Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Words for Wednesday 22/1/2025

This meme was started by Delores a long time ago.  Computer issues led her to bow out for a while.  The meme was too much fun to let go, and now Words for Wednesday is provided by a number of people and has become a movable feast. 

Essentially the aim is to encourage us to write.  Each week we are given a choice of prompts: which can be words, phrases, music or an image.   What we do with those prompts is up to us:  a short story, prose, a song, a poem, or treating them with ignore...  We can use some or all of the prompts, and mixing and matching is encouraged.

Some of us put our creation in comments on the post, and others post on their own blog.  I would really like it if as many people as possible joined into this fun meme, which includes cheering on the other participants.  If you are posting on your own blog - let me know so that I, and other participants, can come along and applaud.

Huge thanks to Wisewebwoman  and Charlotte (MotherOwl) who provided us with the prompts last month.

Charlotte (MotherOwl) has selected New Start Yellow as the colour of the month.

This week's prompts are:

  • Kiss
  • Hope
  • Grinned
  • Dark
  • Shock

  • High
  • Places
  • Fiends
  • Friday
  • Why

 As always, have fun.



  1. Oh I'm first. Thanks for the words and colour EC and Charlotte. All used. Somehow.
    Why, I ask myself and then offer myself some comfort by remembering a distant hope.

    The yellowy orangey felon can soar high now but fiends always fall.

    We’ve all hit the dark places of despair for he seeks to unravel the good and celebrate and honour the evil.

    He grinned as he signed the Afghan children’s death warrants.

    The shock did not penetrate the once honest press corps who bowed and prayed to this neon god THEY made.

    Give freedom the kiss of death, Black Sabbath Friday has been trumpeted in.
    Looking forward to the rest. Good luck!

    1. Wisewebwoman: I mourn for America and worry for the world.

    2. If it only affected the USA they could stew in their own juices, but the ripple affect will be felt around the world. These are the last gasps of a dying empire, which was never great.

    3. He signed death warrants for children? That's just despicable. Good story, though sad.

    4. Great job, Wisewebwoman. Though, chilling.
      David, Unfortunately, everyone in the US will be stewing whether this was their choice or not.

    5. The state of the world saddens me.

    6. Only the other day I heard someone asking: Where is Lee Harvey Oswald when he is needed?

    7. Sean Jeating's comment takes the prize!

    8. Hi WWW - so appropriate ... and I note everyone agrees ... well done - yellow-bellied fatso ... cheers Hilary

    9. Així és, malauradament!

    10. Powerful piece WWW, and spot-on, Hillary!


  2. Appropriately, on the first Friday of the New Year the New Start Yellow fiends arrived in their millions. They greeted the first human with a kiss, and started to gorge themselves. They delved into the hidden places in our hearts and minds and extracted the dark emotions like despair, anger, loneliness and negativity. Some people had enough nastiness to feed two or more fiends.
    They softened the edges of grief but didn’t remove it completely. Memories of the loved ones stayed.
    The fiends seemed to get high on the emotions they removed. They giggled as they continued to feed. Why? No-one knows, but despite the shock of the first extraterrestrial intrusion people benefited. Hope sent shy tendrils into corners previously occupied by despair. Empathy thrived in the absence of envy as did kindness.
    Win/win. The fiends were happy, and those they had fed on grinned, sometimes for the first time in many a long year.

    1. If only we could find or create more win/win situations these days! Great use of the prompts, and thanks for the hope, EC. :-)

    2. Wonderful, Sue. Extra terrestrial are always portrayed as malevolent beings bent on our destruction or enslavement, but maybe somewhere in a thoroughly enlightened universe kindness prevails. It is in short supply here on Earth.

    3. Fiends that feed on the bad and leave hope behind are to be welcomed for sure. Great story.

    4. Elephant's Child: Not quite sure how to interpret this. I think the fiend here is depression and the way out is to accept and move on or accept and try to find something to enjoy because life is not all bleak or so I think. I don't know.

      Have a lovely day.

    5. lissa: Interpret it any way you want. Perhaps the fiends are depression (though I have never known depression to be kind) but perhaps they are really extra terrestrial invaders.

    6. Well done, Sue! And a lovely twist at the end.

    7. A fascinating piece, if only the bleakness could be removed so easily.

    8. If extraterrestrials were able to visit this planet: Why should they bother themselves with us idiots?

    9. He grinned at the hope of a kiss in the dark, but when it came, it was a shock. Yours is wonderful, EC.

    10. Good use of the prompt, Sue, tho I'd have to agree with Sean. And a nice contribution, Janie!

    11. Sean Jeating and Cindi: I sometimes think that the surest sign that there is an intelligent life on other planets is that they have NOT tried to contact us. Just the same the New Start Yellow fiends are getting something they want (and we can well do without) from this exchange.

    12. Janie Junebug: I love this - and hope the shock is a good one - for both parties.

    13. Hi Sue - these prompts were so right for this week - and so sad that USA life is becoming as it is ... there will be an opposite for those grovelling few. Cheers - Hilary

    14. Win/win situations like this one is underrepresnted in SciFi, nice read!

    15. Sue: Els dimonis sempre acaben per fer el mal, més que el bé. Així que millor sigui només ficció. ;-)
      Molt bon relat!

    16. this was a very clever use of the prompts. I thoroughly enjoyed the story.

    17. Well done, Sue! A win-win solution!

  3. And I so like the hope at the end. Fiendish take from you too, but more hope. May the fiends not prevail.

  4. This is why I have friends in high places - short workday Fridays!

    1. Alex J. Cavanaugh: And if your friends in high places were fiends you would work a long day on Friday - and have to come in on Saturday too. Something I remember well.

    2. You two are both so amusing!

    3. This was my first thougth too. Luckily I did not follow through, for fiends in high places would be not so nice, as EC rigthly says.

  5. I grinned with hope that the kiss in the dark place wouldn't shock her.

    1. Mike: I hope you are right. Yay for Captain Succinct.

    2. You always come up with something for us to enjoy, thank you.

    3. I'm enjoying everyone's short and sweets!

    4. Hi Mike - yes ... much shorter than mine - well done - cheers Hilary

    5. Hehe I hope you won't just harvest a slap.

    6. Mike: He, he, he... molt bo! ;-)

  6. To quote Carl, "Working on it."

    1. messymimi: I look forward to reading your work later today.

    2. Cindi: It will be there in a few hours.

    3. No saps que a vegades qui no es prepara és a qui li surt millor?
      Molt bo, messymimi!

    4. Thank you, Charlotte and Sa Lluna. Cindi, I hope you found it.

  7. I'll have to think on these words until something clicks.

    1. River: I am sure something will click in the next day or so.

    2. Already clicked and scheduled for Friday.

    3. Your thinking normally is a joy to read.

  8. I might have started this piece a few weeks ago and sort of combined the last few week's prompts. Here's my take:
    Fiction: Stoned thieves, traffic jams & other catastrophes

    Have a lovely day.

  9. A wonderful use of words, a few that weave interesting tales. Thank you my friend, I hope your week is starting out well :)

    1. DeniseinVA: Thank you so much for always coming to applaud. Have a great week.

  10. Dark fiends may have grinned in many places, these days. They may even go on and get permanently high every Friday.

    Why there is still hope despite the shock? They can't kiss.

    1. Perhaps their hope is in the high? ;)

    2. Or the hope is in the high?

    3. Sean Jeating: Dark fiends are in the ascendant in far too many places. And too many people are happy to kiss their butts.

    4. Hi Sean - I hate to think what those fiends will do this Friday ... gawd and bennet - I'm somewhat surprised to see that James Gordon Bennet founded the New York Herald - but we are in dark places ... and yes they can't kiss can they - way too much air kissing! Cheers and good to see you back - Hilary

    5. Fiends that can't kiss, proving that "our father below" has no sense of humour - thanks for reminding me of this.

    6. Speaking of kissing - did you see the way Donald and Melanie avoided actually kissing each other?

    7. Sean Jeating:
      Massa dies i massa coses han passat i això encara no ha començat i ho tindrem no només els divendres, tots els dies de la setmana...
      A ells ho va impedir un barret, a altres la distància. ;-)

    8. Good job! Woot. Woot. Sean.
      Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    9. Why is there still hope? Because sometimes it's all we have.

    10. Woot. Woot. Sean. Great job of making every word count:) Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

  11. Hi EC ... thanks for these ... I had various thoughts then this popped up - not sure if you use yellow lines on your streets and roads for controlling parking areas ... but we do:

    I remembered he'd told me the New Start Yellow paint they'd be using for the the parking lines would stand out in the dark … however the colour was a shock, as it was so garish.

    The town hall officers … those in high places … so often categorised as fiends, had perhaps for once made a good decision.

    Last Friday it was easy for me to find my way using the lines where I could meet him … I couldn't understand why he wanted to meet me – then I understood … he just quietly grabbed me and gave me a wonderful kiss … then grinned as he pulled me close … and I had hope for our future … as the weekend lay ahead …

    Cheers everyone ... I'll be catching up soon - Hilary

    1. Sweet tale - and thanks for using the colour of January.

    2. Great job, Hilary. I hope their future is bright.

    3. Lovely take on the words Hilary, more hopeful than many of ours.

    4. Hilary Melton-Butcher: We do indeed use yellow lines for just that purpose - and to mark overtaking and no overtaking lanes. A great use of the prompts. Thank you.

    5. While writing this I am still smiling. :)

    6. Great little story and clever use of the words.

    7. thecontemplativecat here. Excellent use of the color!

    8. Hilary: M'has deixat un somriure picardiós als llavis. ;-)
      Bon relat!

  12. Seth GRINNED ruefully. He had HOPED for a KISS, had dreamed of it in fact. After a solid month of attention, several dinners and enthusiasm that seemed to come from both sides it was more than a shot in the DARK. He was in mild SHOCK when she pulled away as he leaned forward. Surely, she couldn’t have thought the relationship was only that of FRIENDS. Who goes out with someone every FRIDAY, Saturday and Sunday for a month, and chats on the phone in the interim, and considers it only platonic? Seth believed he had taken the HIGH ground, even when she wore that awful NEW START YELLOW swimsuit that was one size too small for her and caused every guy on the beach to lick his chops. WHY no kiss? Perhaps it was time to listen to his sister, Stephanie. “Seth,” she said, “You are being played for a sucker. There are PLACES to go and women who would love to get to know you – and I mean get to KNOW you. Let me introduce you to my friend, Karen. She’ll kiss you, I guarantee it. The rest is up to you.” It was an offer he couldn’t refuse. Better stock up on mouthwash and get ready!

    1. David M. Gascoigne: Poor Seth. I hope that Karen is a much better match. Listen to your sister - which is often good advice. Good advice which too many Seths don't follow.

    2. It rarely does any harm to listen to your sister from time to time. (Unfortunately, I had/have none.)
      Good story, David.

    3. A good sister can really be a help.

    4. Sisters always give the best advice. Seth was a smart brother!

    5. Hi David - we all follow where we want to go don't we ... holding back can be challenging - better to be peaceful and happy, than wondering all the time .... wise advice - cheers Hilary

    6. David: És bo tenir germanes que et donin bons consells. ;-)
      Bon relat!!

    7. Hopefully the sister's advice proves to be better for Seth. :)

  13. Here is mine! ;-)
    Des del punt més ALT del turó, es podia veure tota la meravellosa vall. Des que ho va descobrir, era estrany el dia en que Beatriu no hi pujava. S'enduia un petit entrepà amb melmelada dels fruits que recollia a la seva baixada. Seria molt complicat trobar LLOCS com aquell, on sentia una pau immensa i estava lluny dels DIMONIS de la ciutat. Era DIVENDRES, tenia molt de temps per observar ocells, llegir i respirar. Avui el seu marit no hi aniria a dinar, estava molt enfeinat gairebé sempre i, a més, tornaria tard, de manera que podia passar la tarda amb aquell silenci que tant desitjava.

    S'assegué al costat de la font, era un LLOC lluminós i li agradava escoltar l'aigua córrer. Un colom se li va apropar portant una cinta GROGA lligada a una pota, va mirar a un costat, després a l'altre i no va veure ningú. S'aixecà i tornà a mirar a banda i banda i res. El colom no es movia de la pedra, semblava que esperava que recollís la nota. Aixecà amb molt de compte la pota, tragué la cinta i aquell paper es quedà entre les seves mans. L'obrí i quedà sorpresa en llegir dues paraules "UN PETÓ". VA SOMRIURE en veure que no estava signat, només aquelles dues paraules i prou... Guardà el paper entre les pàgines del llibre i tragué l'entrepà, mentre es preguntava PER QUÈ el colom no es movia del seu costat? En acabar es netejà la comissura dels llavis i les mans, recollí tot a la cistella i es posà a llegir mentre amb un dit anava toquejant la nota... No perdia l'esperança que, quan baixés, trobaria l'amo de la nota i li tornaria...

    Començava a baixar el sol i aviat podia quedar-se ben FOSC. Així que va recollir de pressa i es va encaminar de tornada a casa. El que no sabia Beatriu era que el propietari d'aquell PETÓ era el seu marit i tampoc no li ho diria mai, era el seu secret!... i possiblement per a ella un XOC.

    El pujaré al meu blog avui vespre.
    Moltes gràcies!

    1. sa lluna: Rotten Google translate failed me. I will head over to your blog and hope it is behaving better.

    2. I hope it is behaving better when I get home this afternoon. Your stories are always worth reading.

    3. És una loteria això del traductor, hi ha dies que va perfecte i altres no.🤔
      Et deixo l'enllaç :
      Moltes gràcies!

    4. Today even three in one go! ;-) And what a story! Bravo.
      Aferradetes, Paula.

    5. sa lluna: Thank you for the link. Google translate was still not working but I was able to read your contribution on your site. And was glad.

    6. Sue, Sean... moltes gràcies! ;-)

  14. I enjoyed your story very much.

    1. This was supposed to be a comment for Sa Lluna, although I've enjoyed all the stories.

    2. messymimi: Moltes gràcies per la part que em toca!

  15. thecontemplativecat here.

    Lillian watched as her community went to mass. She smiled as the children raced around and parents led them into church. There would be hope for the next generation. Friday was always a day which made her smile. For it was then the fiends of the community raced to confession to be forgiven for their many sins.

    Lillian sighed since she knew them by name. She knew those sins by heart, as it was a common thing. She would be shocked if they did anything else. One was even an altar boy. He carried a weight of sin which lay on him and he missed the sacramental wine. Dang.

    Novices Anna and Mary had prepared the wine and cleaned up after. The drink of the holy wine was taken by the fiends. As soon as the closing “The Mass is over. Thanks be to God. Go in peace. “ The boys raced out of the sanctuary to the place up high where Ann and Mary waited. Kisses were beginning.

    What they did was not surprising, not a shock though. Anna and Mary were not the novices as was thought. As darkness began to drop. Lillian smiled, remembering her days as a novice.

    Good times.

    1. Susan Kane: This is interesting, and given that I grew up without religion totally alien to me. Thank you. Some of the most decadent people I met in my college years were ex altar boys though.

    2. What a fun short. You used all the words cleverly.

    3. Fun Susan ... well told - and i'm sure so true! Cheers Hilary

  16. Thank you! Now I shall retire to Morpheus' arms with a smile on my lips.

    1. My husband was raised as a Catholic, where I was a Protestant. Always gives one a new view.

  17. Me ha encantado la historia de Sa Lluna. La había leído en su blog.

    1. VENTANA DE FOTO: I really liked it too, but couldn't read it here on my blog.

    2. ¡Muchas gracias, Antonia! ;-)

  18. I do see this around the blogosphere. Lots of people love this approach. I enjoyed your posts.

    1. thecontemplativecat here.. I hope you jump in and enjoy it.

    2. Jacqui Murray --Writer - Teacher: Thank you. It is a fun meme and I love seeing the different directions the prompts take us - and congratulations on your newest book.

    3. Do join us Jacqui - if you get a chance ... see you soon - cheers Hilary

  19. Today,, while wearing a pretty yellow dress, I blew a kiss out into the world with the hope that it would be returned to me. What a shock it was to me when in the dark of night a soft smack landed gently on my cheek and my face grinned with delight.

    1. Leslie's Garden: This is lovely - I hope there are more of those 'soft smacks' to come.

    2. Hi Leslie - this was fun ... and very possibly so true at times ... great to see you here - cheers Hilary

  20. This is a fun meme and I look forward to the next one.

    1. Leslie's Garden: It is fun, and has been running for a long time now, appearing each and every Wednesday.

  21. Replies
    1. Fundy Blue: It is. I am so grateful to Delores for starting it.
