Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wednesday 1 May 2024

Words for Wednesday 1/5/2024


This meme was started by Delores a long time ago.  Computer issues led her to bow out for a while.  The meme was too much fun to let go, and now Words for Wednesday is provided by a number of people and has become a movable feast. 
Essentially the aim is to encourage us to write.  Each week we are given a choice of prompts: which can be words, phrases, music or an image.   What we do with those prompts is up to us:  a short story, prose, a song, a poem, or treating them with ignore...  We can use some or all of the prompts, and mixing and matching is encouraged. 
Some of us put our creation in comments on the post, and others post on their own blog.  I would really like it if as many people as possible joined into this fun meme, which includes cheering on the other participants.  If you are posting on your own blog - let me know so that I, and other participants, can come along and applaud.  And huge thanks to those of you who come back, sometimes time after time to cheer other contributors on.
The prompts will be here this month, but they are being provided by David M. Gascoigne. An additional prompt from Charlotte (MotherOwl) is to include Bright Red Orange in your take on the prompts.
This week's prompts are:
  1. Least
  2. Fundamental
  3. People
  4. Satisfaction
  5. Excited


  1. Natural
  2. Trashed
  3. Profligacy
  4. Fragile
  5. Future
Have fun.


  1. Hi EC and David ... interesting words - I've selected the first five ...

    "It's fundamental knowledge that excited metals glow bright red orange … about which over centuries people have become so excited and wonder what the future holds … well that's the least of it … "
    Cheers to you both - Hilary

    1. Except I see I 'collected' the word 'future' instead of using 'satisfaction' ... tough - elemental metals got me going - I'm satisfied! Cheers H

    2. I love the idea that excited metals glow bright red orange. Great job, Hils.
      Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    3. Hilary Melton-Butcher: It is indeed fundamental knowledge - and many people over the centuries have been excited by the work of those who play with those bright red orange metals. Great job.

    4. Ah, so glad not only my cheeks glow bright red orange when I am excited.
      You made me smile, Hilary. Thank you.

    5. Metals getting excited, I love it. I hung around a forge as a child and witnessed it.

    6. Thanks - everyone ... and particularly Sean for his glowing cheeks! Cheers - and happy May Day - Hilary

    7. A fine job, Hilary. Takes me back to watching the blacksmith when I was a child.

    8. Great job, Hilary. I also get excited and get great satisfaction when I cook a tasty meal on my red hot stove burners.

    9. Very inspired text. So many memories and images are wrapped up in a few words! Thank you!

  2. The happiest people demand the least, get excited about the little things and find satisfaction in their jobs and life no matter how grinding is a fundamental truth that should be flashing in bright red-orange neon lights across the world.
    Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    1. Sandra Cox: I worry about that truth - and still get excited by the little things. Thank you for joining us again.

    2. Ah, the god of the little things again. ;-)

    3. That is very true about happy people.

    4. Hi Sandra - you're so right the people who look after what's going around them, live simply and thus are happy with life. Thanks - good thoughts ... Hilary

    5. Well done, Sandra - and so true!

    6. That is so true Sandra.

    7. That is so true Sandra.

    8. Yes! I do get exciting for the little things and enjoy the small successes. It's a good thing.

    9. This text expresses me so much!!
      Thank you so much Sandra!!

  3. Replies
    1. Alex J. Cavanaugh: David's prompts are often challenging.

  4. Looking in the mirror, Rosie drew herself up to her full height of four foot ten and a half inches and put her shoulders back. She was tired of people overlooking her. With that in mind she had died her previously blonde hair a bright red orange (using a natural dye she had made herself). It gave her immense satisfaction to think that at least (and at last) she had trashed the fragile excuse that they had simply not seen her.
    It was fundamental belief of hers that everyone deserved respect, whether or not they contributed or participated in the profligacy that went hand in hand with rat race ambitions.
    She was so excited to think that in future she would be seen and her different attitudes heard.

    1. Love this. Good for her!

    2. Hi EC - she had gumph ...and now will stand out. Cheers Hilary

    3. I think we have all know a Rosie at one time or another.

    4. Being of short stature, I can sympathize with Rosie to but I doubt that I would dye my hair bright red orange to stand out in the crowd. lol...

    5. I love Rosie and this take on the words:)
      Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    6. As a barely five-footer myself (and shrinking, unfortunately), I say, good for her!

    7. You made us like Rosie. Since she felt that way and the change builds her confidence, everything is fine.
      I liked the text.
      Thank you!

    8. Hooray, Rosie! Let's hope her strategy works. :-) Love your use of the words.


  5. Last week we attended the a Parkinson's Foundation annual fundraiser. I consider the ticket purchase is the least we can do to support the research for the fundamental future health of those who have been diagnosed with it.
    Along with the table price, the organizers have both a silent and live auction. It is only natural the live auction will have the people excited, but the silent auction is the "gotcha" portion of the evening.
    One of the women I met showed me her donated "art" made almost entirely of trashed and cast-off earrings. There was nothing fragile about it, because the "jewels" were glued to a heavy piece of pallet wood.
    Did I want it? No, but the woman displayed great satisfaction watching me bid for it (with me secretly hoping I would be outbid).
    I was not. And if that is not the definition of profligacy in action I don't know what is, other than the money does go to a good cause and I am stuck with some seriously ugly "art".

    1. Anne in the kitchen: Love your use of a true story for this week's Words for Wednesday. And I have seen your 'threats' for what you might do with this piece of art.

    2. Well spent money, Anne. And who knows, one day your "seriously ugly art" at an art auction might be sold for lots of money.
      Just think of Piero Manzoni's 90 tin cans with 30 grams of his faeces. Originally to be valued according to their equivalent weight in gold, thus $37 each in 1961, at an art auction in 2016 one tin sold for €275,000. ;-)

    3. Oh My what did you do with the appalling piece? But well done on feeling happy with where the money went.

    4. Anne - how clever ... love it - yes we do end up with things we perhaps don't want in our pursuit of supporting others. And as Sean mentions ... I'd hang on to it in case?! Well done ... cheers Hilary

    5. There may be some valuable gold in that trash art. Ah what we will do to support a good cause!
      Well done.

    6. What is it, no good deed goes unpunished? Put it up in the closet in the spare bedroom and forget about it.

    7. We can do a lot for a good cause.
      Beautiful text, thank you!

  6. Why does the dog lick its balls? Because it can! It's as simple as that. So why shouldn't I go on holiday to the Maldives and follow my football team to every away match as long as I can?
    Profligacy? Pah! Why so excited? Why should I, why should people now the fragile future of mankinds existence on this water blue planet is anyway trashed, not exercise the natural and fundamental right to least get superficial satisfaction?
    Sic. Because we can. Still.

    1. Uff, just noticed it's May, and I still included the April colour. With bright red orange cheeks I hope Charlotte will forgive me with a lenient smile.

    2. Sean Jeating: A sad and well written truth.

    3. Well said Sean. What havoc have we wrought?

    4. Hi Sean - Sadly - profligacy abounds for some, complete poverty exists for others. Because we can ... so true for so many, without too much thought for others. Excellent - cheers Hilary

    5. Sad but true, Sean, and reflecting the state of the world.

    6. Sean, I partically like those bright red orange cheeks:)
      Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    7. It's not easy to live the balanced life, enjoying some things but not being overly wasteful. And who is to decide when the line is crossed?

    8. Whoops. Particularly.

  7. Here's mine. All words used.
    He doesn’t even look like a natural born man. People say he’s lacking in any basic fundamental decency. The least likable of anyone they have ever seen before in his position. They list his fragile nature, accounts of his sexual predations and profligacy are impossible to list. Not to mention how anyone and anything he comes in contact with gets trashed. The only satisfaction is felt in the hope for the future, and yes, that is something to get truly excited about. Finally, his just desserts.
    Happy May Day all!!

    1. Oh gosh I just noticed the colour given by Charlotte which fits my piece so unbelievably well! Amended to show second sentence: "A bright red orange dye spread unevenly over face and hair, a colour never seen on man or beast before."

    2. Wisewebwoman: David's prompts seemed to made for this description of a truly awful man. How I hope that justice is done.

    3. Hi WWW - well done ... I know remembering the colour is one challenge, month end is another to remember the hue change! Bummer people out there I too hope he gets his just deserts. Cheers Hilary

    4. Not the kind of guy any of us wants to meet. Is there a certain resemblance to an orange predator who stalked the White House? Just sayin’……..

    5. Good job with the prompt this time around!

    6. OMG I loved this, particularly the color change over face and hair:) Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    7. The idiot isn't even the problem, Mary. The problem is all the idiots who think the idiot is great.

    8. An unsavory character, indeed. Let's hope he reaps what he has sown.

    9. And yet there are many such men out there.
      Typical description, we saw him.
      Thank you!

  8. Profligacy?? Where's my thesaurus.... Good stories above me here.

    1. River: I am confident you and your dictionary are up to the challenge. I just rescued your(and one of wisewebwoman's ) comments from spam.

  9. Replies
    1. Margaret D: Thank you. I don't know what you have done to Blogger but I had to rescue you from spam again.

  10. There is a certain satisfaction in introducing others to the beauty of nature; a great SATISFACTION, in fact. Given that we have totally TRASHED the world it is particularly rewarding to get young PEOPLE involved in, and EXCITED about nature, for they are the ones who are most affected by our PROFLIGACY and greed. What we are bequeathing to them is a travesty; the complete opposite of caring and loving, an abdication of all that is FUNDAMENTAL. What we are handing off to them is a planet where the very FUTURE of life as we know it is threatened. The Earth may soon become uninhabitable. Let us help them to enjoy the FRAGILE pieces of NATURAL wonder still left for them. It’s the very LEAST we can do.

    1. David M. Gascoigne: Sadly true. And you at least are introducing lots and lots of people in the joy and wonder of nature. Take a bow.

    2. While you try to find ‘fellow fighters’ in your own way, I just get upset, analyse and reflect with well-placed words instead of seriously trying to do something about this madness.
      Which is why I take my hat off to you, David.

    3. I'm hoping we are not quite so far gone it cannot be remedied and I agree we must protect what we have left.

    4. I feel as you do David, the lack of hope is infesting us all as we look around at the countless catastrophes. Capitalism run amok.

    5. It's hard to have any hope, David! But we can't give up promoting change, for the sake of those younger than us.

    6. Hi David - Yes I can quite see your joy and pleasure … allowing others to see the natural environment as it should be – and how we could be helping others understand we need life on earth for this planet and us to survive. Thanks - great use crafting your own words into this moral tale. Cheers Hilary

    7. Hear. Hear, David. Well said and let's hope the world is listening.
      Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    8. Beautiful text.
      We have to listen to them to make up our minds!
      Thank you!

  11. I fortunately have never met someone like that in person and I hope I never will. Good use of the prompts. I had to look up the word profligacy.

  12. Another round of good words. Happy Writing!

    1. The Happy Whisk: I hope that people have been happy - and some day we will get you to join us.

  13. tRUMP trashed the future of our country with his natural fragile profligacy.

    1. Mike: I don't think there is anything fragile about his profligacy. His ethics yes.

    2. Fragile - never ... poor insecure chap?! Cheers H

  14. You know what this post made me miss? Scrabble!

    1. Lux G.: Some of this weeks prompts would score good points too.

  15. The Least
    People enjoy the most
    Satisfaction, and remain
    Excited by life!

    1. Beautiful, small and comprehensive.
      Thank you Cloudia!

  16. A great set of words ~ I'm enjoying reading the responses.

    1. Fundy Blue: I am too - as I do each and every week.

  17. Here is my own text inspired by the particular words.

    1. Katerinas Blog: I have just read and thoroughly enjoyed your story. I hope that more and more of us join the cause.
