Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Sunday, 26 January 2025

Sunday Selections #811


Sunday Selections was originally brought to us by Kim, of Frogpondsrock, as an ongoing meme where participants could post previously unused photos languishing in their files. Huge thanks to Cie who gave me this wonderful Sunday Selections image. 

The meme was then continued by River at Drifting through life.  Sadly she has now stepped aside (though she will join us some weeks), and I have accepted the mantle. 
The rules are so simple as to be almost non-existent.  Post some photos under the title Sunday Selections and link back to me. Sorry I still haven't succeeded in working out how to do a blog hop. Clicking on any of the photos will make them embiggen.
 I usually run with a theme.  Starting with a 'catty' scene.  The cats were very comfortable which meant himself had the perfect excuse for not doing anything.  Note that there is a cat on his tshirt as well.

 Then to the main theme of the day.  I was feeling tired and overwhelmed on Friday and demanded a roo fix.  Which I got.


 The roos were in the shade and looked totally 'laxed so we left them be and made a small detour on the way home to a very colourful mural.  The murals are on the side of one of our Water Company's suburban stations.



 To add to our delight, most of the featured birds can be found in my city.

I hope you find a fix for anything that ails you this week.



  1. Una preciosa selecció de fotos.
    M'ha fet gràcia la del gat a la samarreta, normal que no es volgués moure. ;-)
    També m'agraden molt els murals, hi ha moltes espècies que no he vist en directe i seria una passada poder-los veure un dia.
    Bon dissabte, Sue!

    PS: Ja he canviat el traductor, espero que et vagi millor la lectura.

    1. sa lluna: Thank you so much - and for changing the translate feature too. Sometimes it struggles. We are very, very happy to see many of these birds - and always happy to see the kangaroos.

  2. Lots and lots of cool looking murals.

    1. Mike: It is two smallish buildings covered in murals but I chose to focus on the detail rather than the whole.

  3. River Fairchild - Love the colorful art so prevalent in your city! It seems such a magical place to live in - that and to be surrounded by exotic birds and Roos. I hope the vibe remains that way forever.

    Batty and Odie certainly look comfortable. I’d use them as an excuse not to move anytime. :)

    Hoping for a good week ahead for both of us and sending hugs your way.

    1. River Fairchild: Our current local government is doing their best to make my city just like any other. I really hope they fail and in the meantime will continue to observe and celebrate the critters and the art work. Batty and Odie WERE comfortable - and resented being moved in the fullness of time.
      Here's to a good week ahead - not too cold for you. Hugs.

  4. I hope you're feeling better and not so overwhelmed anymore. I loved the pictures.

    1. Mary Kirkland: Thank you. I always struggle at this time of year, but it will pass.

  5. I love the murals, and the kangaroos, and especially Odie and Batty looking so relaxed and happy! Thanks for my smile of the day. :-)

    1. Diane Henders: I am always glad to spread smiles. Big ones I hope.

  6. What a wonderful mural. You have such wonderful access to "random" art in your area.

    1. Anne in the kitchen: As you know I also love our random art.

  7. Lovely, lovely murals. I enjoyed them all and went back to revisit a few of them, like that big eye one.

    1. DJan: I am glad. I have revisited a lot of the photos too - looking at things I didn't notice when I took the photos.

  8. A roo fix and incredibly lovely bird murals! Just what we needed.

    Gini and I shall soon be back in the outdoors as we are almost recovered from heart surgeries.

    Happy belated New Year, EC!

    1. Wally Jones: It is wonderful to see you here. I have been worrying. One heart surgery in the family is more than enough. Two is sooooo unfair. I do hope you can get outside again soon. And a happy, HEALTHY New Year to you and Gini.

  9. Those murals are stunning. And I always appreciate a cat moment.

    1. Marty: Icon water doesn't want you to enjoy the murals. There is nowhere to park in the immediate vicinity. Tough. Himself idled the car and I wandered in.
      And we appreciate cat moments too.

  10. Cats, kangas and a myriad of birds - what a superb post to enjoy while I'm having a leisurely (not for long) Sunday breakfast

    1. Kim: I am glad that you get at least a little leisure in your busy life. And hope it was a long breakfast.

  11. Those murals are wonderful, EC. I love the roos, too.

    And, of course, I love the pic of the two cats. How I miss cuddles with my two.

    I hope the weather treats you kindly in the week ahead...my cuddles to those two beautiful furry little pets. Take good care. :)

    1. Lee: Thank you. Of course you miss your room mates. Badly. It is going to be toooo hot in the early part of next week but then will cool down (for a bit).

  12. Some fine murals.
    I hope you could / can recharge your batteries from the sight of the kangaroos for a while.

    1. Sean Jeating: Of course the roo fix helped. It always does.

  13. The murals are so beautiful! I wish I could paint like that, or at all actually. My fix for overwhelming is going to bed and reading until I fall asleep, sometimes just going to bed without the book and sleeping for several hours.

    1. River: I use your methods too, but a roo fix has a much faster effect. I would like to be able to paint too. Or draw.

  14. The murals are looking so gorgeous and lovely

  15. The Roos are smart to be in the shade. Love the colours of the murals.

    1. Marie Smith: The roos were very smart. They were well away from people too (other than us). Aren't those colours a joy?

  16. So happy you have cats back in the house.

    1. Joanne Noragon: So are we. Our house doesn't feel like a home without them.

  17. The cats took my fancy and then the murals. I can never quite get over the colourful birds of your city. Beautiful. And of course the 'roos. Always a joy.

    1. Wisewebwoman: It was a truly delightful interlude. I am so glad that I recognised the need for a roo fix - and that himself was happy to oblige.

  18. Love the bright colors! Of course himself could not move. He had cats on his lap.

  19. I just love murals. Most of them anyway. And these are wonderful.
    Have a good week ❤️

    1. kylie: I am a big fan of murals too - and agree with you about these. They have another reservoir covered in murals but I cannot (yet) work out how to photograph it. You have a good week too.

  20. I am so glad you got your roo fix and hopefully they helped you enormously. Your kitty picture including the one on the shirt is very calming. The mural was an absolute delight! It made this ordinary building a work of art fit for any art museum. All your photos were a real tonic for me. Delightful series and I thank you so much for sharing them.

    1. DeniseinVA: Isn't that series of murals lovely. You can just see them from the road and I am so glad we took a detour.
      The cats have been curled up in very similar positions for much of the afternoon today.

  21. Thank you for your blessing and for the beautiful birds of your neighborhood. Aloha my friend

  22. Love this, it's a fabulously orchestrated post love your incentive and inspiration xx

    1. aussie aNNie: Thank you. It is weird (and a reminder to me) that my inspiration such as it was was feeling very ordinary indeed.

  23. Good roos, we still have wallabies coming to our front lawn each night, a lady across the road sees them leaving when she gets up about 5am.
    Love the murals, so beautiful to see our nature.

    1. Margaret D: For a change this comment didn't go to spam. I am up before your neighbour most mornings but rarely see roos in our street. I do see and hear the birds though. Cockatoos and corellas this morning. And a magpie warble very early.

  24. Hi EC - yes ... I've been feeling a little rough too - glad the roo visit fixed a little relaxation for you. The murals are a delight - I saw a lot of those in Vancouver ... but so far not here (that I've seen!) - have a better week - cheers Hilary

    1. Hilary Melton-Butcher: I am sorry that you are feeling rough too - and do hope you find an antidote. I am endlessly grateful for the art in my city. Here's to a better week for us both.

  25. Really spiffy murals, captured quite spiffily by you!

    1. Bill: Thank you. Spiffing isn't a word I have heard (in any of its tenses) in years.

  26. Very beautiful murals create an optimistic image for anyone who passes by.
    I really like kangaroos.
    I hope you are also in a calm state!
    Luckily you found your solution!!
    Happy Sunday!!

    1. Katerinas Blog: Thank you. Going to see the kangaroos always lifts my mood.

  27. Preciosos murales de animales, con mucho arte.
    Un abrazo.

    1. VENTANA DE FOTO: Thank you. We thought they were art too.

  28. Dear EC
    Cats, Roos and beautiful bird art - a perfect pick-me-up! We all need things to help us along. It was lovely to share yours.
    Here's hoping you will have a calm and relaxing week.
    Best wishes

    1. Ellie Foster: Aren't I lucky to have these pick ups so readily available. I hope you don't need them in the coming week.

  29. Really good artist.
    The cats look very comfortable.

    1. Alex J. Cavanaugh: The cats were very comfortable indeed. Which is as it should be (in their eyes at least).

  30. I would image that close encounters with kangaroos, plus exposure to the fabulous murals would serve to raise your spirits. It would work for me.

    1. David M. Gascoigne: Of course it lifted my mood - how could it not. I suspect the kangaroo in the first photo has a baby on board which also made me/us smile.

  31. Good morning, and what a lovely world you live in and to have all those birds just right on hand, it's marvelous. I had to take a double take on your first photo, it's adorable how your kitty appears to be reaching for or holding I wasn't sure at first another little kitty that is on the shirt! Great capture! Enjoy the week and keep warm thoughts in mind for our poster situation that I will let all know the outcome!

    1. 21 Wits: I really, really hope those posters can stay - thank you for saying you would let me know. Odie did look like he was reaching for the tshirt kitty didn't he? Batty was carving out zeds.

  32. Those bird paintings are really lovely, not only do they educate us about the local bird population to be found in the neighbourhood, but opportunity to local artists to display their talent. Really nice! Nice cat photo. I have had a succession of cats throughout my life, but I'm cat-free right now and will stay that way. If I got a kitty, she would probably outlive me, and anyway, vet fees are astronomical these days. So I just have to admire other people's cats.

    1. Shammickite: You are right about vet fees. Batty (the black cat) has racked up some huge ones. I really like the birds, but for education purposes their names would add to the effect. They are smile producing anyway.
