meme was started by Delores a long time ago. Computer issues led her
to bow out for a while. The meme was too much fun to let go, and now
Words for Wednesday is provided by a number of people and has become a
movable feast.
the aim is to encourage us to write. Each week we are given a choice
of prompts: which can be words, phrases, music or an image. What we do
with those prompts is up to us: a short story, prose, a song, a poem,
or treating them with ignore... We can use some or all of the prompts, and mixing and matching is encouraged.
of us put our creation in comments on the post, and others post on
their own blog. I would really like it if as many people as possible
joined into this fun meme, which includes cheering on the other participants. If you are posting on your own blog - let me know so that I, and other participants, can come along and applaud.
Charlotte (MotherOwl) has selected New Start Yellow as the colour of the month.
This week's prompts are:
- Ripening
- Turmoil
- Creation
- Vineyard
- One
- Striking
- Dream
- Passionate
- Required
- Debilitating
As always, have fun.
lissa is providing the prompts on her blog next month. I do hope you will visit her. I do not yet know what colour Charlotte (MotherOwl) will select as the colour of the month.
The year is ripening fast – how can it be almost the end of January?
ReplyDeleteSadly the crop seems to be world-wide turmoil. Focusing on the news, and the creation of the death, despair and just plain nastiness does my head in and I find it totally debilitating. It is striking just how bad it makes me feel.
Yet again only one viable solution presents itself. I am passionate about equity and kindness which do not thrive in this vineyard. I will continue to dream of the day when we realise that we are all in this world (whatever our species) together but am stepping away. I will act when and where I can in accordance with my principles but where I can change nothing action is not required. A lesson I seem to need to learn time and time again if I am to bask in New Start Yellow sunny days…
I think when his voters reap what they have sown, this evil psychopath will blame external enemies for declining prosperity and want to start a war. May nature help us.
DeleteGood on you, Sue.
You have spoken volumes for all of us, Sue.
DeleteWise words, EC. We can only do what we can... and keep hoping.
DeleteThat sums it up. You've caught the pain and voiced so many of our thoughts.
Similar to my own take on your words, well done EC. Despair is close to all of us these days, including in Canada where we could experience the same, if he doesn't try and wage war on us first.
DeleteDreadful times.
Excellent use of your words, I also step away when I know I can change nothing.
Deleteas if we didn't learn anything from the past. excellent use of the words, and sadly truer words never written. I wish it was just fashion that repeated itself and not fascism.
DeleteI am very concerned over the state of this world, for all of us.
DeleteHi EC - yes my thoughts exactly ... though I'm trying to stay beyond its mental reach and am so glad I live where I live: I'm not living amongst that ghastly orange turmoil. Cheers Hilary
DeleteMalauradament, no hem après res...
DeleteMolt ben trobat, Sue.
It (politics and corruption) was the back thought to my piece too. Ws it the words or the world that took us there?
DeleteEC, I've never really taken to time to see what this was all about. I may not participate - although I do like 'encouragement to write'. Love the way you did your thing here in your comment section.... just my 2 cents!
ReplyDeleteRian: It would be lovely if you did participate, but you lead a busy life. And thank you.
DeleteWell done EC.
DeleteThe grapes were RIPENING in the VINEYARD. The NEW START YELLOW orb of the sun rising on the distant horizon added a STRIKING touch to the rows of fruit, clustered and succulent, mature with promise. Miguel had been PASSIONATE about wine for as long as he could remember. The CREATION of an award-winning vintage, ONE that would set the critics ablaze with effusive praise, was his DREAM.
ReplyDeleteSince the accident and its DEBILITATING consequences, his dream had become an obsession. No longer able to bask in the TURMOIL of the bullring, or to immerse himself in the glow of being a famous matador, he devoted to the wine all the passion that formerly had been channeled into the cleanest coup de grace of any matador in history. Patience was REQUIRED and of that he had much. Perhaps this was the year.
Well done David, I love how you captured a fresh dream from the ashes of his former one.
A wonderful turn of events for the matador!
DeleteMay his new dreams serve him better than his old.
DeleteDavid M. Gascoigne: I hope he is able to fulfil his dream. And prefer it to his first passion.
DeleteHi David - I love the addition of a matador into the storyline ... and it's great he's turning his passion to creating an award winning vintage ... I enjoy drinking it - just wish I knew more! Cheers Hilary
DeleteBrought the words together nicely.
DeleteThere was turmoil in the vineyard after the creation of a ripening crop with no one to pick it.
ReplyDeletea frightening time for migrant workers.
DeleteI dread the day it happens.
DeleteMike: I hope this is not prophetic.
DeleteHi Mike - yes another aspect to life ahead for some farmers ... which I hope resolves itself happily for both sides - though that's not apparent now. Good take - cheers Hilary
DeleteMike: Fa por només pensar-hi.
DeleteBen trobat!
Tightly done!
DeleteGot home late, still working on it, will be back.
ReplyDeleteAs always, when it goes live it will be over here.
Deletemessymimi: As always I look forward to reading what you write.
Deletemessymimi: Uff! això dels ulls és complicat. Lo pitjor és que tots, tard o d'hora hi hem de passar.
DeleteMolt bo!
Sí, la cirurgia ocular és complicada. Gràcies per les vostres amables paraules.
DeleteAll words and colour used. Great words EC!
Frankly it was debilitating to see the yellowish colour of the grapes in the vineyard. He had been involved with its creation at the age of 5 along with his dear grandfather, Roberto. The grapes had been ripening, another successful harvest.
His father stood on the porch with him his hand over his eyes looking over the vast stretches of emptiness in the passages through the vines.
Young Bobby, named for his grandfather, had carried the passionate dream from his own father. Three generations.
And now? Turmoil had descended. The vineyards were empty, the workers had been required to present documentation if those ICE people showed up. Merciless. They had all disappeared into hiding.
There would be no American workers showing up for this brutal work.
Because of one ruthless monster four thousand miles away from the fertile fields of California, it was truly heartbreaking and striking how one family business could end like this.
sadly, a fact of life now. excellent use of the prompts!
DeleteAbsolutely first class. Topical and sad. The world has gone mad.
DeleteI dread the day this happens.
DeleteWisewebwoman: I fear for so many. And yes, our brains went down similar paths. Well and frighteningly told.
DeleteHi Wisewebwoman - looks like we all agree with your thoughts - it's appalling and desperately unfair ... I just wish it wasn't so. Well written - Hilary
DeleteMolt ben explicat, terrible!!
DeleteIt flowed really well. Unfortunately, this made the story all to real. (sigh)
DeleteProbably I won't have an entry this week, tomorrow I have my hospital procedure and won't be home until Friday and can't be sure how well my eyes will feel after having excess skin removed from above the eyelids.
ReplyDeleteoh no, wishing you a speedy recovery!
DeletePraying you recover quickly.
DeleteRiver: I hadn't realised it was so soon. I hope your recovery is quick, easy and complete.
DeleteGood luck, R. All will be well.
DeleteGood story but I expect some truth in it! Well done Wisewebwoman
DeleteThank you all.
DeleteGood luck River ... I sure hope it all goes well for you - take care and see you when you're free again - Hilary
DeleteHope recovery is quick!
DeleteGet well soon.
Deleteoh the words this week really stretched my brain!
ReplyDeleteCindi: I will be over to read it very soon.
DeleteCindi: Bona estirada de cervell. ;-)
DeleteGràcies! Em manté jove? Potser?
Deletethecontemplativecat here: another peculiar and strange from my brain.
ReplyDeleteYvette wanted yet another surgery to enhance her face, from tip of the nose to chin, then hairline to lips. Oh boy the lips. Her last surgery had readjusted them, but not enough. Yvette pictured lips that resembled ripening grapes, like the ones that were part of the nearby vineyard.
She wanted the striking result to display her own passionate desires. These lips should be striking and recall dreamy moments, lips that created turmoil for all who saw them. To be noticed was expensive but worth the money.
Yvette wanted the men who saw her experienced a debilitating attraction, one that went above and beyond what was simply beautiful, one that would incite longing.
Looking back, Yvette realized she had been looking for something inaccessible. Her lips were now swollen the size of a grapefruit, but with lips. Skin around the lips were new start yellow, a bruise that now faded into the skin.
She would be noticed now, good or bad, she would be noticed. Lips like this could not be ignored.
Susan Kane: Ouch. I do hope that the bruises settle into a face she can live with. Hope, but fear.
DeleteIt’s amazing what people will do!
DeleteMany friends have destroyed their faces (and bodies) in that endless search for everlasting youth. It's so tragic.
Hi Susan - well that was a different take ... and yes I've always thought I'd never be attacked to look better - tough me is me! Good take on the words - well done ... cheers Hilary
Deleteoh my! what a frightening visual image that created!
DeleteIt's sad, but it does happen.
DeleteAll stories are good. Well done all.
ReplyDeleteMargaret D: Thank you for your encouragement each and every week.
DeletePedro y María, era un matrimonio ya jubilado que se conocían ya desde niño y que llevaban bastante años juntos. Se encontrabann en la madurez de la vida y era ya la hora de cumplir su sueño.
ReplyDeletePedro daba paseos díarios y se paraba siempre en un pequeño terreno que había al lado derecho del camino..Era un terreno que siempre le había gustado, ya que su gran apasionado de la agricultura.
Cierto día encontró en un cartel , con un escrito en letras grandes y la palabra SE VENDE.
Tomó nota de los datos requerido, para tener comunicación con el vendedor.
Sentado ya en el sofá de la casa le dijo a María . "Es hora de cumplir mi sueño "Y María como era natural, siempre estaba de acuerdo con lo que decía.
No había tiempo que perder, inmediatamente marcó el nº
de teléfono que había escrito.
¡Diga!, respondió una voz. Estaba interesado en el terreno que tiene a la venta.Esa misma voz le contestó que no tenía ningún terreno a la venta y que el teléfono que había llamado pertenecía a una carnicería.
Miró de nuevo el teléfono requerido y marcó el teléfono de nuevo y entonces si contactó con el dueño del terreno. La confusión de su llamada era que había cambiado la cifra de uno de los números.
Comprado el terreno sembró un viñedo y buenas verduras para abastecer su casa. Uno y otro, como matrimonio perfecto se dedicaron a realizar la siembra.
Al principio el trabajo era debilitante , pero ellos sacaban siempre fuerzas de flaqueza.
María además sembró un rosal, en el que nacieron rosas preciosas y al que acudía siempre brillantes mariposas que siempre revoloteaban a su alrededor.
Molt bon relat, Antonia!
DeleteM'encanta llegir el somni d'algú fet realitat! Aquesta va ser una història preciosa i l'ús de les indicacions!
DeleteMirades desde mi lente: 'Pedro and María were a retired couple who had known each other since they were children and had been together for many years. They were in the maturity of life and it was time to fulfill their dream.
DeletePedro took daily walks and always stopped on a small piece of land on the right side of the road. It was a piece of land that he had always liked, since he was very passionate about agriculture.
One day he found a sign, with writing in large letters and the word FOR SALE.
He took note of the required data to have communication with the seller.
Already sitting on the sofa in the house he told María. "It's time to fulfill my dream" And María, as was natural, always agreed with what he said.
There was no time to waste, he immediately dialed the number
phone number he had written.
Say!, responded a voice. He was interested in the land that he had for sale. That same voice answered that he did not have any land for sale and that the phone number he had called belonged to a butcher shop.
He looked at the required phone again and dialed the phone again and then contacted the owner of the land. The confusion of his call was that the digit of one of the numbers had changed.
Once he bought the land, he planted a vineyard and good vegetables to supply his house. One and the other, as a perfect couple, dedicated themselves to planting.
At first the work was debilitating, but they always drew strength from their weakness.
María also planted a rose bush, in which beautiful roses were born and to which bright butterflies always came and always fluttered around her.
This is truly lovely. Thank you for joining us.
A beautiful story, thank you. Una bonita historia, gracias.
DeleteHi EC ...
ReplyDeleteThat passionate reoccurring dream of a new start in a vineyard always beckoned … where the grapes would be ripening to yellow in the autumn sun as her striking beau sat beside her on the terrace … together enjoying the required glass of wine.
She didn't know but his creation was turmoil … everywhere he went … he had a secret cache of disease, which he released into each estate he was worried about.
One came first … he'd never succumb, his vineyard had to be the best … fortunately her dream ended and she awoke, somewhat befuddled … but glad to escape ...
Cheers Hilary
I would be glad to escape that kind of dream also!!
DeleteHilary Melton=Butcher: A recurring dream? Shudder. And cringe.
DeleteNot a dream any of us want.
DeleteA lucky escape indeed Hilary, I love the warnings of well told dreams I always pay attention to them.
Late on the scene.
ReplyDeleteThe Fighter
“Only the dead have seen the end of war.”
— George Santayana
He has had enough.
He stands, gazing out to sea.
Behind, the hills comfort him,
Vineyards with their ripening load
Offer a respite from the turmoil.
Above him, the stars look down
And they too question ‘why?’.
For years he has fought the good fight,
One battle after another, mimicking the waves,
But still they came, a ceaseless creation
His spirit and blade were razor sharp then.
His mind dwelling on the futility of it all now.
For years he has fought. And gained what?
No bell tolls for the start or finish,
Nor any bells ring for the fallen he has held
As they to questioned why they were dying?
He had no words to comfort them,
No words to soothe their troubled hearts,
Collateral damage in the unequal fight.
It was not for want of courage,
These were no weak or timid fighters.
But strong hearts were not enough to save them
The enemy, well resourced and ruthless,
Rebounds and returns, time over time,
A genie that will not be jarred or boxed.
He has had enough.
He stands, gazing out to sea.
Behind, the hills comfort him,
Vineyards with their ripening load
Offer a respite from the turmoil.
Above him, the stars look down
And they too question ‘why?’.
a wonderful contribution! Thank you for sharing!
DeleteJ Cosmo Newbery: Powerful and very sad. Thank you.
Delete"His mind dwelling on the futility of it all now."
DeleteLife is like that eventually.
None of these wars had to be. Not one.
Wow. It's no wonder he is tired.
DeleteJust read your most recent post. Sending you lots of huggs and love.
ReplyDeletethecontemplativecat here Be gentle with yourself.
DeleteTake care EC - looking forward to you getting your health back ... with thoughts = Hilary xo
ReplyDeleteWe will leave the light on for ya.
ReplyDeleteWith much caring, Sandra
Be gentle with yourself.
ReplyDeleteSomeone above said it. I second that. 🌹
Understand the need for a break but will miss you. You are loved and I can say that because at this age such things are not said often enough. Rest well my friend and I hope you will be feeling better very soon. See you when you are ready to come back. I will be checking in every now and again.
ReplyDeleteTake care and I will be thinking of you EC. Love and hugs xoxox
ReplyDeleteDe vegades ens fa falta aturar per poder agafar forces per seguir endavant. Pren tot el temps que necessitis, saps que t'estarem esperant des d'aquí i rep tota l'escalfor dels que te seguim i el nostre afecte.
ReplyDeleteEstava dubtant si deixar-te o no el meu relat, després de pensar-ho, he decidit que sí... és una manera de dir-te que et necessitem.🤗
Portar la maduresa a aquell indret era una tasca incerta. El somni d'aquell home apassionat era vehement i podia convertir-se en una creació sorprenent davant la debilitat de la humanitat. Era com sembrar una oportunitat que no es podia deixar passar. Tot naixement d'un desig comportava una forta convulsió i requería de tots. Seria intens i ferotge, però els esforços sempre donen el seu fruit i, en acabar, podia imaginar-ho com un immens camp de vinyes, on cada raïm feia costat a l'altre, tots fent pinya.
Aferradetes ben fortes, Sue.
Hi, Sue! I wish you recovery during your blogging break. I hear you and understand how you are ground down right now. May beauty restore you and your projects ease. You are loved and will be missed! Hugs to you!
ReplyDeleteHaving just read your most recent post, I'm stopping by to send my thoughts and good wishes.
ReplyDeleteAll the best Jan
I didn't have anything this week. But I am all prepared for February and will definitely be on time with the prompts.
ReplyDeleteHave a lovely day.
Wanted to comment on your taking a break. Am sorry things have you down, physically and mentally. I am not at all happy about the state of things, not just in my USA but globally. I try to stay informed; but have limited how much news I read; it seems the only way I can exert some control. It's on my mind pretty constantly; but I try hard to do things to get my mind off of things for awhile. It helps, my audio books, my craft (knitting and crocheting),and exercise. My best to you regarding whether health issues you're dealing with. I hope you get the care you need. ((HUGS))
ReplyDeleteAfter reading your latest post I hopped over here to leave a comment. I so understand your reasoning. Sometimes I just disappear, intending never to return, but I always do. I hope all is well and that you are happy and well.
ReplyDeleteI am doing well. Getting back to writing, at least I hope I am. Something seems to always pop up to interfere with my plans but we'll see for how long. I did pre-post monthly blogs for the ease of it, and to keep my blog active. Hopefully I can add to it.
Take care sweet lady! Love you, always!
Enjoy your blogging break, Sue, take a breath, relax, and take some time to heal in the sunshine.
ReplyDeleteContinuing to stop by and wave so you know I'm thinking about you, as I make my blog rounds. Hope things are improving for you.
ReplyDeleteWaving hi, just wanted you to know I'm thinking about you. ((HUGS))