meme was started by Delores a long time ago. Computer issues led her
to bow out for a while. The meme was too much fun to let go, and now
Words for Wednesday is provided by a number of people and has become a
movable feast.
the aim is to encourage us to write. Each week we are given a choice
of prompts: which can be words, phrases, music or an image. What we do
with those prompts is up to us: a short story, prose, a song, a poem,
or treating them with ignore... We can use some or all of the prompts, and mixing and matching is encouraged.
of us put our creation in comments on the post, and others post on
their own blog. I would really like it if as many people as possible
joined into this fun meme, which includes cheering on the other participants. If you are posting on your own blog - let me know so that I, and other participants, can come along and applaud.
Charlotte (MotherOwl) has selected New Start Yellow as the colour of the month.
This week's prompts are:
- ancient
- life
- water
- melody
- lied
- medal
- speaker
- cords
- paper
- false
As always, have fun.
Robin knew that the old adage ‘you are only as old as you feel’ was false. Her mind was fine and felt quite young but her body was ancient and it insisted on reminding her of that fact. Often. She lied to it from time to time saying ‘just a little bit more’ but it ignored her paper thin excuses and paid her out. Painfully. Its reminders couldn’t have been clearer if they had been broadcast on a speaker.
ReplyDeleteShe was determined to have a life not an existence so her mind and body had come to a reluctant compromise.
Her home was now perfect for her needs. The cords that connected her electronics had been rationalized and tidied and were no longer a trip hazard. She had water views from the kitchen, her bedroom and the living room. Birdsong was the melody at the start and end of each day.
Yes, the feature wall in her living room was now New Start Yellow to brighten the dullest of days, but she had hired painters to do the work. It hadn’t been an easy decision for her, but it had been the right one. Mentally she patted herself lovingly on the back, awarded herself a medal, and settled down with her book.
This is excellent and I wish I could do the same with my home, though I have put the cords out of trip range.
DeleteShe deserves a medal for arranging things exactly as she needed... and accepting help. Sometimes that's the hardest part. :-) Well done with the prompts, EC!
DeleteSo good!
DeleteAncient life lied that it must wallow in water until new start yellow appeared with its lilting melody and banished all that was false.
DeleteEC, may we all come to such a place and such a compromise.
DeleteJanie Junebug, I like it!
I love this, EC. And feel it comes from the heart.
Aquí et deixo el meu, un altre moment passaré a llegir el teu amb més temps. Gràcies! ;-)
ReplyDeleteNa Neus vivia una vida molt tranquil·la, a prop de l'aigua. Li agradava el mar i aquell xiuxiueig de les ones en tocar la roca, li semblava com una melodia blava. Aquella tarda li arribà un sobre blanc amb un paper dins, on li deien que hi havia una cursa al dia següent sobre la platja. Sempre havia somiat emportar-se la medalla d'or, el grog era un dels seus colors preferits i s'imaginava com lluiria damunt del jersei negre que li havia regalat la seva àvia.
A la nit va tenir un somni molt estrany, una cursa de colors. La sortida era millor que un Arc de Sant Martí, feia goig veure'ls tots tan nets i tan lluents. No sé qui ni quan va donar la sortida per un altaveu, els colors sortiren disparats cap a la meta, ara anava davant el vermell, molt seguit del verd, el blau no els treia l'ull, mentre el taronja amb un pam de llengua no es volia rendir. El marró i el gris anaven a la par i van ser depassats pel lila, que venia de darrera amb una velocitat fantàstica...
Va obrir els ulls i no va saber on era. Mirà el despertador i s'aixecà com un llamp, escoltant la veu de sa mare dient-li que arriba tard a l'escola. Estava tan nerviosa que no encertava amb els cordons de les sabates, al final agafà la motxilla antiga perquè hi cabien més coses i sortí cap a la cuina. Donà un petó a la mare i se'n dugué l'esmorzar per menjar pel camí. Quan sortia, la mare li va preguntar on anava tan de pressa i ella li va mentir, dient-li que a l'escola, on si no?
Quan va arribar a la platja no hi havia ni una ànima, tragué el paper de la motxilla i s'adonà que era fals, no hi havia cursa, ni medalla d'or i ella arribà tard a l'escola.
I em preguntàveu quin color voldria ser?...
El lila, és clar!!
sa lluna: Thank you for joining us again. I really liked your use of colours. This story also appears on her blog - which has a translate function.
DeleteI enjoyed your story very much.
DeleteYellow is a bright color for a living room wall.
ReplyDeleteAlex J. Cavanaugh: It is - but sometimes we need cheery. Mind you before we bought this house we saw one that had a RED kitchen. That I couldn't cope with. Red tiles, red walls and a red fridge.
DeleteGood words and I'll get to them after I get home. I'm taking my camera to the Botanic Gardens today.
ReplyDeleteRiver: I look forward to seeing where they take you. Have fun at the Botanic Gardens. It is too hot to do much here today.
DeleteOff to the races.
ReplyDeletemessymimi: Where you will undoubtedly bring home a winner.
DeleteMy story will be over here.