  16. These always make enjoyable reads :) thanks so much for hosting it.

    1. DeniseinVA: Thank you. We do appreciate you reading and cheering us on.

  17. Ahh this looks like so much fun! I might end up having to join in on this one, I used to write poetry but not so much anymore. Some of these words I don't even know what it means lol :)

    Ash @ Essentially Ash
    Want to follow me on Bookstagram, booktok, add my snapchat or check out my photography?

    1. Ash: It is a great meme and I hope you will join us. The prompts will be elsewhere next month and I will put up a post early next week to tell you where to find them.
