Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Wet and Aggressive Corella challenges Magpie

Monday 7 February 2011

A brave new world

Good morning.

After exploring the blogosphere for a few weeks I have decided that it is time to bite the bullet and come out from hiding (at least a bit). 
I have been awed and amazed by the calibre of blogs I have been investigating, and over time hope to get somewhere myself.
So an introduction:  Over ten years ago now I was forced to give up work when MS meant that I could no longer contribute in a way which satisfied me (or probably my employer).  This resulted in a moral dilemma when I realised that a lot of who I was related to what I did.
So I started to re-invent myself (a work still in progress).  I took up voluntary work and am still with the same organisation just over 13 years later.  I play more in the garden.
I play with the cats.
I garden.
I cook - vegetarian food for me, and carnivorous dishes for my smaller portion.  My mama called him my better half, but I am taller.
And I read.  Lots.  And a wide range.  I read murder mysteries, and lots and lots of biographies.  And books of collected letters.  And diaries.  Like the elephants child I suffer from insatiable curiosity.
Comments welcome, but this blog is definitely a work in progress and will (I hope not only change but improve.)


  1. It feels funny saying 'welcome', since it's your own home. Congratulations? hmmm. Maybe GOOD FOR YOU is better.

    Anyhoo, you've mentioned your cats obliquely, but I am stunned to see the dopplegangers of my cats! How lovely. I hope they can all be virtual BFF.

  2. Thank you Ms Duck.

    The larger of the cats (Jazz) personifies evil. He swings from my butt and feels it is his right to wake me by raking his claws under the bed clothes. And 4.45 am is too early.

  3. Keep hanging in there and posting. You'll like our mob, mixed bunch that we are and while none of us have MS, we do have a category of ills which we often whinge about so if you want to have a good cry, we'll be there for you.
    Love the cats, more photos please.

  4. Congratulations.

    I'm a big reader of biographies, letters and diaries myself.*


    *Especially diaries women keep hidden.

  5. Hooray! Someone should do a study of the strong correlation between blogging and cat-cohabitation (even where one of the cats happens to be the Dark Lord). I have an email of yours to reply to (thank you!), and I should go do that, rather than getting delighted over here at your plunge into blogginess.

  6. Hi, I'm River, I've dropped in via JahTeh's Copperwitch.
    I like murder mysteries too, but find myself reading much less now that I read so many blogs each day.

  7. Thank you to you all. I was very nervous about plunging into the blog pool and have been reassured. And a particular thank you to Alexis, without whose encouragement I would still be anon chickenhearted.

  8. G'day EC, welcome to our world! I'll be sure to visit you often and you're more than welcome to pop on over to my blog joint as well....

  9. Hello!
    nice to see you visiting at my blog, so I've come over for a visit x

  10. you've been blogging 5 minutes and all my friends are here already ... was there a launch party I missed?
    Gorgeous cat pictures - thank you for sharing.
    Our Melb pals who moved to England have a blog for their cats you might enjoy -

    Welcome to Blogsville

  11. Thank you for the cat blog Marshall - I will revell in it.

  12. I just came via Ampersand Duck. I never understood the appeal of blogging until I started doing it myself, and am now totally hooked. I'm glad you decided to take the plunge. It's such a fantastic community of people.

    By way of introduction, I am crazy about black cats, living with two myself. A black and white cat also decided to move in last year.

    I was diagnosed myself with MS a few months ago, after years of increasing symptoms. Please whinge--it makes people out there like me feel less alone.

  13. I've just started reading your "history" of blogs and this is where I am up to tonight...So I am a year and a half almost behind...but I am liking getting to know you...Melissa

    1. One Two Many: I cannot tell you how honoured I feel that you are going back to my blogging beginnings. Thank you.

  14. I have something in common with One Too Many - I have finally ended at the beginning here on your blog.
    What a ride! I have enjoyed it very much.

    Now I can continue the journey in the present... I look forward to it.

    1. Vicki: Welcome and thank you. As I said to One Too Many, I am honoured (and amazed at your perseverance).

    2. Well, you know what 'they' say, When you're on a good thing...

    3. Vicki: Thank you so much. It is nice to be on the good side of the anonymous 'they'.

  15. I have been curious about the name of your blog, and I have finally found my answer! I wondered if it had something to do with Kipling! I'm sorry to hear about MS - but your blog is an inspiration in many ways, and I am very glad to have you as a blogging friend!

    1. Susan F.: Thank you for going right back to my blogging beginnings. Inspiration? I feel about as inspirational as a wet weekend but thank you. I am so very grateful for the warmth and the wonder I have found in the blogosphere - you included.

    2. I too was somewhat intrigued by the name chosen for your blog. Now I understand and I like it very much.
      The child elephant's insatiable curiosity. Wonderful!

    3. Daniela: Thank you for trawling through back posts. Like the Elephant's Child I still suffer from insatiable curiosity.
