Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Sunday, 19 January 2025

Sunday Selections #810

Sunday Selections was originally brought to us by Kim, of Frogpondsrock, as an ongoing meme where participants could post previously unused photos languishing in their files. Huge thanks to Cie who gave me this wonderful Sunday Selections image. 

The meme was then continued by River at Drifting through life.  Sadly she has now stepped aside (though she will join us some weeks), and I have accepted the mantle. 
The rules are so simple as to be almost non-existent.  Post some photos under the title Sunday Selections and link back to me. Sorry I still haven't succeeded in working out how to do a blog hop. Clicking on any of the photos will make them embiggen.

I usually run with a theme. 

Charlotte (MotherOwl) has selected New Start Yellow as the colour of the month.

A quick look around our home said we have very little in that colour.  A more considered looks says I am wrong (again).  There is at least some of that colour about.

A glass bud vase - which looks lovely with a flower in it, and a fridge magnet (one of many) depicting an eastern rosella.

Himself has a mug with an eastern rosella on it too.

Now to the real birds

The aptly named rainbow lorikeets have splashes of yellow on them.  Shortly after I took this photo they evicted the pigeons from the feeder.  Forcibly.

Some earlier photos of the eastern rosellas who are not around at the moment.

The sulphur crested vandals have a yellow crest.

 Over the years we have collected discarded crest feathers.

Finishing up with some more yellow from our fridge.

We obviously do feature yellow, and as I wander round I see more and more of it.  I hope you have a bright and colourful week.


  1. Looking around my house I don't see much yellow, especially that vibrant New Start Yellow. However, back in the days when I sewed my own clothes, I made a dress in that same vibrant yellow, and I loved wearing it. I felt like I was made of sunshine.

    1. Shammickite: One of my favourite tops at the moment is just that colour - and wearing sunshine lifts my mood.

  2. Very colorful. I love the birds. Have a sweet and color filled week.

  3. I looked for yellow around our house and was surprised by the amount of yellow there was. Thanks for making me really look!

    1. Marie Smith: It is amazing how little we notice - even in our own homes isn't it?

  4. River Fairchild - I have very little yellow in my house. Considering the winters are so dark and dreary here, maybe I should reconsider my decor and add some splashes.
    Hoping you have a gentle week ahead and sending hugs your way.

    1. River Fairchild: Perhaps you should add some splashes of that sunny colour. A gentle week sounds wonderful. Fingers crossed. Hugs to you.

  5. The birds are so pretty! Every once in a while I see a hummingbird around here but that's it for birds other than the grackle, finch, crows, black birds and pigeons.

    1. Marie Kirkland: I do enjoy our coloured birds - but also the white and camou coloured ones. I envy your hummingbirds.

  6. Thank you for the wonderful bird photos! In the middle of winter here there isn't much bright yellow to be seen, so your photos really brightened my day. :-)

    1. Diane Henders: Even in our 'wimpy' winters there is colour to be seen. For which I am grateful.

  7. The eastern rosella is a beautiful and striking bird.

  8. Hi EC - I do hope you're having a lovely week ... oh I wish we had more yellow in that sky up there! But yes I have yellow around ... my 2nd yellow chair ... but mostly African/Persian colours ... rouges and all colours areound. Blogging brings colour into my life when I need the grey lifted. Lots of happy times ahead - cheers and hugs Hilary

    1. Hilary Melton-Butcher: Blogging and bloggers bring colour into my life too. I hope you get some sunshine (literal and metaphoric) into your world soon.

  9. I've never seen free eastern rosellas. There colouring is so complex.
    I looked around for yellow here with a mind for a post, but I've even less, much less, than you. The vase is pretty.

    1. Andrew: Fortunately I have never seen caged Eastern Rosellas though I am sure they exist. Given how vivid their colours are I am surprised at how well they disappear in the grass if they have their heads down. I was surprised at how much yellow we had once I really started to look.

  10. Good morning, EC...Yellow is a bright, happy colour. I don't have a lot of it around here, other than in a couple of paintings, also a bolero along with a black with yellow stripes long "patio" dress (no patio).

    Have a good week ahead...take good care. My special cuddles to Batty and Odie. :)

    1. Lee: It is a happy colour isn't it? Something we all need. Battie, Odie and I thank you and hope you have a good week too.

  11. Has fet que donés una volta per casa i mirar quantes coses grogues hi ha, de vegades no som conscients dels colors que ens envolten. ;-)
    Molt maques les fotos, m'agraden molt les de les aus.
    Aferradetes, Sue.

    1. sa lluna: Thank you. I was a reminder to me that I take the things inside the house for granted. And really need to pay more attention. Take care.

  12. Now I am going to have to go on a scavenger hunt in my house. Right off the bat I would declare I have no yellow, but I will do a survey room by room.

    1. Anne in the kitchen: I wonder whether you will find some. Let us know please?

  13. Just looking around I see lots of yellow that I didn't even notice before you posted herel Such wonderful colors, especially with those magnificent birds.

  14. I like your photographs, yellow is such a bright happy colour isn't it.

    However, having a look around from my armchair I don't see a lot of yellow ... quite a lot of greens, which I always find calming.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend and have a good week.

    All the best Jan

    1. Lowcarb team member ~Jan: We have a lot of green too, including the sofa and arm chairs.

  15. Lots of lovely yellow on your fridge. I'm glad to hear the pigeons were evicted, they are greedy. When I was at the gardens last week a small girl excitedly said to her Mum, "Look! A rainbow bird! and as I glanced upward there was a rainbow lorikeet on the roof of the Palm House but he ducked out of sight before I could aim the camera.

    1. River: Out of the mouth of babes... The rainbow lorikeets are very aptly named aren't they? While small they are bullies and as well as the pigeons evict cockatoos and corellas from the feeders.

  16. Yellow is a lovely color and you have plenty of it about.

    1. Joanne Noragon: Is is such a cheery colour - and we have more of it than I realised.

  17. I'm at my computer and I have yellow postit notes EVERYWHERE!

    1. Mike: I have a few of them too, but I also have pink, white and blue postit notes.

  18. Yellow does brighten things up in my book, and I don't see many yellow things in my house at all.
    Your photo selection is good, EC.
    Thank you and take care.

    1. Margaret D: Once I started looking we have more yellow things in the house than I realised. You take care too.

  19. What a wonderful selection of yellow things! I can always count on your Sunday Selections to brighten my mood!

  20. Dear EC
    I enjoy splashes of yellow so if I looked round the house, I could probably find some things, just as you have. In the garden, the winter flowering jasmine flowers are that bright yellow. Those brightly coloured birds (you took some excellent photos, by the way) and sunshine yellow have lifted a very dull and grey day here, so thank you.
    Best wishes

    1. Ellie Foster: It is a bright and cheery colour. Our yellow jasmine blooms in spring and is over for the year.

  21. I probably have too - so many books in this place, there must be some with yellow spine. Too knackered to look though. Take it as a given.

    1. J Cosmo Newbery: I hadn't even thought to look at book spines. A quick looks says that most are not yellow, but you are right - there must be some.

  22. I suspect that we all have more yellow than we realize. It’s such an uplifting and cheerful colour. Right now the bright yellow crest of a Sulphur-crested Cockatoos fills me with delight as I drink my coffee from the mug you sent me, Sue. And when I go down to my office their gorgeous feathers will be there too. Now that’s happiness!

    1. David M. Gascoigne: I am glad that your mug is still in use - and that the feathers are appreciated. Very glad.

    2. As you might imagine, fellow naturalists are in and out of my office all the time and almost without exception they comment on the feathers, even those who have seen them before. Often my coffee mug is by the computer and that too has elicited its fair share of comments - and sometimes a little envy.,

    3. David M. Gascoigne: Thank you. That makes me very happy.

  23. Great photos. Wish I had such a beautiful cockatoo. He could screech at the cats and I would not have to be bothered, LOL I hope you have a wonderful new week,


    1. RasmaSandra: Believe me the cockatoo is NOT a musical bird.

  24. A busy and colourful fridge I love to see the (to me) exotic birds of Australia, the colours are fabulous.
    And well done on the yellow.

    1. Wisewebwoman: We love to see the birds too - and a big yes on the colour front.

  25. You get to see so many beautiful, colorful birds. I don't have much yellow in my house, but I like a sunshiny yellow. Perhaps when I have some rooms painted, I'll go with a nice yellow in one of them.


    1. Janie Junebug: We get lots of plainer coloured birds too - and welcome them all. Which room do you think might benefit from a sunny yellow?

    2. My dining room might be good with yellow walls. The table and chairs are mostly blue and there's a large, blue clock that opens to surprise! storage for table linens, crystal, and a wine rack I don't use because I seldom drink. The dining room is in the middle of the house and has no windows so it's rather dark. Sunshiny yellow walls would complement the blue nicely and would brighten the room.

    3. Janie Junebug: That sounds really good. I hope you will share photos when/if you decide to go ahead with that plan.

  26. I literally have zero yellow, funny thing is sometime last week I made a decision to get my next outfit in yellow color just cause I had none. Those birds are colorful and beautiful.

    Do have a great week ahead.

    Benita James

    1. Benita James: Welcome and thank you. Enjoy your new yellow outfit when you get it. As I type I am wearing a sunny yellow top.

  27. What a great idea for a post, to feature a certain color in photos! I might steal this idea! Probably no bright colors in the winter.

    1. Strayer: Or perhaps you could look for bright colours to cheer you up?

  28. I love that colorful mug. It's gorgeous! I have 2 yellow tablecloths that I might use for my next party.

    1. gigi-hawaii: He really likes that mug - and also has one with crimson rosellas (another colourful beauty). I hope you do use your yellow tablecloths.

  29. You sure have lots of yellow - and a wonderful, colourful world!

    1. Charlotte (MotherOwl): I really, really like colour. And lots of it.

  30. Yellow has been proven to lift spirits. Thus, thank you for the cheer. Your burst of color, including new start yellow, works for me.

    1. Rawknrobyn: I am glad to hear that. Take care of yourself in this dark time in your country.

  31. So pretty. We were at an ostrich park last month and got to feed the rainbow lorikeets.

    1. Hena Tayeb: I am surprised (and a bit sorry) that rainbow lorikeets have made it that far. They are really pretty birds aren't they, but I love that ours fly free.

  32. You have very pretty yellows all around. Every week, I hope to stop and look more closely for Charlotte's featured color, and each week I run around so fast it's gone before I take the time.

    1. messymimi: Your really, really busy life does my head in. I don't know how you find time to breathe - and am grateful for your daily posts and the beauty you share.

  33. My search for yellow was very interesting. A painting of a vase in my living room, an afghan my grandmother made has lots of yellow and the family photographs on the fireplace mantle.

    1. Granny Annie: I am glad you found some of this sunny colour.

  34. Perdona, pero desconocía que existía el color del mes, por lo que imagino que debe de ser una costumbre de tu país. De todas formas el color amarillo me transmite positividad y alegría.
    Un cordial saludo, amiga Sue.

    1. Manuel: The colour of the month is one that Charlotte (MotherOwl) has selected and it has become a tradition for some of us bloggers to use it. You are right - it is a cheery colour. Have a wonderful week.

  35. Oh my, such lovely yellows you've given us. Love them all, thank you :)

    1. DeniseinVA: Thank you. Have a great day - and stay warm.

  36. I do like that yellow, its like an orange like yellow, not a pale yellow. I might have to start playing along, this seems fun. So what I am thinking is that with that color I just use it like you did, then if the words are added to the post, I use them in what I write??? Hope that is correct. Since I posted already today, and I post daily, I will see if I can do this for tomorrow.

    1. Pam: Welcome and thank you. Sunday Selection and the Words for Wednesday are separate memes that have coincided this week though they don't usually. For Sunday Selections bloggers post photos and any topic or theme is fine. Words for Wednesday involved bloggers posting a piece they have written using some or all of the prompts provided.

  37. Yellow is always cheerful, Sue. And so are your country's amazing birds!
