Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Sunday 23 June 2024

Sunday Selections #780

Sunday Selections was originally brought to us by Kim, of Frogpondsrock, as an ongoing meme where participants could post previously unused photos languishing in their files. Huge thanks to Cie who gave me this wonderful Sunday Selections image. 

The meme was then continued by River at Drifting through life.  Sadly she has now stepped aside (though she will join us some weeks), and I have accepted the mantle. 
The rules are so simple as to be almost non-existent.  Post some photos under the title Sunday Selections and link back to me. Clicking on any of the photos will make them embiggen.

I usually run with a theme.  This week my theme is a little more random than usual.  For some time I was unable to transfer photos from my phone to the PC.  This glitch has now been fixed so these are some of the phone photos that have been languishing.

Batty (black) and Odie

The final photo of Odie is somewhere he loves to go, and that he gets removed from.  However I do accept that on top of the entertainment unit is tempting.  He can survey the room, look outside and it is close to the heater duct.

The next photos are part of the reason the cats like to look outside.  A male king parrot - to delight them and us.

And some shots from our garden.  It is winter here - but there is always something in bloom. 

Some people are having trouble commenting on blogs with embedded comments.  I have found a way to circumvent this problem.  I hope this helps - and is clear.  I use firefox as my preferred browser.

Open the blog you want to comment on.  If you look at the blogger address you will notice a padlock and a shield to the left of the https://.  If you click on padlock it offers 'enhanced tracking protection'.  Turn it off.  The shield will now have a line through it and you should be able to comment (and not anonymously).  Sadly you have to repeat this for each blog (including your own if you have embedded comments), but once it is done, it is done.

Have a great week.



  1. Great captures of Batty, Ode, the parrot, and your garden's blooms! The word 'adorable' fits them all!

    1. DUTA: Thank you. Batty and Odie think they are the 'most' adorable.

  2. Batty and Odie are adorable. Batty found a great location but I understand why you wouldn’t want him there. Wish we had a few parrots here. I can wish anyway!

    Have a great week, EC. Hope you are doing well!

    1. Marie Smith: It is Odie on the entertainment unit, and he does indeed think it is a great spot. Batty isn't a climber. I would very much like to see some of 'your birds'.

  3. Soothing myself with the memories of June in the Southern. It is broiling over here, hottest temps in 50 years.
    Your photos are beautiful as always - handsome cats and parrot. Have a wonderful week.

    1. Nilanjana Bose: I feel for you on your temperatures (and wouldn't swap). Hottest temps in over 50 years sounds like a foretaste of hell to me. Stay as cool as you can.

  4. Batty and Odie looks great. I love those expressive eyes. Great photos of the birds and flowers. As our tropical weather continues I am sure you are enjoying the much cooler temps. I hope you have a great start to the new week.

    1. RasmaSandra: I am indeed enjoying our cooler temperatures. It is currently -3C (26.6F) here and we have a light frost. I hope you get some relief from the heat.

  5. River Fairchild - I give up ever having Google acknowledge me on my phone. Oh well. Those are two handsome furry dudes you have there. They look quite healthy and content now.
    I know the struggle with getting the photos from the camera to the pc. Good on you for getting it figured out. My last camera broke my resolve to find an answer and I only use my phone now. Probably also why your photography is so much better than mine. 😂
    As always, I will be wishing for an easier week for both of us. One foot in front of the other… Take care and hugs to you.

    1. River Fairchild: It was getting photos from the phone to the PC that was the issue. And in the end was a simple fix. Here's to easier weeks. Poor Batty still has his health issues but doesn't seem to realise it. And they are both happy chappies.

  6. I am assuming winter is your favourite season! Enjoy it to the fullest.

    1. Caterina: I like all the seasons - except summer.

  7. What a treat to see photos of Odie and Batty - they're such handsome fellows! I hope their health issues are fully resolved now.

    The parrot is wonderful, too; and I love your "winter" flowers. :-)

    1. Diane Henders: Sadly Batty's health issues continue. We are getting better at administering his snifter though - I bleed less often. Our winter flowers are a tad confused - but then so am I. And the begonia in the final photo blooms for 365 days a year.

    2. Wow, what a gorgeous plant! I've never seen a begonia like that here.

    3. Diane Henders: We obviously found the perfect spot for it. It lives on the veranda by our front door and as I said, blooms continuously. Which none of the other begonias do.

  8. Your birds are amazing. The cats, delightful!

    1. Jenn Jilks: So are your birds amazing. I suffer from world-wide avian envy.

  9. Polly want a cracker! How fun to have parrots, fly in. I spy vintage glass paperweights! I've always found beauty in them, interesting patterns. Purdy kitties!

    1. Cj: It is delightful to have so many of our native birds visit each day. We and the cats spend a lot of time admiring them. And yes, to the vintage glass paperweights. Some of them are lovely.

  10. It is funny how cats can delicately pick their way among objects, yet tell them to get down, things go flying. The king parrot looks wonderful, and the cloud formations are unusual. What weather did they herald?

    1. Andrew: I can't remember what the rest of that cloudy day became. Windy I think. Odie rarely knocks things over by accident. He does however move things that are 'in his way' quite deliberately. We are getting several king parrots visiting at the moment which is lovely. For all of us.

  11. I love seeing photos of Batty and Odie. My two used to love climbing up on various items of furniture, too, to view the world from a different aspect. :) I can't believe that it is 12 months tomorrow morning...2.45 am, to be exact, since my beloved Shama passed away. Come November, it will be two years since Remy left us. Time has diminished my missing them.

    Have a good week ahead, EC...take care...my cuddles to your two lovely furry mates. :)

    1. Lee: Time might have diminished some of the pain but they are still much loved and missed.

  12. The sky and the clouds are fabulous. The cats of all kinds really spice up the day

    1. roentare: I loved that cloud shot. Thank you.

  13. Great old pictures. You and skies. Lovely. My heart would stop at Odie implanted in a glass surround.

    1. Joanne Noragon: Odie doesn't knock anything off by accident, though I loathe him being up there. And yes, my heart is in my mouth - some of those items are very precious to us.

  14. Very atmospheric sky. And the final photo of ...
    BATTY I do like very much. ... My good thoughts are with you, Sue.

    1. Sean Jeating: I am not going to tell Odie that you said that - and thank you.

  15. I used to be able to comment with Chrome. But now I had to download Firefox.

    1. Mike: Firefox works for me - though it isn't happy about downloading farcebook clips.

  16. Interesting advice there re commenting, thank you.
    Beautiful parrot, what a delightful colour is that red.
    Sky beautiful as are the flowers.
    The pussy cats are ever so sweet...Take care EC.

    1. Margaret D: The King Parrots are a glorious colour aren't they? If you get them in the right light there is a flash of blue under their wings too.

  17. The skies, flowers and parrots are all lovely, but the cats steal this post for me - mainly because they cause a forgotten memory to resurface. When I was a student we had a cat which moved into our shared house. Her party-piece was to climb up on to a high shelf where it could watch the record turntable go round and round. After a while the cat's head would start to wobble around at 33 and a third rpm which caused great hilarity amongst all who saw it - OK, a kind of tobacco which was popular at the time might have made it funnier than it really was. Of course after several months of entertaining us in this way our dear puss decided to pounce down onto the revolving record. That was even funnier, but Frank Zappa never sounded quite the same afterwards.

    1. John "By Stargoose And Hanglands": What an amazing memory to conjure up. I am sure that Frank didn't sound at all the same - and hope that the cat didn't try that trick again.

  18. I tend to forget that my iPhone has a pretty darn good camera in it. I liked your pictures!

    1. Bill: Thank you. I am not nearly as wedded to my phone as many. And yes, I forget the camera often as well.

  19. Very beautiful collection of photos today!
    Batty and Odie look lovely and cute!
    I really like the colors of the parrot!
    Your garden has beautiful flowers!!
    Have a beautiful Sunday!

    1. Katerinas Blog: Thank you. We have today (finally) finished planting our bulbs for spring. With luck it will burst into bloom in the next few months. Batty, Odie and the birds brighten our days.

  20. Hi EC - fun to see the pics and then John's memory ... funny! I send my pics to my email and then take them off into a folder for another day - probably very behemoth! It's a delight to see the cats though and that King Parrot ... but the cold = no! We've just got some sun ... and very thankfully am not in full hot temps as some parts of the world are. Take care and have a good week - Hilary

    1. Hilary Melton-Butcher: I am so glad that for the moment at least we can avoid the heat - and am glad that you have some sun. John's memory was a beauty wasn't it?

  21. I’d be willing to place a hefty wager that they are the world’s most pampered cats! And they probably know it.

    1. David M. Gascoigne: It depends who you ask. If Batty and Odie are to be believed they are seriously underprivileged.

  22. Seems easier to just remove the breakables from Odie's spot than to remove Odie.

    1. Alex J. Cavanaugh: Sadly Odie has innumerable spots. And despite opinions to the contrary this is our house not his.

  23. Batty and Odie look very healthy and pampered cats. They seem to have recovered from their health issues. I'm sure that they get the best of care.
    How lucky that you still have plants still blooming even in winter.

    1. Julia: Batty still has significant health issues but we are managing them. Some of our flowers should not be blooming at the moment - but we welcome them.

  24. I haven't had any problem commenting, but then again, I do hope you have gotten all of them. Those are great pics of the two cats, and that King Parrot!

    1. DJan: Lots of people do have commenting issues, and to some extent it seems to depend what browser you use. Isn't the King Parrot a charmer?

  25. I love your birds, which I don't see in Hawaii. I don't know what you mean by "embedded" comments and don't any trouble commenting anywhere.

    1. gigi-hawaii: I am glad you have no commenting problems. Embedded comments are those that allow individual replies. I would love to see some of your birds too.

  26. What big eyes they have, that pair! My cats would have everything knocked off within minutes. I can't have nice things, is what I might say, because I have cats. Actually, my knick knacks are confined to a cupboard.

    1. Strayer: All the better to watch you with... Odie occasionally bats things off shelves deliberately. Batty is a klutz.

  27. I think your winters are wery green and lush, and envy you. Those clouds are really stunning and both cats and parrost pretty. I find it so exiting to see your parrots, and can hardly believe that you would find our everyday birds as interesting.

    1. Charlotte (MotherOwl): We get most of our rain over the winter months (and if the weather is listening I hope it complies). I am quite certain that your everyday birds include some I never see and would love to view.

  28. Dear EC
    It is always a joy to share your skies, and your flora and fauna. Batty and Odie are so lovely! Cats always find the best places to be and these are usually where we don't want them! The garden is doing so well for you - nature can be very generous sometimes.
    I hope you are feeling OK and that you have a good week.
    Best wishes

    1. Ellie Foster: Thank you. Some times the garden is generous. The weeds are particularly so. You are so right about cats preferred spots often being places we would rather they left alone. Have a great week.

  29. Thank you for sharing your wonderful photographs!

    The winter blooms are especially appreciated. Cats and birds. Thank goodness for windows.

    Gini and hope you have a blessed New Week!

    1. Wally Jones: These cats are indoor cats and can only view the birds through the windows. Which peeves them. Tough. I hope you two have a nature packed week.

  30. The sky looks mesmerising.

    1. Haddock: I frequently find the sky that way - and was out again at first light with my camera.

  31. I do enjoy seeing your skies, your cats, your garden. Watching the birds can be a delight for all of us.

    My selections are over here, and since I am commenting on my ancient iPad, it's using Safari and doesn't seem to have any problems, although I will try to remember your instructions if I ever need them.

    1. messymimi: Thank you. I am glad that you are not having commenting issues. Many of us are. I really liked your selections - as I always do.

  32. I love the clouds and the cute Batty and Odie!

    1. e: Thank you. I hope you are a bit cooler now.

  33. Thanks for the tip on the blog glitch.

    I love the pictures. I've never had a cat but love your pictures of yours.

    1. Mary Kirkland: I hope it works for you. I grew up with dogs and cats (and birds and fish and guinea pigs and, and, and). A house needs an animal to feel like home to me.

  34. If I have to favour one in the cuteness department it would be those ears of Batty. I could stare at that parrot all day long.
    Such great shots!

    1. Wisewebwoman: Batty came to us with his name - and we wondered whether his ears had something to do with it. His hearing is excellent too. We spend a LOT of time watching the birds.

  35. Those clouds are wonderful! And I loved seeing Batty and Odie. They are all grown up now, and so handsome. I hope you have a good week ahead, dear friend.

    1. jenny_o: Thank you. Batty still resents his medication but he is looking pretty good on it. I hope (so much) that things have calmed down in your world.

  36. Clouds, cats and King Parrots - I thought it was about to be alliteration Sunday until I got to the flowers. I doubt if all the names start with a 'kuh'. Such a beautiful garden to have blossoms like these in the middle of winter.

    1. Kim: I hadn't noticed the alliteration - and the camellia at least begins with a 'kuh'. There are more things flowering each day, some too early, but I love to see them emerging.

  37. Odie looks just like Ziggy, the bigger of my two cats. Great photos.




    1. Plastic Mancunian: Odie is the smaller of our two boys. Batty is VERY food orientated. They are full brothers but very different in looks and personality.

  38. ha.. can't really blame Odie.. that is prime location. lol

    1. Hena Tayeb: He agrees with you. Whole heartedly.

  39. Pues igualmente te deseo de que disfrutes de una buena semana e invierno, aunque creo que por ahí son más benignos y difícilmente bajan de cero las temperaturas.
    Me encantaron tus fotografías pero sobre todo las de ese precioso cielo y nubes.
    Un abrazo, amiga Sue.

    1. Manuel: 'Well, I also wish you to enjoy a good week and winter, although I think that over there they are more benign and the temperatures hardly drop below zero.
      I loved your photographs but especially those of that beautiful sky and clouds.
      A hug, friend Sue.'
      Thank you. Much of Australia rarely does dip into negative temperatures. My city is an exception. We do - and I like it.

  40. Schön die Bilder von den Blüten bei uns gibt es im Winter keine Blüten im Garten.

    1. Noke: Our winters are milder than yours and we are lucky and have flowers all year round.

  41. Lovely to see the photographs that have been languishing.
    You have some colourful winter blooms.

    All the best Jan

    1. Lowcarb team member ~Jan: Thank you. I delight in colour - all year round.

  42. Oh my goodness that is just beautiful set of pics and a great colour theme x

    1. aussie aNNie: Thank you. I hope your move is going well.

  43. Sorry to read about those glitches you have been having. Looks like you have a solution and thank you for all the tips. I had an occasional problem adding comments but it was only for a while and, touch wood, have had no problems for some time now. Beautiful skies! Always lovely to see Batty and Odie. The one of Odie on the top of the entertainment unit made me smile. And talking about smiling, I always love to see your parakeets, such handsome birds. Your garden blooms are also smile bringers. Have a great weekend :)

    1. DeniseinVA: Thank you. We do love our birds (and the cats). Having found this solution I don't at the moment have any problems commenting - though I did for a while.
