Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Sunday 11 May 2014

Sunday Selections #171

Sunday Selections was originally brought to us by Kim, of Frogpondsrock, as an ongoing meme where participants could post previously unused photos languishing in their files. 

The meme is now continued by River at Drifting through life.  The rules are so simple as to be almost non-existent.  Post some photos under the title Sunday Selections and link back to River.

Like River I usually run with a theme. This week I am going from the sublime to the ridiculous.  As always clicking on the photos will embiggen them.

Starting with the sublime.  The skies have been a delight recently.

Sunset.  Building to a crescendo.

Dawn.  Softer, more muted colours, but still beautiful.


And then the ridiculous.  Jazz loves the fridge.  It is a wonderful vantage point for him to survey what is happening in the most important room in the house - the kitchen.  I would much prefer that he didn't climb up there - fridge magnets hit the ground with monotonous regularity.  When I attempt to remove him/discourage him or heaven forbid chastise him, the smaller portion leaps to his defence saying 'he is so cute...' and patting him as a reward.

From the top of the fridge he is able to climb to a ledge behind the cupboards.  It is very, very disconcerting to go past a cupboard and have it purr at you.


  1. Sublime to ridiculous ~ love it! But there are no photos of your finished driveway? I trust that is not in the more ridiculouser bucket.

    Somehow I though you might be a fridge magnet kinda gal ~ I looked for a Hairy Maclary fridge magnet for you last weekend at the art gallery ~ but sadly came home with nothing :( not even blurry photos that I could blog about.

    1. Carol in Cairns: The driveway is very almost finished - but we can't use it for another few days yet. Sigh.
      We are indeed fridgemagnetaholics. Thank you for thinking of me at the Hairy Maclary show - and I hope you had a heap of fun.

  2. G and S see nothing wrong in Jazz's antics. "We often go to the shelf above the fridge.It's a great launch pad!"

    1. dinahmow: Of course G and S see nothing wrong with Jazz's antics. Neither does he.

  3. Blogger just ate my comment. Don't you hate that?!

    Anyway, Jazz is gorgeous! What a character :)

    Lovely pics, EC. Have a good day :)

    1. Wendy: He does have a LOT of character. Poisonality even.

  4. So cool! I love those sunset pictures, but then... Jazz on the top of the fridge just cracked me up! :-)

    1. DJan: Jazz LOVES that vantage point. He runs there for safety when Jewel (less than half his size) is chasing him too.

  5. What a SKYLINE, superb I do say, and 'le chat', he knows it will be there, fill me up.

    1. Bob Bushell: Le chat, cat, gatto - all are fine. He is a bottomless pit though. Neither food nor pats are ever sufficient to fill him up. And thank you.

  6. I love that dash of yellow in the sunrise...to me, that paintbrush dab of brightness conveys hope for the day!!

    1. Bookie: Sunrises make my heart sing - so very often. A glorious time of day.

  7. You do realise, EC...you are not going to be the victor in this game; this battle, so you may as well toss the towel in now. Wave the white flat! lol

    I hope this week goes well for the Skinny One...my best wishes to him for tomorrow. Let's hope this will be the last of it.

    May the sun shine brightly on you both.

    1. Lee: I know that I will never, can never win with cats. On some issues I keep trying - knowing I will fail.
      Thank you for your wishes for his high and skinniness. All fingers firmly crossed.

  8. Handsome fellows get their way!
    There hasn't been an SP bulletin of late.

    1. Joanne Noragon: Jazz is handsome - and does get his way. Despite insisting that he is treated very, very badly.
      Tomorrow is surgery day. I will give updates, and am hoping to be a great deal more positive than on other hospital visits.

  9. Beautiful skies. And adorable cat. At least if the cupboard is purring, you are not being attacked for the moment ...

    Good luck this week. I'll be thinking of you both.

    1. jenny_o: Though he often IS purring as he attacks me. He likes to draw my blood. Vampire cat.
      Thanks for the good wishes. Nearly here now.

  10. Gorgeous skies! I find that autumn skies are more vivid than spring and summer. Nice fridge ornament!

    1. Karen: Shhh, don't encourage him. And yes, the skies are a delight.

  11. OMGGGGGGGGosh,
    my heart leapt seeing Jazz on the fridge. What a Stunning panther. How old is he? Gorgeous ebony fur!
    Fabulous shots! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. My Inner Chick: Jazz is a rescue cat so we don't know exactly how old he is. Five or six is our best bet. A very healthy five or six.

  12. Jazz does what he wants, sounds like, with encouragement and reward from you know who. Why stop? He is darn cute though.

    1. Strayer: I don't think Jazz is going to stop suiting himself anytime soon. And he uses that cuteness.

  13. You have indeed been enjoying sublime skies! What gorgeous bookends to your days - I love that they begin with gentle hues and end with a colorful grand finale!

    But as beautiful as your skies are, it's Jazz who steals the show. I know you've posted pictures of him lolling about on his favorite perch, but this set just cracked me up all over again! I'm not surprised your magnets are in peril with each of his summits! The photo of him hiding his head behind the cabinets and your description of how disconcerting it is to walk past a purring cupboard are priceless!!

    1. Laloofah: The first time I walked past a purring cupboard I was flummoxed. I didn't know there was a ledge behind it, couldn't see him, and knew he wasn't in the cupboard. Ventriloquism?

  14. Your skies are your eye and heart and skill which you share so beautifully.

    Jazz is a mountain girl and needs that high ground. She is so pretty - a blessing on your home I'm sure.

    Happy Mothers' Day, my Friend

    ALOHA from Honolulu

    1. Cloudia: Jazz is a mountain man - and yes he is a blessing - when he isn't a curse.

  15. Lovely soft colours, EC. And I do love your fridge decorations - especially the black fluffy ones :)

    1. AND I hope that all goes very, very well tomorrow!

    2. Alexia: If Jazz wasn't already confident of his own worth, all these compliments would go to his head. Thanks for your wishes for tomorrow.

  16. The sunsets and sunrise gorgeous but... what a lovely, lovely, lovely looking cat, and clearly a personality too.

    1. Andrew Maclaren-Scott: Jazz has a poisonality rather than a personality. But he can also be charming. And is very beautiful. With a purr that can be heard several rooms away.

  17. You have the best of both worlds, EC.
    At both ends of the day. I envy your being able to enjoy sunset and sunrise over the lovely Brindabellas. Just gorgeous!

    What a stunning, sleek boy is Jazz. I love to see photos of he and Jewel.
    Our cupboards over the fridge are the same as yours, except white laminate. And, minus the purring cupboard :)

    Many positive thoughts and wishes for tomorrow.

    1. Vicki: Thank you. I do love both dusk and dawn. And Jazz of course. And every kitchen should have a purring cupboard.
      Thank you for your positive thoughts and wishes.

  18. Hello Jazz! Aren't you gorgeous!
    I imagine it would be odd to have a cupboard purr as you walked past.
    I love all your fridge magnets! I don't have many anymore, I should buy some, but rarely see any that I like enough to be looking at every day. I like the one that says If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.

    1. River: Gorgeous - and bad. Bad, and beautiful. We have a lot of fridge magnets - but that is one of my favourites.
      And a purring cupboard is DEFINITELY odd.

  19. He most definitely needs to be right there on his fridge perch.

    1. Birdie: That is what he (and the skinny one) tell me.

  20. He looks so much like Steve(!), who, I should add, also loves to be on top of the fridge (as does Dom, of course). And, yes, there are lots of fallen and broken magnets... Our refrigerators do rather look a lot alike, décor-wise...

    1. Paper Chipmunk (aka Ellen): He can of course leap to the top of the fridge in a single bound. But rarely bothers. Instead he scrambles up, pushing magnets to the floor in his wake, does a limp fall on the top and pushes a few more off for the fun of it. Sound familiar?

  21. Both the sunsets and sunrises shots are awesome. Now Jazz is a really lovely looking cat and I can see his perch is where he can keep an eye on all that is going on!

    1. Margaret Adamson: Thank you. Jazz always has to see where the action is, and often has to be part of it. As I type he is beside me.

  22. cats are so entertaining,there really is no way to discourage certain behaviors in them, ha. love the sunsets and sunrises.

    1. Linda Starr: Every cat I have ever known is stronger willed than I am.

  23. Beautiful sunset photos. Cat has a wonderful place to rest and do it's work!

    1. Weekend-Windup: The skies were a delight - and Jazz has claimed a lot of places in the house as his own. He doesn't share well either.

  24. That is some cat:) My Olive is the first barn cat here to openly love me. She will fore-go rushing to the breakfast dish to pause for me to pet her first. Beautiful photographs my friend, including refrigerator Jazz:)

    1. Grannie Annie: Jazz I think considers himself to be an underprivileged human rather than a cat. I love that Olive wants her pats before her food.

  25. Jazz is adorable, he has found his own little cave. Those skies are wonderful and I really like the dark contrast of those trees.

    1. DeniseinVA: The sky is a daily (often at least twice daily) delight. Jazz has his moments too.

  26. I'm not sure I could handle a cupboard purring at me...he IS rather cute up there though. He knows it, too. :)

    1. River Fairchild: The first time I heard the cupboard purr it was around two am. I was just walking past and the purr started. Disconcerting doesn't begin to describe it. And yes, he does indeed know how beautiful he is.

  27. Well if you find a good cozy spot, why change it? hahahaa

    I think the sky pictures are great too!

    1. mail4rosey: He does change his spot - to suit his whim, to suit the weather, to suit the time of the day. And is ruler of them all.
      Glad you liked the skies.

  28. Your sublime photos make me feel so joyous! Thank you for sharing your skies... as for your kitty, oh, makes me so jealous!! I've been wanting a cat or two since 2011, but our living situation hasn't been able to accommodate it yet. Soon! Soon I'll have my own silly photos to share ;)

  29. oh, this is R Somatra.. forgot to sign out of this email account ;)

    1. Raquel: Thanks for clearing up the mystery of who you are. I hope that a cat comes into your world soon. Infuriating - and enchanting.
      And I am glad that you liked my 'sublime' this week.

  30. My cat Cleo used to love the top of the VCR that was on top of the TV. She jumped up on it so much that it stopped working. I guess it was the warmth she liked (she liked the top of the clothes dryer, too, when it was running.

    Love your pics of your kitty. And I like your "what are you going to do?" attitude about the top of the fridge. :)

    GORGEOUS sunset.

    1. Lynn: Both Jazz n Jewel sit on top of the set top box, which I think is for the warmth. The fridge? Proximity to the action.
      And the skies are a daily delight.

  31. Ha, our cats used to sit on the top of the boiler, they never attempted the fridge, but Jazz does look very content there. We don't have any fridge magnets, my partner couldn't cope with the "clutter".

    Love the sky shots.

    1. LL Cool Joe: Your partner would be very unhappy in our house. Cluttered is one way to describe its ambiance.
      I too love the sky.

  32. Replies
    1. Practical Parsimony: Thank you. I hope your blog woes are drawing to an end.

  33. Beautiful evening and morning skies. You need clouds to make them perfect and so far this year not enough clouds here although saw some pink in the sky the other night, and a few clouds as well.
    Our Henry used to love to leap up on our fridge from the microwave and you'd find fridge magnets on the floor as he'd lie there and dab at them until they fell.
    Jazz does look so at home on his high perch so guess you're stuck with him doing that although I do find cats will change from one favoured spot to another quite regularly. I know Precious does.

    1. Mimsie: Both Jazz n Jewel have several favourite spots - which change with the time of the day and the season. Jazz returns to the fridge often though.
      Clouds do make a sky. And productive clouds make my day.

  34. Cats are incorrigible, aren't they? Well, if you can teach him to swipe his tail a few times over the fridge, you may never have to dust up there again!

    1. Debora: I would always have to dust - he is an incorrigible moulter - among other sins.

  35. I find myself checking out all your refrigerator magnets, LOL. You've got some pretty cool ones :)

    1. Furry Bottoms: There are a LOT of fridge magnets. Hundreds of fridge magnets.

  36. Beautiful sunset photos! So many people don't stop to look at the FREE sites we have in our world, do they?? (And I don't mean WEB SITES!)
    I love, love, love the pictures of Jazz! Now there's a comedic cat!! :)

    1. BECKY: Jazz is not pleased that you put him second. He insists he is more beautiful than anything the sky can do. He also aims to be more destructive.
      And, if it doesn't happen on a screen, it hasn't happened (or isn't worthwhile). Wrong.

  37. I love your sunsets and sunrises. Always gorgeous, always reminding me I ought to look out my window more often. Though the last time I went down to the lake I got no sunset at all, a curious shut of grey to black.

    1. John Wiswell: Sunrise and sunset often provide balm for my soul. No sunset by the lake? You were robbed.

  38. Jazz and Vasil were separated at birth!

    1. Riot Kitty: Which is a bit scary. Two Jazzes? Two Vasils? Beautiful cats - but dangerous.

  39. Those photos of dusk/dawn are absolutely stunning! You've inspired me to actually take a photo when I see a gorgeous sky, instead of just saying "That would make a nice photo" ;) Love your cat, made me love out loud. When my cat was a little younger and more agile, I would find her sleeping in the oddest places! Jazz's shiny black coat is just glorious too! xx

    1. Jane @ The Hesitant Housewife: Wouldn't it be nice to be as flexible as a cat? Though some children go close...
