Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wednesday, 25 December 2024

Words for Wednesday 25/12/2024

This meme was started by Delores a long time ago.  Computer issues led her to bow out for a while.  The meme was too much fun to let go, and now Words for Wednesday is provided by a number of people and has become a movable feast. 

Essentially the aim is to encourage us to write.  Each week we are given a choice of prompts: which can be words, phrases, music or an image.   What we do with those prompts is up to us:  a short story, prose, a song, a poem, or treating them with ignore...  We can use some or all of the prompts, and mixing and matching is encouraged.

Some of us put our creation in comments on the post, and others post on their own blog.  I would really like it if as many people as possible joined into this fun meme, which includes cheering on the other participants.  If you are posting on your own blog - let me know so that I, and other participants, can come along and applaud.

Huge thanks to Alex J. Cavanaugh who challenged us last month, despite it being a very busy month for him.  This month Wisewebwoman is providing the prompts and they will appear here.  Charlotte (MotherOwl) has selected light blue as the colour of the month.

This week's prompts are:

  • Wreath
  • Pine
  • Ribbon
  • Stealth
  • Chimney


  • Toboggan
  • Wolf
  • Plum pudding
  • Ambience
  • Blizzard

As always, have fun.
Huge thanks to Wisewebwoman  and Charlotte (MotherOwl) who provided us with the prompts this month.
Not only is it Christmas Day for those who celebrate there are a plethora of other celebrations around the world; religious, cultural and family celebrations.  If you are feeling overwhelmed or are too busy, not to worry, there is always next week.
I hope that whatever you celebrate (or don't) you have a pleasant day and an excellent New Year.  Please also spare a thought for whom this is a very, very difficult time of year. 




  1. What happened to that LIGHT BLUE sky we saw just a minute ago? I know that a BLIZZARD was in the forecast, but I didn’t think it would bear down on us so quickly. My TOBOGGAN is almost covered. I can feel my body chilling a little so I’d better get some calories into me. Let me WOLF down that huge hunk of PLUM PUDDING Granny insisted I take. It was fashionable for everyone to say (behind her back, of course) that it has the consistency of saturated clay and tastes like CHIMNEY soot, but I don’t think it’s bad at all. The AMBIENCE now is really quite delightful when you think about it – out in the snow, the faux fur on the edge of my hood rimmed in white, like a WREATH framing my face. There was a RIBBON of ice forming on the creek, the PINES were stoic in their green dormancy, and the old CHIMNEY off in the distance resembled a sentinel from another era. That stack that once belched noxious fumes now housed a colony of Chimney Swifts and they would be returning in the spring. The blizzard had better blow over before then.

    1. David M. Gascoigne: Love it - and am very glad that the chimney now homes swifts. A much better use for it. And how I am envying wintry weather. It is just after four here and I am already warm.

    2. Well done David ... weather, avian friends and the natural turn of the world as the Swifts return to their Spring haven ... I'm just glad the plum puddings we have don't taste like your Granny's!! Cheers Hilary

    3. Somehow I forgot to use “stealth.” Too late now!

    4. A beautiful use of the prompts.

    5. David M. Gascoigne: I enjoyed this. You're always so good at using the prompts.

      Have a lovely day.

    6. Quan hi ha gana, no hi ha fum que la pari. ;-)

    7. Lovely David I love how you incorporated the swifts.

  2. So many of these words spell out the Christmas we still see on many of the cards given and sold here. I am glad that Australian scenes are creeping in, but they are still rare. As we often swelter in heat cards depicting blizzards, snow, and children on toboggans are still the norm. We will have pale blue (and perhaps blazing blue skies, and summer is decidedly here.
    Plum puddings are still sold and made despite the weather being much more suitable for fresh fruits and salad. Carefully grown pine trees are butchered to be decorated with ribbons, wreaths and glittering balls (not forgetting the star at the top).
    Santa, who knows whether we have been good or bad, does a stealth attack and comes down the chimney (that many houses don’t have) to deliver presents.
    Consumerism has taken over the season, and almost drowns the religious significance for believers.
    It is touted as the ‘Happiest Day of the Year’ but for many the ambience is anything but happy. Estrangements, loss, loneliness and the difficulties of keeping the wolf from the door are realities for too many. Far too many.
    Spare a thought for those less fortunate, and I wish you gentle holidays (a phrase I stole because I love it from my good friend Kylie.

    1. Hi EC - your tale reminds me of my South African summery Christmases ... funny - we did have quite good wildlife Christmas cards. Yes - loss and estrangements ... far too many here - let alone around the world ... I do hope the future is better. I forgot the (word) 'stealth' attack aspect ... I'll add it in somehow! With thoughts for your too hot Christmastide ... take care and thanks for all you do - cheers Hilary

    2. Indeed it is a very sad time for some, especially those who live alone and feel compelled to be jolly. Great job with the prompts, Sue.

    3. Lovely writing, EC. I hope the wolf doesn't catch the children on the toboggan. Those kids shouldn't be out during such a blizzard! The ambience of every home in the neighborhood will be quite sad if the wolf eats the children instead of gobbling their plum pudding! Naughty wolf. Her name is Princess.

    4. That's how it is.
      "Happiest day of the year." Ha ha ha.

    5. Si no fos per la calor, es diría que potser qualsevol lloc d'aquí. ;-)
      Bona història, Sue.

      PS: Potser ben aviat pengi la meva història, serà en català perquè no domino l'anglès. Sorry!

    6. I wish you a blessed and beautiful holiday season, however you celebrate.

    7. Elephant's Child: This is kind of sad but that's the reality for some. It's usually cold here during the holidays so I don't know what's it like to have summer holiday days. I like the 'gentle holidays' phrase, makes for a peaceful thought.

      Have a lovely day.

    8. A great reminder EC as to how it is for many actually. Far too much drinking and fighting even amongst family and then there are those with no joy in their lives and are all alone in this world of ours.

    9. A caring piece. (I should warn that my offering was not high on the joyous scale.)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi EC and Wisewebwoman … here's mine – all words used:

    The stealthy, furtive wolf and fox sat on the toboggan, wrapped in ribbons of pine wreaths … puffed up in all their blow-up gaudery. Inside the chimney mantlepiece had been donned with holly and ivy … but those mortals had brought out their bowls of plum pudding dessert and custard to eat as the dark night settled in.

    Sad the blizzard had started … they wondered how long the snows would last … perhaps it'd be wise to go inside and sit in the inglenook fireplace, until the heat drove them out into the comfy chairs around the room.

    Christmas or wintry ambience is what we need at this time of year … blessings and peace to one and all … now as the days lengthen we can look forward to light blue skies once again.

    Thanks EC for organising all these Words-for-Wednesday sessions … I'll be around – Happy Christmas / or festive time - cheers Hilary

    1. Lovely job, Hilary. Now I want custard with my plum pudding.

    2. Hilary Melton-Butcher: I can just picture this scene. Thank you - and I hope your holidays are packed with love and laughter.

    3. May wolf and fox enjoy plumpudding and custard.

    4. A fireplace during a blizzard, with plum pudding and custard no less, sounds wonderful.

    5. Hauré de provar aquest púding de prunes, ja m'heu obert la gana. ;-)

    6. Hilary I was going to use the word Inglenook in my words but tossed it I am so glad you picked it up in the ether. It's such a lovely work and used so well by you.

  5. Estimada amiga Sue, paso hoy a desearos a ti y a todos tus seres queridos, que disfrutéis en paz y con alegría de unas felices fiestas navideñas.
    Un cordial saludo.

    1. Manuel: Thank you very much. I hope you and your family have a truly wonder Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year.

  6. It was a stealth pine wreath with a light blue ribbon that was placed on the back of the chimney.

    1. Mike: Hopefully no one lights the fire. Yay for Captain Succinct.

    2. The good, if brief, twice as good.

    3. A tight use of the prompt! Well done.

    4. Hi Mike - well done ... simple, but heart warming - cheers Hilary

  7. Hey Sue! Happy EVERYTHING! Here's to a kickbutt good 2025 to boot. Cheers and boogie boogie, Ivy.

    1. The Happy Whisk: Happy Everything is a wonderful wish - and to you and yours (furs included).

  8. I'll get to think about a story tomorrow, I'll be spending today at the twins house.
    Merry Christmas everyone ✨✨

  9. Pulled by Pine the Wolf, the Stealth Tolbaggon escaped an oncoming blizzard by dive-bombing into a ribbon decorated chimney and landing in the middle of a plum pudding.
    Imagine the light blue ambience.
    What rhymes with wreath? ...

    Merry Christmas.

    1. Sean Jeating: What rhymes with wreath? Teeth, leaf, heath, beneath?
      Love the idea of a stealth toboggan, particularly one pulled by a wolf.

    2. La imaginació al poder! 👌
      Curtet però així ens quedem amb més ganes. ;-)

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. @ Sue: Very good, my dear. ;-)
      And I hereby confess on Boxing Day that in my long life I have never pronounced the word ‘wreath’ so that I could have been corrected by a native speaker.
      That's why I always thought ‘wreath’ rhymed with ‘death’ ;-)
      The peace of the night.

    5. Brevity is the soul of wit.
      Thank you, Paula. ;-)

    6. Shame about the plum pudding. I wonder if any was saved for dessert.

    7. Sean Jeating: I really like your use of the prompts. It was fun.

      Have a lovely day.

    8. Great visuals as always Sean, well done.

    9. I hope the light blue wasn't the burning brandy...

    10. Hi Sean - I'm still getting over Crampus - I keep hearing about him too; now to your succinct plum pudding explosion of light blue stars, I guess ... and unfortunately grief rhymes with wreath ... I just admire your ability to keep learning our strange language! Cheers and have a great year ahead - Hilary

  10. Really great stories here this week. Well, they're good every week.

    1. River: I am blown away by the talent (yours included) here in the blogosphere. And I loved the use you made of this week's prompts.

  11. Merry Christmas! Hope your holiday is full of presents, cookies, and absolutely no snow shoveling.

    1. MELODY JACOB: Definitely no snow shovelling. It is summer here, and hot.

  12. I don't know if it's sad that I never tasted plum pudding. Am I missing out?

    The prompts made me want to tell a holiday-ish story so here's my take: Fiction: A devilish holiday

    Have a lovely day.

    1. lissa: I thoroughly enjoyed your tale. I like the different paths your mind takes you and us on.

  13. Than you for entertaining, sad and glorious stories in the past year. I wish you all a blessed Christmas - or a blessed time if you do not celebrate.
    I hope that for every one of us that 2025 will be a better, more clement year than the one we're soon leaving behind. A special thanks to EC for hosting this challenge and a huge Thank you, Merci, Danke, Obrigada, Gràcies, Dziękuję, Gracias, Tak to all who has contributed. Your stories praise and corrections mean so much to me.

    1. Charlotte (MotherOwl); Thank you. I am blown away each and every week by the calibre of the stories that the prompts inspire. Different stories. Wonderful stories. And I delight in the tales from Unicorn farm.

  14. Here's mine, all words and colours used.
    She put the two wreaths together carefully, marking their uniqueness with the ribbons, pale blue, purple, Christmas red, pink. Pine branches intertwining on the one, holly on the other. Ivy on both signifying connection.
    Tonight, Christmas Eve, was the night of stealth, she reminded herself. A night of remembrance of Christmases past and Christmas present.
    She heard the sound of the toboggans hitting the front porch, her children laughing, her husband making those scary wolf sounds to make them scream louder.
    They all rushed in, in a big pile of coats and scarves and mitts and boots.
    Plum pudding, they shouted, it’s a blizzard outside, we need plum pudding, mama!
    The ambiance of the living room soon enveloped them all, just the light of the fire and the Christmas tree and the big red Christmas candle at the window.
    Oh you made and hung the wreaths! said her husband, walking over to the chimney mantel and touching them reverently.
    Yes, she said quietly, for the two who passed this year.
    And the children wove in and out and around them, lost in their excitement of Christmas present, no pasts to mourn.

    1. Wisewebwoman: 'lost in their excitement of Christmas present, no pasts to mourn.' Long may that state of affairs continue. This is beautiful. Thank you.

    2. Wisewebwoman: Very beautiful story with all the words!!!

    3. Una història d'un Nadal d'abans, on les famílies es reunien i tots hi participaven.
      Bonic relat! Gràcies!

    4. Beautifully done. You are a wordsmith of the highest order.

    5. Beautiful to cry about! Feel yourself hugged, Mary.

    6. Hi Wisewebwoman - lovely ... very delightful - a great read ... me remembering days past. Cheers Hilary

    7. I really like how they remember the losses and hope it's a long time before the children start doing the same.

  15. Such beautiful words E.C., to write a story.. maybe I will come back.. Today will be a cleaning day for me to prepare for the new year.
    I hope the New Year brings you lots of Love, Health, Peace and Happiness!
    Be well and have a good time!

    1. Katerinas Blog: Thank you. I hope your New Year is wonderful too.

    2. Què sigui molt bo per a tu, Katerina!

  16. Bon dia a tothom! Vos deixo el me relat aquí, gràcies!
    Allà dalt de la muntanya hi havia un pi immens, envoltat per una gran cinta vermella que havia portat el vent amb la darrera tempesta de neu. Des d'aquí baix semblava com una corona deixada per l'ésser més vil de la història, li deien "el llop" perquè sempre atacava a les seves víctimes amb sigil i deixava una cinta al voltant dels seus caps destrossats.
    Els nens havien estat jugant al jardí i fins i tot havien fet cua per tirar-se pel tobogan, feia un matí blau i lluminós, l'ambient al poble era tranquil i l'àvia havia preparat un púding de prunes, l'aroma sortia per la xemeneia i arribava als petits nassets dels infants.
    Cinc minuts bastaren mentre l'Anna sortí a cercar als nens, s'ennigulà de cop i un crit va ressonar per tot el poble. La mare agafà les mans dels seus nens i corregueren cap a casa... allà trobaren el púding, el davantal de l'àvia i un regalim de sang cap a la porta del darrere... En obrir-la, l'àvia va posar el ganivet que portava a la mà a l'esquena i amb un gran somriure digué als seus néts, "No és res, nois... he espantat al llop... crec que ja no tornarà mai més!... Apa, tots a tastar el púding!"...

    Bones festes!!

    1. Una buena alternativa a Caperucita Roja. ;-)

    2. sa lluna: Thank you so much for joining us. I am super impressed with Grandma.

    3. Sue: Moltes gràcies per deixar-me dir la meva versió.

      Sean: Tu creus que pot colar? ;-)

    4. A fascinating story. Is the wolf legend common where you live, or something you made up?

    5. Són històries que ens explicaven quan érem petits, ara hi ha altres llops què són més difícils d'eliminar. ;-)
      Moltes gràcies, messymimi!

  17. Just stopping by to send my good wishes.
    Hard to believe that it's the last weekend of 2024.
    Wishing you a Happy and peaceful 2025.

    All the best Jan

    1. Lowcarb team member~Jan: Thank you. I just rescued you from spam jail again. I hope that 2025 brings you health and happiness.

  18. A Wreath of Pine
    In a Ribbon of Stealth
    Chimney optional

  19. Late on the scene. My offering is here:

  20. J Cosmo Newbery: Thank you for joining us. Too many of my blogging friends have endured the first Christmas without their much loved life partners this year.

  21. https://rallentanda.blogspot.com/2024/12/words-for-wednesday-elephants-child.html
    Here's mine... I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas.

    1. rallentanda: Welcome and thank you for joining us. I enjoyed both of your poems.
